Title Splash

Author Kelli / Nessa5

Email nessa@mindless.com

Fandom zena/hurc

Pairing NA

Rating G

Notes: A drabble for the 15 minute challenge

Your word for the 15 minute is "unconditional love" Words to be included: games, touch, drenched, blast, tush

Disclaimer: not my characters

by Kelli / Nessa5

Mjau loved these games; waiting for the toe to peak out of the water, I’ll touch it this time he thought as he perched on the side of the tub, his little tush wiggling in anticipation. There it is!


Strife plucked the drenched and sputtering black kitten out of his bath. “Blast it Mjau, I love you no matter what, but this is the third time this week you’ve fallen in the tub. I’m thinking you’re a little slow in the head.”

Mjau just look at him, I’ll get that toe next time he thought to himself.