Title: Thanksgiving

Author: Josette Grover

E-Mail: josette_g98@yahoo.com or jgrover@tm.net

Fandom: Magnificent Seven (Modern day ATF Universe)

Series/Sequel: First story in my Brothers born of adversity universe, but it's the second story chronologically.

Genre: Slash

Pairing: Vin/Chris

Rating: PG-13 for male/male relationships

Synopsis: The boys get together for Thanksgiving dinner.

By Josette Grover

The kitchen of the Larabee-Tanner household is bustling with activity as the team gathers together for thanksgiving dinner.

JD is sitting on a stool at the island peeling potatoes, aiming the peels at his roommate's bent head, while Ezra washes carrots and celery for the stuffing.

"John Daniel Dunne, quit tormenting Buck and get to work peeling those potatoes." A no-nonsense voice barks from behind him, "I ain't going to wait all day for them. If you want to play, go outside. Please tell me that's not Chili you have there Josiah, this is Thanksgiving, not a Friday night poker game."

"Yes'm, Miss Nettie." JD says meekly, then yelps as the peels are dumped down the back of his shirt.

"Buck, JD, take it outside." Nettie orders, throwing open the door and helping the two troublemakers outside with a foot in the seat of their pants. The door opens again two minutes later and Ezra, Josiah, and Nathan join the others outside.

"I wondered how long it would take for Nettie to throw you two out of the kitchen." Chris Larabee says from the porch swing, where he and Vin had been sitting. "You bring a batch of your chili, 'Siah?"

"Yep, we can eat it tomorrow when we get tired of turkey sandwiches." Josiah says, leaning against the porch steps as two small figures tear across the yard and leap on the new arrivals.

"Uncle Buck, Uncle JD, you made it." Adam Larabee wraps his arms around his 'Uncle's' neck as Buck stands up. Meanwhile, Billy Travis-Larabee wraps his arms around JD's neck and demands hugs from his favorite uncles.

Josiah smiles down at the sight of the two men holding the two young boys in their arms. This year there really is cause for celebration. Chris smiles at the older man as he looks over at his husband and children.