Title: Suspicious Behaviour

Author/pseudonym: Creed Cascade

Fandom: Miami Vice

Pairing: Sonny/Rico

Rating: NC-17

Status: New

Archive: If you want it, go ahead. Just knock us upside the head and let us know.

Feedback: creed_cascade@hotmail.com

Series/Sequel: If you beg nicely.

Other websites: http://www.angelfire.com/weird/openairinsaneasylum/index1.htm

Disclaimers: The faces are familiar and so are the names, but the setting seems a little strange? I kidnapped a few cuties from television land. I accept that they never did and never will belong to me, but I am having oh so much fun while we have them.

Notes: I want to thank the lovely and patient T.J (my borg sister), for the wonderful beta as well as for putting up with me. QueenH also deserves thanks for reading this puppy before its release.

Summary: Something suspicious is going on between Sonny and Rico.

Warnings: Consider buying Elvis a chew toy before you read this.

By Creed Cascade

Gina walked onto the St. Vitas Dance and smiled at the whistling she heard coming from below deck. Sonny must be in a good mood. That suited her just fine. Even though they had broken off their relationship a while back, they still managed to remain friends. Of course, it had been such a long time since she had had a date that she was now willing to call upon that friendship for a little comfort. Sonny had the weekend off for once and she was sure he wouldn't mind a little quickie between friends.

She had made sure to check with the old coot at the end of the pier who knew everyone's business. When she had asked if there was girl on the boat, he had cackled and said, "Nope, sure as hell ain't no girlie on there right now." Gina had given him a few bucks for his trouble and went off before he could say another word.

She sneaked quietly down the stairs, wanting to catch Sonny by surprise. As she turned around the corner, she froze at the scene before her. Rico was standing in the small kitchenette, barefoot and in his boxers, working the contents of the frying pan over happily. The radio was on and he was alternating between whistling and humming. The steady drum of the shower in the background suddenly stopped. Sonny stepped out of the small bathroom with a towel slung low on his hip and another covering his head, as he dried his hair.

"Rico, have you seen my pants?" Sonny's muffled voice came from under the towel. "I looked for them this morning, but no luck."

"Good luck, pal. After last night's wild festivities I doubt you'll find them in tact," Rico answered with a laugh.

Gina gasped loudly, falling back against the stairs.

Rico whirled around to see her and the smile slid from his face. "What the fuck?"

Sonny's head poked out from under the towel. "Gina?" his voice cracked with surprise. "What in the hell are you doing here?"

"Ummm," she stuttered. "Nothing…"

"Oh come off it, Gina. It's like eight o'clock in the morning on a Saturday. What's up?" Rico demanded.

"I just came… to, ahhh, came to see Sonny," she managed to choke out. "Yeah, I had to see Sonny."

"About?" Sonny attempted to lead her.

"A case," she blurted out.

"Ah fuck," Rico hissed shaking his spatula at her. "It's our day off. Don't tell me Castillo sent you down here."

"No, no he didn't do that." Her brain rushed for any sort of excuse or explanation. "I came to tell Sonny that I did the paperwork on the Robertson Case."

"Oh." Sonny smiled. "You didn't have to come all the way down here to tell me that. You could have phoned. And anyway, I thought Castillo said all that tedious crap could wait for after we got some time off."

"Ah, I tried to call, but their was no answer," Gina answered. It was the truth. She had tried to call.

"Right, sorry about that," Sonny ducked his head back under the towel, catching drips. "The phone was off the hook."

"Okay," was Gina's lame reply. That was the best she could do. Obviously, she had come at a bad time. For her, not the boys. She had no idea what to say in this awkward silence.

"Hey listen, Gina. Want to stay for breakfast? Bacon and eggs." Rico offered, breaking the silence.

"No, I had better go," she said. "I have all the paperwork to finish."

"Shit, that's not fair," Rico said over his shoulder, turning the bacon. "It was our bust. You shouldn't have to do the weasel work. I suppose we *could* come in."

"No, no. Don't worry about it. Trudy is helping me. Castillo said he needed it by Monday and it's your weekend off. I don't mind, really. Just wanted to let you know. You boys enjoy your weekend. Sorry to bother you."

"A lovely lady such as yourself is never a bother," Rico offered smoothly.

"Yeah, Gina. We appreciate you covering for us. We owe you big," Sonny added.

"No problem. Play nice," she blurted out, "Bye."

Rico and Sonny both called their farewells as Gina exited post haste. They heard a quiet yelp and Elvis's tail thumping on the deck above.

"I'm okay," her shaky voice floated down. "Don't bother to come up. Just making friends with Godzilla."

The sounds of her scrambling off the boat and onto the dock, echoed down.

"That was weird," Sonny said.

"Yeah, maybe she's been working too long? More likely Trudy and her have been into those chocolate covered coffee beans again. Remember how wired they both were last time."

"Yeah," Sonny laughed. He moved beside Rico glaring down at the bubbling pan. "Smells good."

"It had better. It's all you're getting."

"Grumpy, aren't we," Sonny complained. "You never were a morning person."

"Like you are and you're dripping on your floor, man."

"Yeah, yeah. You never did answer me. Have you seen my pants?"

"Nope," Rico smiled evilly. "But I would check with Elvis. I think they somehow managed to come off last night *before* we got below deck."

"Ha ha. They were my favourite pair, damn it."

"Here," Rico put a full plate onto the small table. "Drown your sorrows in Rico's down home cookin'."

"I'll probably get food poisoning," he complained, but still sat down in his towel and began to gobble up the grub.

Both men thought it was the start to a beautiful morning, even if it started a little strange.


On the pier, Gina had just managed to get to her car. She leaned against the hood shell-shocked. Rico and Sonny were… were what? She hadn't *seen* anything concrete, but she was a good detective and could put two and two together. Everything added up to one conclusion. Rico and Sonny were lovers. They were knockin' boots, doing the horizontal tango together… Oh shit. They were nailing each other to the mattress.

Once she got beyond the idea of them screwing each other senseless, she knew they belonged together. It was obviously more than sex, it had to be love. Their actions over the years made everything so clear now. The way they spent all their free time together. Their open affection and the way they were always touching each other. Past competition over women, was obviously veiled jealously. It all made sense and it made her happy to think of them committed to each other. They were her family after all.

Now she just had to talk Trudy into doing that paperwork with her. The stupid, lame excuse now gave her extra work to do, but at least she would score brownie points with Castillo for beating the deadline. The last thing that crossed her mind as she drove away was whether or not she should tell Sonny his alligator was using his pants as a chew toy.


"You're not serious!" Trudy squealed.

"Uh huh," Gina nodded.

"You mean Rico and Sonny? No. I don't believe it."

"I saw it with my own eyes, girl. Sonny even had Rico playing house. The man was cooking."

"Ah, shit it must be love if Tubbs was cooking." Trudy shook her head and smiled.

"So what are we gonna do about it?" Gina asked.

"What do you mean? What is there to do?"

"Well, we should keep the girls away from them. I think they only date girls to keep their cover and there's no reason they should have to do that anymore. I mean if they were doing it to cover their relationship, there's no need. We know now, don't we?"

"Yeah, don't want the bitches sniffing around them if they're already taken. Not fair to the boys. But, what if they like to play both sides of the fence?" Trudy asked.

"I don't doubt for a second they *could* chase anything in a skirt, but whether they *should* or not is a completely different matter. Besides, if they need the occasional date to stop rumours, they have us."

"So this is why you dragged me into the ladies room?"

"Uh huh," Gina answered. "That and the blonde bimbo from payroll I know for a fact is out there right now hitting on Sonny. I wanted you in the know. So are you in?"

"Of course, I am."

"Good." Gina smiled. "Then, let's go take care business."

Gina and Trudy exited the women's washroom and crossed the squad room. Just as Gina had known, Sonny was sitting at his desk leering at the blonde bimbo perched on said desk. Leaning forward to show off her tits, her tight skirt inched higher. That was more than enough for Gina.

"Hiya, Sonny. We were looking for you," Gina greeted the pair. "We have to talk to ahhh, what's your name, honey?" Gina looked at the blonde.

"Misty," the blonde answered, staring with venom filled eyes.

"Right… Misty," Gina continued. "We have to talk with Misty."

"But we were just making plans. It can't be *that* important," Sonny said.

"Women stuff," Trudy answered.

"Oh," Sonny responded, "Well, ah, then, I'll just do some paperwork. Yep, always paperwork to do."

"You'll thank us later, Sonny." Gina smiled reassuringly at Sonny as they proceeded to drag Misty off of his desk and into the ladies washroom.

Sonny watched the pink door longingly. His plans for the evening were ruined. His potential date had been swept away and he wasn't sure he would get another time soon to chat her up. He looked down at his watch. They had been in there for thirteen minutes now. He wondered what they could possibly be doing in there, but he shook his head, knowing for a fact he really didn't need or want that knowledge. Just then, the pink door swung open and a pale Misty stumbled out.

"Misty!" Sonny called after her.

She turned, acknowledging him, but continued to back down the hall. "Yes, Detective Crockett?"

Sonny got up from his desk and began to walk towards her. "Hey, it was Sonny a few minutes ago. You still interested in tonight?"

"No," she blurted out. "Ummm, I mean it turns out I'm not free after all. I just remembered my cat isn't feeling all to well and I don't want to leave her alone."

"Okay," Sonny responded to the lame excuse. "Maybe another time?"

"Maybe. We'll see. I'm really quite busy. Bye." With that she turned and scampered down the hall, her spike heels echoing on the floor.

"What the fuck?" he muttered.

Sonny didn't understand. One minute she was all over him and the next she was acting like he was a leper. Must have been something Gina and Trudy said to her. Right on que, the pink door opened and he looked up to see the culprits staring at him. Next thing he knew they reached over and pulled him through the open door. He was too shocked to fight back. He was inside the ladies washroom, the most inner sanctum of the opposite sex, and the door was slamming behind him. Sonny did the only reasonable thing in his mind… he panicked.

"Hey, wait a minute, sisters. I shouldn't be in here." He turned to leave, but was blocked by Gina.

"You aren't going anywhere!" Gina snapped.

"What?" was his shocked reply.

"At least until we've had our say with you," Trudy added.

"Listen, this is nuts! Scaring off poor Misty and then dragging me in here." He looked like he was afraid the paper dispenser was going to bite him.

"Only place we could get you alone," Trudy said logically.

"Uh huh. We have to set things straight…" Gina faltered, "Ahhh, I mean we have to clear something up."

"You two have gone crazy."

"We're not the one trying to cheat on our better half, are we? That's crazy," Gina spat back.

"Gina, what we had was over long ago. I thought you had gotten that?"

"Don't be stupid, Sonny. I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about Rico."

"Huh?" Sonny sputtered.

"We know," Trudy said plainly.

"What are you talking about?" Sonny moved away from the two women, pacing across the tile floor.

"Stop playing games," Gina said. "We know that you and Rico are involved."

"You're not making sense." Sonny eyed the door, which Gina was standing solidly in front of.

"Fine, if you want me to be crude, I can do crude. We know that you and Rico are *fucking*!" Gina hissed.

Sonny stopped pacing and stared at her. His mouth opened in surprise and he lost the colour in his face.

"It's not a problem, Sonny," Trudy's spoke hastily. "We just want you two to be happy. Now you don't have to hide anymore, at least from us that is."

"You think that Rico and I are… but, we aren't… I mean, we don't…" Sonny stuttered, at a loss for coherent speak.

"I saw you on the boat that morning. It was obvious. Was then, is now."

"But nothing happened!"

"Yeah right," Gina's voice dripped with sarcasm. She stalked closer to him, pointing to his neck. "Then what in the hell is *that*?"

Sonny's hand snapped to his neck, covering the purple mark that he knew was there. "It's a bruise, but…"

"It's a fucking hickey and I'll bet your partner put it there."

"No, it was nothing like that. We just…"

"Stop lying to us," Trudy interrupted. "No matter how many lies come out of your mouth, we'll know the truth, so you can just stop it. We're you're friends and it hurts that you didn't trust us."


"We understand," this time Gina interrupted. "You were afraid of what we were going to think, but it's okay. In fact, we think you two are perfect for each other, if you'll just get it through your thick skull that you can't be playing the horny alley cat no more. I mean, jeez, Sonny, what were you doing chasing after that cheap bitch? How can you do this to Rico? He's your partner. I'd think you could manage to be faithful to *him* at least."

"I wasn't cheating on him!" Sonny shouted.

"Call it what you will, but we're going to do everything in our power to do what needs to be done," Trudy concluded.

"Do what?" Sonny asked, with a quiver in his voice.

"Keep you two faithful to each other, of course," Gina interjected with a smile. "Keep you away from temptations like Misty or them way from you."

"What did you say to her?" Sonny's voice dangerously low.

"I said enough. Woman to woman," Trudy answered grinning. "I wouldn't try to make it with her again."

"Goddamn it, this is bullshit. If you won't listen to me, will you at least talk with Rico?"

"Nope. You tell him," Trudy said. "Same thing applies to him as it does to you. We're out of here. Come on, Gina."

"Bye, Sonny. Remember, we're watching."

Sonny watched as the women exited the washroom. He stood there for a moment, lost in his own thoughts, before he remembered where he was. Sonny ran out of the pink door and collapsed against the nearest wall, breathing hard. He *had* to see Rico *now*.


Sonny looked everywhere for his partner. It had been the end of their shift when Trudy and Gina had cornered him. He just hoped to hell that Rico hadn't left. Then he shook his head, remembering the cup of coffee he had spilled on his partner when they had seen Misty bend down in her ultra tight outfit. He had stayed to chat up the blonde, knowing he would see his partner after he cleaned up. That left only one place for his partner to be. The only place he hadn't looked… the men's locker room.

He skulked into the room, looking around and breathing a sigh of relief when no one else was nearby. Sonny stopped just in front of his partner's locker. The stylish coffee-stained pants were hanging from Rico's open locker door.

"Well, he couldn't have gotten too far without his pants," Sonny muttered to himself. A little shaky, he called out in a louder voice, "Rico?"

"Yeah?" Came the muffled reply from across the room.

"Where are you?" was the automatic response.

There was no immediate reply, instead only the sound of splashing water. "Where do you think, Sherlock?"

"Ummm, right, you're in the shower." Sonny called out.

"What's up?" the disembodied voice asked.

Sonny moved to the very edge of the shower room. He needed to say this in person and preferably out of the hearing range of their co-workers.

"I need to talk with you," Sonny said.

"No, really? Can't it wait, I'm a little busy here?"

"No. Now. Before this gets any worse. I just have this feeling that it's gonna get a lot worse."

"Listen man, I'm not getting out of this nice warm shower anytime soon, so if you wanna talk with me, you might as well strip off and join me. Otherwise, shut up."

"But, Rico this is important…"

"Na huh, don't go there. You're not the one who ended up with coffee in his lap because a certain *someone* was thinking with their dick again."

"Rico, this is fucking serious. Gina and Trudy…"

Sonny stopped talking when Rico happily splashed water onto the front of his pants.

"Consider us even now," Rico laughed.

"Hey! These are my favourite," Sonny huffed momentarily forgetting his crisis. "What am I supposed to do now? Walk out of here with a wet spot on the front of my pants?!"

"I thought that pair Elvis ate was your favourite pair?"

"They'll all my favourites. Life isn't fair," Sonny complained. "Hope my rep doesn't have the same fate as my pants."

"Quiet whining, just take'em off and hang them up next to mine. Seems I had a similar problem."

Sonny began to distractedly unzip his pants, peeling away the wet material.

"Sonny, toss me that soap, will ya?" Rico asked, his head under the steady stream of water.

"Fine, but just you wait til you hear what I have to say and then lack of soap will be the least of your worries."

Sonny picked up the soap bar sitting on the tiled floor and tossed it to his partner. "Catch!"

Rico turned in time to catch the air borne bar, only to have it slip from his fingers. He lunged to catch it again, but instead he lost his footing on the slippery tile floor. Before he could smash onto the hard floor, Sonny was there was to catch him, easing him onto his knees.

Stan picked that exact moment to walk into the shower room with a towel around his hips. He stopped cold when he saw Rico kneeling in front of Sonny, whose pants just happened to be open. Sonny looked down at Rico, and then looked at Stan.

"Stan, this isn't what you think!" Sonny blurted out. "I mean Rico just dropped the soap and I…"

"What I think is that you guys should play drop the soap at home," Stan muttered as he backed out of the shower room.

Rico watched Stan turn tail and pretty much run out of the room. Sonny helped him off of the floor and then stood there, blushing bright red.

"What in the hell was that about?" Rico demanded.

"That is what I had to tell you about," Sonny mumbled.

"What? You aren't making sense. You had to warn me Stan is a lunatic?"

"No, I had to warn you that Gina and Trudy are lunatics, but hey, what's one more to an apparently growing list!"

"You, my friend, are not making any sense."

"Oh yeah, well that little scene didn't help anything. I might as well tell you up front that after that weekend Gina stopped by my place, she thinks we're lovers."

Rico's eyes bugged out as the implications hit him in full. "Oh, shit."

"Yep, we're fucked," Sonny added, but coughed when Rico looked at him funny. "Ah, I mean figuratively, of course."

"Didn't you try to tell them the truth!"

"Yeah, but they cornered me in the girl's can after they scared away my date. Evidently, I'm not supposed to cheat on you." Rico started to laugh at the last statement, but he stopped laughing when Sonny smiled and continued, "Same applies to you, buddy."

"So you mean, Gina, Trudy and now Stan think we're…"

"Fucking each other like bunnies," Sonny finished his sentence for him.

"Thanks, I really needed *that* image."

"You're welcome. Now let's get dressed and get the hell out of here. We have a lot to talk about."

"Yeah, well hand me my towel, *lover*," Rico added loudly with a wicked grin on his face.

They both turned when they heard a voice, "Ah, sorry, guys…" Stan was standing there looking embarrassed.

"How long have you been there, Stan?" Sonny asked, with a shaky voice.

Stan looked down. "Long enough. I just wanted to apologize, for the way I acted a minute ago. I was just a bit surprised and thought maybe I overreacted or misunderstood something, but I guess it's true then. Hell of a way to find out, but I still want to let you know that you're my friends and that you know, I support you and all."

"Ah thanks, Stan, but it *was* a misunderstanding. Nothing's happening between Sonny and me," Rico answered. "If you'd been here a bit earlier you would have heard Sonny explaining the whole thing."

"Sure guys, I understand. If you feel you have to deny it, that's okay. But I know what I saw and heard. I know the truth now. No need to hide around me anymore, but just don't go feeling each other up or anything, okay? I don't think I can handle that. And you really shouldn't get so frisky in the damn precinct. Just a hint."

"No really, Stan. We're just friends," Sonny said, throwing Rico his towel.

"Like I said guys," Stan was smiling now as if playing along with a shared secret. "I understand. Need to know basis, of course. I have to go now, but you can always trust me. Don't forget your soap, huh?"

Stan exited the room laughing to himself. Rico and Sonny just stood there looking at each other, then down at the soap. Rico finally shut off the shower and gripped his towel tightly.

"You gonna pick it up? It's your soap," Sonny asked.

"No. Are you?"

"No." Sonny was turning funny shades of crimson.

"Right, that's settled then," Rico groaned painfully. "Let's get out of here."

"Out the back door…"

"No arguments from me."


Stan was sitting at his desk staring at a file with the same page open for the past forty minutes. He looked pale and lost in thought. Trudy exchanged meaningful looks with Gina and they walked over to his desk.

"Stan, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost," Trudy asked.

"Worse," Stan stuttered.

"Wanna talk about it?" Gina posed. "We're good listeners."

Stan looked up at them. "I really shouldn't. It's private."

"Ah, come on. You can trust us," Gina tried again to get Stan to open up.

Stan looked around the room and saw it was deserted besides them. "It's not about me. All I can say is that I found out that two people I never suspected are involved."

"No way," Trudy squealed delighted. "It's two guys, isn't it?"

"How did you guess?" Stan demanded.

"Because I think that we know too," answered Gina. "Let's compare notes and see if it's the same people."

"Really, I shouldn't do that, they trust me," Stan wavered.

"All you would have to do is answer yes or no to a few questions. Anyhow, if we already know, you aren't telling us, are you?" Gina continued, smiling at Stan.

"I guess so," he answered.

"Great," Gina beamed, steamrolling poor Stan. "You're talking about two guys right?"

Stan looked between the two women standing at each side of him. "Yes."

"And, we just happened to work with these two guys?" Trudy asked.

"Yes," Stan hedged.

"And one of these guys lives on a boat?" Gina began to get more specific.

"Ah, yes."

"And the other guy just happens to be his partner?" Gina continued.

"Ummm, how did you know?" Stan asked with wide eyes.

"It's a long story, but first let's confirm we're talking about Sonny and Rico here," Gina clarified.

"Yeah. I'm kinda glad I'm not the only one who knows. Not such a big responsibility carrying around that kind of secret. How did you two find out?"

"I walked in on a sweet morning after scene on the boat. What about you?"

"Today I kinda walked on them in the locker room," Stan admitted.

Gina and Trudy both squealed in unison. "We want details, Stan," Trudy demanded.

"But, you're ladies…" Stan stuttered.

"Details, Stan," Gina commanded. "Now."

"Okay, don't wanna piss you two off," Stan's voice lowered to a whispered and the women leaned in close. "I walked into the shower room, just as Rico was ummm, oh shit… you know…"

Gina giggled and made an obscene hand motion.

"No," Stan gasped. "He was just on his knees and well, you get the picture. Looks like he dragged Sonny in there fully clothed."

"Awww," Trudy sighed. "Looks like they made up."

"Couldn't wait to get home," Gina added. "They might have a chance after all if they're that passionate. We have some plans that you should know about, Stan. In fact, you can even help us."

"But first, we need to know what you think about the two of them?" Trudy asked, a tone of protectiveness seeping into her voice.

"Hey, not my thing, but it leaves more ladies for me," Stan laughed, eying his co-workers nervously.

"Perfect," Gina grinned. "Now here's what you need to know…"


"I need a beer," Sonny groaned as he paced near the small kitchenette.

"I need a big bottle of tequila," Rico put in. "And stop pacing you're making me nervous."

"Well, I *feel* like pacing and it's my boat. So tough luck."

Sonny walked over to the fridge and pulled out two beers. He tossed one to Rico and opened one for himself. He chucked back half of the bottle, before stopping for a breath.

"Take it easy, Sonny. You don't wanna get drunk as I might have my evil way with you," Rico said, sipping from his beer.

"How can you make jokes about this?!" Sonny sputtered.

"Well it shocked me at first, but you know it's not really that surprising."


"There have been rumours for years. I thought you knew."


"Guess people wondered why I stayed in Miami and didn't go back to New York."

"That's crazy. That's the only reason?"

"No," Rico answered quietly. He simply smiled and continued to drink his beer.

"What else?" Sonny demanded.

"You don't want to know."

"Yes I do."

"No you don't," Rico assured him.

"Tell me already."

Rico sighed, "Fine, just remember I warned you. Your clothes."

"What about my clothes?" Sonny squawked.

"The colours pretty much, not to mention you are quite stylish."

"I just like to dress nice," Sonny defended himself.

"Sonny, wake up. You wear pink."

"But the lady at the store said it suits my pallet."

Rico just looked at him and said nothing.

"Okay," Sonny admitted. "So I have a sense of style, but that's a pretty lame excuse to think we're, ya know…"


Sonny winced. "Yeah. I mean, how many chicks does a man have to bed to feel safe."

"Suppose that could also be used against us."


"Someone could say we are covering for something. Trying to compensate."

"So what you're saying is that everything can be twisted against us."

"Pretty much. Not to mention the fact that we are affectionate with each other."

"What's wrong with that? We're friends."

"Nothing. But to play the devil's advocate, neither of us touches Stan or Castillo like and they're our friends."

Sonny sat down hard on the couch opposite to Rico. "Add that to what Gina saw that morning and you might as well call us shacked up."

"You didn't tell them about Sheila?"

"No, I didn't get a chance. They thought the hickey came from you."

Rico snorted. "That night with her was almost worth all this trouble. The girl certainly has a mouth like a Hoover."

"Shut up, this is terrible. I mean what do we do now? Even if I told them we had a threesome that night, they wouldn't believe me."

"Then we do nothing."

"What do you mean *do* nothing?"

"Do nothing. Act normal. It will all blow over. "

"You think that will work?" Sonny asked hopefully.

"Well it can't get any worse, can it?"

Rico held up his beer bottle and clinked it against Sonny's.


Rico learned to regret those words. Things could get worse. Much, much worse. For example, they couldn't get much worse than now. Now was very, very bad. It couldn't get much worse that Castillo banging on the window of the Ferrari. Okay, maybe the worst part was the position Sonny and Rico were caught in. There was a perfectly reasonable explanation for them to be parked in a dark corner with foggy windows, but how to explain Sonny's head in Rico's lap?

"Crockett. Tubbs. My office. Now!" Castillo barked as Rico rolled down the window.

"Ah, Lieutenant, we can explain," Rico offered.

"Save it," was Martin's sharp reply. "I'll be waiting."

Sonny's eyes were closed, his head resting in Rico's lap. "Is he gone now?" he asked.

"Uh huh. This looks as bad as I think it does, doesn't it?" Rico mused.

"Yep. No getting around this one. Even though I know the truth, I wouldn't believe it if I heard it."

Sonny lifted his head up, straightening his clothes and ran his hands through his hair.

"Did you find it at least?" Rico asked.

"Yeah," Sonny nodded and held out his hand. Rico's earring was in the middle of his palm.

Rico reached out and took the sapphire stud, placing it quickly back into his ear. "We aren't very lucky."

"Nope. I think the fates are against us. Who would have known the air conditioning in the office was going to break on the hottest day of year? Of course it seemed perfectly logical at the time to eat lunch in the Ferrari in a cool, shady underground garage. Never would have known either that eating chilly with the air-conditioning on full blast would fog up the windows. Then you loose your ear ring and I was nice enough to reach over to get it, when Castillo just so happened to pound on the window."

"I think we're in trouble," Rico commented.

Knowing their boss's temper, they locked up the Ferrari and hurried up to his office. When they got off the elevator to their floor, they were surprised to see the area deserted.

"That's odd," Sonny pointed out.

"Whatever it is I don't wanna know," Rico groaned.

The blinds were drawn in Castillo's office. They walked right in, as was their custom, only to find Trudy, Gina and Stan seated in front of Martin's desk. It was crowed and more than a little peculiar.

"What's up?" Sonny asked, looking around the room.

Due to the lack of space, he was forced to stand very close to Rico, pressed against the now closed door.

"I asked you all here to have a discussion I felt was necessary," Castillo began. "I have noticed some rather strange behaviour from all of you in past few weeks. Gina, Trudy and Stan, I've noticed you harassing any number of young women in the department. Sonny and Rico, you both have been acting paranoid and jumpy. Up until a few minutes ago I believed this was all an overreaction to certain rumours running rampant in the department. I wanted to tell you all to grown up, but in light of recent events, we have other matters to discuss. Do you have something you wish to tell us in confidence, Crockett, Tubbs?"

"Ah, no?" Sonny ventured.

"Very well, I'll keep this between us. I want this department to get back to normal. Do you all understand me?"

"Yes, sir," was echoed around the room.

He glared at Gina, Trudy and Stan. "Whatever you are doing or considering, knock it off. Consider this *my* problem. Now get back to work. Tubbs. Crockett. You stay."

The trio skulked out of the room, feeling sorry for themselves and feeling even worse for the two detectives left to face Castillo's wrath. The door closed behind them, leaving Sonny and Rico to face the music.

"I'm not in a joking mood, gentlemen," was Martin's stark statement. "You two could have easily been arrested for indecency from what I saw alone today. I've also heard rumours from the jokers out there. Now, I'll ask again. Would you care to share with me?"

"There's nothing to tell you," Rico insisted.

"I do not appreciate being lied to," Castillo said quietly, "Let me put it in perspective for you. If I.A.D finds out about your
exploits, there is no way I can protect you if I am kept in the dark."

"You really think that I.A.D. is after us?" Sonny asked his voice lowered in disbelief.

"Not yet, but if you keep up public exhibitions such as I witnessed today, then it's only a matter of time. The point is that as your boss I do not approve of my men fraternizing so overtly. I must insist on discretion."

"But Marty, there's nothing going on between me and Rico. It's all just been a big mix-up," Sonny said.

"I am not a stupid man. Do not underestimate me. If I thought for one moment you would listen to me, I would tell you both to end this now. However, I can see that you are good for each other. In the last few weeks alone, you have stopped your womanizing and I believe that's a sign of your commitment."

"But, Marty…" Sonny tried again.

"That means if I see or hear anything related to sex and you two, be that female or *male*, the consequences will not be pleasant. Consider yourselves neutered," Castillo barked, "This is my first and final warning. You're dismissed."

A silent pair left Castillo's office.


How else where they supposed to react when they just found out that one of the most influential people in there lives believes they are gay and into public sex? Go out and try to get laid, of course, with a woman. They were on mission to find a fine lady, or ladies, for the evening. Problem was, none of the ladies seemed to be cooperating. Both Rico and Sonny had been given the cold shoulder this evening more times than they cared to count.

"Any luck with the red head?" Rico asked as Sonny came back to their table.

"Nope, not interested," was Sonny's reply.

"I wonder if Trudy, Gina and Stan managed to talk with every female over the age of eighteen in Miami?" Rico complained.

"Not likely, but I wouldn't put it past them." Sonny grumbled, looking around the bar sullenly. Suddenly, his expression lightened. "Hey, look over there by the D.J. booth. Isn't that Sheila?"

Rico turned to look in the corner that Sonny had indicated and smiled when he saw the familiar figure. A buxom Latina, with bleach blonde hair and a number of interesting tattoos greeted his gaze.

"Oh yeah, that's *the* Shelia all right," Rico confirmed.

"I just realized she was the last women either of us has been with in weeks."

"Don't remind me," Rico groaned. "But maybe we can convince her again."

"It was fun last time, huh?"

"Certainly was, partner. I can do with a replay."

"Let's go," Sonny said as he moved out of his chair and walked over to his objective, followed closely by Rico.

"Well, long time no see!" squealed Sheila. "If it isn't my own personal matching set of ebony and ivory. You two are never alone are you?"

"I guess not, but we're here to see a certain lovely lady more importantly." Rico said.

"Gee, thanks boys. So I hear congratulations are in order! Drinks on me," Sheila beamed.

"What do you mean?" Sonny asked carefully.

"Well, you two of course. Finally realized you're meant to be together. My loss of course as that night was certainly wild. Can't say I've sucked a guy off in front of an alligator before. Sorry about your pants, by the way," she ranted on.

"I we should clear something up. Rico and I aren't like that," Sonny explained.

"Sure, honey," Sheila looked at him doubtfully. "I saw the way you looked at each other when we were fucking. Hell, when you two touched each other it turned you on more than when I touched you. I knew then that I was only there to be a catalyst. Not that I minded at the time, but now that you two are serious, I won't get in between that. Heck, I even made sure word got around that you two are off limits."

"You didn't," Rico groaned loudly, shaking his head.

"Oh don't worry, they all think its because you two belong to me now. You don't have to worry about your reps. I'll even do you two the favour of going out on a few strategic dates for appearance's sake. You won't have to worry about any chicks crawling all over you anymore."

"I don't know what to say," Sonny croaked.

"You can say thank you," Sheila provided happily. "And let me buy you both a drink."

"Make that a double tequila," Rico said.

"Same for me," Sonny added.

Something seemed to break in both Sonny and Rico. They quietly took the shots offered them and threw them back, accepting Sheila's congratulations without denial, only a thank you. They went back quietly to their table and sat down. They must have sat there for an hour or more watching the dancers. Sheila came back around to the table and Rico excused himself, walking away to the bathroom. Before he left, he saw Sheila talking with Sonny who showed no more sexual interest in her than he would a nun.

He was so distracted that he didn't see a large man follow him into the washroom. Rico guessed there must be a popular song playing, accounting for the deserted room. Hearing the door thump shut, he turned momentarily to see a man saunter across the room and stand at the urinal right beside him.

"I've been watching you all night," the man ventured, looking down at Rico's goods.

"Your point," Rico countered, trying to hurry and get the hell away from this man.

"Point is, I liked what I saw."

"Listen, I'm not interested." Rico stepped away from the urinal and zipped his pants up.

"I think you are," the man grinned and pushed Rico against the walled. He grabbed Rico's crotch. "Or you could be with a little persuading."

Rico attempted to shove the heavily built man away from him, but was stopped when the man squeezed his balls hard.

"Let go," Rico growled.

"Give me one reason why I should?"

"I'm not into men, you jackass."

"Nope, don't buy that. A woman hasn't willingly come within ten feet of you all evening and you're too pretty to be straight. Try again?"

Rico faltered, "I'm here with someone."

"You mean that sweet ass that just happens to be trying to get into Smutty Sheila's skirt? Appears he's not interested."

"Think again, asshole," Sonny's distinct voice rang out through the room.

"Sonny…" Rico gasped.

"I got worried when you didn't come back to the table right away." He eyed the monstrosity manhandling his partner. "Now I see why. I suggest you get your fucking hands off of him. He doesn't belong to you."

"Maybe he wants a real man," the stranger sneered.

"Bastard," Rico snarled, managing to finally move away enough to knee the guy in the groin. "Never. I repeat, *never* say anything against Sonny in my presence."

"And if you so much as look at my partner cross eyed, you'll regret it. I'm the one with the temper," Sonny rumbled. "And I'm jealous *and* possessive. But he's loves it, don't ya, Rico?"

"Uh huh," Rico laughed, wrapping his arm around Sonny's shoulder.

The man was bent over double, holding his crotch in pain. "I'm sorry," he ground out. "Just get the hell out of here. I'll leave
you both alone, I swear."

"You'd better," Sonny said dangerously.

Without another word Sonny proceeded to drag Rico out of the bathroom. With a polite nod to Sheila, Sonny continued to pull Rico out of the loud club and didn't stop until they reached the Ferrari.

"Get in," Sonny said, obviously in a strange mood.

They rode in silence the rest of the way back to the St. Vitas Dance, Sonny drumming nervously on the steering wheel and Rico rubbing his knee. Who would have known that bastard at the club was wearing a metal cock ring or some sort of strange piercings? They would make for some strange bruises tomorrow.

The Ferrari pulled up to the dock and the engine was barely off before Sonny was out of the car and walking quickly down the pier. Rico had no choice but to almost run after his partner. Rico found Sonny leaning against a partition on deck, watching the bay.

"Sonny…" Rico said. It was more an appeal than anything else.

"I think fate's is trying to say something to us," was the quiet answer.

"Sonny, what are you talking about?"

Rico moved closer to his partner, standing right next to him, their sides brushing together.

"I think it was karma that we found each other," Sonny said wistfully. "I mean after everything fell apart with Caroline, you were there. You know you're closer to me than she ever was, funny huh?"

"I don't think it's funny. Maybe there's something to that higher power stuff. After Rafael was killed, I was close to losing it, but I found you. Annoying, arrogant cracker that you were, you still became my family."

"So maybe the universe is trying to tell us something?" Sonny laughed.

"Maybe," Rico agreed. "I didn't thank you for what you did back at the club."

"Don't need to. That's what partners are for. Besides, you were the one who tried to make his balls come out his throat."

"Shouldn't have talked bad about you," Rico muttered.

"We're quite the pair. Here I'm ready to rip that guy a new asshole when I saw him touching you and you get pissed off because he calls me names."

"He thought I was gay, too," Rico murmured. "Even Sheila did."

"Do you think they see something we don't?"

"I really don't know," Rico answered. He reached over and began to run his hand over Sonny's shoulder. "I know when I see you, I see a friend. Not sure what else. I really don't care what anyone else thinks."

"Always this much of a sweet talker?"

Rico laughed. "Can't remember, been too long since I was with anyone else. Weeks."

"They haven't been that bad. Other than fighting off blue balls, all that time with you wasn't bad at all."

"Nope, not bad at all, but I can think of one way to make it better."

Rico's hand moved to the nape of Sonny's neck, running through his hair. Gently he massaged the scalp and Sonny pressed against the palm. Slowly, Rico began to pull Sonny's head toward him meeting him halfway, their lips brushing. The gentle stroke of lips soon became a desperate crushing kiss, their bodies locked together. It had been too long for both of them and the excitement of breaking a taboo excited them even more. The need for air finally separated them, and they leaned against each other, foreheads touching.

"Fuck…" Rico groaned.

"What was that?" Sonny sighed.

"Nothing, just thinking we should have done this a long time ago."

"I'll have to send Gina a thank you card."

"Send Sheila one while you're at it," Rico laughed.

The laugh soon turned into a groan when Sonny's hand shot down to Rico's groin and grabbed his half-hard cock through his pants. Rico grimaced and looked into a pair of flashing green eyes.

"Don't mention her name again," Sonny hissed.

"Huh?" Rico stuttered stunned.

Sonny's squeeze tightened, turning in a rough caress. "Do not mention any woman's name when you're with me. Understand?"

"Sonny…" Rico murmured.

"That's better. Say my name, Rico."

"Sonny…" Rico ground out, pushing into the solid hand around his cock.

"If the universe wants us together, I'm happy to comply, but there's gonna be no one else. Not in your bed or your mind. I think you have too much woman on the brain and I plan to remedy that." The insistent hand worked Rico's zipper down, insinuating itself into Rico's pants. "No underwear, Rico?"

"I was planning on getting laid, didn't see the point," he gasped.

"Uh huh, well you always are too *cocky*," Sonny squeezed meaningfully with his words. "Gonna do you right here, Rico. Just like Sheila did me. Gonna take her and every other woman right out of your mind."

"Sonny, it's public, someone could see…"

Sonny moved closer and began to nibble on Rico's neck. With a sharp bite and a quick lick, to dull the pain, followed by some serious sucking motions, Sonny left a bright hickey on the same spot he had been marked weeks before.

"That's for the one you gave me and blamed on Sheila…"

Sonny didn't wait for his partner's reply before sliding to his knees. His hand snuck into Rico's pants and pulled them down his hips and thighs until they hit the ground. To keep from stumbling, Rico couldn't help but toe his shoes off and step out of his pants. He had no time to think before he felt the tip of his cock encased in a wet, warm mouth. Sonny withdrew carefully, getting a feel for the unfamiliar taste and action. Rico groaned and grasped Sonny's hair in frustration.

"Please, Sonny…" Rico begged.

Sonny smiled and licked his lips. Rico groaned, the night air drifting over his swollen cock. Sonny leaned forward and began to lick along the length, squeezing his balls lightly. When he noticed Rico breathing hard and almost shaking with pent up desire, he relented and took the cock further into his mouth. The suction began to increase in a sloppy, but reverent sort of way. He could feel that Rico was close, so he was surprised when his partner pulled out of him mouth, drawing him upwards into a ravishing kiss.

"You weren't done," Sonny gasped when they finally broke.

"Got other plans," Rico whispered, turning Sonny so that his back met his chest.

In a quick motion Rico unbuckled Sonny's pants and pushed them, with his underwear, past his thighs. Pulling him close, Rico's wet cock rested in the cleft of Sonny's ass.

"Rico, what are you doing?" Sonny asked with a shaky voice.

"Trust me?"

"Always," was the immediate reply.

"Then go with it, please."

Rico's hand began to drift over Sonny's body, exploring unfamiliar territory. Sonny's shirt was opened and his nipples were hardened before fingertips drifted down his torso to discover a light trail of hair. He followed that sweet trail down until his hand grasped Sonny's cock. Sonny rested his head back on Rico's should and began to slowly pump his hips, feeling Rico's own cock sliding between his ass cheeks. The tempo began to increase and it wasn't long before each man was spilling his cum with a deep groan or series of profanities.

"That was unbelievable. Fate may be a bitch, but I kinda like her," Sonny murmured turning to happily kiss Rico. "She gave me you after all."

"So true," Rico said between kisses. "Life is good, if not weird, but I don't suppose you seen what happened to our pants?"

Sonny began to laugh deeply and collapsed against his new lover. Elvis hissed over in the corner thumping his tail in contentment. Rico looked at the reptile to see him merrily chewing on two pair of pants.