FIC: Even Smaller Packages Part II MPreg LOTR

Even Smaller Packages

By Linda C.

Part II

Fandom: LOTR

Rating: NC17

Pairing: Legolas/Gimli, some Eomer/Aragorn

Warnings: m/m, Mpreg.

Spoilers: The Two Towers/Return of the King

AN: Forgive me if some of the references are wrong for The Return of the King. I am using the book, not the film, since dark places with people all around me tend to give me panic attacks. I have to wait until movies come out on tape or on Showtime/Starz before I see them.

Archive: Yes. WWOMB, Mpreg archive:

Disclaimers: I don't own any of the characters but Lorendale (I made him up).

Distribution: you want it, take it but give me credit.

Sequel: Good Things Often Come in Small Packages

Summary: Legolas carries a miracle within him.

Even Smaller Packages
By Linda C.

Aragorn entered his chamber, Eomer glancing up as the quiet man sank to the rug in front of the fire. "Legolas is settled? Does he sleep? He fought well this day." He handed Aragorn a tankard of ale, their meal long since finished.

"He is with Gimli, sleeping. He woke, we said a few words, and he went back into sleep before I left. We will talk more on the morrow. He may have a new problem to deal with in the future." Aragorn was worried about his former lover. He knew he had no herbs with him, and none that would be of any use grew in this part of the land. Eomer looked over at him, a questioning look upon his face. His blond hair floated about him, clean of blood and gore at last, a bathing robe wrapped around him loosely.

"He and Gimli were together, were they not? I know Elves, my friend, and they always seek a mate to settle the bloodlust from a battle. He and Gimli are not a likely pair, but they suit each other very well. The friendship is there, developing into more, if I read them correctly before supper. The looks Gimli gave Legolas when he saw him safe after the battle spoke plainly of his concern and care. Do not fret, my Lord, but come sit with me." Aragorn settled down, slipping out of his own robe, laying back to enjoy the warmth of the fire. Eomer leaned over, tracing the many scars on the hardened body. The beautiful silver adornment drew his attention. "What is this, Aragorn? Your lucky charm?"

"No, it is from Arwen, the Lady of Rivendell, the beautiful Elf that has given up her immortal life to pledge herself to me. I wear it to honor her." Aragorn touched it reverently, whispering her name. He turned, facing the fire as tears started to form. So many lives lost, his Lady among them if she did not take back her pledge. He started as a hand lay on his shoulder, comforting and solid. A soft beard brushed his back, long hair falling over his shoulder as Eomer came closer.

"Perhaps we should join Legolas and Gimli in their quest for peace after battle. Come, Aragorn, seek comfort in my arms this night. I leave with my uncle in the morn and you three go with Gandalf to speak with Saruman on the morrow afternoon, then on to meet us in Edoras. Come, my dear friend, lie with me. If you want love, I can offer. If sleep is all you desire, I shall hold you close." Aragorn slid under the lifted blanket, melting into the spread arms, tired beyond belief, wanting nothing but rest.

"Sleep only, dear Eomer. I cannot even think of love tonight. My body and soul is weary. Hold me close to your heart and mine to yours. Perhaps on some day hence, when we meet again, we can further our friendship in love, but not this night." Both men kissed each other gently, chastely, bodies entwined, souls locked in abiding friendship born of siege and strife - and affection.


Legolas woke first, rolling on his side to face Gimli, still deep in slumber. His hand rubbed over his bare belly, half-fearful of what might have transpired the eve before. He had taken no herbs since after Aragorn and he were lovers and he knew of none that grew in this desolate area of rock and stone. If he were with child from one night of passion and bloodlust spent, he knew not what he would do. Their quest was too perilous to carry a child, let alone to full-term in seven months. He may not survive the battles sure to come, one victory only a small part of their war. The army was still marching on Rivendell, Elrond's home. His own home he knew not of, nor of his father Thranduil, King of the Elves of Northern Mirkwood.

"Gimli, wake, we have much to do ere we leave." The dwarf woke slowly, his eyes traveling over the bare form of his lover. "Sweet boy, you are so beautiful to his old man's eyes. May I?" A tentative hand reached out, Legolas moving into the touch, sliding over the prone body to lay close, chest to chest, his morning sex hard and wet, pressing against an equally large, furry member that was leaking warm fluid onto his belly.

"I do believe we have a little time, my Master Dwarf. Time enough to spend ourselves again in each other's bodies. Lie back, my mate, and let ride you, sit in the saddle of your thighs, grasp your horn and try to hold on as you buck and turn." Gimli laughed as Legolas settled himself down, pretending he was sitting astride Arod, hand grasping the hard saddle horn, slicking it with the thick fluid leaking steadily from its cloven tip. It was too late to concern himself about getting with child; last night may have filled him with a child-to-be and he wanted his lover too much to stop.

"Legolas, no more. It is only fair that we share each other's pleasure. I want your golden rod in my body, moving in me with its fluid grace, filling me with the warmth of your seed. Legolas, please. Make an old man happy ere we have to leave this chamber and reenter the real world of blood and battle." The elf stilled his movements, unsure of this. He had taken Aragorn but twice, always preferring to be taken by his lover, arms and legs wrapped around the lean body, scars rubbing on his skin, narrow hips pounding into his, leaving bruises the next morn. "Legolas?" Gimli stroked up the smooth chest, tweaking the beringed nipple, a gasp and moan coming from the sweet-lipped elf, eyes dark blue now with passion roused.

He slid off Gimli, bending down to give the thick rod a kiss, smearing his lips with warm jism. He stretched out flat, hands cupping under the dwarf's ass, lifting and separating it, tongue delving into the furry crack, seeking and finding the tight pucker of flesh. "Oh, sweet mother of heaven, Legolas Greenleaf, you are killing me with your mouth. No one has ever touched me there ere this. I do not know if I can survive." His brown eyes looked down, seeing the grin on his lover's face as he licked back over the soft skin, tongue hard and pointed as it drove into the hole, then flattened out to lick inside. Gimli screamed, loud and long, echoing down the hall. Aragorn and Eomer raised their heads and grinned at each other.

"Sounds like the dwarf and the elf are awake!" Eomer wrapped his arm around Aragorn, drawing him back down to the blankets, blond head going underneath to explore, Aragorn's head thumping back against the stones as his sex was engulfed in a hot mouth and sucked. "I am too, Eomer. Now finish what you started. And I will finish you. We may not have a day hence. "


Legolas was slightly uncomfortable, his ass still sore, riding once again with Gimli behind him on Arod, neither wanting to be separated. This forest that had sprung up during the battle was not to his liking, its heat and anger burning into his soul. Gathered by Treebeard to thwart the Uruk-hai's escape and to block Saruman, trapping him in his tower, it was dark and foreboding and he wished to be rid of it. Even though he had a civil conversation with Treebeard about returning to visit Fangorn Forest with Gimli, he still did not like this darkness, being an Elf much distrustful of dark and hidden places. He was a creature of sunlight and dew, a child of the air and the earth, keeping to forests of light and joy, not this landscape of heartsick trees of death.

Unlike Gimli, who hated the forest and loved his caves. Legolas had barely been able to drag him away from Helm's Deep and its vast caverns. Only a promise to return with him someday in the future convinced him to leave the dreary Keep and its Glittering Caves. Neither spoke of the possibility of losing each other.

He pushed back against Gimli, feeling the hardness along his back, a little chuckle as the dwarf groaned. He gasped as the hands around his waist slid down to his groin, squeezing until his own sex hardened. "Not fair," he whispered, "you can reach me but I can't touch you." Gimli raised up to press a kiss on the pointed ear, licking into the delicate channel. A soft cough from Aragorn drew his attention, glancing over to see the Ranger tilt his head toward Gandalf. The wizard was watching them, his eyebrow quirked and a half-smile on his face.

"Just make sure you don't fall off the horse, Master Dwarf. 'Tis a long way down." A sly chuckle and Gandalf turned around, facing front again as Aragorn howled his pleasure at the discomfiture on both his friend's faces as hands were withdrawn and Legolas sat straighter in the saddle. His laughter was cut off as Eomer leaned over and pulled his head down for a scorching kiss. It was then Gimli's turn to laugh, Legolas' silvery voice chiming in as well. Gandalf shook his head, eyes sparkling. "Children!" Theoden joined him in his small chuckles and head-shaking, knowing full well Eomer was in love with Aragorn but too fearful to declare it. It was the reason he was not married at 28 and the father of a brood of children. His sister's-son was a good man, a brave warrior, but not for Aragorn. His heart belonged to his Elf Princess. He turned his head, seeing Aragorn blush as his lips were kissed thoroughly, the Elf and Dwarf moving closer to tease him, Legolas taking a kiss as well. "Children, behave yourselves. You shock us old men beyond belief!" The King and Gandalf shook their fingers at their little pack, then smiled heartily, belying their words as scold into jest. Good-natured laughter joined them all and they rode forward.


They had been traveling for what seemed like weeks, bone-weary and saddle-sore. Legolas was miserable, sleeping upright, Gimli holding him tight. Aragorn went so far as to pull him off his horse and hold him while he slept through all one day. The babe was taking what little nourishment they could find on their travels and leaving him naught. Aragorn had been trying to get Legolas to tell his mate about the child, Gimli being fair frightened at his tiredness and illness each morn. He lay in the Dwarf's arms when they rested but only for sleep, his body protesting any other touches.

Gandalf had returned with Merry from the ruins of Isengard, the little Hobbit overjoyed to see his old friends. Gandalf had ridden out once more on Shadowfax to carry Pippin to Lord Denethor. Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli and the sons of Elrond, Elladan and Elrohir, were headed for Edoras, then onto The Paths of the Dead. The rest of the Riders, King Theoden, and Eomer had refused to ride with them, going instead on the mountain roads to their destination, the weaponry at Edoras. Eomer had clutched Aragorn tightly to his chest, pressing soft kisses on the damp cheeks. "I had hoped that we would fight together once more, but since you seek out the Paths of the Dead, I fear I shall not see you past this day."

Aragorn brushed the long hair back, fingers stroking over the beautiful face of the man he knew loved him. "We may yet meet in battle, my dear friend, for we shall all stand together in our final confrontation against the evil in our land."

They sat and watched the column of men, led by King Theoden, move off the path down the hills, moving eastwards, until they disappeared from view. Aragorn turned to Halbarad, the emissary of King Elrond, and tears glittered in his eyes. "There go men that I love dearly. I wish I may see them before I pass from this Earth."


The riders of Aragorn's troop rode fast and hard and by the next afternoon had reached Edoras, Theoden coming the slow way of the foothills. Eowyn greeted them, so glad to see Aragorn, her eyes never leaving him as he moved about his men and his friends. Supper was eaten, stories told and horror expressed when Aragorn told of his intended route. Eowyn begged him to let become one of the Riders of Rohirrim and come with him, but he refused, saying her duty was to her people.

As the travelers settled into their chambers, Legolas barely had time to wrap himself in the soft eiderdown coverlet before he fell asleep. Gimli watched him closely, his heart worried almost to breaking. This was not his friend, his Elf, his lover. The boy was tired, pale even for his luminescent luster, weak, and sleepy most of the day. He spoke to Aragorn on occasion, the Ranger looking more and more worried as they rode, even carrying the elf on his mount for a day as he slept.

"Please don't leave me, my darling one. Please be well once more, my shining star." He whispered into the delicate, pointed ear, breathing in the scent of his lover. One eye half-slitted, tired and weary. "Never, my love, I will never leave you. Just let me be for a while, let me - " Sleep claimed him. His belly was full for the first time in days and it was absorbing all the nutrients the babe had leeched from his body. He had heard Aragorn order a full pack just for Legolas for their leave tomorrow morn. His old love, still caring for him.

When Aragorn came for them, he brought a pitcher of fresh juice, along with sweetbreads and a meat pudding, giving Legolas an eye until he ate his whole plate that was prepared for him. Gimli knew that glint of determination on Aragorn's face and was glad when Legolas ate. He and Aragorn shared the rest of the bountiful breakfast. It was soon time to leave. Legolas smiled briefly as Aragorn gave him an arm up, then a pat on this stomach. "Don't go hungry again, understand!"

Eowyn said her farewells, once more begging to go, once more refused. She watched as they rode out of sight, weeping.

They made camp, tired and weary and wet from the rain that had begun to fall, almost a portent of doom for their travel to The Paths of the Dead. They sat round the fire, heads down, barely speaking. Legolas moved to Ador, speaking quietly in Elvish to quiet the restless horse. Aragorn took his pipe, going to stand behind him, one hand on his shoulder, two old lovers at ease with each other.

Gimli watched with sharp eyes as Legolas and Aragorn spoke quietly, heads bent, both men's hands resting on each other's waists. Aragorn nodded once, pressed a quick kiss to pink lips and lightly rubbed across the elf's belly. A nod toward Gimli and a slight push, Aragorn walking over to sit with Elladan.

Legolas sat down by Gimli, close enough to rub knees and elbows, putting his head down on the dwarf's shoulder. "How long have you and Aragorn been lovers, young one?" A sniff, a quick shake of the flaxen head and Gimli had an armful of elf, clinging to him. "Shh, little one, don't cry. I did not expect to keep you forever. I am content we had this short time together. Shh." Gimli stroked the body nestled against him, soothing with his low rumble of a voice, nonsense words that one muttered to a child that was crying and needed comfort. Soon the trembling stopped, the crying eased, and Legolas sat up, wiping his cheeks.

"We have not been together for over three years. Do you think so little of me to believe I would be unfaithful to my lover? Either of you? When Aragorn and I were together, we were very happy, rejoicing in our love for each other, both with our bodies and our hearts. We were in the Mirkwood, at my father's home where he had taken refuge for a while. I had always admired his courage and conviction, and was easy with him at all times. It was natural for us to love, to lie in passion and desire upon soft beds and leafy grass. I was wrapped in him and he in me, all knew it. Then he met Arwen and it all changed. She took his heart and his body. I had somehow known when he left me that day to live with Elrond that he would not be coming back to me as a lover. I shed many a tear, then came to the mind that I did not wish to lose my best friend in this world or the next. The love is still there, Gimli, it always shall be, for two hearts that once loved cannot forget everything they once shared. He is my comfort but you are now my joy, my friend, my lover - and if I am correct, the father of the babe growing in my belly."

Gimli sat shocked into silence. "A babe? You are with child? With my child? How? When? Tell me, little one." Legolas turned around, lying back against the broad chest, one hand pulling Gimli's down to rest on his belly. Gimli could feel the slight roundness through the soft suede garments, and knew now why Legolas had been shy about bathing the past few nights they had camped. A babe! "Come my sweet elf, you could have told me. And let me seen your beautiful form beginning to fill with child. Was it that night at Helm's Deep?"

"Yes, that night we made such sweet love and you took me like I asked you, hard and fast. I did not even think that I had not been with anyone else for all those years and had taken no herbs to stop myself from getting with child. And when I realized that none grew close by, I feared for the worst. I cannot carry a babe for the seven months it needs to reach full-size. I have to be ready to fight, draw my bow, carry a sword into battle. How can I do it with a babe to protect?" Both men started as a pair of brown boots came into their view and knelt beside them.

"You will fight as you always do, my love, with bravery and courage. We will protect you as you protect us, as we have in the past battles. We stand together, all of us, backs to each other, swords ready to defend honor and lives. This child will be grown inside the body of a hero, and songs will be sung about his father's bravery as he lies in his nursery, the moon shining down upon him. When you become too close to delivery, we will take you home to Mirkwood, for your family to care for, as is the custom of Elves. Do not worry yourself, little one, we are with you always. We love you." Gimli took Aragorn's hand, placing it upon Legolas' along with his own, a soft smile filling the Ranger's face as he felt the slight movement of the babe within.

"A strong child, to make itself known at this short time. You best watch, Gimli, it will be using you for practice since it can reach you with more ease." They all laughed, Halbarad joining in, as Gimli pushed Aragorn over, Legolas tickling him until he howled with laughter.

"What name you the child?" Halbarad asked, wiping tears from his eyes. Only his long spear held him steady from the laughter that filled him.

"Gimgorn, if it pleases his father, or Gemalos if it's a girl child. Gimli, do you mind the name?" Legolas looked a little fearfully at the laughing dwarf, relieved to see the smile stay on his face.

"A good name. Mine and Aragorn, both who love you, both who will care for your child and you. Fitting name for a young halfling. Although your father would prefer Aragorn for your mate, not a Dwarf. But he will know the love I feel for you, and the babe, and will come to accept me, I pray."

It was unknown for any Dwarf to willingly leave the lands and caves of Middle Earth, but Gimli would not leave his dear friend and mate. For the love of Legolas he would give up his life if need be.


Legolas looked back along their path, tears in his eyes. He feared they would not make it through this terrible route that Aragorn had picked for them. He pressed his hand on his babe, praying for its safe-keeping. Even the horses were afraid, only the loves for their masters carrying them forward. Gimli held him close, supporting him as they lead Ador through the Dark Door, Legolas whispering to him softly and covering his eyes. The babe moved in his belly, its mother's fear making it restless. Aragorn looked back, his eyes dark and haunted, searching out his friends, only moving when they had come to his side. Elladan brought up the rear of the column, keeping watch over their backs.

Ghosts of the Dead followed them through the dark and twisted paths, moaning and crying, the sounds echoing off the dank walls. Gimli clutched Legolas' hand in his, scoffing at his own fear. 'A cave scaring a Dwarf. Fool, 'tis but a cave.' Then picked up his axe high and drew his mate even closer.

It seemed to take hours but they came to an open cavern, walls too far apart to be even seen. Gold glittered in the walls, but not even Gimli had the desire to stop and gape. Moving on, they saw daylight ahead, almost running to reach it. All breathed a sigh of relief, Legolas glancing back over Gimli's shoulder, past Elladan to see the wraiths moving in the final doorway. "They watch us still and follow."


The Pelennor Fields lay before them, their final resting place if the battle turned ill.

Legolas lifted his sword high, looking to his right at Aragorn. He leaned over, Gimli's arm around his waist, hand over their child. "Love you my Lord Aragorn. My heart is with you always." A quick kiss, eyes meeting in love and care.

"Here now, I want a kiss too. Aragorn, be careful of yourself. Fight well." Aragorn hugged his friend tightly, pressing a soft kiss on the grizzled Dwarf's mouth, a hand tugging at the long beard.

"Take care of our Elf, my friend. I want to see you both by my side this entire battle, covering each other's backs as we do so well. I love you both. And I will not lose you."


Eomer and Aragorn met in the midst of the battle, embracing each other. "I promised we would meet again on the field of battle, did I not, my friend, my heart?" Aragorn pressed his forehead against Eomer's eyes meeting, hearts joyful in their reunion. The battle raged around them, shut out for now as they joined once more in pain and sorrow. He jerked his head as he heard his name screamed out.

Gimli shouted out "Aragorn", trying in vain to catch Legolas' leg as he slid off the horse and ran to vault up the side of the huge, towering mumakil, climbing steadily toward the battle tower, dodging arrows that were being rained upon him and the other members of the guard. He heard Gimli shout for Aragorn but he did not stop. This battle had to be won. His child had to be born in a free world, for he himself would not be able to survive for long as a slave. His eyes met Gimli's, a hand brushed over the babe, and he began climbing again, sword flashing as he climbed yet higher.


"Don't you ever do that again!" Gimli shook his mate, blond hair flying, then embraced him until bones creaked in both of them. The mumakil lay dead, its last twitches clearing the ground around it, horses avoiding them with their riders sawing on the reins frantically. Legalos remounted Ardor, his mate' arms once more around his waist. "Love you elf, even if you are daft at times." A kiss on his neck gave Legolas the reassurance he needed that he was forgiven - for now. "Love you more, Gimli, father of my child."

They rushed back into battle, joining Aragorn and Eomer, eyes meeting in recognition as they came aside them, quick embraces all the time they had as they fought side by side, back to back. None would falter, none would fail. They fought as one and the enemy drew back, the force of Ellesar of Isildur frightening to behold. It had been passed among them that he had defied the wraiths and shades of The Paths of the Dead and won passage through. The orcs retreated, a small circle forming around them. This was a King.

Legolas withdrew his sword from the Uruk-hai he had just slain, eyes darting up and freezing as they met the blue ones of Eowyn. Eowyn in full armor, Merry sitting before her in the saddle. A quick shake of her head and she was off, sword flying through the air, battle cry fierce and royal. He turned as a spear was thrust his way and lost sight of her. He did not see her again until her body was discovered by her uncle's, King Theoden, as he lay dying by a Nazgul Lord's hand. Merry had taken up the king's standard from the hand of Guthlaf, who lay dead with an arrow through his heart, going to stand by Eomer as Theoden motioned at him, "Hail, King of the Mark!". He died, not knowing Eowyn lay nearby. Eomer's voice rang out in sadness and anger as he saw his king die and then espied the body of Eowyn, bloody and beaten from her fight with the dragonbeast that had bore the Nazgul Lord. The Riders of the Rohirrim roared out their battle cry, "Death", and to the cry of the great horn from Eomer's lips, they rode to rejoin the battle, their hearts black with rage and despair. It not until King Theoden and Eowyn were carried off the battlefield that it was discovered she still lived, but sorely wounded. And the battle raged around them.


Eomer was crowned King, the lawful heir of Rohan. His sister, now recovered, was pledged to be married to Faramir at the ceremony. Legolas was five-month along and leaning much upon the strong form of his friend, Aragorn. His mate stood before him, feet solidly planted as he supported Legolas as he braced his hands upon the broad shoulders. He would be home soon, with his people to care for him until the babe was born.


Their dear friends had gathered for this, the first birth of the Fellowship. King Elessar, Aragorn's true name, Queen Arwen, Eowyn and Faramir, Eomer, all the Hobbits, Gandalf, and many of the kin of Gimli coming out of their caves for this miracle. Much feasting had gone on, Legolas pampered on his soft couch, Gimli waiting on him, every whim satisfied. Legolas only wanted him by his side, not letting him wander too far off. His smile never left his face, rejoicing as each friend appeared at his chamber door or in the Great Hall. His time was but a week away and he grew ever more ready to take to his bed for the birth.

"Gimli. Gimli! Wake up, dearheart. It is time. Get the healers." Gimli rolled out of bed, still fully dressed as he had been the last week, heading out the door, pounding on each of the other's as he passed. "It's time, it's time. Aragorn, Gandalf, Eomer, 'tis time." He slid to a halt in front of the Healer's Hall, ringing the brass bell hanging outside. Seconds later the door opened and two slender figures all in white moved past him, his own short legs racing to catch up.

"Legolas, hold my hand, sweeting. Gimli went for the healers. Take a sip of cool water and let me wipe your face." Aragorn sat on the bed, back up against the headboard as he held Legolas in his arms, the slender Elf twisting in pain. His knuckles were white against the tan of Aragorn's, his eyes filled with tears.

"No. More. Children. Ever." Gasped out, eyes glaring into Gimli's, who quaked in fear. Who was this blond haired vavril, teeth clenched in anger and pain, daggers shooting straight into his body, his cock wanting to shrivel up and hide? "It's all your fault." Legolas screamed out the last, the healer's making him more angry when they laughed at him.

"Ah, Prince Legolas, it is your first babe. This is always the worst. Each child will be easier, the birthing slit opening on its own each time, without the pain and blood. And do not blame your husband; it takes two to make a babe and you were present at its making." Gimli cautiously approached the bed, reaching up to give Aragorn a quick kiss of thanks.

"Legolas, 'tis I, your mate, who loves you and will not touch you again if you so desire it. I wish no more hurt for you if having a babe brings you this much discomfort." He yelled as his long beard was yanked, pulling him down on the bed, hand coming to rest on the pulsing bare belly.

"You don't touch me and you'll be dead, Gimli, son of Gloin, do you hear me? You are my husband and it is my position in life to be your Consort and the bearer of your children. Be you think anyone else will take my place, think again. Now help me get this babe. OUT. OF. ME." Legolas arched upwards, hands gripping Gimli's and Aragorn's, legs spreading under the sheet, twisting and thrashing as another pain hit. The elder healer uncovered him, hands cupping the full belly, the baby evident in its movements under the thin skin. A small, dark line pulsed with blood, from one side of the groin to the other. One quick slice of the ceremonial knife, a white cloth seeping up the blood as it flowed, and the baby slid out into the second healer's hands, to be quickly washed in warm, rose-scented water. It was dried and placed back in his mother's arms, Legolas quiet as the slit healed itself, all pain gone. "Gimli, your son." He lifted him up.

Gimli stood beaming as his son was lifted from his mate's birthing bed and handed to him to claim. "I Gimli, son of Gloin, do lay claim to this babe, born of Legolas, my mate, son of Thranduil, as my child, to go by the name of Gimgorn, Son of Gimli the Dwarf and Legolas the Elf. I am truly blessed this day."

The tiny babe waved his fists, his bright red hair and his elfin ears a sure sign of his parentage. Gimli was so besotted he didn't even notice when Aragorn lay beside Legolas and held him close. "And you were fearful of his reaction. He loves you, my beautiful one. I look forward to being Uncle to many more of your children. Now rest and I will hold you." Legolas fell asleep, wrapped in his friend's arms, Gimli nodding approvingly when he finally tore his eyes away from his son. Aragorn would always be a part of their lives.


After the Battle of the War of the Ring, while in Gondor, Legalos had glimpsed the sea for the first time, he being a forest creature. He had expressed his heartfelt wish to return after the birth of his child. So it was that Legolas and Gimli sailed the seas for a time, with Gimgorn in his cradle, a late honeymoon as Aragorn called it with a sly wink and smile as he saw them off. Arwen stood at his side, her gentle smile warming the hearts of everyone who saw it.


Legolas sat with little Gimgorn upon his knee, watching Gimli scamper over the large roots in Fangorn Forest, searching for the little yellow flowers that his mate had expressed a desire to braid into his hair. Anything for the birth mother of his child. Children to be exact, Legolas' belly swollen with yet another child on this their third anniversary. Each year they returned to the Glittering Caves of Helm's Deep at Hornburg and then on to Fangorn Forest. Isengard was now surrounded by tall, lovely trees, a pool of sweet water reflecting the tower of Orthanc, black in its depths. Treebeard and Quickbeam often joined them, the warm soothing tones of the Ents overjoying Gimgorn, Treebeard often carrying him about high above the ground, squeals of laughter filling the once sad forest.

"Here, my love. Let me twine them in your fair hair. Such beauty to be looked upon. Is Aragorn coming with Queen Arwen for this birth? She and her father are still not speaking to each other. Such a shame to lose a daughter over love. Aragorn is good for her, he adores her every step, worships her every move. Faramir and Eowyn are coming to celebrate with us, along with Merry and Pippin. Frodo is still on his voyages but has sent word through Gandalf that he wishes us only the best." Gimli sat and stared at his mate, still amazed after their time together at the fact that Legolas loved him. The short, grumpy, old Dwarf, with grizzled features and the grumbly laugh. His back still ached from the proving of it this morn, before they gathered up Gimgorn for their yearly journey. Legolas had balked at the horse-drawn litter but his ever-growing babe would thank him later as she rested quietly in her mother's womb during the long ride over rock and dirt.

"Yes, they are coming. Eomer is bringing his fair Elf, Lorendale, to share with our joy. They are expecting their first child in three-month. Who knew Aragorn was such a matchmaker?" Gimli shared a laugh with Legolas, remembering how they had enjoyed the sight of their friend trying his hardest to appear innocent as he somehow always managed to invite the tall, willowy blond Lorendale, an almost twin to Legolas, to each festival Eomer was attending. They had been bonded 12-month and four, celebrating their anniversary each Winter Solstice Eve. "He knows the value of an Elf for a lover, I should gather, eh, Legolas, my love?" A soft kiss to the flaxen hair, a caress to the babe-swollen belly, Gimli ducking the swat at his head easily. His jealousy was long gone, but the teasing remained, just as Aragorn still liked to tease Legolas about his little Dwarf husband that had tamed him. Belly filled with Rosenleaf or not, that had earned him a fair chase about the King's compound at Minas Tirith. Both had collapsed laughing heartily, Aragorn's hand on the swollen belly of his former lover when the babe inside kicked in protest at their play. "Yes, my dear Gimli, he does. As do you, if you know what is best for you and do not dare you look at Lorendale as you did the last visit!" Gimli harrumphed, a sly grin on his face, his face wreathed in smiles at his mate's remarks. Did he not know he was the fairest of all Elves in the Land?

"Forty two." Gimli said with a quick smile and a poke. Legolas grinned back. "Forty one." Their old joke from the Battle of Hornburg, upon the walls of Helm's Deep and Gate. The beginning of their love and of their passion, still uncooled after three years. Gimli could still make his elf scream and moan, lithe body twisting and turning in the sheets, for hours on end. Legolas in turn made Gimli hoarse and ache for rest, crying surrender to the blond demon he had wed, swearing he was too old for being ridden like a young stallion instead of a retired farm horse. And then got back in the saddle again when Legolas crooked his finger and smiled that gentle smile of want and desire.

Theirs was an everlasting love, and no one who saw them in all the years together ever doubted their devotion for each other. The graceful Elf and the stout Dwarf, eyes meeting in love many times a day, hands just touching for touching's sake, bodies well-tuned to the other's desire. Their children filled the halls of their home deep in the forest, trees all around them, little ones climbing safely in their heights, listening to the tales of the Ents as they fell asleep cradled in the branches.



In the year 1541, The Fourth Age of Gondor (120), and sick of heart after the death of his beloved Aragorn, Legolas built a ship and with his mate and husband, Gimli, went down the river Andui, past the Falls of Rauros where the Fellowship had sent Boromir on his final journey, and then on to the sea. Over the years, word came to the Shire and to old friends, of Gimli's passing in his 562nd year. Of Legolas, no further word was heard in the years to come and with their passing, the Fellowship of the Ring came to an end. They left behind 18 children, 47 grandchildren, and 128 great-grandchildren, Elf and Dwarf, uniting the two worlds in blood and bond. They were sorely missed by Elf and Dwarf and Man alike.


There is a section in The Return of the King in Appendix A that caught my eye and helped inspire these two fics about Legolas and Gimli. Here is a portion of it:

"Here follows one of the last notes in the Red Book.

We have heard tell that Legolas took Gimli, Gloin's son, with him because of their great friendship, greater than any that has been between Elf and Dwarf. If this is true, then it is strange indeed; that a Dwarf should be willing to leave Middle-earth for any love ... "