Title: Feed Me, Seymore

Author: Scribe

Fandom: Little Shop of Horrors

Pairing: Seymore/Audrey II

Status: Finished


Archive: Well, if you don't think it will get you shut down, sure. Just give a credit and my email address for feedback, and notify me

Criticism: Yes.

Feedback: Yes. poet_77665@yahoo.com

My private forum at fanfiction.net is http://www.fanfiction.net/index.fic?fanaction=userforum&RoomID=1762
Web pages: Scribe Scribbles at
http://www.angelfire.com/grrl/scribescribbles for
original prose, poetry and madness, and fanfiction.
The Poetic Site, for my X Files Krycek/Mulder Poetic slash series.
Most of my work can also be found at
http://www.fanfiction.net under the name Scribe.

Disclaimer: I don't know who invented them, but they're not mine, and I'm not profiting by anything but giggles. 'Opening' paragraph (On the 23rd day...) taken from movie.

Summary: Audrey II learns that he craves a certain body fluid, and it ain't blood.

Author's Notes: Yes, I know it's weird. But it came to me in a dream, what was I supposed to do? Before you can say this isn't slash because of the plant's female name, if you saw either of the movies, the plant's voice was most DEFINITELY male in both. And I'm working from the more recent musical version, with Rick Moranis as Seymor Krelborn. I can't remember exactly how much Seymore paid for Audrey II, but I think it was 1.35. If I'm wrong, tell me and I'll correct it before I put it on my site. In this universe, Seymore takes a little longer to figure out what to feed Audrey II, and Audrey II himself has to experiment a little.

Warning: Interspecies sex, but you can't really call it bestiality.

Rating: NC-17.

Feed Me, Seymore
By Scribe

It's hard to say when awareness began. He thought that it had begun even BEFORE he was a seed, when he was only a germ of life-force potential, swaying on the pistal of a strange and beautiful flower. But somehow, even as that infintisimal speck, he had been aware, as had all the other morsels of sentience, that their world was dying, and it was time to seek out a new home.

So when the breeze shook the flower, whipping it's stem so that the petals shook and shivered in the lavender tinted air, he let loose willingly, even eagerly. He was wafted, along with countless billions of his sisters and brothers. They rose through the atmosphere that was even then thinning, and would soon be too leeched of oxygen and carbon dioxide to support their kind. Higher and higher they drifted, forming as they went the tough coating that would protect them on their cosmic journey.

Many of them never made it. They were not able to escape the planet's gravity, and remained circling it till they either froze, died from lack of nutrients (for, though they could live long, through harsh circunstances, they were neither indestructable, nor immortal), or tumbled back to the surface, burning from the scant friction afforded by the remaining air. But a million or so got through, escaping into the vacuum of space.

Here they sprayed off in a million different directions, and here more were lost. There is always
SOMETHING in space, though it may be at an unimaginable distance. Some of the pods simply didn't survive to reach these far flung galaxies. Others were smashed by meteors, some flew into suns. A whole colony passed too close to a star as it went super nova.

Several thousand eventually made planetfall, but what use was it to land on a planet that was nothing but a concentrated mass of heavy gasses, or one that was nothing but churning lava? Several got to a planet that had finally begun to form land masses, but since they landed far out in the seas that covered six-sevenths of the sphere, it didn't do them much good.

At last there were two lonely little seed pods left, floating through space. Finally they drew near a
small, blue-green planet, a planet that had just been cooling from it's molten stage when they left their own planet. But sometimes, even in the galactic scheme of things, timing can be perfect. Now it had extensive land masses, a perfect atmosphere, and plenty of water. In other words, it was ripe. They made their descent, but they were split up, as nature seemed to figure that would give them the maximum chance of survival.

The first landed in the middle of the Sahara Desert. So much for Nature's theories. But the second...

On the 23rd Day of the Month of September in an early year of a decade not too long before our own, the human race suddenly encountered a deadly threat to its very existence, and this terrifying enemy surfaced as such enemies often do in the seemingly most innocent and unlikely of places...


Seymore Krelborn, in his mid-twenties, was an orphan, a klutz, a virgin, and the general dogsbody of Mushnick's Florist Shop, Skid Row, New York. Mr. Mushnick had taken Seymore from the orphanidge years ago when he was just a boy, and Seymore was grateful. Mushnick gave him a roof over his head (although that roof WAS the floor of the flower shop, since Seymore slept in the basement), food (the term 'crust of bread' held peculiar significance for Seymore), and work. Lots and lots of work. BOY, did he give him work. Seymore knew. logically speaking, that the
floor space in a given building couldn't expand, but somehow there always seemed to be more to sweep.

Mushnick even gave Seymore a salary... of sorts. Well, it was legal tender, even if there wasn't much of it, and what did he expect, Mushnick scolded when he timidly mentioned it, what with business being so bad here on Skid Row? And Seymore was grateful. Oh, he would have liked more. Maybe enough to take Audrey out for dinner, or even a movie? *sigh* //Who am I kidding?// Seymore thought of Audrey as he walked the streets during one of his rare free moments. //I'd never dare ask Audrey out, even if I had enough money. She's so beautiful// Seymore longingly contemplated the improbably pale hair and the voluptuos body, which had been encased today in a black skirt so tight she could barely move her legs enough to walk and a leopard print scoop neck blouse whose neckline had stopped just north of a very interesting place indeed.

Audrey was one of the factors behind Seymore's hobby: botany. Seymore knew that you could become rich by discovering a new type of plant. Come up with a different color rose and you could become famous. So Seymore occasionally visited a street nursery (though that was a noble name for a collection of potted plants set out on tables) run my a mysterious Chinese man named Chang, in the hopes of finding something new.

Today he was looking around the stock, but it all looked terribly ordinary and mundane. He was about to leave when there was a total eclipse of the sun. Things got very dark. Luckily it didn't last too long, or there would have been no telling what mischief could have been afoot.

But when it was light again, Seymore noticed something. There was a new plant... Well, he hadn't
NOTICED it before, anyway, sitting among the zinnias. He'd never seen anything like it before. When he pointed it out to Chang, the Chinaman had just smiled mysteriously. "You like? Want buy?"

"How much?"

"How much money you got?"

Seymore scrounged in his pockets. "Just 1.35."

"Funny thing, that exactly what plant cost."

So Seymore handed over a handful of slightly sticky coins and picked up the big coffee can containing the tender green shoot with the egg shaped bud on top. He smiled at it. "Wow, aren't you strange and unusual! Maybe you'll be what finally makes my fortune and gets me off Skid Row, and makes Audrey notice me."


The plant regarded him calmly, saying nothing. Odd planet he'd landed on. It seemed to be infested with warm-blooded, mobile organism. Oh, well, they could be dealt with eventually. Till then he'd have to bide his time, waiting until he'd grown big enough and strong enough to put things into action.

The creature caried him away from his landing place, babbling on, till it reached some sort of a structure, where it went inside, and into a subterrainian chamber. This appeared to be the creature's living quarters, and it seemed that the creature thought that the plant was a pet.

The plant couldn't complain: it was treated well. The creature set it under a lamp that provided healthy, warm light rays. The creature misted it, loosened the soil when it's tender roots became cramped, and was forever putting things in the soil that were tasty, if not very filling or nourishing.

Over the course of a few days the plant came to two conclusions. One, the creature's name was Seymore Krelborn. Often when he was caring for the plant a querlous voice would call 'Seymore!' or 'KRELBORN!' from upstairs, and the creature would always run to answer. Two, the creature was a total pathetic loser. Well, that was fine. It wouldn't have been safe to be in the hands of anyone with a working brain, after all.

The plant learned his own name, and a peculiar fact about the creatures on this planet on the same day. Seymore carried him upstairs and plopped him on a table. Another creature, taller than Krelborn and bumpier, with pale yellow hair and a squeaky voice was there. This was when the plant learned that these animals were seperated into two sexes. The male and female elements were separated completely. How inefficient. They couldn't reproduce alone at all!

In any case, the plant was distracted from this bizarre fact when Seymore told the tall, bumpy
creature, "It's name is Audrey II. I named it after you, Audrey." The female creature squeaked, but seemed pleased.

//Audrey II? Hm. I suppose it's as good a name as any, and I don't suppose there are any OTHER carnivorous, sentient plants on this planet with that name.//

Any way, they had made a terrible fuss over him. It seemed that the other creatures found him interesting. When they were through admiring him, they would give pieces of paper to the creature with the big, annoying voice (Mister Mushnick, Seymore and Audrey called him), and take other, less intelligent plants away with them. This seemed to make Mushnick very happy.

But after awhile Audrey II wasn't feeling so well, so he just flopped for a bit of a rest. This got
Mushnick very agitated, and he fussed at the Seymore creature, admonishing him to take care of Audrey II. So the other creatures left, and Seymore took him back down into their underground lair.

He worked over Audrey II for quite some time, misting and fertilizing, feeding him something called Plant Grow that was pleasant, but completely useless. He seemed to get more and more upset, muttering that he'd lose his job, and Audrey (the plant assumed he meant the bumpy creature) would never go out with him. He kept mumbling and cajoling, "Grow for me."

//Happy to, Seymore. But I need something, and I'm not sure what it is.//


Seymore stared at Audrey II disconsolantly. She'd been doing so well, now this. Well, to tell the
truth, her growth had stopped a day or two ago. He'd tried everything he could think of, and nothing would get her started again.

Such a pretty plant. The stem was twice as thick as his thumb, and it supported a bud that had gone from egg size to football size in just about a week. The green pod coat was now like a scalloped collar around the bottom of the big, pink bud. Seymore wondered if it was part of the venus flytrap family, because it seemed to be split in half, though the two halves remained pressed tightly closed. Still, the edges of the seam curled up and down at the split, almost making it look like a wide, delicately lipped mouth...

Seymore shook his head. He'd been a virgin for too long, and he thought about Audrey, the real Audrey, entirely too much. He lifted the plant and set it on the table against the back wall of the basement. There was a shelf above it that held all his gardening supplies, and he examined it, trying to think if there was something that he hadn't tried yet. But images of Audrey kept intruding, and the cool basement began to feel warm...


Audrey II had been slumped dispiritedly over the edge of the coffee can, when a fascinating arome drifted to him. Since he had no nose, he couldn't really sniff, but he sifted through the scent molecules anyway. The aroma was hot and musky, and very... VITAL. //Mmm... smells like someone's thinking about pollenating.//

Audrey II lifted his heavy bud and found that Seymore was standing right in front of him. Actually, it was Seymore's CROTCH that was right in front of him: Seymore seemed to be preoccupied with other matters. Audrey II smelled some more. Yes, no doubt about it, that intriguing smell was coming from that lump in Seymore's pants. //Oo. I bet he has his stamen in

Audrey II stretched to the limit of his stem and pushed his bud right against the bulge. Oh, it had a
delicious heat radiating from it! And when he rubbed against it, the smell got stronger. Now he really wanted to get a look at this thing's reproductive organs. Who knew? Maybe cross-species pollination was possible.


Seymore had pretty much forgotten about searching for something to help Audrey II get well. The daydream about Audrey I had gotten too nice. In it she was standing oh, so close, and she was stroking his fly with just the tiniest tips of her fingers, so softly that he almost couldn't feel it.

But wait a minute... He COULD feel it! SOMETHING was stroking his fly.

He looked down. Audrey II was cuddled up against his groin, the big pink bud rubbing sensuously up and down the length of the bulge that strained agains the khaki.

Seymore jumped back with a yell. "AUDREY! What are you DOING? You moved!" He thought about it. "You not only moved, you GROPED me!"

Audrey II sighed... Well, it sounded like a sigh, and wilted again, bud dangling over the rim of the coffee can. "Oh, no!" And she'd been looking so much better those last few seconds.

Seymore paced, and thought. So Audrey II had moved. Certain plants DID move. Hadn't he just been thinking that it looked like a venus flytrap? And he didn't really know WHAT it was, so why SHOULDN'T it move?

And SOMETHING sure as heck had perked it up there for a minute. What could it be? Seymore needed to find out, quick, and do it again. He stepped back toward the table. The plant quivered, and the bud slowly raised on it's stem, then stretched toward Seymore.

Seymore held out his hand tentatively. Audrey II touched it lightly, and began to rub over it's back.
"Oh, wow," Seymore breathed. The petals were incredibly soft. They were silky smooth, and slightly cool. They felt terrific. Then the split that bisected Audrey II opened just a little, and what
looked like a narrow a little bright red bright red petal slipped out and stroked across his hand.

Seymore shuddered. It had been a little warmer than the rest of the floor, and slightly damp. Was that some sort of nectar? Didn't bees sip nectar from some kinds of plants? The petal licked... Yeah, that was the only term that was logical. It licked over his hand again, extending, then curled around his thumb. The two halves moved farther apart, and Seymore could see what looked like a narrow, pink, fleshy tunnel. //That almost looks like... Oh, Seymore, how would you know? It's not like you've ever actually SEEN one.//


Well, the creature's skin tasted delicious, but since Audrey II had no teeth, there was hardly any reason to pay any attention to it. There was still that mating smell, and it was getting stronger by the second. Audrey II decided he wanted to try some of that creature-pollen. Even if the fertilization didn't work... Eh, he was bored. And Seymore was reacting in a very interesting way. His respiration had sped up (another inefficiency. Why didn't they just absorb their gasses through their surface, like he did?).

Audrey II abandoned the hand and once again nuzzled against that warm, cloth covered mound. He knew that these outer coverings came off, he'd seen Seymore shedding on numerous occasions. And he'd also seen him gathering his own pollen one night. Seemed to be a very involved process. He had to stroke the pistal till it was long and thick, then the stamen on top
would spurt the pollen (they seemed to produce a liquid rather than a powdered form). Audrey II
couldn't understand why Seymore had then wiped up and thrown away all the pollen, but then, he didn't really NEED to understand all of it. He just knew that stimulation of the pistal and stamen would result in the release of pollen, and that was all he needed to know.

Now, how was he going to get past that outer covering?


If he'd actually been capable of coherent thought, he never would have done it. But he wasn't. He was horny, and he was desperate.

Seymore pushed the plant gently away and opened his pants, pushing them down his hips. He was a little shocked to find that he was already completely hard. His prick jutted out from his pubic hair, almost pointing at Audrey II. He moved cautiously toward the table again. Audrey II raised up even straighter, it's leaves quivering. It stretched toward him, the thin, pointed red petal flickering out like the tongue of a snake.

That image might have given Seymore pause, but when he had it, he'd gotten close enough so that the 'tongue' actually TOUCHED him, and all thought fled. The thin little thing was DEFINITELY warm and damp. It swiped up the underside of Seymore's rigid prick, from base to crown.

Seymore's knees went weak, and he stumbled a half step closer, grabbing the table on either side of the coffee can for support. That red strip flicked out again, fluttering against his cock head, and he moaned.

Audrey II hesitated. That sounded like the animal was in pain, but there wasn't a pain SMELL yet. Maybe they made noises when they were pleased as well as when they were angry. In any case, there was an absolutely LUSCIOUS liquid coating the top of Seymore's stamen, and he had to have more of it.

Seymore watched, stunned as the tip of the tongue quested over his flushed, swollen cock head. When it reached the slit it felt delicately along the edges, then dipped inside. Seymore grunted. "Oh, geez!" More of the clear pre-ejaculate fluid oozed out with this teasing, and the tongue fluttered against his glans rapidly, as if it was licking him. Then it slipped AROUND his cock, and Semore felt gentle pressure as it began to withraw, pulling back toward the bud.

He watched in fascination as the petals parted again, revealing that narrow, glistening gullet. He didn't try to pull back as first the head, then the shaft of his prick was drawn into the bud. The halves closed, trapping Seymore's hard dick halfway in. Then he felt a squeezing, and massaging. It was almost like the plant was trying to suck him. In fact, it pulled back a little, then slid forward. Then it did it again.

"I don't believe this," Seymore whispered. "I'm getting head from a flower. And it's GREAT!" It was, too. The interior of the bud was almost as warm as his skin, and it was definitely wet, and incredibly soft. It was better than any wet dream or jerk off fantasy that Seymore had ever had.

Audrey II found that if he tightened and stroked Seymore's pistal, then used his petal to tickle the
stamen on the end, he got more of that wonderful liquid, but it wasn't enough. He wanted the pollen: ALL of it. Apparently Seymore needed more stimulation. Well, Audrey II could do that. If he closed the petals even tighter around the fleshy rod and PULLED, he could create suction. So that's what he did.

Seymore yelped at the increasingly intense sensation. Unable to resist, he put his hands gently on either side of the bud, held it, and pushed in. He slid his cock deeper, being careful because he knew he'd have to stop if he felt a barrier, or else he'd risk tearing straight through the delicate petals.

But Audrey II was a hell of a lot tougher than Seymore gave him credit for, and he was HUNGRY. He started lunging forward to accept the pistil and stamen deeper. Seymore got the idea. If Audrey II could take it, well, there was no reason why she SHOULDN'T take it, right?

Seymore's hips began to move, jerking back and forth. Soon he was fucking the flower steadily, his head thrown back in pleasure. His pants and underwear, never too good a fit, had dropped down around his ankles, and he kicked out of them, spreading his legs for better leverage. Anyone who had witnessed this scene would have been surprised. Oh, yeah, the whole fucking vegatation was bizarre to begin with, but what would have really given them pause was the way Seymore was going after it. They never would have believed that such a quiet, nebbishy little guy could get buck wild like that.

Audrey II didn't mind. Every thrust brought him another few drops of yummy pre-come, but he had enough appetizers and was ready for the main course, thank you very much. Seymore needed just a WEE bit more stimulation.

Audrey II stretched out his vines, one narrow green tendril brushing Seymore's thighs, then sliding back and between. It located a fold in his flesh, and the moist, earthy smell coming from it seemed promising, so it burrowed in. Seymore was too far gone to do more than moan when he felt the tickle running up and down the crease of his ass, but his eyes snapped open when it touched his asshole. "Wait a minute!"

//Oh, THAT got a reaction!// Audrey II pushed, and the vine slithered deep into the tight, damp passage. Seymore yelled, bucking even deeper into the wet softness that enveloped his hard-on. Encouraged, Audrey sent the probe deeper. He passed over something, and paused, feeling it carefully.

Seymore screamed as his prostate was stroked and massaged. Startled, Audrey II half withdrew the tendril. Seymore sobbed, but Audrey II heard something encouraging in that sound, and moved back in, feeling for that spot that had elicited such a response. Seymore felt the probe sliding in deep again and shuddered when it again touched the magic spot. "Oh, geez. Now it's not only blowing me, it's fucking me! This is so wrong." But his hips kept moving.

Audrey II observed his reactions, and began pumping the tendril in and out of the tight channel, rubbing the little bump every time it came near. The liquid was flowing continuously now.

Suddenly Seymore stiffened, and there was a gush of hot liquid from the stamen. //FINALLY! I thought he was never going to pollinate. Oo, this is even better than the other! Rich and creamy.// Audrey II massaged and stroked, stripping every drop of that wonderful fluid that he could.

When there was no more, Seymore gently and carefully pulled the vine out of his butt, and removed his softening cock from the plant's gullet. His knees gave way, and his bare ass hit the floor as he sat down suddenly. "I can't believe this." Now that the blood was returning to his brain, he got anxious. "I hope I didn't kill it!"

He looked at the plant, and blinked. Not only did it not look hurt, it appeared to be flourishing. It was VIBRANT. The petals glowed, the leaves glistened. It even looked bigger. "Do you mean to tell me that sperm is GOOD for you?" The bud tipped down. If it had eyes, it would have been looking at him. He could have sworn that the edges of the petals curled up in what was almost a smile.

Stunned, he put his clothes back on, then looked at the plant again. No doubt about it, it was looking better. "Is that REALLY what you need?" He thought about it, thought about all the evenings he was down here in the basement, alone with his thoughts about the flesh and blood Audrey. He blushed. "Well, if that's what you NEED, I wouldn't be much of a gardener if I wasn't willing to make a little sacrifice, would I?"

He made his way back upstairs to give the store a final cleaning before he went to bed, and he was humming as he went.

Audrey II considered what had just happened. He'd found what he needed to not only survive, but thrive. These creatures could provide it. This one, Seymore, seemed MORE than willing to provide it.

But as good as the pollen had been, as FILLING as it had been, Audrey II couldn't help but think that there was something MORE. There had been another smell, one that seemed to seep through Seymore's very skin, and Audrey II had felt an intriguing pulsing beneath that skin, as if some other sort of fluid flowed there, just out of sight. He had the feeling THAT was what he needed.

The problem was, how to get it? No one liked their surface pierced, Seymore wasn't likely to do it
willingly. Well, unless Audrey II could convince him that it was necessary for his well-being, and even then he probably wouldn't want to give up much of it. And Audrey couldn't just TAKE it, because he didn't have any teeth.

Well, not YET, anyway. Maybe someday.

Until then, the pollen would be enough. He was pretty sure from the way Krelborn had reacted that he could count on a steady supply of it.

Audrey II settled down for a nap, chuckling to himself. //Feed me, Seymore. Feed me
A-L-L night long!"