
By Dariclone

Fandom: MASH

Pairing: Hawkeye/Trapper

Rating: PG

Response to the "Blood" 5 minute challenge



By Dariclone

Blood is every where at the 4007th. It's on the suregon's white scrubs after suregery, it's all over the equipment after an OR session but most of all it's in the dreams of the doctors.

Hawkeye awoke with a scream.

He'd seen them again, the young men he'd operated on, this time they were zombies, they're eyes were huge and bludging and all over they're was limbs was the god awful blood.

Not sure what to do, Hawkeye put his face into his pillow and sobbed.

"Hawk? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just your average nightmare, Trap." he said in between sobs. "I'm coming over there." He heard Trapper start walking over to his cot.

"But Frank..."

"Is in Tokyo, remember?"

"Oh yeah. You didn't have to come over here, you know."

He felt the cot sag as Trapper sat down. "But I wanted to. It's no fun sleeping alone, anyway. Now come on, scoot over."

And the two surgeons, wrapped in each other's arms, feel into a deep and dreamless sleep.