Title: Love In A bottle

Author: Sweetcheecks

e-mail: Sweetcheecks@myworldmail.com

Rated: PG13 (so far)

Archive: WWOMB

Fandom: Hercules the legendary journeys

Pairing: Hercules/Iolaus

Summuary: Iolaus buys a love potion.

Disclaimer: They belong to the Greeks. I am just borrowing them for a quick fling.

By Sweetcheeks

Iolaus wandered around the town, inspecting the various stalls he came across. He loved these festivals. It was at these events that he and Herc finally would get a chance to unwind and let their hair down without worrying about bad guys trying to jump them at every opportunity. Iolaus sighed happily, feeling relaxed for the first time in ages. His attention was drawn to a small stall, partially hidden away in the shadows and slightly away from the others. His curiousity getting the better of him, he strolled over to it. It’s owner looked up expectently at the approaching stranger, his smile widening as he took in Iolaus’ appearence.

‘An easy mark, no doubt.’ “Welcome kind sir! What can I do for you on this glorious day?” the man beamed.

“Ah, just looking. What have you got here?” Iolaus asked, eying some of the the stalls content.

“Everything you could wish for. I have jewelry fit for a king…” he stopped a moment taking in Iolaus’ amused expression at his claime. “Ah well, at least fit for a noble warrior such as yourself. I have delicate silks, the best perfume in all of Greece, fine wine, scrolls…dozens of scrolls dedicated to the God of your choosing, va…”

“What’s this?” Iolaus held out a small, amber coloured bottle that he had dug out from under a layer of scarfs.

The merchent snatched it out of his hand before he could blink.

“Oh that, that’s nothing, nothing for you. Now, how bout a nice pendant for one of your lady friends?” he wiggled his brows meaningly trying to get his point across.

Iolaus snatched the bottle back. “No, I’m interested in this. What is it, oil?” He tried to remove the cap, but the mercheant stopped him.

“Sir, please! You might spill some.” He took the bottle back from Iolaus, craddling it in his palms like a precious cargo. “This is very special, very old. It’s not for everyone and deserves to be treated with respect.” Now that got Iolaus’ attention. He leaned in a little closer to the other man, lowering his voice a little.

“Very special, huh? What is it?” The mercheant eyed him spectativly for a moment, looked around him to see if anyone was near and leaned even closer to Iolaus. Taking one last look around, he whispered in his ear: “It’s a love potion.”

“It’s a what?!” Iolaus exclaimed, drawing back in surprise.

“Sshhh, do you want everyone to know?” the mercheant sighed, waving Iolaus closer again. He looked around nervously and whispered, “I don’t want a raid on my stall. Do you know what would happen if people find out about this?” Iolaus shook his head. “I’d be run over, people would fight eachother to get there hands on this, it would be chaos.” he expalined, eyes wide and clutching the little bottle to his chest. Iolaus was confused. At first he thought that the man was just full of it, but now he wasn’t so sure anymore. Iolaus looked around carefully and inched a little closer to the other man.

“Sooo, what excactly does it do?” he asked in a hushed voice, pointing at the little object. He was starting to get real excited for some unknown reason.

“Well…” the other man began, “you drink a small amount and then all will be revealed to you.” He stopped, looking very smug. Iolaus’ face dropped when he realised that no more information was forthcoming.

“That’s it? What do you mean, all will be revealed? What will? Look pal, if you want to sell that, you’re gonna have to come up with a better explenation than that.” Iolaus whas just a little irritated. The mercheant sighed deeply, looking at Iolaus like he ws some ignorant 5 year old.

“You drink this, yes?” Iolaus nodded. “Good. When you drink this you will learn the thruth about your inner self. Your hidden disires will surface, giving you better insight into your heart. You will learn your one thru love, the love you have always dinied yourself. Your feelings will become clear to you, they will be enhanced 10 fold.” The man’s eyes where shining as he gazed expectently into Iolaus’ face.

Iolaus was thoughtfull. “You mean, I drink this and then I will find my onr true love? Just like that?”

The mercheant sighed again, deeper this time. ‘ Maybe not such an easy mark.’ “Yes, that’w what it means. When you see the person you were meant for, there will be no denying it. The attraction will be too strong, there will be no doubt. Trust me.” he added for good measure. Iolaus took the bottle from the other man, looked at it from all angles, caressed it like a lover.

“But…” the mearcheant looked exheasperated. Iolaus eignored the look an continued. “But what if my one true love isn’t here, what then?”

“Then you try again later. As I said before, you only need a very small amount. This bottle can last a long time if you’re careful. And anyway, even if you don’t meet miss perfect right now, the content makes you, how can I put it, more disirable to the fairer sex.” The eyebrows were back in full force. Iolaus’ face split into a wide grin.

“Oh really? Okay, you got me, how much?” The mercheant took a moment to consider this question, then calmly stated “50 dinars.”

Iolaus nearly dropped the bottle, making the other man cringe. “How much?” he asked incrediously.

“Now son, you don’t really think that’s too much to ask for true love is it?” Iolaus mumbled something under his breath and started fingering his moneypouch. Reluctently he counted out 50 dinars, knowing full well that he was an idiot to be paying this kind of money. It was out of his hand before he even had a chance to blink.

“Ah kind sir, you will not regret this. This is the best money you ever spent. I’ll be expecting an invitation to the wedding’!”

“Oh okay, sure.” Iolaus mumbled, turning away from the stall, staring at his newest possession. “Sure whatever.”


Well, he didn’t feel any different. Iolaus was sitting outside a tavern in the middle of the square, nursin a cup of fine wine. He had taken a little amount of the bottle some time before and was now waiting for…’For what excactly?’ he thought. No lightning bolt had struck him, he hadn’t experienced any kind of epiphany. Sure, the ladies were giving him a little more attention than usual, some becoming quite bold in their advances. Iolaus had been his old charming self and had lined up quite a few dates over the next couple of days. But none of them had been “the one”. He sighed, served him right for being so guillible. He got up from his seat, streched and walked over to the hotel. He hadn’t seen Hercules since this morning and wondered if the big guy would be up for some dinner. As he got closer to their room, he started to feel strange. He started to shake a little. Thinking that it was from lack of food, Iolaus braced himself, opened the door to their room and stopped dead in his tracks. There before him was his dream, the one he had been waiting for all his life. Hercules.


Iolaus just stood there in the doorway, staring at the man he had known all his life. Or at least thought he had known. Hercules looked different to him now, bigger, stronger, and much more beautiful. Iolaus sighed loudly and Hercules turned to face his friend.

"'Bout time you showed up, I was beginning to get worried there," Hercules teased.

"You were?" Now Iolaus knew in the back of his mind that the fact that his friend had been worried about him shouldn't make him so happy, but it did. Simply because it meant that Herc cared for him. He looked up at the bigger man, a silly smile plastered all over his face.

"Iolaus, are you all right? You look a bit…flustered," Hercules said, taking in his friends goofy expression.

"Oh, I'm all right, I'm better that all right, I'm…" he stopped mid sentence and could only stare openmouthed at his friend, who had now taken off his shirt. "I'm in the Elysian Fields," he whispered finally. He stood there, looking at the broad expanse of Herc’s chest, marveling in its beauty. How was it that he never noticed before how smooth the skin seemed, how big the muscles were, and how said muscles would ripple at every movement Herc made. Wouldn't it be wonderful if he could just reach out and trace all those wonderful contours with his tongue and then….


The blonde's head snapped up at the mention of his name. "What?" was all he was capable of at the moment.

Hercules just stared at him for a few moments. "Where were you? I've been talking to myself here for the last couple of minutes. Are you sure you're all right?" Now Hercules really did look worried.

"Ah…I'm fine, really. I was just, umm, distracted for a bit. Haven't eaten in a while, you know…." he trailed off, rubbing his stomach in explanation.

Herc smiled. "Yeah, I thought it would be about something like that. Come here Iolaus, take a look at these." He held up two fine looking new shirts. One was light blue and the other was cream colored. Iolaus reached out and softly fingered the material. It felt really good.

"Hmm, smooth," he breathed.

"I'm glad you like it," Hercules said. "I bought these at the market today. So what do you think?" He held each shirt in front of him and looked at Iolaus expectantly. The latter just seemed lost in his own world. "IOLAUS! Wake up! Help me out here, which one should I wear tonight? I've got a hot date and I want to look my best." He grinned as he saw Iolaus’ shocked expression.

"You…you have a date? With a woman?" He stammered.

"Yes, Iolaus, I have a date, with a woman. It’s not *that* unusual, is it? I mean, it hasn't been *that* long. Of course I don't have your track record with women.…" He smiled down at his friend, waiting.

"Who...who is she? Do I know her?" Iolaus couldn't believe this, this wasn't *supposed* to be happening.

"Yes, you know her. Lucinda, the waitress at the local tavern. Iolaus, she made it pretty obvious that she was interested and you've got to admit, she is very attractive. So, I'm taking her out to dinner tonight, maybe some dancing, and after that, who knows? Anyway, I'm planning on having a great time and I want to look the part. So help me out buddy...which shirt?" He waved both shirts under Iolaus’ nose again and waited anxiously.

"Umm, the cream colored one looks good," Iolaus mumbled. "It accentuates the color of your hair nicely." Hercules raised an eyebrow at the comment, and Iolaus blushed, turning away quickly from his friend.

"Okay then, cream colored it is." Hercules slipped on the shirt and looked in the mirror, pleased with what he saw. Iolaus, on the other hand, couldn't breath, his head was spinning, and he felt sick. He sank down on the bed and stared at the floor. Hercules was oblivious to his friends distress and was busy pulling on his boots. That finished, he took one last look in the mirror and figured this was the best it was going to get. Turning to Iolaus, he smiled and placed a hand on his friends shoulder. "Don’t wait up for me Iolaus. I have a feeling I'm going to get very lucky tonight." And with that statement, he left the room.

Iolaus felt miserable. He couldn't understand why he was feeling this way. He should be happy that Hercules had a date, right? Then why *wasn't* he? He felt like somebody stomped on his heart. He didn't want to share Hercules with anybody. Herc belonged to him damn it!

"Oh Gods, what am I thinking?" Unbidden, the words of the merchant came back to him. 'Your hidden desires will surface…you will learn your one true love, the love you have always denied yourself….' "My one true love," Iolaus whispered. "My one…love…my…Hercules? I'm in love with Hercules?" He took a moment to consider this, to examine his feelings. "Do I love him? Yeah of course, nothing new there. Do I find him attractive? Do I ever! The man is gorgeous, built like a God…Damn it, focus Iolaus." He muttered to himself. "Would I do anything for him? Yes, without a doubt. Could I live without him?" The thought made Iolaus cringe. "No, definitely not. Do I want him? Yes. Do I lust after him? Yes. Am I in love with him? YES!"

And the realization made him jump off the bed and run around the room, laughing like a madman. He was in love with Hercules! His best friend! Why had it taken him so long to realize it? All the time he had wasted…he couldn't wait to tell Herc and then they could…." He stopped when he realized where his friend was at this moment, and with whom. His chest tightened as he imagined his love in the arms of another. 'Gods, what if he falls in love with her? What if he doesn't feel the same way about me? What if he hates me for it?' He couldn't stop himself from shaking and sat down on the bed again. "Calm Iolaus," he breathed. "Relax, lets not get too excited here. What we need is a plan. Yeah that's right, a plan."

Unfortunately, he couldn't come up with one. All he could think of were dozens of reasons why Hercules would reject him. He was too short, he was too ugly, he wasn't sensible enough, he was a man. That last one seemed to be the biggest point against him. He had never seen Hercules with a man before, never heard him express an interest in that direction. Oh, it was hopeless! Despondent, he got up and walked over to the small dresser. He picked up Hercules’ new blue shirt and held it to his nose. Even new, there was already some of Herc’s scent clinging to the fabric. Iolaus breathed deeply, closing his eyes as his loves scent filled his nostrils. Without thinking, he slipped off his vest and put on the shirt. It was a bit big, but he tucked it into his pants the best he could. It didn't look too bad. The shirt made the blue of his eyes stand out more. 'Might as well go out for a while, maybe get a drink.' he thought. Anything was better than wallowing here.

He walked the streets of the town, not knowing where he was going. He got a lot of appreciative looks from people he passed, but he couldn't be bothered. His mind was on someone else. Suddenly he heard it. That distinctive laugh he would know anywhere. Hercules. He rounded the corner and there his friend was. Sitting outside a small tavern with…her. They were laughing together and Hercules held her small hands in his, bringing them up to his mouth now and again for a small kiss. Iolaus felt sick, heartbroken, alone and terribly jealous. He had never felt this kind of jealousy, it was all consuming. He knew he was making a big mistake the moment he moved towards their table, but he couldn't help himself. He had to do something! He plopped himself down on an empty chair next to Hercules and conjured up his best smile.

"Hey Herc," he beamed, slapping the other man on the back just a tad too hard. "How's it going?"

Hercules didn't seem too surprised to see him, he just looked annoyed.

"Fine, thanks Iolaus. You know Lucinda don’t you?" He answered tersely, gesturing at his companion. Iolaus didn't even glance in her direction.

"Is everything going according to plan?" Iolaus whispered just a bit too loudly.

Hercules looked confused. "What plan? Iolaus…is that my shirt?" He just now noticed what his friend was wearing.

"Oh yeah, I knew you wouldn't mind." He plastered on his most persuasive smile and batted his eyelashes shamefully.

Hercules sighed. "You haven't answered me, what plan?"

"Well, you know…about her." He whispered again, pointing his thumb at Lucinda, who was now looking at both men strangely. If possible, Hercules looked even more confused then before.

"What are you talking about? What about Lucinda?" He asked gruffly.

"Yeah, what about me?" The girl finally piped up.

"Oh, you mean you haven't asked her?" Iolaus tried very hard to look ashamed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to spoil the surprise."

For the first time, he looked at the girl. "You know, I can see now why Herc chose you," he continued, "you're very … pretty. I'm sure you'll do wonderfully!"

The girl looked over at Hercules for answers, but he just looked as puzzled as she was. Looking back at Iolaus, she asked, "What surprise? What are you talking about?"

"Well, becoming the mother of Herc’s children, you must be very proud."

"WHAT?" Both voices joined as one.

"Yeah, Herc’s been looking a long time to find the perfect mother for his five children and I guess now he’s found her." Iolaus tried very hard not to burst out laughing as he saw the shocked expressions on both their faces.

"Fi…Five children?" the girl muttered. "But...but everyone knows that Hercules’ children were killed by Hera…everyone knows."

"Ah yes, but those were his children by his second wife. I'm talking about the children he had with his first wife, Cruella."

"Iolaus…." Hercules hissed, but Iolaus ignored him. "The children have been living with Herc’s mother, but the poor dear isn't getting any younger and you know children. They need someone young and fit to look after them…and the livestock."

"Livestock?" the girl looked more flustered every minute. Iolaus almost felt sorry for her...almost.

"Yeah, Herc has quite a bit. Cows, sheep…as lady of the house they will become your responsibility. Such an honor! I'm sure you cant wait to tell your family huh?" Iolaus practically bounced with excitement.

Lucinda shot up from the table, yanking her hands away from Hercules. "I, umm, I mean…Hercules I'm flattered, really I am, I just don't think that I'm the right person for that. I mean, you hardly know me, I'm not very good with children, they hate me and I, uh…."

"Lucinda, you don’t really believe him do you? He’s just kidding." Hercules turned to his friend. "Tell her you were just kidding Iolaus. Tell her *now*." His voice was demanding, but the hunter ignored it.

"I don’t know what you mean Herc. I was only telling the truth."

"The truth?!" Herc yelled. Reigning in his temper, he turned to Lucinda who was trying to make her escape. “Luce, please, I don’t know what he’s on about, its a joke…."

"Than it's a bad one. I'm leaving, I can’t deal with all of this. I just wanted some fun, not marriage. I'm sorry Hercules, I hope that someday you find what you're looking for." And, with that, she strode off quickly.

"But…I'm not looking for anything!" However, it was too late. She’d already gone. Slowly he turned to face Iolaus who was still sitting down looking very innocent. He couldn't remember the last time he had been this angry with his friend. All he wanted was to have a good time for once...that wasn't too much to ask for was it?

"Iolaus," he said, his anger barely contained. "I hope you have a good explanation for this because it’s the only thing that stands between you and slow death."

Iolaus said nothing. All of a sudden, he wasn't so amused any more.

"Come with me," Hercules hissed. When Iolaus didn't move, Herc yanked him up by the shirt, *his* shirt, and dragged him off to the hotel. Iolaus made a token attempt at resistance but soon gave up.

He smacked hard against the wall as Hercules threw him into their room and slid down to the floor. Herc stalked over, towering over him, his voice cold as ice. "Iolaus, start talking."

Iolaus just sat there for a minute, rubbing the back of his head and staring up at the angry demigod.

“Uh, Herc, could you give me a hand up here?” Iolaus asked, extending his hand. Hercules just looked at it for a few seconds, then grabbed the arm hard, and yanked the hunter to his feet.

“Thanks,” Iolaus muttered, “didn't your mother ever tell you that its impolite to stare at people?” He moved quickly away from his friend, coming to stand at the other side of the room.

"I'm *not* staring, I'm waiting for an explanation. Well, Iolaus?" Hercules scowled at his friend, getting more angrier by the minute.

Iolaus started giggling nervously. "Oh man, I never thought she could move that fast. She couldn't wait to get away from you!" Iolaus was laughing harder now. He knew it was absolutely the worst thing he could do right now, but he couldn't stop himself. "Did you see the look on her face when I mentioned the five kids…and the livestock? That was priceless!" He had a hand up against the wall to steady him and held on to his belly with the other. "I can't believe she fell for that! I mean, she'd...."

“ENOUGH!!” Hercules yelled and stepped closer to Iolaus. “Shut up!”

Iolaus stared at him, mouth open and eyes wide. “Herc, I…”

“I said shut up!” Hercules was right in his face now, looking thoroughly pissed off.

Iolaus clamped his mouth shut and waited. ‘This is not good,’ he thought, ‘not good at all.’

Hercules turned away from him, went over to the bed and sat down. Rubbing his hands slowly over his face, he breathed deeply and tried to calm down. He peeked up at the hunter, who was still plastered against the far wall. He covered his face again and patiently counted to one hundred.

“Iolaus.” The hunter jumped at the mention of his name. Hercules looked up at him. “Iolaus,” he said again. "Please tell me why you did that. I promise not to yell anymore."

“It was a joke.” Iolaus mumbled, looking everywhere but at his friend. “It was just a joke.”

Hercules sighed. "Then it was a really bad one. I wouldn't have expected it from you, Iolaus. You knew how much I was looking forward to tonight. Do my feelings mean so little to you that you can so easily trample all over them?" Iolaus remained quiet. Hercules sighed again. "I'm not angry anymore, I'm just very disappointed in you. I'm going to bed, there's no reason to stay up anymore is there?" He didn't wait for Iolaus to answer. He simply started to undress himself and slowly crawled into bed, facing away from his friend.

Iolaus felt numb. Hercules’ words had hurt him to the core. He was fully prepared to have the big guy yell at him, hell, he deserved that. But not this. He had disappointed his friend. Hercules actually thought that he didn't care about him, that he had deliberately set out to hurt him. That thought broke his heart.

“I'm sorry,” he whispered.

"Iolaus, I'm tired. Go to sleep." Hercules stated flatly. For many minutes the room was quiet. Hercules had just dropped off, when something woke him up again. He lay still, trying to identify the sound. Then he recognized the words.

"I'msorryI'msorryI'msorry...." Iolaus was repeating the words over and over again.

"Iolaus?” Hercules turned over in the bed and looked at his friend. Iolaus was huddled against the wall, rocking back and forth and mumbling to himself.

"Iolaus?” Hercules tried again. When the hunter didn't respond, Hercules jumped out of bed and stomped over to him. When he reached his friend, he knelt down beside him and gently touched his shoulder. Iolaus tensed and stopped talking.

"Hey,” he said in a soothing tone. "What's wrong? C’mon buddy, talk to me." Iolaus looked up at him then, his face streaked with tears and Hercules felt his chest contract at the sight.

"I'm sorry.” Iolaus whispered again.

"Oh Iolaus,” Hercules breathed as he gathered the hunter in his arms and pressed him against his chest. "I know you're sorry. So am I. You did something you shouldn't have and I said something I shouldn't have. I guess that makes us even." He gently stroked Iolaus’ hair, trying to calm the hunter.

"But I disappointed you…” the smaller man sniffled.

"You could never disappoint me, Iolaus. I shouldn't have said that. I was upset and frustrated." He stopped talking for a moment and just sat holding his friend. "Iolaus, I don't understand. We've had fights before, most of them a lot worse then this, but you've never reacted this way before. What's going on?" He had asked the question very gently, but he could feel Iolaus tense up nevertheless. The hunter started fidgeting in his arms and Hercules allowed him to sit back a little. Iolaus mumbled something under his breath while staring straight at the floor.

"Huh?" Hercules asked.

"I said it was all my fault." Iolaus finally met Hercules eyes and they just looked at each other for a moment.

"Come on," Hercules said, getting up and bringing the hunter with him. "It seems we're not going to get much sleep anytime soon." They walked over to the bed and while Hercules plopped down on it, Iolaus remained standing at its edge. Hercules held out his hand.

"Come, sit down," Hercules padded the bed, "I can't talk to you if you're staring down at me." Iolaus looked a bit apprehensive, but sat down anyway, as far away from Herc as he could without raising suspicions.

"That's better. Now why don't you tell me what you meant by it being all your fault." Hercules waited patiently, watching his friend squirm.

"I…I bought something." Iolaus stammered, looking up at Herc through his eyelashes. "It really wasn't my fault, it was the merchant's." Iolaus seemed to be getting his second wind. He sat up straighter and continued. "Yeah, that's right! It was the merchants fault, he practically forced the damn thing on me!" Iolaus brightened, looking at Hercules like this last statement would explain everything.

"What thing?" Hercules asked. "Iolaus, what did you buy?"

Iolaus’ face fell. "A phftn." He mumbled.

"A what?"

"A potion, all right! It was a love potion!" Hercules stared at his friend in amazement for a whole ten seconds before he burst out laughing. Iolaus rolled his eyes and waited for his friend to come out of it. "Its not funny, Herc. Stop laughing will ya!"

"I'm…I'm sorry Iolaus." Hercules wiped the tears from his eyes and tried to get some semblance of control back. "You bought a love potion? Iolaus...how...why? Why in Zeus’ name would you need something like that?" Iolaus shrugged. "You do know that there's no such thing as a love potion don't you? That guy probably made it himself."

"No, he told me it was old and precious. I *know* a con when I see one, Herc, and this guy was telling the truth." Iolaus stared at Hercules stubbornly, daring him to contradict him.

"Okay Iolaus, if you say so." Herc held out his hands in a gesture of defeat. "That still doesn't explain your little stunt, does it? So what exactly was this potion supposed to do?"

"Well, it was supposed to enhance my feelings, to show me my one true love."

Hercules harumphed a bit at that statement. "So, where is this potion? Show me."

Iolaus dug out the little bottle and held it up to his friend. Herc eyed it with speculation and took it out of his friends hand. He uncapped it and took a tentative sniff. "Yikes, Iolaus, this stuff stinks! How much of this did you drink?"

"Not much, its supposed to last you a long time. It tastes better than it smells." Iolaus offered.

"I'll take your word for it. Sooo…did it work?" Iolaus nodded. "I see. So that's why you wanted to separate us, you wanted her all to yourself. Tell me, is Lucinda really your one true love?"

Iolaus’ head snapped up. "What do you mean Lucinda?"

"Well, you just said…." Herc began.

"No! Not her. What would I want with her? I mean, no offense Herc, she was pretty and all, but there are dozens like her. There's only one you." This last bit was added in a whisper. Iolaus blushed every shade of red as Hercules watched him. "Herc, you're staring again."

"Sorry Iolaus, just trying to get my head around this. Let me get this straight, you didn't break us up because you were interested in Lucinda, you broke us up because you were interested in me." Iolaus nodded again. Hercules slowly let out the breath he'd been holding. "Umm, are you sure its not just the potion talking?"

"I'm sure," Iolaus answered softly, "it only makes your feelings clear, fixes it so you can't lie to yourself anymore."

"So, this means...." Hercules whispered.

"It means that I'm in love with you." Iolaus answered. He looked up when he heard Hercules’ gasp. Herc was looking at him like he had grown a second head. The thought made Iolaus grin and now it was Hercules’ turn to blush.

"How long have you felt this way?" he asked quickly, trying to look unfazed.

"If I have to be totally honest with myself…years I guess." Iolaus shrugged. "It was easy enough to hide it, even from myself. Guess that's over now." He brushed the curls back from his face and decided he might as well come clean about the whole thing now. "The potion just triggered everything. When I came back from the market and I saw you standing there…Gods, Herc, you took my breath away. I've never felt anything like that before. I couldn't wait to show you how much you meant to me, but then you told me about your date and how excited you were and my world just fell apart there and then. I didn't set out to ruin your evening, but when I saw the two of you together, I couldn't stop myself. I just wanted to get her away from you so it would just be the two of us again. I know, I know, I wasn't thinking very straight at the time." Iolaus held up his hand when he saw that Herc was about to say something. "No, wait please, let me finish. I was way out of line tonight and I am *really* sorry, Herc. I don't expect anything from you, this isn't your problem, its mine. I'll deal with it. I'll apologize to Lucinda tomorrow and I'll make sure she understands that it was my fault and not yours. After that…well after that I think I'll go home for a while. Put some space between us, give me a bit of time to get over this, get over you."

"Iolaus, can I say something now?" Hercules smiled when he saw Iolaus’ apologetic expression. "First of all, the girl is not important, forget about that. Second, I don't want you to go anywhere." He stopped Iolaus’ protests by a well practiced scowl. "You had your turn, now just listen to me. This is not just your problem, it concerns the both of us. Besides, I don't like to think of it as a problem." Iolaus got a little uncomfortable when he saw the smirk on Herc's face.

“What's that supposed to mean?” Iolaus was puzzled.

“You really don't have a clue, do you?" Herc whispered as he moved closer to Iolaus. "When I first met you, I thought you were the cutest boy I had ever seen and now you've grown into the most beautiful man I have ever known. I have *always* loved you, Iolaus." Iolaus swallowed nervously.

"You what?" Iolaus shifted a bit away from Hercules. This was not going the way he had expected. "You love me? Herc, maybe you sniffed the bottle a bit too hard, you don't know what you're saying." Iolaus eyes went wide as he watched Hercules take a large gulp of the potion.

Hercules smacked his lips and a huge grin split his face. He inched closer to Iolaus. "No, I still feel the same way as I always do."

"And how's that?" Iolaus stammered.

"Like I want to take all your clothes off, touch you all over and then fuck you into the middle of next week, like that." Iolaus was beyond speech, he just stared in shock at the stranger who took over his friends body. Hercules giggled. "Iolaus, trust me, I mean what I say. Its just that before now I never thought you'd be interested in me that way. Believe me, if I had known, I would have made you mine a long time ago." He gently stroked Iolaus’ cheek. "Believe me Iolaus, I love you. You are my ultimate fantasy."

"You fantasize about me?" Iolaus cracked.

"All the time," came the hoarse reply. "I think about all the things I'd like to do to you if I had the chance. I'd fantasize about the way your skin would feel gliding over mine, the way you would taste, the way you would moan my name…" Herc's fingers had strayed up into Iolaus’ hair and they were slowly driving the hunter mad.

"All that?" he managed. “I never got passed imagining kissing you."

Herc smiled as his fingers tightened around the back of Iolaus’ head and drew the man closer. “That's a great fantasy. I can work with that." He breathed against Iolaus’ lips before his mouth closed over them. Iolaus was too stunned to do much more than just sit there and let the sensations of Herc's mouth on his wash over him. Hercules reveled in the softness of those lips and traced their outline with the tip of his tongue. Iolaus’ lips opened under his, and the warm sweetness of the hunter's mouth made him moan. He felt Iolaus shudder beneath him and drew him closer into his arms. They both groaned as the lack of oxygen forced them to end the kiss. Iolaus let his head fall against Hercules’ shoulder and snuggled closer into the big man's embrace. He sighed deeply.

"Herc?" came the tentative question.

Hercules pressed his precious burden closer to his chest. "What is it Iolaus?"

"You really want me? Love me?" Iolaus raised his head and looked into his love's eyes.

Hercules cupped his cheek and caressed the skin there softly. "Yes Iolaus. Let me show you how much." Hercules gently lowered the hunter onto the bed and out beside him. He captured Iolaus’ lips again in a slow tantalizing kiss that quickly became more intense. Iolaus groaned under the onslaught and brought his arms around Hercules, pressing him closer to his own body. Hercules released those luscious lips and began bathing Iolaus from neck to shoulder with a warm, wet tongue. Iolaus shuddered beneath him, crying out softly when a talented mouth found a nipple. Hercules suckled the little bud, then drew back a little to blow over the moist skin, smiling when he felt Iolaus shiver. He leaned back again and kissed his way over to its twin where he repeated his actions. Iolaus was squirming beneath him, trying to remove his shirt without stopping Hercules. He finally threw the garment to the floor, Herc never losing his stride. Hercules finally released the nipple and started licking a hot trail down Iolaus’ body, giving each rib special attention and stopping at his bellybutton. He slowly kissed his way around it before dipping the tip of his tongue inside. Iolaus bucked under him and Hercules gently pushed him back down. He stood up then and started removing his own clothes.

Iolaus took the hint and wriggled out of his boots and pants, his eyes never leaving Hercules’ body. Hercules flushed slightly under his friend's scrutiny. When they were both naked, they took a moment to take in each others beauty. Finally Iolaus strutted out his arms and Hercules willingly returned to them.

"Gods, you're beautiful," he whispered before he claimed the hunter's lips again. Iolaus wound his hands in Hercules’ hair and began stroking the soft strands. Hercules slid back down his body, revisiting all his favorite spots along the way. He moved past the bellybutton, kissing his way down one slender thigh and up the other. Iolaus made soft mewling noises and tightened his hold on Herc's hair. Hercules looked up at his lover. Iolaus’ head was thrown back, eyes closed, lips slightly parted, and he had a look of total bliss on his face. Hercules turned back at the task at hand. Iolaus gasped as he felt a hot wet tongue touch the tip of his hard cock. He looked down in time to see Hercules’ mouth close over his cock and start sucking it softly. He closed his eyes again, the sensations overwhelming him. Hercules began to lick up and down Iolaus’ length very slowly. Iolaus was sobbing now. He moved his hands away from Herc, afraid of hurting the man and grasped the bedsheets hard.

Hercules sucked harder, taking Iolaus in all the way. Iolaus tasted so good, he could stay here forever. He faintly became aware of the fact that Iolaus was tugging on his arms. He reluctantly let the hard cock slip from his lips and allowed himself to be dragged upwards. He hissed when his own cock came in contact with Iolaus’. The hunter grasped his head between his small hands and began placing small kisses all over his face.

“Want to feel you, all of you...” he breathed, kissing Hercules lips again and again. Iolaus wrapped his legs around Hercules’ waist, trapping their aching cocks together. Hercules groaned at the feeling. Iolaus began moving against him, rocking slowly back and forth. “Want us to cum together, cum with me Herc, please…ohhh.” Iolaus lost all power of speech when Hercules began rocking against him faster, their erections touching, gliding together. They kissed hungrily, clinging to each other desperately. Iolaus felt the pressure building. He tightened his hold around Hercules and with one hard thrust upward, he came. Hercules heard Iolaus’ hushed scream against his lips and felt the hunter's sticky semen shoot all over his chest. Hercules was lost. He felt his own orgasm hit him like a ton of bricks. He tore his mouth away from Iolaus’ and bit down hard on the hunter's shoulder, muffling his own scream of release. They lay together panting for long moments before Hercules rolled away from Iolaus. Iolaus instinctively curled up on his side, folding his smaller frame around that of his lover. Hercules willingly gathered the hunter in his arms.

"Wow." He finally managed. Iolaus chuckled against him. "You can say that again, big guy." They lay in silence, luxuriating in the others presence when Iolaus lifted his head. He looked down into Hercules beautiful blue eyes, trembling fingers tracing the delicate lines of his face. "I love you." A whisper before he bent down and tasted those sweet lips again. Hercules surrendered to the kiss, his arms tightening possessively around his love.

"I love you too Iolaus."

The hunter sighed happily and rested his head back against Hercules’ shoulder, falling asleep almost immediately. Hercules gently spread the coverlet over his sleeping lover and himself and settled in. His eye caught the little bottle, discarded in a far corner of the bed and smiled.

‘I'll have to thank that merchant in the morning.’ His last thought as he drifted off to sleep.