Title: Memo From The CEA (A Slightly Larger Than Normal Drabble)

Author: Carol

Pairing: Illya/the CEA

Rating: G; slash

Status: Complete

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters: no infringement intended

Comments: This is a recently discovered memo that the CEA sent to his partner.

Memo From The CEA
by Carol



From: CEA, Napoleon Solo, Number One,
Section Two

To: Illya Nickovetch Kuryakin, Number Two,
Section 2 (better known as the Russian
Bear or is it Wolf?)

Re: Possible agenda for this evening and weekend.

It has come to my attention (via your several comments) that my Russian friend has been feeling lonely due to the fact that he and I have not re-enacted Napoleon's invasion of Russia ( or is it the Russian?) in approximately 8 hours.

Therefore. in my never ending concern to keep up the morale of my men (my man?), I propose the following agenda for tonight and the weekend upon which we are now embarking:

_____ Dinner at the Russian Tea Room

_____ Attend concert of Tchaik . . (uh, how about
Rimsky-Korsakov, it's easier)

_____ Attend ballet of the Bolshoi

_____ Attend exhibit of Faberge eggs

_____ Forget all of the above - order Chinese
and re-create for the gazillionth time Napoleon's invasion (of you know
where) while listening to the1812 Overture by Tchaik. . . .

Please indicate the choice or choices that you desire and return to the gorgeous brunet sitting across from you at this moment.

Best of luck for my (oops! your) future success.
Anxiously waiting, NS
