Title: Shades

by Lady Q

1) DISCLAIMER: Still poor, still don't own anything and My Muse has finally come back. Can we say Party :)

2) ARCHIVE: Yes Please

3) WARNINGS: Never eat Chocolate Ice Cream before going to bed. It will give you some strange dreams :) Also as a side warning: Newbie writer in this fandom. Can we say scary ;)

3b) Fandom:KFTLC

4) TYPE: You know one of these days I am going to have to get me a bumper sticker that says "Slash BABY!!

5) RATING: G, but don't worry if my Beta and my muse have there way we will get to good old NC 17 soon :)

6) PAIRING: Kermit and Peter sitting in a tree

7) STATUS: complete

8) Notes: Thanks as always goes out to Solace the best beta in the world :) *HUGS*. Once again I will warn you that I am new to this fandom and so I hope that you like my first P/K slash story :)


By Lady Q

Kermit laid in their bed as he held his naked lover in his arms, remembering an old English proverb.

"The eyes are the window to the soul," he whispered softly against his lover's shoulder.

'They're right, you know,' he thought as he remembered a time long ago when he first started wearing his now trademark shades.

'For the eyes are the window to the soul. One day, long ago, I looked into a mirror and I saw my broken soul and cried for the first and last time.

'It was then that I started wearing sunglasses.

'To hide my broken soul. To hide myself and what I had become.

'When Paul came and asked me to come work with him, I looked upon him like he was my redemption. It truly was the last chance to redeem my soul.

'I had no idea how wrong I was.

'Seeing Paul again, and coming to work with him, was just a step on the path that led me to you.

'I think the first time I saw you, I knew you were meant for me.

'Even knowing that, I still fought against you, because I was afraid of what you would see. That the sight of my broken soul would frighten you away.

'But you fought right back. Not only against my walls, but the shades I used to protect you from my true feelings.

'You saw past those as well and saw the broken soul that I hide from everyone.

'I tried so hard to hide it from you, but you found a way to save my broken soul -- by telling me that you love me.

'Oh Peter, when you told me that, I felt all of my walls crumble, revealing to you my broken soul.

'And you simply smiled up at me, wrapped your arms around my battered old soul and said that you had seen my soul and loved me still, that you would always love me.

'Right then and there, I felt my world change because of your love.

'Peter, how I do love you. I love you so much that I have given up my shades.'

Kermit softly laughed as he held his sleeping lover in his arms.

'There's an old English proverb that says, "The eyes are the windows to the soul."'

'I believe this is true for I have stopped wearing my shades so that everyone can see how much I love you.

'For you, Peter, have become my heart, my life and my reborn soul, and I will love you forever.

The End