Title: Did he?

Author: Janet

Email: cynstirling@hotmail.com

Fandom: M*A*S*H

Pairing: Trapper/Hawkeye

Rating: PG13

Summary: Trapper realizes something about himself

Warnings: This is my first attempt at this, be warned. I'm not sure if I like it and I'm not sure if I kept to characters but what the
hell. :)

Disclaimer: I don't own M*A*S*H or any of the characters, just having fun with them.

Did he?
By Janet

Shadows played along the wall of the Swamp as he approached, and he felt his gut tighten in an unusual way. He wondered at that for a
moment but he was too angry and too irritated to dwell on it for long.

He didn't know why he allowed Frank to get to him so much, he normally just insulted him and then let it slide but tonight was somehow different.

He thought back on the evening, they's been having a good time. Having some drinks, flirting with the nurses, a typical night in the Officers' Club.

Then Hawkeye had run off with the new nurse and his mood had plummeted from there.

The girls that he was sitting with tried to get him dancing but he just felt... felt... irritated,... miserable,... alone. That in itself wasn't unusual, he'd felt that way plenty of times while in Korea. Tonight just didn't make any sense, there was no reason for it, at least nothing that was different from any other night.

Then Frank had started in on him, harassing him about the OR, harrassing him about the swamp, in that annoying way that only Frank could. Instead of just letting it slide he'd wanted to grab him by the throat and not let him go, so he got up and left.

Now he was heading to bed. The shadows of the embracing figures angered him more. Normally he would just head back to the OC and let Hawk have his privacy, but he didn't seem to be doing anything normal tonight.

He pulled open the door and stomped inside. Hawkeye and the girl turned to look at him, still wrapped in an embrace.

"Out!" He said, barely able to control his anger anymore, it was evident in his voice.

"Trap?" Hawkeye asked, confusion in his eyes. "What's up?"

"This is as much my tent as it is yours," Trapper responded, his voice almost shaking. "I want to go to sleep, so take your fun somewhere else!"

"Trapper?" Hawkeye tried again, obviously confused by his friend's anger.

"Dammit Hawkeye! Just get the hell out!" He practically yelled. He made his way over to his cot, making sure to keep his back to the pair, not wanting to see them embracing.

Nothing more was said, Trapper laid down on his cot and Hawkeye and the nurse left.

Trapper closed his eyes, trying to figure out what it was that was bothering him. He was as confused as Hawkeye had looked when he burst in, maybe even more so. When he'd seen that girl in Hawkeye's arms his stomach had twisted again. It was a feeling that he hadn't felt in so long that he couldn't quite place it. When he did place it he wished he could lose it again.

It was like he was jealous, but that couldn't be it. Hawk was his best friend but he didn't like him *that* way. Did he? No he didn't like any men that way. Did he? He rolled over onto his back and stared up at the ceiling. Did he? He wasn't sure anymore.

Suddenly the door was pulled open and Hawkeye stepped in, his irritation clear on his face. "Ok Trapper, out with it. What's your problem?"

Trapper sat up again, irritated that he hadn't been able to finish his train of thought and come to some sort of conclusion, his anger returned. "What the hell are you doing back already, I thought you'd be busy for awhile."

"Well my night was pretty much ruined after that stunt you pulled. Storming in here like some jealous lover." Hawkeye was getting mad now too. "What's your problem Trap?"

"What's my problem?" Trapper echoed. What was his problem? Hawkeye had hit the nail on the head, he was acting like a jealous lover. He was barely even able to admit it to himself, how was he going to admit it to Hawkeye? Should he admit it to Hawkeye? *To hell with it! * he thought.

"What's my problem?" he said, getting to his feet. "This is my problem." His voice was softer now as the anger had slipped away. He took the couple long strides so that he was standing directly in front of Hawkeye, he placed his hands on either side of his friend's face and kissed him. Cautiously at first, but only at first, when Hawk didn't push him away or deck him he kissed him deeper.

It took Trapper a minute to realize that Hawk's arms had made their way around his neck, his hands into his curly hair and he was kissing him back.