Title: My Grandfather

Author: Scribe

Original Poetry

Archive: Mailing Lists only

Feedback: poet77665@catlover.com

Original and copyrighted

Web site: http://www.angelfire.com/grrl/scribescribbles

Notes: This is another bit of creation inspired by a contest at writing.com (remember Scenario and Film-flam?). It's a form of poetry that's new to me, which lends itself strongly to introspective or emotional writing. Can't recall the name--lilisomething. It's four four line stanzas, and the last three lines of the first stanze supply, in order, the first lines of the last three stanzas. You'll see what I mean.

My Grandfather
by Scribe

He sits quietly now, staring into space.
He used to know everything,
and he was so strong, so sure,
a giant among men.

He used to know everything,
and now he fumbles for the names
of children and grandchildren,
watching them with puzzled eyes.

And he was so strong, so sure,
but now he can no longer answer
the uplift of childish arms,
wanting to be lifted onto broad shoulders.

A giant among men,
he has become stooped,
his broad frame narrowed,
till only his spirit is still great.
