Title: Awakening

Author/pseudonym: Sarel

Fandom: Original.

Rating: There's no sex involved, but it's not exactly clean either... somewhere between PG and R, perhaps?

Archive: Well, if you want to, I don't mind =)

Feedback: It'd be nice =) chibisarel@hotmail.com

Series/Sequel: One-part thingy

Disclaimers: This weird story was spawned from an even weirder dream. DON'T ask what kind of dreams I have, and don't blame me for the story! ^__^

Summary: Guy finds out what really turns him on.



by Sarel

It was during the night it happened. I was set to guard something precious to my lord. I was not told what it was, only that I was to guard it with my life if need be.

I sat dozing against the wall when I heard a slight creaking sound from the door. At once alert, I rose. As I came closer to the dark shadow that had entered the room, I noticed it was a woman, and a beautiful one at that.

"What are you doing here?" I asked of her.

"I've come to get what is rightfully mine", she answered. "Step aside, or I will have to hurt you."

I did not step aside. My honour forbade me. As she raised her hand with a dagger in it, I took hold of her wrist, sure of besting her when it came to a test of strength. But to my surprise, she almost casually forced my hand back. A tiny spark of fear came to rest in my gut. I was not weak, and she was only a woman. She didn't even look strong. I used all the force I could muster, and we came to a standstill, her wrist locked in my fist.

Then she smiled slightly, and before I could react, she had twisted the dagger in her hand, and had pressed its tip not even a tenth of an inch into my own wrist.

I gasped, not because of the pain, but because of the intense thrill of pleasure that travelled down my spine. I felt my arm grow weak, and strained to hold fast, but to no avail.

One last sense of duty and honour placed me in her path as she tried to move past me into the room. At this, she gripped my other wrist firmly, driving her almost razor sharp nails into the skin, and holding the tip of her dagger under my chin, pressing slightly. My sight vanished for a second as the pain caused another wave of pleasure to pass through my body. I had no power left to resist her as she pressed me against one wall, and when she let go of me, I sank to my knees, too weak to remain standing.

Leaning back, I looked up at her in something that must have been adoration. My vision was dim, but yet I could see her scornful smile as she looked down at me for a few seconds, then walked over to the chest that stood in one corner.

When she had finished opening it, using a hairpin as a lock pick, I was still too exhausted to rise.

She turned towards the window, probably meaning to take her escape route through it.

"No..." I whispered. She mustn't leave. I needed her. Feebly I reached out for her leg as she passed me, and she stopped. As she lowered her eyes to meet mine, I continued, "Don't

She snorted, then kicked out, hitting me solidly in the ribs, forcing me to let go of her as pain and pleasure once again wafted through me.

But as she opened the window, I came to think of what I would do when morning came and my lord noticed his property was gone. Although he was a rather gentle lord, punishment for failing important duties was severe. Last year a guard had been executed for failing to stop an important criminal from escaping.

Somewhere I found the strength to rise and cross the room.

"I can't stay here. Let me come with you", I asked.

She looked at me and snorted, then climbed out the window and down towards the ground. Since she hadn't said anything else, I followed her, but lost my grip on my way down, falling the last few feet.

She chuckled slightly, then sneaked off into the shadows, me tailing her the best I could.

An hour or so later, we stopped in a forest to rest and drink from a brook. I should have become suspicious when she offered me politely to drink first. As it was, I trusted her, and bent down to drink.

When I rose after a while, I heard a slight swishing sound, and with a dull crack, pain and pleasure swept through my skull. It was only incapability to speak, and what little pride I had left, though, that stopped me from begging for more. The last thing I heard before everything went dark was her scornful voice saying, "You're a fool if you believe I would stand having you around any longer than it takes for me to take two breaths."

* * *

When I woke up, she was gone. I sat still for a while, pondering my headache, and my reflection in the quiet brook. My thoughts involuntarily turned towards the woman. I missed her. I hadn't even known her name, and I missed her. She had only been in my life for a few, long hours, and I missed her as if I had known her all my life.

Then I rose, a slow smile spreading upon my lips. I didn't need her. She was like a man's first love. I would get over her, and I didn't need her anymore, but I would never forget her. She hadn't shown me what love was, but she had awoken in me the lust for pain, and the pleasure that came through it.

Feeling for the first time in my life truly awake, I wandered off through the forest, in search for the next part of my life.

Well, what did you think? Was it as bad as I thought it was? Please, tell me =) I love comments