TITLE: Family Games

CHALLENGE: Use "Your hands ....." for the opening line.

FANDOM: Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford & Sean Connery)

Indiana Jones & Dad/Sean Connery


DISCLAIMER: The usual - I don't own them, not trying to make any profit, etc, etc.


FEEDBACK: Absolutely! And constructive criticism is much appreciated on or off-list goss6@sover.net

Note: My very first attempt at writing something about my favorite character during my teen years, Indiana Jones. I believe I saw Raiders of the Lost Ark when it hit the movies for the first time at least 20 times LOL and would have kept going but ran out of money!


Family Games
by Max

"Your hands, Dad," Indy warned, as his father's fingers touched him by mistake.

"Oh," he said abruptly, looking over the woman's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Son."

"Can't you go a little faster, Dad? I'm getting cramped like this."

"Patience, Junior," his father said in his tut tut voice that always grated on Indy's nerves.

The woman sighed. She was enjoying the feel of being pressed between both handsome virile men, but she also wished that the elder Dr. Jones would hurry and finish.

Indiana had never been so frustrated in his life to be in a position like this. Of all the people to be with, why did it have to be his DAD?

The elder Jones never let anything ruffle him outwardly. He would finish and then his son and the woman could go on without him. After all, his son was much younger and had the stamina to forge on with a smart beautiful and energetic young lady.

Just another minute was needed ........ "THERE!" he exclaimed proudly, as the woman smiled happily at him.

"About time," Indy grunted and pulled himself free of the rope that had been binding them all together on the bed. "At this rate, we'll never catch up to Brody. And when I see Sallah again, I'm going to bust his head for cheating. My team beats them every year fair and square. And what do I get? Tied up in bed with my father for my troubles."

"Oh, come on, Son," Dr. Jones chided, as he stood and smoothed out his nice suit. "Was it really that bad? It *IS* all for charity."

Before Indy could retort about just where Brody could stuff his charity, the woman spoke up, "I don't know about you two, but if this is how you archeologists play in America, I'm signing on right now for next year."
