
by S

This story is a sequel to "Wedding Day at Lancer."

Fandom: Lancer

Rating: PG


by S

The slender blond-haired figure stood looking down at the grave of the man he had once called brother. It had been two years and seven months since the grief-stricken man had ridden away from the Traveler's Rest Cemetery. For much of that time Scott Lancer's pain had prevented him
from visiting Johnny's grave, but at this point in time the older Lancer son had felt the need to return once more. Making the long trip had given him plenty of time to remember the two happy years that he and his dark-haired brother had shared before the horrifying day when Johnny had been brutally shot down in cold blood by an old enemy.

Not a day had passed since then that Scott hadn't regretted the fact that he had not been present to guard Johnny's back. When the news had reached Lancer, the blond young man had been struck with a terrifying numbness that had carried him through the sad trip to Morro Coyo, the funeral and burial.

As soon as that somber event had ended, Scott Preston Lancer had fled the confines of the great ranch. In some ways, he felt guilty because he should have stayed to help Murdoch and Teresa through their grief, but deep down Scott had felt that his own overwhelming anguish would be
more of a liability, and so he had ridden out.

He had tried to keep in contact by writing to Teresa a few times. It was through her responses that he had learned of Murdoch's wedding, the birth of his half-brother and Teresa's own engagement. He had considered attending her wedding, but circumstances had prevented it. Now, he had come back to be with Johnny one more time.

Reaching down, the blond placed a small bouquet of carefully-preserved bluebonnets on the grave. The first time he had seen great fields of the flower, blowing in the wind, they had reminded him of Johnny's eyes. On top of the headstone, he placed a small brass plaque with only four words on it. Then he mounted his horse, rode into Morro Coyo where he dropped off a letter at the miniscule post office and headed south.

Teresa O'Brien Henderson looked up as her husband of seven months entered the room after his return from a week-long trip to Sacramento. It had been their first separation since their wedding day.

After giving his brown-haired wife a kiss, Stephen Henderson reached out to touch her wet cheekbones. "Darling, what's the matter? You've been crying!"

"Constance had her baby yesterday. Her name is Elizabeth Teresa."

"Well, that's wonderful news. Why are you crying? Is something the matter with the baby or Constance?"

"No, they're fine. Jelly brought me the news. Would it be all right with you if I went to stay at Lancer for a few days to help out?"

"Of course you should go. I'll go too. I'm sure Murdoch could use some support and it will be fun to play with Andy."

Teresa grinned. "Jelly said he's always getting into mischief, but I do miss him. I miss them all."

"Teresa, you know you can go visit Lancer anytime you like."

"I know, Stephen. I don't get homesick so much anymore, but a letter arrived today."

"A letter? From your mother?"

"No, from Scott."

"I see. What did he have to say? Is he returning to Lancer?"

"It doesn't sound like it. Here I'll read it to you."

Taking the letter from the envelope, Teresa began to read:

"Dear Teresa,
I hope you and Stephen are well and that you are enjoying your life together. I hope you liked the presents I sent and understand why I couldn't be there to wish you joy.

I would appreciate it if you would give Murdoch a message for me.

Perhaps, I should write to him directly, but you always did know how to handle him better than anyone.

Please let him know that the man who shot down Johnny is dead. It took a long time for justice to prevail, but I'd like to think that Johnny can now rest in peace.

I don't think I told you, but my grandfather died about a year ago.

I did go back to Boston for his funeral. By the terms of his will, I am now a very wealthy man so I have set up a trust fund for you and any children you might have. I know that Stephen will take care of his family, but please look upon this as a loving gift from me to you.

I have also set up trust funds for Andrew and the new baby from their brother. I promise you that one day I will meet them. It's just that right now, I cannot do it. Forgive me for my cowardice.

If you ever need to reach me for any reason, you can contact me through Jefferson Winters, my attorney in Boston.

For the next few years, I plan to use some of the money I inherited to help some fine people in a small town near the border. Evidently Johnny and his mother spent some time there because the parish priest remembers them even though it was many years ago. Teresa, these people have so little and I'd like to think that Johnny would want me to help them.

Love, Scott"

Teresa looked up into her husband's hazel eyes. "I hope he finds some peace for himself in that town."

"So do I, Darling."

"Stephen, if...if we ever have a son, could I be the one to choose his middle name?"

"Well, I guess so unless you want it to be Heathcliff."

"No, Stephen Heathcliff Henderson, I don't intend to pick that one."

"I don't suppose you do." Breaking into a charming smile, the young man added, "Don't worry. I think Scott is a fine middle name."

"Good. Now, would you mind having dinner early so we can get some sleep? I'd like to leave for Lancer fairly early in the morning."

After giving his wife a passionate kiss, the rancher whispered, "I'd rather skip dinner. A week without my wife is too long."

Teresa blushed, but wilingly followed her husband to the bedroom.

Early the next morning, Murdoch Lancer rode out to the Traveler's Rest Cemetery for the first time in several weeks. This would be a particularly happy visit as he wanted to tell his son about the new baby.

Climbing down from his horse, he spotted the now-wilted bluebonnets and caught the gleam of the brass plaque in the sunlight. Picking up the small metal piece, he read the four words: "Mi hermano para siempre."