Title: Singular Pursuits

Author: T'Lin

Email address: LinkyS@aol.com

Fandom: Highlander

Pairing(s): Duncan/Joe, Joe/Adam aka Methos

Category: A
Challenge: 49) Voyeurism -- one partner observes the other either masturbating or having sex with another.
Your random phrase is: 34) Include this line: "I tend to do whatever the voices in my head tell me to do."

Warnings: none

Rating: R

Summary: Weeks after Methos' identity is revealed, Duncan is worried over Joe's reaction to his sudden disappearance, and visits him late at night at the club.

Singular Pursuits
by T'Lin -- 0309.02

Joe's bar was dark; last call having been several hours ago. Duncan knew, however, that it would not be deserted. Joe Dawson would still be inside, most likely drinking himself blind as he had done every night since Adam -- correction, Methos -- had left.

Methos ... a legend ... the oldest living man. Who would have ever guessed that he had been in their midst all this time. Not only in their midst, but actually living the life of a watcher. MacLeod had been stunned to learn that his old friend, Adam Peirson, was in reality the legendary Methos, but to Joe Dawson, the revelation must have been a complete shock. After all, Joe was not even aware that Adam was an immortal.

But circumstances being what they were, the truth came out ... and Methos disappeared. MacLeod knew it was pointless looking for him. After all, for Methos to have survived for 5000 years, he had probably become quite proficient at disappearing. The man they had come to know and love as Adam Peirson was gone ... who knew who he would become, or if he would ever be seen again, especially by someone as mortal as Joe Dawson.

Duncan was worried about Joe. He and Adam had been close ... very close; possibly even lovers, if Duncan had read the signs correctly. Duncan knew first hand what kind of lover Adam was, but not Joe, even though he found Joe quite attractive. There were some in the watchers who thought their friendship was a bit too close as it was. Getting romantically involved with Joe would just make things more complicated. But now, all the possible complications that had prevented Duncan from pursuing Joe had come to the fore ... even if he had Adam *weren't* lovers, but just friends.

Duncan had stopped by the bar a few times during business hours, only to be told to go away, for not only had Adam/Methos lied, so had Duncan. The long years of trust and friendship they had developed had been damaged, possibly irrevocably, with the suppression of one small truth -- that fellow watcher, Adam Peirson, was also an immortal.

Betrayal is betrayal ... and to Joe, both Duncan and Adam had betrayed his trust equally. It was time for Duncan to make amends.


Joe had given Duncan a key to the bar years ago, and never asked for it back. Duncan used it now. Even before he opened the door, he heard the music ... there was something about the blues that made Duncan's stomach flutter, especially when there was so much pain evident. Duncan opened the door; the room was dark, except for a single light at the bar, casting deep shadows on the lone figure playing guitar on the small stage.

Joe seemed to be lost in the music, as Duncan let the door close behind him, and stepped into the room. "Get out, MacLeod," he suddenly said, without looking up ... the bitterness in his voice made Duncan stop, but he did not retreat.

"Ah will no' go until ye talk to me," he said, the depth of his highlands burr showing his distress.

"We have nothing to talk about," Joe said, then stopped playing, and looked up, adding, "I thought we were friends, MacLeod, but friends don't lie to each other."

"Ah never lied to ye ... but Adam was also a friend," Duncan stepped forward, so that he could see Joe more clearly, adding, "Ah could no' betray his trust."

"But you could betray mine?" Joe put his guitar down, grabbed his cane, and stiffly walked to the bar where he poured himself a generous amount of whiskey and gulped it down. He then turned to Duncan, and said, "How could you let me get close to him, without telling me that he was an immortal? How could you?"

While Joe poured himself another drink, Duncan walked around to the back of the bar and got himself a glass. Much to his surprise, Joe filled it for him before putting the bottle down. Duncan took a sip, then said, "Joe, it was no' ma place te tell ye," he then reached out, and placed his hand atop of Joe's as he went on, "remember, he also lied to me."

"Yeah, about his name," Joe said bitterly, pulling his hand away and grabbing the bottle once again. "So what ... you guys change your names all the time ... but you *knew* he was immortal, and you knew he was lying to me about it," Joe poured himself another drink, as he fought back tears, adding, "it doesn't matter *who* he is ... don't you get it?"

"Yeah, Ah do," Duncan said as he came around the bar, and put his arm around Joe's shoulder. Joe was trembling, and Duncan was unsure if it was due to tears, anger, drunkenness or exhaustion -- he decided it was probably a combination of them all.

When Joe broke down, Duncan held him close, whispering soothing words until the worst of the tears had subsided. Joe was nearly asleep when Duncan half carried him to the back room, where he had a bed. "Will you be alright?" he asked, as he pulled back the covers.

"I don't want to be alone tonight, Duncan ... will you stay with me?" Joe asked, as he sat on the bed, still holding onto Duncan's hand as if it were a lifeline.

"Of course." There was no hesitation in Duncan's reply, for deep down, he had wanted this man for a very long time ... but part of him knew that it was still a bad idea. In any case, tonight would just be a night of comfort and support, nothing more.


Joe woke to the pleasant realization that he was not alone ... at first, he thought the warm, hard body spooned against his back belonged to his lover, Adam ... then reality sank in. Adam was gone. Last night, MacLeod had come to the bar, and he asked him to stay.

Duncan MacLeod -- immortal. Joe had been in love with the man from the moment he set eyes on him, but had kept his distance. Watchers aren't supposed to get personally involved with the immortals that they watch ... sleeping with one would be out of the question. So Joe had kept his hands off ... albeit with difficulty.

Then along came a fellow watcher, Adam Pierson ... drop-dead gorgeous, and available. They had started working closely, since Adam was watching Amanda ... and Amanda and Duncan were once again spending time together. Throughout history, they had been together on and off, sometimes for years at a time. It was only natural that their watchers would also spend a great deal of time together.

As Amanda and Duncan's lives intertwined, so did Joe and Adam's ... the months turned into years, and all the while, nobody thought to tell Joe that Adam was also immortal. And not just any immortal ... oh no, he was Methos, the oldest of them all.

Joe thought about that, as he lay in the circle of Duncan's arms. He still didn't understand why Adam had felt the need to hide his immortal condition from him, but he was no longer angry at Duncan for keeping that secret out of loyalty to his friend.

Thinking about Duncan, Joe rolled so that he was facing him ... his movement causing Duncan to stir slightly in his sleep. Joe ran his hand along Duncan's ribs, down to his hip, as he leaned forward and kissed him. Joe, as was typical in the morning, was semi-erect, and the feel of Duncan's body pressing against him caused a stirring deep in his loins.

Duncan's eyes were half closed, as he returned the kiss ... his free hand doing some exploration of its own. They were playfully groping one another when suddenly, Duncan sat up.

"What is it?" Joe asked in alarm.

"Someone is here ... an immortal." Duncan said, as he looked around the room, trying to determine where he left his sword, in case it was needed. Before he was able to get out of bed, however, the door opened.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Joe asked, belligerently.

"Forgive me, Joe. I tend to do whatever the voices in my head tell me to do. And they told me that I owed you an explanation." Adam stood in the doorway, staring at the scene before him. "I obviously should have called ahead of time."

"Yeah, I think you should have, your timing is pretty lousy." Joe replied, as he sat up in bed, with the covers over him. Normally, an interruption like this would have deflated his arousal, but that wasn't the case. He looked at MacLeod, who was also sitting with the covers over him ... in that brief eye contact, it was clear that what had started here this morning was not over yet, only postponed. "Let me get dressed, and you can give me that explanation," Joe said, as he gestured to the door.

Before Adam turned to leave, MacLeod got off the bed, apparently un-self-conscious about his aroused state. A look passed between them, and Joe suddenly realized that the explanations that would be forthcoming were not just for his benefit. Adam obviously hadn't expected to find Mac here, but he would have been looking him up in any case.

Later, he would have to compare notes with Mac ...

~the end~