TITLE: Interference

AUTHOR: Perpetual Motion

WEBPAGE: www.geocities.com/iwannabedonna

FANDOM: Mutant X

PAIRING: Brennan/Adam

CATEGORY: Fluff, first time, Challenge

CHALLENGE: Procrastinators week challenge-And it's late! :)


SUMMARY: The team gives Brennan away to Adam.

ARCHIVE INSTRUCTIONS: Challenge_the_Muses, Slash Mutant X, WWOMB, my site, and a list archive for mutantxslash if there is one.

Disclaimer: They're not mine. They belong to Avi Arad and those guys. I just have them have sex with each other.

By Perpetual Motion

He'd been putting it off for weeks; telling himself eighteen different lies disguised as reasons why he couldn't just tell Adam he was pretty sure he wanted to date him.

There were pages and pages in his journal given over to the idea of where to ask Adam and when and to what restaurant to go to and whether or not he would kiss him goodnight. And Shalimar and Emma and Jesse were nearly ready to lock him in a room with Adam until he confessed because he couldn't stop talking about it, and they were nearly sick and tired of listening.

And then Adam walked over and kissed him, and pulled away and asked him to dinner, and Brennan had just managed to stammer out a 'yes' before running to Shalimar to see who had squealed.

She shrugged at him nonchalantly. "It was a mutal sequal. We got tired of hearing you go on and on and *on*, and Emma had picked up some vibes that Adam wasn't covering to well, so the three of us just told him."

Brennan was suddenly wary. "Told him what?"

"Just the basics. We didn't give away your romantic-dinner-followed-by-"Casablanca"-followed-by-walking-down-the-street-while-you-murmur-poetry-in-his-ear fantasy." Shalimar grinned as Brennan looked a little flustered. "We just told him you were wanting to go to dinner with him, but that you were nervous about it. He obviously handled the rest."

Brennan wanted to be mad, he really did, but Adam has asked him to dinner, so he decided to let the three of them get away with it for the time being.

He and Adam went out that night, had dinner, went for a walk, skipped the movie part because Brennan didn't know anyplace that played "Casblanca", but when they got back and they stood by the garage door, Brennan did kiss Adam goodnight.