Little Black Leather Pants

by TeeRoo

Fandom: Hercules

Pairings Ares / Joxer

Rating NC-17

Summary: Little Red Riding Hood meets Hercules, The Legendary Journeys


Little Black Leather Pants
by TeeRoo

Once upon a time there was a god who everyone called Little Black Leather Pants, because his favorite thing to wear were black leather pants and though he hated to be reminded of it he was one of the shorter gods.

Now on a certain day while walking through the woods towards his half-brother's house he got distracted by something in the road. It was a hat, a helmet really, metal and oddly shaped.

"Excuse me, but could you help me down?" The question was spoken from above and when Little Black Leather Pants looked up he saw a man dangling from a tree branch.

"What are you doing up there?" he called.

"I'm lost and was trying to see Hercules' house," the strange man said.

"You know Hercules?" Little Black Leather Pants asked.

"Of course I do," said the man, "I'm Joxer the Mighty."

"Well I'm going to Hercules' house too. Want to come with me?" Little Black Leather Pants didn't know why he asked but this Joxer guy seemed pretty nice. "No thanks I know which way I'm going now. Bye." And the little man walked off.


When Little Black Leather Pants arrived at Hercules' house he snuck in side to find some one sleeping in the bed. He was about to strike when he realized that the sleeper had dark hair while Hercules' hair was blond. Little Black Leather Pants pulled back the cover completely to discover that Joxer the Mighty had beaten him to his brother's house.

Joxer was no longer wearing his silly hat, in fact he was wearing nothing at all. Little Black Leather Pants could not help speaking, "Joxer what a big cock you have."

"The better to fuck you with my dear." With that Joxer flipped Little Black Leather Pants underneath him.


With one final thrust of Joxer's mighty cock Little Black Leather Pants came.

He screamed so loudly that a passing hunter heard and thinking someone was in trouble burst in to find them.

"Joxer? Little Black Leather Pants? What are you doing here? Where's Herc?"

Little Black Leather Pants answered first, "I was going to kill Hercules but he wasn't here, Joxer was."

Iolaus spoke again, "But where's Hercules?"

Suddenly a low moan was heard echoing from within the closet and Hercules tumbled out.

"Herc! What happened?" The blond hunter was bent over his friend trying to check for injury. Instead when Hercules caught sight of Joxer he began to struggle away.

"No more, no more. I can't take it. He's too good." Everyone looked at Joxer in surprise.

"What can I say he's not a full god," He turned to Little Black Leather Pants and said, "Not like you Ares."