Colonel Hogan's Secret

by the Jeanster

Hogan met someone in Berlin, but can't bring himself to tell anyone.

Fandom: A crossover slash fan fiction Hogan's Heroes/Desert Peach

Pairing: Hogan/Manfred Pfirsich Marie Rommel

DISCLAIMER is located at the bottom of this page.


Colonel Hogan's Secret

by the Jeanster

The men in the barracks of Stalag 13 were concerned about Colonel Hogan. He hadn’t seemed himself since he got back from his latest secret mission. In fact, he made it back barely in time before Sgt. Schultz knew for sure that Hogan was missing. The men did what they could to cover for him, but they couldn’t stall Schultz forever.

What they didn’t know was that Colonel Hogan was in love. He had fallen hard for someone he met in Berlin. It was love at first sight for him. Yet he knew nothing could come of it, as the new love of his life was a German. The most beautiful, blue-eyed golden-haired German he’d ever seen.

Oh, sure, he was attracted to both of Klink’s secretaries. First Helga, then Hilda. Both were lovely, sweet, intelligent and charming women. Hogan used his own good looks to charm them into doing whatever little favors he needed from them to complete his missions.

But this was different. Hogan had never before seen anyone so breathtakingly beautiful and so perfect.

He had no idea that his latest mission would require him to travel to Berlin where the famous German Field Marshall Erwin Rommel would meet with Hitler. What floored Hogan was the Field Marshall’s younger brother who accompanied him: Manfred Pfirsich Marie Rommel.

Hogan didn’t know Erwin had a younger brother, much less one so gorgeous. He could never tell anyone about these new feelings he was experiencing. Hogan had always been a self-confident, macho skirt-chaser. It scared Hogan to find himself suddenly strongly attracted to the Field Marshall’s younger brother. Hogan couldn’t help admiring the way Pfirsich moved and spoke. He’s a living work of art, he thought.

Hogan looked out the window. There was Klink walking by. Klink was carrying his riding crop, as usual. Hogan sighed deeply. Pfirsich carried a riding crop, he thought. Looked great on him. Oh, shit. I’ll never be able to look at a riding crop again without thinking about Pfirsich.

I need time to forget about him, he thought. Out of sight, out of mind. Eventually I’ll forget about him and move on with my life. But it won’t be easy. Damn. Why did I ever have to cross paths with him?


DISCLAIMER: I don't own Hogan's Heroes or The Desert Peach. This is a slash fanfic crossover for entertainment.