Title: Playing Favorites

Author: Cassatt

Fandom: Law&Order and Star Trek-Voyager

Pairings: McCoy/Green, Chakotay/Paris, Ayala/Kim

Rating: NC17 (mild) Slash

Summary: A piece of MetaFiction about the choices an author makes and the ramifications inherent therein. Ed Green's POV. It's rather difficult to describe it much more than that, 'cause it's metafic ;-).

Email: cassatt2222@earthlink.net

Website: http://fiction.for-love-of-art.com/cassatt/index.html

Playing Favorites
by Cassatt

Ed walked into the room with Jack in tow, looking around in surprise. "Hey, I thought she said no funny stuff?" Ed asked his lover. "This looks like we're in '2001 A Space Odyssey'...."

Jack chuckled. "I think it's supposed to be Star Trek."

Ed's eyebrows shot up. "This ain't no Star Trek. Where's the plastic chairs? Where's the fake looking computer lights? Where's what's-his-name?"

"Captain James T. Kirk? This isn't the Enterprise. At least, not that one, and not the current one, either. Besides I don't think she likes the current one."

Ed peered closely at Jack. "Y-e-a-h, Kirk, and do I want to know how you know all of this? Is there something you want to share with me?"

"How do I know what she likes? Or how do I know his full name? Or is the question really concerning the issue of what forms of popular culture I avail myself of when you're either not around, or weren't around?" Jack smiled.

Though Ed loved to see Jack smile, and watch his eyes get that crinkly look to them, and his hair fall disarmingly over his brow -- his initial reaction was frustration. "You know, you can sink a question behind lawyer-ese faster than anyone."

"Thank you, Ed. I love you, too." Jack was still smiling.

"So, okay, I'll play. How do you know his full name?"

"Do you think there could be a way I'd know it, without having been a fan of the show in either the nineteen sixties or in the subsequent years it was shown in reruns?"

Ed did the only thing he could think to do. The only thing, in truth, he wanted to do. He cupped the back of Jack's neck and quickly pulled the man closer. Jack didn't resist, though his smile was fading. Jack's hand came to rest on Ed's hip, and as Ed pulled them even closer, the hand moved until it was clutching the back of his shirt. "Do you think she'd mind," Ed murmured, three inches from Jack's mouth, "if I kissed you now?"

"You trying to distract me?" Jack asked with a soft sigh.

"Yes," Ed replied, and closed the final distance, covering Jack's mouth with his own. Shutting him up took an instant back seat to sweeping him off his feet. Sweeping them both off. Jack's slow kisses turned heated and Ed began to free-fall. Not even ruing that he usually lost control like this. Just like this. With Jack's lips working his, Jack's tongue devouring him. Jack's hands moving over him. Just like this.

A strange noise broke into the sounds of their quiet moans and wet kisses. They pulled away sharply and turned toward it. Four men walked through an opening in the wall. The opening closed behind them, with doors sliding to the accompaniment of the same strange sound. The four men stopped abruptly.

"What the hell?" a tall blond wearing a black uniform with red shoulders asked. "She didn't say there'd be others here! And they're from the twentieth century! What the hell is going on here, chack?"

Ed thought he might have said "chalk," but he couldn't be sure. Jack was holding his hand again, and Ed tightened his grip. "What the hell is right," he whispered into Jack's ear. "Love the clothes," he snickered. All of the men were dressed alike, two had yellow shoulders, and two red.

"It's Trek," Jack whispered back, with a louder sigh this time. "Son of a bitch."

"Now, Tom," a man with what Ed took to be a tattoo on his face said, "we need to trust her instincts. She's in charge and she knows what she's doing."

Ed thought that the forehead marking was absolutely striking, and wondered if the DA would mind if Jack got one. He almost shivered to think of his lover tattooed, on his bike, flying through the streets of NYC. He was about to suggest it to Jack, when one of the yellow men spoke, at almost the same time as Tom who, at least, had a normal name.

"Yeah," Tom said, his voice rising, "well, I know how you like women in positions of power, but I can't see how this will turn out as anything but a mess. We've tried mixing centuries before and look where it got us! Nearly killed. Uh uh, not going there again...."

"Chakotay," the other tall, dark, and, Ed thought, handsome man said, "I'm taking Harry out of here, I don't care how much you trust her. I'm not going to endanger his existence. We've got some holodeck time reserved...." He grabbed the hand of the Asian man next to him, who Ed assumed was Harry. Thank goodness it was another normal name, for Cha-whatsit was too hard to remember. He watched as Harry gave the taller man a gentle scowl.

"Greg, I don't want to go. I think we'll win, and if we do, you know what happens then!" Harry said.

Tom snorted loudly. "Win? You two? Who are you kidding? Chak and I'll wipe the floor with you!"

"Dream on, Helmboy!" Greg said, laughing.

"We will so win!" Harry said loudly.

"Gentlemen!" Cha-something barked.

The other three were instantly silent, though Tom and Greg continued to glare at each other. Ed got it, though. Tattoo-man was in charge. Jack leaned in closer. "He's their superior officer," he whispered. "Think military, sort of like navy."

"How do you like his tattoo? Would you, you know, maybe... consider one?" Ed whispered back. Jack's head turned quickly and one eyebrow lifted. His mouth opened, then shut.

"Excuse me," the superior officer said, interrupting their conversation. They turned. "My name is Commander Chakotay. I'm the First Officer here, on the Federation Starship Voyager. Please excuse our disrespect -- your presence was unexpected. Do you know why you're here? Do you know... her?"

Jack spoke first, which Ed was thankful for. He was having a hard time taking his eyes off of the commander, whose voice had mesmerized him.

"I'm Jack McCoy, and this is Ed Green. We're from New York, and yes, we do know her. She's responsible for our... relationship." Ed nodded.

The other four men all looked at each other. It was Greg who spoke. "You two are in a relationship? Because of her?"

"Yeah," Ed said with a touch of attitude. "Is that a problem?"

"No," Greg answered, raising one hand, "no problem. No problem at all. I think. When was the last time you were, um, thrust together?"

"Thrust together?" Jack asked. "Do you mean as in put in the same physical space, like say a room, or an elevator, or specifically an office, or cab, or do you actually mean that we thrust together?" Ed sighed, thinking that if they started down the legal definition road, they might never make it back home to New York, and one of their beds, if not both.

Greg turned to the commander, but the man refused to take over. Greg glared at him, then stared first at Jack, then Ed. "When was the last time you fucked?"

Ed's blood began to boil. "That's none of your damned business!"

Jack shushed him gently. "Yesterday," he answered Greg.

"Uh oh," Tom muttered. He grabbed the commander's hand and leaned close. "We're in deep shit here, Chak. Deep, deep shit."

"Don't worry, Tom, I'm sure there's a way around it. I'm sure," the other man answered. Ed watched as Tom looked intently into the dark eyes, then relaxed, and nodded. He got it again. They were in something else deep. Love. Long-lasting, stars in alignment kind of love. He sighed, and smiled; it was nice.

"Now," Jack said to the group in general, "you've asked us if we know why we're here. We don't, frankly. She told us to go to this building on east eight-fourth street. We did, and here we are."

"I've only got another half-hour for my lunch," Ed said to nobody in particular. "Lieu will kill me if I'm late. Again," he finished pointedly, this time to Jack.

"Does this Lou know her, too?" Greg asked. He looked worried.

"Nah, I don't think so. I mean, she's been in and out of things with us, but I don't think she really knows her, like knows her knows her. She just knows her," Ed answered.

"Who's she and who's her?" Harry asked. He looked confused.

"Lieu is she, and She is her," Ed explained. "Lieutenant Van Buren," he continued, "is she. She's my lieutenant. But she's not Her."

"Oh," Tom said, grinning. "Short for lieutenant. Cool! I like that -- I'm gonna tell people to use that with my name. Lieu Paris! Like it!"

"As if the captain is going to allow that!" Harry said with a snort. He looked at Greg and started to laugh.

"What?!" Greg asked, a free hand landing on his hip.

"Lieu Ayala," Harry said in between laughs. "Sounds like you're drunk...."

"Sounds like you're drunk, Har," Greg retorted. He put his mouth close to Harry's ear. "Listen, love," he said in a low and silky voice, "you've got to concentrate. We're in trouble, too. Did you hear? Yesterday...." Harry abruptly stopped laughing.

"So you two," Ed asked, waving a hand back and forth between them, "are also a couple?"

"Because of her?" Jack finished.

"Well," Harry answered, tipping his head to one side, "not technically. Technically, we're a couple because of a few others, but she gave us lots of experience together." He paused. "We like being together," he said with a bit of force. "We're very hot together."

Ed thought the guy was a bit defensive. "Hey, that's fine, man, whatever...."

"We're very hot together, too," Tom said with more force. "VERY hot! Just ask anyone!"

Greg rolled his eyes. "Yes, Tom, you are very hot," he said seriously. "But please don't start up with the masses of people who are behind you two. Quantity does not equal quality."

Ed had to agree with that, though he had no idea what the fuck this guy was talking about with the "masses" thing. He and Jack had only been together for a short time, but if someone were to ask him about the quality of their relationship, compared to other couples he knew in NY, he give the same answer that Greg had. Just like time did not equal distance. Or did it? Where the hell were they, anyway?

"Look, everyone," the commander said, using his commanding voice, "we must figure out why we're here, and just exactly what she wants from us. Tom and I are quite willing to do whatever she asks. Quite willing. Any time. Anywhere," he finished decisively.

"You tell 'em, Chak. Anywhere, yes, Sir," Tom said. He grinned at them all.

Greg snorted. "Yeah, right, Chakotay. Anywhere? How about the time she had you two breathing in each other's air with you between Tom's legs in the middle of Sandrine's?! You ran out of there...."

"I did NOT run out of there. I wasn't about to take him on the pool table in front of the crew! She has more respect for us than that!" Chakotay stared at him, and Ed could see that the man was quite likely very effective as a superior officer. His stare was almost as good as Lieu's.

Jack held up his free hand. "I know what she's doing."

Ed grinned to himself. That got everyone's attention. And damned if he wasn't proud of the man. It rubbed him the wrong way when Jack could figure out who'd done someone when he and Lennie couldn't, and it was usually quite confusing how that happened. He and Lennie were smart, and good cops. Jack was smart, that's why Ed loved him so much. But. He shook himself, and concentrated on this weird room and these men they were stuck with.

"When was the last time you four were thrust together?" Jack asked.

From the looks on their faces, he knew his lover had nailed it again. "So, what," Ed asked, "they don't get to fuck anymore?"

"No, apparently they don't. We're her current favorites," Jack answered.

Nobody responded to this one, and Ed began to feel very badly for them. He'd hate it if he could no longer be with Jack, he'd absolutely hate it. "Well, why bring us all together, then? Just to rub their noses in it?"

Jack asked the four, "Did she treat you well? Because she does us. And no one thought we should be together. No one. We've bucked the odds."

Harry answered. "Yes, she treated us well. And we've bucked odds, too, probably much bigger odds than you have! Have either of you died and come back to the ship as another version of yourself that's essentially an exact duplicate? Have either of you been sent to an alternate universe and then returned, to find that nothing had changed, except that the man you'd been secretly in love with had decided to make his move on you?"

Ed shrugged. The guy had them there. No question. So why were he and Jack the current favorites?

"You want to talk about odds bucking?" Tom asked, his voice rising again. "I wouldn't even go there, Har, not even! The big guy here was supposed to hook up with the captain, and everyone expected it, but instead he decides that after I'd gone to prison to save his butt, and ended up out here stranded with you all, that we might stand a chance to get back together?! And if I hadn't been stranded out here, he would have died? Crushed when the Ocampan stairway collapsed? Twisted in a hunk of crumpled metal? Broken and battered and..."

The commander put a hand over Tom's mouth. "Tom, love. Thank you for saving my life, but can we not talk about it? Your point is a good one. We have overcome many odds." He removed his hand.

"Sorry, Chak." Tom picked up the hand and kissed it softly. "We've just worked so hard. It's not fair."

Ed looked at Jack, and he knew they were both thinking the same thing. Neither of them had any idea why they were the chosen ones. "So, Jack, why are we stuck here, with them?"

"I think she wants us to..."

Another strange noise interrupted them. The other four turned around and looked at some machine that was embedded in the wall, in the direction from where the noise had come. There was a piece of paper lying in the alcove of the machinery. The commander went and retrieved it.

"It's addressed to all of us. It's from her. Her her, the real her." He cleared his throat in the sudden silence. "Dear Boys,"

"Boys?!" Jack interrupted him. "I've long passed the time when anyone could call me a boy!"

Ed leaned in close and kissed his cheek. "I might beg to differ," he murmured.

Jack blushed, and bit his bottom lip. "Well.... Okay."

"May I continue?" the commander asked politely. Ed and Jack nodded. "Dear Boys, I've gathered you together because there have been some changes in recent months and I'm hoping to rectify that...."

Tom interrupted with, "Damn, it's about time!" Chakotay merely raised his eyebrows at him, and Tom replied, "Sorry."

The commander continued. "...I'm hoping to rectify that. By killing two, or maybe three birds with one stone. I know someone who is a very big fan of all six of you. She's been rather under the weather lately, and could really use some cheering up. I realize that for some of you, it's been a while since you've been given the opportunity to make love. I've been busy, and in addition have been spending time with Jack and Eddie almost exclusively. Their situation really does warrant the attention."

Tom muttered something else, but waved his lover to continue.

"So, as a present for Maxi, and as a present for all of you, it is time for some lovemaking." The man stopped, and cleared his throat again. "Right here, and right now. All six of you will now, how do they say it, go at it like bunnies. Give Maxi her fill, make her feel better with the pure distraction that only you boys can give. Much love, Cassatt." Chakotay raised his eyes and looked around the group.

Nobody said anything. The air was thick with tension. The silence was broken by the machine in the wall making another sound. They looked at it, en masse. Chakotay walked over, picked up the new sheet of paper that had appeared, and returned.

"P.S. In addition, I will be judging your performance. Just to be certain that my energies are being expended in the proper place, mainly -- New York City. So the mixing of partners would be highly entertaining, and would likely give you extra points. Oh, and most of all -- have fun!"

The silence, again, was deafening. Ed wasn't sure what to do. Make love with Jack, here? In front of these other men? He'd certainly had his own share of experience in semipublic sex, but it had been years, and besides -- the man he loved had some dignity to retain.

"No WAY!" Greg exclaimed loudly. "No way am I going to humiliate Harry like this! She can't do this! It's blackmail! Harry deserves better!"

Ed happened to have been looking at Tom, because he had been turning some fascinating shades of pink. Their eyes met, and Ed pointed at Greg, who was in the midst of a heated, whispered exchange with Harry. "He's protective, isn't he?"

Tom shrugged. "Greg's in Security-Tactical," he replied, as if that explained it all.

"Security-Tactical? What is that, like a SWAT team member or something?"

"Don't have a clue what a SWAT team is, but Greg handles security matters. Watches the bad guys. Plays with the phaser rifles."

Ed grinned; finally something he could relate to. "Like a cop. I'm a cop. A detective, actually. Homicide."

Tom's eyebrows shot up. "Hey, no shit? That is cool! I've seen 'The Maltese Falcon' about fifty times..."

"You have? But we're, what, hundreds of years in the future here?"

"Well, yeah, but...."

Chakotay cleared his throat again, loudly this time, interrupting them. Ed finally looked at Jack, whose hand in his had gone slack. The man was studying the floor. He heard Tom begin a whispered conversation with his lover.

"Jack?" he asked quietly. "How are we going to get out of this? Greg's right -- it's extortion! If I knew who she was I'd bring her in," he hissed.

"I don't know how to get out of it." Jack shrugged. "If we don't do it here, we might never do it again. No more sex, no more kissing, no more companionship, no more...," he lowered his voice significantly, "cuddling. Are you ready to give that up?"

Ed's heart sank. "Damn it! No, I'm not ready to give that up. But this isn't right!"

Jack pointed to the other couples with their heads together. "They've had to give it up. And because of us. That's patently unfair, and discriminatory."

"How is it discriminatory?" Ed thought he was pretty well-attuned to picking up that sort of thing.

"Quite likely she's developed a bias against science fiction characters. Or at least one against Trek characters. Not that I'd blame her for it...."

Ed looked around him, and at the other four men. "Well, seems like those couples could be kind of interesting. They are sort of cute together. I think. I dunno." He paused and then said to the room in general. "Hey, you guys!" They stopped their discussions and turned to him. "Do you think she's biased against you 'cause you're Sci-fi people?"

"Sci-fi?" asked Harry.

"Science-fiction, Harry," answered Chakotay. "Like Captain Proton."

"Oh. So she doesn't like us because of where we are? In the Delta Quadrant? In the future? That's not our fault we were born in the twenty-fourth century! And besides, I thought she liked us...."

"She does, Har," Greg murmured, "she does. But I don't care, because I love you, and that's all that counts." He stared daggers at Ed and Jack. "What I don't understand is why in the galaxy she got involved with you two. He's old enough to be your father!"

"Hey!" Ed spat out, pointing his finger at Greg, "do NOT, I repeat, do not diss my boyfriend! He has more energy and drive than the four of you put together! He works twelve hour days, six days a week, and has the highest conviction rate of anyone in the five boroughs! He's put more murderers away than you could count! So don't go making any slurs against him because of how long he's lived! Do NOT!" He stopped because he was out of breath.

"I'm only saying," Greg shouted back, "that he's hardly hot enough to interest her!"

"Oh, trust me," Ed said with total conviction, "he's hot. He's very, very hot."

"Guys, guys," Tom said smoothly, "come on. Slow down. So, Ed, you're saying that Jack is a lawyer?"

Jack spoke up, "Yes, I'm an attorney. A prosecutor, capital crimes, Manhattan. But this isn't really relevant to the situation at hand."

"But it might be," Tom answered. "I mean, seems like none of us are particularly jumping at the chance to strut our stuff here, in front of each other. Not to mention changing partners. We're not exactly used to that, and even though we've been living here with Harry and Greg for a few years and are damned good friends -- fucking together isn't something we've done, or want to do. So where does that leave us?" Tom shrugged. "Fucked, I think. Maybe we need some legal help. That is what you use in the twentieth century, isn't it? To defend yourself?"

"Twenty-first, now," Jack replied, "just." He sighed. "Yes, it is, but I can't really think of any case law that applies in this situation. You can't sue a creator for forcing fictional characters to do something. She is the creator."

"Not technically, Jack," Ed said. "But we won't go there." Everyone nodded in agreement. Taking on the creator was one thing, taking on the powers that be was something else entirely, and Ed was glad they were all on the same page with that, at least.

"Well," Chakotay said, "I've always believed in the power of group action. And since I'm still, no matter what the captain thinks, a rebellion leader and freedom fighter -- I say we try some subversive counterattack measures. If we all refuse, what is she going to do about it?"

"She could refuse to consider any of us again," Harry said with vehemence. "Sorry, Commander," he amended.

"No, Harry, you're right," Chakotay agreed. "However. Let's think about this for a minute."

Jack said, "She wanted us to fuck as a get well present for her friend. She wanted us to fuck so that she could judge the situation in its entirety and decide if her energies are being spent in the most productive way. Taking the first issue -- seems to me we could try to make her an offer. Find another get well present for Maxi."

Ed sighed. "But we don't know the woman."

Tom raised his hand. "We do, a little. I know one thing she'd like." Ed noticed that he was looking at everyone except his lover. "She'd like the captain to be dead."

Chakotay shook his head. "There's no way we're doing that, Tom. We've already talked about this...."

Greg exclaimed, "You what?! You've talked about killing Janeway? And you've left me out of the discussion?"

Harry had his hands over his ears. "I don't wanna hear this, I'm not listening, no, no, I'm not listening...."

"Greg, take his hands off of his ears," Chakotay said with a sigh. Greg complied. "Harry, we're not going to kill Captain Janeway, okay? We won't kill her. Because, frankly, I don't want to take over the job. I think I'd be better at it than she's been, but I'd never see Tom. So I'm not going to do it." The last sentence was directed pointedly at his lover. Tom rolled his eyes.

"You know," Ed said, suddenly remembering something, "I think I do know her. And I know something she might like." He found that he also didn't want to look at the man he loved. "I think she'd like Serena dead."

"Ed," Jack said sharply.

"Hey -- she would!" he retorted. "And I'd be more than happy to look the other way."

"Do you know for a fact that she would?" Jack continued.

"Well, not for a fact," Ed said, letting his disgust show. "But I think it would cheer her up anyway. I know it would me." Jack squeezed his hand in sympathy, and for Ed, that was enough.

It didn't solve their immediate problem, though, nor their long term one.

"We can't do it," Jack stated. "We're officers of the court." Ed didn't think that was what Jack really thought, but in front of strangers it sounded good.

"We're not getting anywhere," Tom said dejectedly.

"No, we're not," Chakotay agreed. "Our offer needs to be more realistic...."

"Realistic? What does that mean?" Tom asked him, his hands starting to flail. "There's no such thing here as realism -- hell, I would never have been asked to point this ship in your direction if you're talking realism. I mean, what the fuck was that, anyway? The captain takes me out of prison, to find you? She should have mmfph...." Chakotay had covered his mouth again.

"Tom. Focus." To everyone else, Chakotay said, "Sorry. He's a little wound up. It's been a while since we, you know...." He removed his hand.

"Hey, it's okay, we understand," Ed said gently. "I don't know how you're being so calm in the first place."

Greg shook his head and sighed. "He's the spiritual warrior. Has his vision quests and his animal guide to help him, and one hundred and forty crew members' problems to distract him."

Chakotay muttered something unintelligible.

"What?" Greg asked.

"I said, it doesn't distract me ENOUGH!" The man's face had gotten pale, for him, making his tattoo stand out even more.

"Okay, that's it!" Tom spat out. He looked up toward the ceiling. "I've had it! You are not going to put this man through any more torture, DO YOU HEAR ME? No more!! He's been through enough already! I am taking him to our cabin, ALONE, and we're going to bed, and not coming out for at least two shifts!! I don't care what you want, or who your favorites are, or anything!!"

The machine in the wall sounded, and another paper appeared. Tom stomped over and grabbed it, scanning it quickly.

"Well?!" Greg demanded.

"She says, 'Is that your offer?'" Tom crumpled up the paper and said loudly. "Yes! That's my offer." He looked at everyone else. "You guys with me?"

Ed leaned close to Jack. "I say we agree, Jack. Besides, we're in the middle of something with her, so no matter what happens, at least we'll have some time together. Before she, you know, puts us away." He could hardly say the words, remembering how empty his life had been before Jack had entered it.

"Yeah, Ed, I agree, too. No matter what happens, we've at least got that." Jack smiled a slightly sad smile. Ed leaned closer and kissed him slowly, knowing that he would miss this with a passion. He broke the kiss; Jack turned to their companions and said, "We're with you."

Greg had his arm closely around Harry's shoulder and was nuzzling his neck. Harry said firmly, "We're with you, Tom."

Tom looked at Chakotay. "It was my idea in the first place, Tom, so of course I agree." Chakotay smiled, and Tom wrapped his arms around him tightly, murmuring something into his ear. Chakotay's smile broadened, and Tom pulled away.

"Yes, Ma'am, that's our offer," he said to the ceiling.

The machine went off again, and more paper appeared. Tom was there in two strides. Ed's heart was beginning to thud in his chest as he waited for the verdict. Tom smiled.

"Dear Boys," he read. "It's heartening to see that the qualities you possess, that I found so intriguing in the first place, haven't changed. Both your individual qualities, and those of each pairing. Loyalty, fidelity, dignity, protectiveness, and most of all, the ability to love and to take risks for that love. I don't own you. You are your own men, and answer only to yourselves, and to each other. I have no favorites. There is no need to wait for me -- ever. Best wishes, Cassatt."

"But what about Maxi?" Tom asked. His question was answered by another paper appearing. He read, "Don't worry about Maxi, I'm sure she'll enjoy it all."

"What the hell does that mean?" Greg asked.

"I don't know, and even though I hope the woman is okay, I don't really care what She meant," Harry said, taking his hand and moving toward the sliding doors. "Come on."

Greg stopped their progress, turning around. "Hey," he said to Ed and Jack, "No hard feelings? Sorry I lost it back there. I, um, take it back. Hot -- yes," he finished with a grin.

Ed grinned, too. "No hard feelings, man."

"Maybe we can get together for a beer sometime? I'd love to hear some real cop stories."

Ed had no idea how that would happen. "Sure," he answered anyway, "that'd be great."

"Yeah," Greg said. He turned toward Harry, and hefted the smaller man over his shoulder, with Harry turning red, but looking decidedly swoony. "Love doing this," Greg said with a laugh. Harry waved, the doors opened, and they left.

Jack nudged him. "I think we could probably leave and not be missed," he whispered. Ed turned his attention to Tom and the commander, who were locked in an embrace and kissing so intensely, they looked like they were sucking each other's tonsils out. Ed could see why the creator had gone for these two, with no problem. The sight was making him a little heated, himself, and he could sense Jack's breath quickening.

"But how do we get back home?" He tried to sound normal, but knew he wasn't fooling his lover.

The other two in the room broke apart, breathing heavily. Chakotay turned to them. "Sorry. We're going to leave now, but I did want to say that it was very interesting meeting the two of you, and I hope you've enjoyed your stay on the USS Voyager."

Tom rolled his eyes. "Ever the ship's diplomat, my man is. That'll all change ten minutes from now, believe me," he said with a wicked grin. "But hey -- I agree -- it was great meeting you. Good luck living in the twenty-first century. Drop us a line?" To Chakotay he said, "Site-to-site, please, Chak?"

"You got it, love," Chakotay murmured.

"It was nice to meet you, too," Jack said more loudly than necessary. He coughed.

Ed grinned. "Yeah, very nice. See ya around...."

The two men nodded, and then the commander touched a silver badge on his chest. "Computer, site-to-site transport to my quarters."

"Acknowledged," said a woman's voice from above their heads, startling Ed. He had to admit, a minute later, that a talking computer had been nothing compared to what he'd seen in person. Men turning to sparkles and disappearing.

"Way cooler than on the old show, Jack, don't you think?" he said in awe.

"Yes," Jack said in a deep voice, "way cooler." He grabbed the back of Ed's neck and kissed him hotly, thrusting his tongue past Ed's lips in a show of pure, unadulterated lust. It made Ed's toes curl. He pulled their bodies together and moaned down Jack's throat.


Next to the bed in the Ayala-Kim quarters was a pile consisting of two black and gold uniforms, two pairs of black boots, two pairs of black socks, two gray tunics, and one pair of Starfleet regulation white briefs. The commbadges were still attached to the respective jackets, thus buried somewhere on the bottom.

A naked and aroused Greg loomed over Harry, who was supine on the bed, grinning, and equally aroused. Greg grabbed the waistband of Harry's briefs, slipped them over the erection, then yanked them down and off rapidly. They landed near, but not on the pile. Neither man cared.

"Do it, Greg," Harry said, "do it."

Greg growled and lunged onto him, latching his mouth firmly onto Harry's, while Harry's arms and legs wrapped around him as quickly as possible. They moved together, thrusting, sweating, leaking, until Harry lifted his legs and Greg slid in, and home. They became a writhing mass of joined flesh, and heat, and lust, and love. They were happy.


Tom and Chakotay had no intention of doing anything more, right then, except climax together, soon, without moving from where they were, and then doing it all again with more deliberation. Their stomachs were sweat slicked, and fluid slicked, and where their erections slid together, there were intense jolts of pleasure landing on their skin. Their kisses were hungry, and earthy, and tasted of each other. It had been too long to wait. They couldn't. They thrust, and moaned, and felt it happening, coming on quickly. Groans. Names called. Coming, and coming. Then floating, and collapsing, for now. Words of love, and devotion. They were happy.


Ed and Jack pulled back to breathe, from the kiss they'd started in the Delta Quadrant, and found themselves in the abandoned building on east eighty-fourth street that they'd entered earlier. An hour before? A half-hour? A minute? They weren't sure. Ed walked Jack backwards a few steps until the other man's back was against the faded wallpaper of the entrance hall. They grinned at each other. Ed pressed himself gently, full length, to Jack, his palms on the wall to steady him.

"Any time we want, Jack," Ed murmured. He thrust his hips.

"Yeah." Jack's voice was husky with desire. "No matter what anyone thinks."

"Yeah. Anyone." Ed kissed him deeply, passionately, tasting everything they were together, and reveling in it. He pulled away enough to speak. "About the tattoo...."

The noise Jack made was somewhere between a snort, a laugh, and a growl. "No."

"Aw, come on," Ed crooned in his ear, licking it once for good measure. "You'd look so hot."

Jack did laugh this time, a soft laugh, accompanied by a thrust of his hips into Ed's. Ed stifled a moan. "I heard I was hot already." He bit Ed's neck.

"God, do that again," Ed said, letting the moan out, moving against him. Jack complied, and Ed's body responded with a wave of heat. "Okay, how bout on your back, or on your ass," he amended the request.

Jack grinned, then took his mouth, just took it, thrusting in his tongue again and branding Ed as his. Ed got it again. He'd do the same to Jack as soon as they stopped this one, this heady, knee buckling, possessive, protective kiss. And tonight they'd fuck themselves into oblivion. No one could tell them to do otherwise. Not even her. They were happy.



Email me with feedback: cassatt2222@earthlink.net