Starship Olympus

by Scorpio

This is sort of an experiment. I have seen far-out AU's in many fandoms that completely warp the context that you find the characters (especially The Sentinel), but I rarely see it in this one. goes nothing. Please let me know if this works or if it doesn't work.

DISCLAIMER: The characters are owned by Flat Earth Prod and Ren Pics, however, the universe and it's various creatures and technology are mine.

NOTES: Joxer speaks telepathically since he has no physical voice. His words are in {{double brackettes}} instead of the normal quotes.

NOTES II: The Olympian Gods are *not* gods in this story. They are mortals with amazing gifts and talents, that's all.


XO: Xena
SHIP'S NURSE: Gabrielle

Starship Olympus
by Scorpio

~*~ Prologue ~*~

In the dim mists of time when humanity first learned how to travel among the stars and they ventured forth off of the planet that had given birth to their race and began to populate the worlds that orbited their life-giving star, Solar; tragedy befell them.

With the ignorance and arrogance of children, humans were certain that they were the supreme beings in all the galaxy, more advanced than anything they had ever encountered. And as such, it was true. However, they had failed to consider that humanity had only explored a minuscule portion of the galaxy, let alone the universe, and as such they had no true knowledge of what lay beyond. They soon found out.

Unbeknownst to the excited and greedy children of Earth, a single Scout Ship which had ranged ahead of the Fleet Armada for the Titilaus Empire had spotted them settling the Twelfth Moon of Jupiter. The alien creatures forwarded this information to the Armada and the Armada forwarded it to the Council of Titans on the planet of Titilaus III, ancestral home of the supreme rulers of the galaxy. Orders came back swiftly; seize and enslave, capture all technology.

The war with the Titilaus Empire was savage and brief. It only took ten years for the aliens to subdue the entire Human Race. In a single decade, tens of thousands of years worth of culture and sophistication were lost. Millions were killed and billions more were cruelly enslaved. Most thought all hope was lost.

However, an ingenious scientist who many claim had gone mad with grief and revenge, barricaded his laboratory and began to work feverishly to create a salvation for humanity. His area of expertise was genetics and so be began to experiment on what human survivors and refuges that he could find. He altered them, changed them, modified them over and over again until, by chance, he hit upon the correct formula to create a Super Being. A human with extraordinary powers and abilities.

His new race of man were psychic. They could read minds and absorb the emotions of others and channel it as power to do other, even more amazing things. Such as generate fire, wind, water and earth. With time and practice, these beings could refine what they wrought into specific shapes and forms. Wind and water became a gentle rain fall or a torrential hurricane. Fire became blasts of energy or dancing sheets of electricity. Earth became any organic material ordered into any configuration desired.

Overjoyed with his creations, the mad scientist renamed himself Zeus and called his genetically manipulated children Olympians. Then he sent them forth to do battle with the aliens and to free and protect humanity.

In the end, their effort was too little that came too late. The best that the Olympians could do was to spirit the jagged remains of humanity away and scatter them among the stars to rebuild a new life outside the influence of the Titilaus Empire. Separated from their home worlds and each other, the individual groups of refugees struggled to survive in the harsh environs of the vast reaches of space. Many died in vain.

But others lived, and their children survived and their grandchild thrived and *thier* grandchildren flourished and over time the once refugees had become a force to be reckoned with in their sector of space. The Olympians protected the humans and eventually interbred with them to create a third race of man. Those who were half Human and half Olympian. And life went on.

Now, the people of Setters Fend have launched a long range War Ship into space, in the hope that they can find other colonies from Earth or even the slave camps of their long lost ancestors. Ever vigilant for sight of both friend and foe, they must watch out for the Titans; ancient enemies of their people, and for the deadly Space Pirate Jett and his crazed wife Callisto. Together, these brave souls form the crew of the Starship Olympus.

~*~ Uno ~*~

Captain's Log, D; 331/119 T; 1475.63

We have finally left the Bantas Star System and Setters Fend is now beyond sensor range. In two more weeks we will be beyond the range of the farthest Deep Space Station in our territory. That is, if we continue on the same course and speed. At that point, all of our jobs will become much more dangerous.

Uncharted space.

Well, technically, that's not true. We have a copy of the navigational charts of our ancestors from when they fled to Setters Fend, but their methods were beyond primitive and we can't trust their findings as anything beyond a rough map at best.

And of course, there is always the Space Pirates Jett and Callisto to consider. Their grandparents had been part of a terrorist group banished from Setters Fend years ago and they were both born and raised in the wilds of space. Who knows for certain just how far their range of exploration goes?

A part of me would love to get my hands on them so that I could download the data from their ship, but another part of me wishes and hopes that they stay far far away. For Joxer's sake. I don't know how he will really feel seeing his brother once again. Oh, I know that he *says* that he is okay with the situation, that he has had a long time to prepare for this. After all, he was twelve years old when his parents smuggled him onto Deep Space Alpha-Sigma and abandoned him outside of the Sick Bay to receive the life saving medical treatments that they couldn't give him. He understood the situation *then* and he understands it *now*. Still, I don't think understanding will make it any easier to see a brother on the other side of the field of battle, especially when it was only a whim of fate that separated you from him.

My other worries concern the crew. I wish that we had more time to learn to work together before we were given this assignment. I realize that we were chosen for our abilities and skills, however there are tensions between certain officers that have the potential to create problems. Not on the job, for they are *all* very professional. But during off-duty hours, I think.

Lieutenant Athena, my Ops Officer is a brilliant officer and an amazing scientist, but she seems to rub Lieutenant Eris, the Tactical Officer the wrong way entirely. I have a feeling that those two are going to create a lot of work for Ensign Aphrodite and Counselor Cupid.

Then there is Ensign Lila. She's an excellent officer and she keeps the Mess Hall running smoothly, but she samples the crew more than the food that comes from her kitchen. She's intensely popular with the enlisted personnel, but I am afraid that she will turn her sights on the officers as well. Particularly those officers that don't have mates onboard the ship. That could cause tension that I don't need right now.

Hopefully, after a few more days, everyone will settle down and fall into routine. We will be approaching Deep Space Gamma-Delta soon and I believe that will be a signal to all that the adventure is just beginning.

End Captain's Log.

~*~ Dos ~*~


Apollo flinched slightly at the high-pitched squeal of the chronometer and reached out with his half-awake mind to turn it off. Relaxing back into his pillows in relief, he became aware of the delightful sensation of being blanketed by the warm soft weight of his wives bodies. Plastered tightly to his left side was Gabrielle, her soft curves pressed against his flesh in arousing ways. On his right was Xena. The raven haired beauty was First Officer of the ship and was the undisputed head of their little household. Xena lay on her back, her limbs sprawled loosely and one arm was stretched out over Apollo's body, her hand holding his lax cock in her gentle grip. Her unconscious display of ownership was far more exciting than Gabrielle's naked body blatently blanketing his own. It was a personal kink of his, but it always had the ability to work him up.

And everyone always wondered why he never failed to start the day with a smile.

A quick glance at the chronometer let him know that none of them had to be on duty for at least an hour and a half. Idly, he wondered which of his beloved beauties he should wake first...or maybe perhaps he should wake them both at once?

~*~ Tres ~*~

Ensign Strife punched a few last notations in the ship's navigational log in regard to their course and the readings he had taken while he waited for his direct superior, Lieutenant Artemis to relieve him at the Conn. By his count, she was three minutes late for her duty shift, but he wasn't going to complain. Lieutenant Hercules had just now relieved Lieutenant Commander Eris at the Tactical Station and he had stated that Artemis was currently in a meeting with Ensign Iolaus.

Besides, he really didn't mind. He wanted a chance to ask the Counselor to eat with him in the Mess Hall today and Strife knew that Cupid didn't break for dinner for another twenty minutes. He had two reasons for this. One, he was fascinated with the man's wings. Genetic manipulation was a long honored tradition due to the fact that it was the very thing that had given birth to the Olympians, but...wings? He couldn't get over them, they were beautiful and erotic and they looked so soft.

He had been a bit shy around Cupid at first because he was such a strong empath, but Strife had decided to take a chance and get to know the real man behind the gorgeous blue eyes and pristine white wings. Of course, he could conduct *that* plan anywhere, but he had chosen the Mess Hall purposely. Because of reason number two.

Ensign Lila.

He *liked* the blonde haired officer that was the Ship's Nurse's sister. He did. Just...not the way that *she* wanted him to like her. In fact, he didn't like *any* woman that way. And Lila was trying to play with every available cock on the ship. He was hoping that Cupid could give him some advise about how to turn her down without causing a problem and maybe, if she saw them together, she'd back off a bit. Although, he doubted that would work. She'd most likely just want them both at once.

His daydreams and social concerns were brought to a halt when Lieutenant Artemis finally came onto the bridge.

"Captain. Commander."

Strife watched as she nodded to Ares and Xena sitting in the Command Chairs.

"Lieutenant. How are the Fold Inverters coming along? Did Ensign Iolaus give you a time table?"

Artemis grinned and nodded her head at Captain Ares.

"Yes, Sir. Ensign Iolaus expects the Inverters to able to go online in four hours. He is just running diagnostics and tests right now to check for any misalignment of the Power Cubes and for any routing problems with the Coupling Grid. Lieutenant Hepheastus has assigned him some engineering personnel to test the Energy Conversion Containment Field and the Inertial Buffers, as well. We should be ready for a field test of the entire Fold Inverter system once we've passed Space Station Gamma-Delta's gravity sink."

Ares nodded.

"Very good."

Then he turned to the Ops Officer.

"Lieutenant Athena. I want you to review all of Ensign Iolaus' reports and coordinate his efforts with the bridge as well. I want both Ops and the Conn to be able to monitor the Spatial Fold simultaneously."

"Aye Captain."

Then Artemis was ready to take over the Conn. With a soft sigh of regret, Strife slid out of the pilot's chair. He really *did* love to fly. He had been piloting crafts since he was big enough to reach the controls and this ship was the best in the entire fleet. He hated to give up control of her to another pilot, even Lieutenant Artemis.

He quickly logged off of duty and walked to the bridge doors to head off and find the Ship's Counselor. Along the way, an odd thought struck him. Could it be his innate love of flying which drew him to the winged man? That Cupid could do with his body the same thing that he himself could do with a ship? Fly?

~*~ Cuatro ~*~

Ensign Joxer carefully and slowly made his way into the ship's Fitness and Health Center. On a ship this size, there was not enough room for a separate gym for officer's and enlisted crewmen, so that was how he found Lieutenant Commander Eris; the third in line for command of the ship, practicing hand to hand combat against three crewmen and one Ensign. Carefully, he leaned his weight against a bulkhead and just watched the sparring session.

Personally, he liked Eris. She wasn't as sanctimonious and self-righteous as her assistant and second, Lieutenant Hercules. The Chief of Security was a good man, but he was uncomfortable around Joxer and it showed. Eris, on the other hand, didn't treat him any differently than any other Officer on the ship, despite his physical limitations. Besides, she reminded him a lot of his beloved husband, Ares. All sleek lines and deadly grace. A consummate warrior to the bone.

He watched for long moments as one by one, she defeated her opponents, knocking them from the ring. Her movements were economical and fluid and Joxer could see that the men facing her didn't stand a chance. Finally, when the last one fell, she helped them back to their feet and began a short lecture and demonstration on what she did, how she did it and what they could have done to counter her moves. Joxer grinned. Yes, she was very much like his sweet Ares.

Pulling his attention away from her, he concentrated on removing his outer uniform without loosing his balance. Once stripped away, it revealed the leg and back braces that he wore underneigth. Under the braces he had on a skin tight, form fitting body glove that highlighted the strength of his arms and shoulders even as it highlighted the weak and deformed muscles of his legs and hips. It took him a long while to get ready for his workout routine, but then again, it always did.

But by then, Eris was done with the crewmen and had wandered over to his side.

"Good evening Ensign. Here for your daily workout I see."

He smiled up at her and nodded.

{{Yes, Commander. I try to get here as often as I can. It's not *fun*, but if I don't, I pay for it later.}}

She reached out a hand to help him up off of the bench that he had been sitting on and walked over with him to the first of the machines he always used.

"What do you mean, you'll pay for it later?"

Joxer shrugged and blushed slightly.

{{If I don't keep up with my excersizes then my muscles stiffen up and I lose what little strength and mobility that I have. I know that someday I'll end up confined to a hover-chair, but I want to push that day off for as long as I can.}}

Eris smiled and nodded.

"Makes perfect sense to me. Come'on, I'll workout with you today."

{{Okay. That sounds good. Thanks.}}

The Lieutenant Commander climbed onto an identical machine right next to the one Joxer was using and set the wieght and resistance levels at four times higher than his was at. Then, grinning over at him, she began to count out the reps that they both followed. Joxer just grimaced and tried to keep up as best as he could.