You're My Home

Author: Susan217

Fandom: NCIS

Rated: PG-13

Pairing: Dinozzo/Gibbs

A/N: Slash Warning! M/M, folks.

LJ Challenge: Write a drabble inspired by a song that does not contain the lyrics, except in title. Song used was You're My Home by Billy Joel. Have no idea why it inspired this.

Spoilers for Bete Noire!

You're My Home
by Susan217

A sharp pain shot through his arm as he tried to sit up, and he coughed, trying to ease the burden on his aching lungs.

God, he felt like shit.

"It's OK, Gibbs. I got you," Tony's voice said quietly.

Gibb's rested his forehead on Tony's chest, the familiar scent of Tony's aftershave washing over him, offering comfort in its familiarity.

"Hey, we have some air here if you want it."

Gibbs reluctantly pulled his head back, accepting the offered oxygen mask from him.

Tony reached out, pulling him back into his chest. Soft lips brushed the top of his head briefly.

"Bete Noire," Tony whispered.
