Fandom: LA Heat

Pairing: Richardson/MacDonald

Rated: Pg-13

Title: Just Another Night part 2

Sequal to: One Night Out

Archive: Sure, just tell me where.

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Warning: Not beta'd. Hit delete now if that bugs you. All mistakes are mine, sorry about that.


Just Another Night Part 2
By Reets

Chase knocked hard on the door of Richardson's apartment. He was determined to get the answers he needed, but no one answered the door. He sighed and headed out toward his car. He'd slept most of the day and wasn't in the mood to go back to bed alone. No shift until Monday meant he had more than two full days of. "Boredom." He said sinking down into his latest car, a very nice Porsche. He thought about the club scene and his stomach turned. But if Harvey was out clubbing, he'd probably turn up at one of the local clubs they had went to the other night. He arrived at the Grundy a little time later. A valet took his keys and whisked off in his car. He was left with a thick line of people. He worked his way toward the front and nodded at the doorman. He smiled and waved him up.

"You're late, Harvey's already here."

"Yeah, I know. Couldn't find a thing to wear." Chase headed inside. So, Harvey was here and having a good time without him. Sheesh, when did Harvey's personal life become his own he wondered. But was pulled onto the dance floor immediately by a short redhead with way too much make up for a guy. "Whoa, I haven't even had a drink."

"What would you like? I'll buy."

"Well, uhh, beer."

"Great, be right back."

Chase pushed the guy away as he attempted to kiss him. "Not on the first date." The guy disappeared and left him alone in the middle of seventy pulsing, throbbing, and jumping people. The music beat was not that bad and he even starting swaying with the music and mayhem. That was until someone bumped into him, when he turned he met Richardson's eyes. "Oh man, hi."

Richardson mumbled an apology and headed in the other direction. This was not the way he wanted to see Chase. Several people wanting to dance stopped him, but he kept up his pace and got through the crowd and off the dance floor. After his escape, he watched Chase trying to follow him, but the crowd kept closing in around him. For a detective he sure wasn't quick. He laughed for a bit, then Chase finally pushed through the crowd. He was a level up now and watched the events unfold. The redhead had returned with Chase's drink and words were exchanged. The redhead in turn tossed the beer into Chase's face and hit him in the stomach. That was enough, Richardson was down there in the next instant and had the redhead by the neck. The little man was spouting obscenities and yelling about calling the police when Richardson flashed his badge. This calmed him down right away. "You want to tell me why you're hitting on my partner?"

Chase's face froze, but he went along with Richardson to get the hell out of the place. "I didn't know Harv, honest."

"You didn't know, so you buy him a drink and then make him wear it. What kind of logic is that?"

"He told me to go away, even after I bought the drink."

Harvey looked over at Chase then nodded for the redhead to step close. He whispered something in his ear and the red head nodded and grinned. "Sorry man, you do have your hands full." They shook hands and parted.

"What did you say to him?" Chase followed Harvey out the side entrance toward the parking lot. "You gonna tell me or what?"

"You really want to know?"

"Sure, I do."

"I told him that you were holding out on me, but when I tried to get some action you pulled stunts like this."

"He bought that?"

"Hell, why wouldn't he? You're so uptight, I bet I could play a tune on those tendons in your neck."


"Yeah, Chase."

"Why did you take off this morning?"

"Because Chase, if I had stayed. It would ruin our friendship, at least what we have of one."

"That's crap." Harvey got in his car and shut the door. "And you know it."

"Maybe it's just the fact that I'm tired of whining over something I'm not gonna get."

"How do you know, you haven't even tried."

"What are you saying, Chase?"

"I don't know." Chase knelt down beside the car. "I'm going crazy. I'm just so lonely."

"So that's it, you're just attracted to me because you're lonely. Nothing more."

"I don't know, maybe."

"Maybe's good enough, come on, we'll head to my place." Chase stood up, but made no moves to get in the car. Harvey started the engine. "Last offer, Chase."

"Meet me at my place, please."

"Maybe." Harvey took off, leaving Chase standing there.

Chase knew that Harvey would probably not show up, so he took his time heading home. After all, he had nothing else to do. No one else to call, talk to, or go out with. The night looked to be a very long one. He picked up a bottle of tequila and headed home. Three drinks later he still stood starring out over the sea, alone. His senses were beginning to dull as his heart ached at his lonely state. Usually when the nightmares came or the waking fears haunted him, Jody would be there, holding him, caressing him. He tried to hold back the tears, but the tears turned to anger and he slung his glass as far out toward the ocean as he could and held onto the railing. Strong hands came around his waist and he froze. He wasn't sure if he should draw his gun. In his state of mind, he didn't care if someone killed him. He glanced back to see Harvey's dark eyes watching him and he relaxed into the embrace. The two stood there for a long moment, just holding and being held.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" Chase rubbed his temple against a stubbled jaw as he turned.

"For making you crazy."

"I'm not crazy, a bit confused maybe. This feels.different, but not bad."

"It's late, you should try to get some sleep."

"Will you stay?"

"To sleep?"

"Yeah and whatever."

"Chase." He was surprised when the blonde leaned forward and kissed him. Not an earth shattering kind of kiss, but a sweet, gentle, pleading kind of kiss that made Richardson moan.


"Yeah, I'll stay." He smiled as the sadness darted out of Chase's eyes for just a moment. He wiped the stray blonde hair away from his eyes and kissed his forehead. "Come on."


Chase was still awake, two hours after getting undressed and climbing into bed beside Harvey. They had kissed, but that was it. He was too scared to try anything else. So Richardson had held him and gone to sleep. The ocean crashed outside and he jumped at the sound of thunder in the distance. He slipped from the bed and stared at the dark waves as they turned to white foam along the shore. The lightning on the horizon made his heart sink a bit. He'd never liked storms. The earthquakes, okay, he'd dealt with that. But a good thunderstorm on the beach, in a house full of large windows, that scared him.

Richardson lay there and watched as Chase's body reacted to the coming storm. The younger man seemed flightily and aloof most of the time, but he knew now their was a deeper, darker side to the blonde. One side that not many people got to see. He pulled back the sheet and slipped out of bed. He risked a hand on chase's hip and he jumped. "Just me."

"Hey, couldn't sleep."

"I can see that." The lightning crashed again and Chase pushed back against him. He nipped at the firm muscles of his neck and reached around his waist to his groin. Chase moaned but didn't try to get away, so he continued. With both hands he caressed the growing bulge until the man before him was panting. He slipped the boxers down to Chase's thighs. The sight of that beautiful cock jutting straight up made him want to taste it again, but he held back. One hand cupped the heavy balls, while the other started a rough rhythm. Chase was moaning, mumbling, and pressed very tight against his body. It took a moment, but he maneuvered himself so that he could lose his own underwear and pressed his own arousal between the tanned cheeks of his soon to be lover. "Oh God, Chase. You're so hot."

"Harvey, I can't." Chase pulled away and turned around. He looked down at the hard cock that had rubbed over his opening. "I can't do that."


"Sex, that way. I can't."

"I never said you had to, Chase. Calm down." He stepped forward, but Chase stepped back. "Oh man, come on. So, that's how it is, as long as I'm dressed and sucking your cock, it's okay. I want to feel something and it's bam, get out." He pulled up his shorts and found his jeans.

"Wait!" Chase followed him out of the room. "Don't go, damn it."

"Listen, you're a great guy and with time I.I think I could fall in love with you. But you're really not ready for anything at this point, not even a friend." Chase just stood there and stared. "I wasn't going to ask you to do anything Chase. Just think how selfish it would be for you to get off and Jody not to. You wouldn't do that to her, now would you?"

"No, guess not."

"What's the diff?"

"None, I'm sorry Harvey. Please stay."

"No, no I've overstayed my welcome all together. Fucked up my life and yours." Harvey looked at the ground. "Take care of yourself, Chase."


Two weeks passed and Harvey still hung with the night crew. Occasionally their paths would cross and Chase would get a smile, but nothing more. August had invited him over for a few drinks one night and a barbecue, so he had went, ate and drank a little too much. Kendra said her good nights and headed for bed. Chase and August sat on the roof and watched the stars. The silence hung for a bit before Chase shifted in his chair and sat up. "August, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, partner, something bothering you?"

Chase met August's eyes and grinned. "Yeah, for a few weeks now."

"Talk about it, it'll make you feel better."

"Have you ever had, an encounter with someone that left you wanting more, but still totally confused?"

"Encounter? What kind of encounter?"


"You're confused about sex? First you're not getting any and now you're confused. Jody hasn't been gone that long, Chase."

"When I was in highschool. There was this guy; his name was Steve. Steve use to help me with my homework and we use to kick around on the football field. My parents were away one weekend, so I stayed with Steve, I really didn't think anything about it. But he had planned this whole romantic weekend thing and it freaked me out. I mean, I wasn't like that, no way. I only liked girls."

"I can see you freaking. What happened?"

"He got upset when I refused to even kiss him. I left and he never spoke to me again."

"What does that have to do with your current confusion? If I dare to ask."

Chase took the beer August offered and looked him in the eye. "I kissed a man a few weeks ago and it didn't freak me so much."

"You? Kissed a guy?" Chase nodded. "Well, welcome to the big world MacDonald. Do you think you're the first man to discover he has bisexual tendencies late in life? Not all homosexuals were homosexual, some actually had heterosexual relationships first, until they realized what they wanted."

"This doesn't freak you out?"

"What the thought of you and a guy?"


"Look, Chase, you're a good looking man and if I were inclined, maybe I'd ask you out. It doesn't surprise me that someone's been hitting on you, especially with your recent decline of female admirers." Chase made that pouty face and August laughed. "Listen, if you mention this to another living soul, I will kill you. Got it." Chase nodded and scooted closer. "In college, there was this guy and we use to." Chase's mouth fell open. "Just to keep each other sane, or so I use to tell myself. He had a good heart, but I couldn't commit to something like that. You think regular relationships are hard, try a gay one. Makes being a heterosexual seem like a piece of cake."

"So, you're saying if I had any questions, you could answer them."

"Some maybe, but we didn't get hot and heavy. Only lasted a few months."

"But you.did it.right?"

"Look Chase, ask the question, if I can.I'll answer it."

"Doesn't it hurt?"

"Hurt? Oh," August hid his face. "I don't know, I wasn't in that position."


"But look, if you're seriously considering this, get some info, buy a book, rent a video, something. Don't go in blind. And be safe, Chase, condoms save lives." **

The next day Chase brought reading material to work with him. While they were on the streets, he read aloud from the book. "The muscle extends farther than you think, squeeze them."



"Have you ever done anything like this?"


"Then why now?"

"August, did you ever think that my inability to commit to Jody was a hint that I'm missing something sexually."

"I thought you were just missing something mentally."

"Think about it. It's not the first time I've been approached and I really like." His voice trailed off.


"I can't say, but let's just say he's really nice."

"Really nice? What does that mean?"

"One William-13 see the man at the corner of Haddock and 3rd. Detective Richardson is on scene." Chase just stared at the radio and August just stared at him.

"You gonna answer that or what?"

"What? Or yeah."

He picked up the mic. "One William -13 , 10-4."

"You okay man?"


By the time they pulled up his heart was pounding in his chest. His hands shook as he closed the door and he knew he couldn't go on like this much longer. He followed August up to Richardson, but kind of stayed behind him. "Richardson, what cha got?"

"Black female, beaten. These two claimed to have seen the man, but I get two totally different descriptions. Not a lot of help there. Richardson looked up from his book to see Chase peeping from behind August. The older man only nodded and went back to talking to August. When it was finished, Chase just followed August like a puppy dog through the routine. Richardson chose to ignore Chase, as much as possible anyway. As it always went August and Chase were off to investigate the leads that he came up with, so he didn't have to worry about it for long.

Over the next few days Chase read his books, watched his videos and learned what he could about gay sex. On Friday night, he knew that Richardson would be off and probably home, so he headed to his apartment to confront him at last.


To be c'd.