Title: Coming Out

Author: Mahlia Belonn

Fandom: Mutant X

Pairing: Brennan/Jesse

Rating: PG

Status: Complete

Archive: WWOMB. Terri's Site. If anyone else wants it, just ask...

Feedback: Please. Flames will be used to toast marshmallows!

E-mail address for feedback: mahlia@d2.net.au

Disclaimers: The boys don't belong to me (worse luck), and I don't have enough money to be sued!!

Notes: I was at work and wrote a couple of drabbles and a poem. It is quite difficult to get exactly 100 words! This intro is longer than the work!

Summary: A night out for the boys

Warnings: If you don't like the idea of two men in a loving relationship, or you are under age, then please hit delete now.

Love as a Dance
By Mahlia Belonn

The two bodies were entwined, dancing slowly and sensually to the music.

The other people in the club might not have existed for all the attention paid them. They only had eyes for each other... A fact that caused many of the club patrons to sigh with disappointment as they were the two best looking guys there. One tall, dark and buff... The other shorter, but light and also buff. Light and dark dancing together oblivious to the scene they were creating for everyone else. All that mattered was the body in their arms... Their love on show to all.

The End
17th January, 2003
