Blind Love

By Queen Selene

Disclaimer: Unfortunately I don't own Highlander. Just Jason. Highlander belongs to someone who has a lot of money. This is just for fan to fan enjoyment. And to help sharpen my writing skills. That is my only payment.

I would love to thank my friend Wolfsbride for helping me. Wolf, you're the best!!!

I live for feedback. Please, no flames. I can get very emotional.

SUMMARY: Connor finally has a chance for true love. And he's not about to let him slip away!

Legend: ' stands for thought.

Rated PG-15 (slash overtones) Sorry guys, no sex. It isn't necessary to have the boys jump one another in order to be in love. Just emotional love. Sigh.

Blind Love
By Queen Selene

Jason wearily walked towards his apartment. He shifted his shoulders slightly to accommodate the added weight of his backpack. It had been a long day. Kanna had had an appointment at the veterinarian and it turned out she was pregnant. 'Finally too! She's seven years old. There's still more than enough time to train the puppies.'

He stopped at the intersection. He hated this part the most. All he needed was for one jackass to pull out and he was part of the pavement. Then he would come to in the middle of town and there would be trouble. He could see it now. A local news station showing up to do a report on a store being robbed and finding him. Immortals everywhere would loathe him. He shuddered, not wanting to think about it.

"Rowl?" Kanna nudged him and he went across the street. Soon, he would be home.

He came to the alley that he used as a shortcut to get to his apartment. A wave of Presence washed over him. 'Shit.'

He reached in his coat and pulled out his sword. A shot rang out. He could hear the sound of a soft body hitting the ground. A whimper reached his ears. "Kanna!"

He dropped his sword and moved towards the sound of her cries. Just as he reached for her a large hand gripped his arm.

"Well, well, well... What have we here?" The voice belonged to a man. By his tone, it was clear what was on his mind. "Aren't you a pretty one? I can make good use of you." He ran his hands over the boy's body. Now Jason really felt sick.

"Stop." Jason said in a shaky voice. He was terrified. He had met many monsters like him before. Men who wanted him just for sex. And it still haunted him.

A set of teeth nibbled on his ear. "Enjoying yourself yet?" The man's callused hands moved towards the boy's groin. Jason could feel his shirt being ripped off his body as an erection pushed against his spine. 'Why always me?'

Another Presence overcame them. A shadow blocked out the moon.

"Daniel Quinn... I am Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod." The Highlander held his katana in his trembling hands as he walked into the alley. He was prepared to kill this man. He was notorious for killing pre-Immortals. Just last week he had killed a young woman who never even knew that she was to be Immortal. And that simply could not go unpunished. He was looking to avenge her.

"Isn't that nice." Quinn sneered.

Kanna drew herself up. Her master was in trouble. She lunged at the man with all her strength and bit his leg. "Damn mutt!" He kicked the dog away and turned his concentration back to his victim.

Connor glanced at the dog lying prone on the cold ground. Then he looked at the boy. 'Shit, why doesn't he fight?' The Highlander knew he couldn't raise a finger. If he did, this boy would be history. Then it hit him.

The dog wore a strange looking harness instead of a leash. The boy was looking around, not really seeing him. He was blind! The dog was a Seeing Eye dog. It made sense now. The boy couldn't see his opponent to be able to fight him fairly.

Connor growled angrily. Leave it to this creep to use the boy's blindness to his advantage. 'I can't let him hurt that boy!' He lifted his sword and charged at him. He was going to walk away from here with a clear conscience if it cost him his arm.

"Hey! Why don't ya pick on someone your own size?"

"Very well." Quinn tossed the boy aside and started fighting. He may have been big, but Connor was angry. Soon, the Highlander severed Quinn's head.

He wasn't expecting it to be so powerful. Quinn had taken many heads; many of them very old and strong. He could see every sick thing that had been done by this man. Literally hundreds of men, women and children (mortal and Immortal) had been used as his sex toys. And that boy would have been next.

The Quickening lasted forever. At least it felt that way. Glass from shattered windows covered the ground and his body ached.

When he was able to stand he looked for the boy. He was curled into a tight ball shivering. He lay in a puddle of muddy water. It had started raining during the light show. The dog was lying beside him still bleeding from the gun wound.

"Hey. You okay?" He knelt by the boy and brushed his damp bangs off his forehead. A pair of beautiful silver eyes stared up towards him. "I'm Connor MacLeod."

Jason was bleeding as well, though it didn't look too bad. But still. 'I can't just leave him here. Home. I'll take him home.'

"J-Jason." A cough erupted from his throat and he collapsed against his chest. "Kanna, is she?" He coughed some more.

Connor couldn't do anything for Jason so he turned his attention to the dog. She gazed up at him with soulful eyes. She knew that her time had come. She would no longer be able to protect her master. The look she gave Connor spoke volumes. 'Care for him. He is so lonely.'

Jason felt tears well up in his eyes as he heard the pained whimpers cease. She was dead. And so were her puppies.

"I'm sorry." Connor rested a hand on his shoulder.

"Not your fault." Jason collapsed against the Highlander's chest, unconscious.

'Great. I didn't even find out where he lives.' He reached into the boy's coat pocket and searched for some I.D. If there was any, it had been lost during the struggle. "Well, Jason. Looks like you're coming home with me tonight."


After arriving at his house, Connor placed the boy on the couch. Jason was still out. He put a blanket over him and went into the kitchen. No sooner had he made some coffee had Jason awaken.

With a gasp, the boy came to. He jerked into a sitting position and flailed about. His shirt. It was gone. 'Quinn tore it off.' Wiping his face with his hands he sighed. "MacLeod?"

Smiling at the boy's apparent trust, Connor handed the boy a mug of coffee. He definitely looked better. There were deep circles under his eyes, but other than that he looked fine.

"So, feeling better?" He sat next to his guest. He was so glad that Jason couldn't see how messy his place was. After Brenda had left and he said his good-byes to Rachel a few years back he had returned to the life of a bachelor.

"Yeah. I should go." He started to reach for the cane in his backpack. He always kept it in reach when Kanna wasn't directly at his side or was incapacitated. Now she was gone. He fought his tears.

"Stay." 'Whoa! Why did I ask him to stay?' "It's late. You'll never get a cab at this hour."

The silver eyes seemed to be studying him. "Well, I suppose." 'Why did I say yes?'

"Great. The bed's big enough and more comfortable than the couch." He thought he saw a look of fear flicker on the boy's face. 'Good going. He was nearly raped and you act like you want to do him right this second.'

"Come on. You must be as exhausted as I am." He stood and led him to the bed, faking a loud yawn as he did so. Jason sat on one side and Connor on the other.

"Actually, I am. That Quickening somehow made its way to me." He bent over and removed his boots, feeling the man's eyes on him.

"Really?" Connor also removed his shoes. "That's odd. It probably had something to do with the fact that both of us were so close to it when it happened." He lay down and rubbed his face. "What were you doing out at this hour anyway?"

"My dog needed to go to the vet. Since I'm blind, I can't exactly drive. So I was walking home when I ran into that guy." Jason pulled back the covers and lay beneath them. He shivered slightly. It wasn't cold/

"You live near Virginia Terrace?"

"Yeah. I live about three blocks down." Jason yawned. "I'll go there first thing in the morning. Do you think you could take me?"

"Sure. Right after breakfast."

Connor turned onto his side and examined the boy's face. It was absolutely flawless. The skin was clear and smooth; it was no doubt soft to the touch. And how he longed to touch it. Definitely time to think about something else. "How long have you been blind?"

"My entire life I suppose." Jason sat up and adjusted his pillow. "It was hard my first few years as an Immortal. But my teacher taught me how to use my other senses to fight. It eventually got easier."

He lay back down. "It's not so bad, being blind. Now they have books for me to read, talking computers and Braille labels on food products in many stores."

Connor was only half listening. He was too busy wondering what Jason would look like from a very different angle. Say, from above? Or even below. 'Why the hell am I thinking about that?'

He sighed and tried to think of something else. But with this distraction right there what was he to do? Sure, he had been with men before. It was not always a positive experience. But then, it was the same with women. 'Maybe it's because I haven't been with anyone since Brenda.'

It still hurt that she had chosen another man simply because he was mortal. Not that he blamed her. The longer she was with him, the more danger she was in. The Kurgan had merely been the first. That monster had become insane after all the centuries and beheadings. He had done the world a favor by killing him.

But none of this explained this sudden thing for Jason, a boy he had just met and barely knew. 'Jason why do I feel that I need you?'

'Damn it. I haven't felt this way about anyone in a long time. Why do I suddenly want you?' Jason rolled onto his side and stared at what he assumed was the wall. At least he didn't have to look at that man's face and feel weird. Being blind had some advantages. Connor reached over and turned the light off. He needed to sleep. Surely what he was feeling was just due to the Quickening. Quinn had been prepared to rape the boy when he caught up to him. That was it. Just excess Quickening energy. Satisfied, he closed his eyes and went to sleep. Jason soon followed.

Morning came too soon for the Highlander. He sat up with a groan. The bed was empty save for him. Where had he gone? His question was answered immediately as the bathroom door opened. Jason wore a dark green bathrobe and looked like a delicate angel. His short hair was damp from the shower.

He could picture the boy in only a towel begging to be taken. 'Okay MacLeod Get those perverted images out of your head!' But he couldn't help smiling at the mere thought. Watching the boy towel dry his hair was really turning him on. 'Get a grip. He was nearly raped last night. There's no way that he would want you.'

"Hungry?" Time to be a dutiful host.

"Yeah. I have no idea where anything is or else I would have made us breakfast." His guest followed him to the kitchen and took a seat at the table. Connor opened the cabinets and pulled out some germade cereal mix. He set a pan of water on the stove to boil and then turned to the refrigerator. "You like milk?"

"Of course." Jason smiled at him. "Can I have a big glass?"

"Sure." He filled a tall glass with the white liquid and handed it to the boy. His fingers brushed against the boy's hand and they both felt the electricity. The boy pulled back nervously.

"Um I'm going to get dressed." He hurried into the bedroom, nearly running into the doorframe in his haste.

'Great. Now I freaked him out.'

Setting out the clothes he carried in his backpack (can't be too careful with Immortals running around. After all, if he got into a fight and had to go around town, it would help if his clothes weren't all bloody.), Jason quickly got dressed. 'I have got to calm down. He's just being nice. It's not like he's interested in me.'


With a squeak the boy replied, "Just a sec!" He zipped his jeans and rushed out. "I'm here." 'Duh!'

Breakfast was quick, too quick. After they were finished, Connor loaded the dishes into the dishwasher and grabbed his keys. Jason would be alone tonight. That thought made him remember those eyes.

"Do you want me to stay with you until she comes home?" Unable to bare the thought that he may never see Jason again, Connor's protective streak came out. Duncan had always said he was too soft. Always taking in strays. 'This is different.'

"Um That's okay. I've stayed home by myself before."

"Still. I don't think you should be alone." He rested his large hand on the slender shoulder. "How about it?"

Hesitating slightly, Jason gave in. "Okay. Let's go."

As Connor drove towards Jason's he couldn't help but smile. Until they got to the apartment building. It looked as if it were going to fall over; it was so old. 'He lives here? No way he's staying alone.' He reached out and helped Jason from the car. They took the stairs up to his floor.

Jason unlocked the door and moved in. He fell onto the couch and leaned back. "Sure you wanna stay?"

Closing the door behind him the Highlander sighed. "Yes. I'm not leaving."

He moved to sit next to him. Without thinking he raised his hand and gently stroked the pale neck. "You're beautiful."

A blush made its way up Jason's face. "Connor, I think" He tried to hide the fear.

"It's okay." Connor placed Jason's head on his shoulder. "I won't hurt you."

Feeling safe in Connor's arms, Jason closed his eyes and drifted to sleep. "Thank you," he murmured.

'No. Thank you.'

Connor reached over and turned off the light. They slept in each others arms.
