Futile: having no useful result

Five Minute - word - futile

By Paula C.

Fandom: Monkees.

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By Paula C.

Micky sat alone in the house, the house that in the past had brought his such joy. Now he was alone. It was futile now to think, think of what happened. Why he was alone.

People he thought of as friends, were now gone. Gone.

Standing he turned in a circle surveying the room, the signs, mis-matched furniture. He remembered laughing, singing, good times.

"Stop..." he screamed. He screamed in an empty room. "Make it stop."

The nurse looked through the window, shaking her head. "So young." She said out loud.

Inside the room, a young man, with curly hair, was slowly losing his mind. His world was gone. The house he used to live in burned to the ground, his friends, all perished. He alone survived only to be
taunted by their past.