Title: Dreams of a Dom V: Greek, Did You Say?

Author: Scribe

Fandom: Original

Pairing: Clive/Joxer

Status: Finished

Sequel/Series: Dreams of a Dom series

Archive: Lists it was sent to.

Disclaimer: Xenaverse characters belong to Renaissance. No profit is derived from this project.

Websites: http://www.angelfire.com/grrl/scribescribbles and http://www.angelfire.com/grrl/foxluver

Summary: Clive ends up in the Xenaverse, probably not for the last time.

Rating: NC-17

Dreams of a Dom V: Did You Say Greek?
by Scribe

"Somehow I never thought that a man who wore a spaghetti strainer as a hat would turn me on."

Trenton, carrying his empty soda can to the kitchen, paused to lean over the back of the sofa. Clive, dressed only in his boxers, was sprawled out comfortably, legs up, head propped on the padded arm. He was reading a magazine called Cult Television. The cover featured a quartet of men dressed in assorted leathers and metal, and the title read THE MEN OF THE XENAVERSE. Clive had the magazine open to a full-page colorful photograph of a man with chocolate brown eyes, who was dressed in something that vaguely resembled armor.

Trenton grinned. "Joxer, the Mighty, and it's a helmet."

Clive swatted him with the magazine. "I know that, you boob." He quickly flipped through the pages. "Drat, that's the only picture they have of him. Not that the others aren't yummy. Love the wings on Cupid--so many possibilities with feathers."

Trenton was nodding. "Hercules, Iolaus, Joxer, Cupid, Strife, Ares... Ares. Yumyumyum."

"Yes, pet, very nice. And I have the feeling that Strife knows his way around a set of manacles, also. But Joxer..." He sighed. "Oh, those puppy dog eyes. And he may not be as buff as some of the others, but there's a nice body under that hideous clap-trap."

"You're telling me? You haven't seen Skinner, have you?"

Clive frowned. "He's a bit too top for my personal tastes, love. He's perfect daddy material, though. I bet he's spanked Fox Mulder more than a time or two when he goes flying off into the face of danger without..."

"Not AD Walter Skinner, Clive--Dennis Skinner, nice guy and serial killer."

Clive sat up. "EXCUSE me?"

"It's true. You'd have to see the movie to understand. Skinner is a movie starring Ted
Raimi--the guy who plays Joxer, the Mighty. He's Dennis Skinner, a serial killer that, well, skins his victims and wears their faces skin suits."

Clive stared at him. "Ick, darling."

Trenton nodded. "But good/bad cheesy fun. And when he isn't murdering people he's a nice, sweet, considerate boy who just wants to be loved." Trenton hunkered down conspiratorially. "There's a scene in the movie. He fixates on his landlady, right? One night he stands naked outside her bedroom door as she sleeps. He presses against the door with the most erotic, longing look on his face, rubbing against the cold surface."

Clive considered this. "Naked, you say?"

Trenton nodded. "As a jaybird. No full frontal, but a full back view."

"I can live with that. Why haven't you shown me this, Trenton?"

"They have a copy in the used bin at Video Cube for about five bucks, if you don't think it's too

"Dearest, a few seconds view of his ass would be WORTH five dollars. Be a lamb and pick it up for me, would you?"

"Will do. You need to come with me to the next multi-fandom convention." He started for the kitchen again, then stopped. "Or maybe not. Knowing you when the guest celebrities opened the floor for questions, YOU'D ask about their sex lives."

"Well, let's face it--that's what most fans are thinking, anyway." Clive studied the photo again,
tracing a finger down the line of the smiling man's body. "You know what I find interesting about this character? In the on-line fan fiction, he's written as both a top AND a bottom."

Trenton threw away his can and came back. "Let me guess which you prefer." Clive swatted at him again with the magazine, but Trenton was a quick boy (all that cutting through water with his swimming, Clive supposed), and he twisted around so that the magazine landed on his rump.

He wiggled his ass temptingly, and Clive laughed. "You're so shameless. Later, pet. I've finally
gotten the books unballed," (he'd stayed late the last three nights trying to correct one day's worth of Bettina's bookkeeping) "and I'm ragged out. I want a nap."

Trenton shook his head. "It's after eight. Are you going to wake up just to go back to bed?"

Clive reached up quickly, snagging Trenton's shirt before he could pull back, and dragging him down until they were nose-to-nose. "Trenton, my treasure, wouldn't you like to have a fresh, well-rested Dom instead of a yawning, half-asleep one?"

Trenton kissed the tip of his nose. "As long as I have him," Then he kissed him on the lips, giving a
quick swipe of tongue, "and he has me."

Clive pushed him away. "Go. Do something teenagerish while I recharge my batteries."

Trenton wandered to the computer. "I'll see if Bryant's online. If he isn't, I'll cruise fanfiction.net and look for ideas for new scenes."

Clive sighed, spreading the magazine over his face. *The boy will kill me yet.* He smiled. *But I will die a happy man.* After a moment he lifted the magazine and once again studied the picture of Joxer, the Mighty. Then, with a sly smirk, he spread the magazine over his crotch and went to sleep.



*What the hell?*


Clive tried to pull his pillow over his head to shut out the noise. It didn't work, because there didn't
seem to BE a pillow. That was unusual. Trenton was a cover hog, but he usually left the pillow alone. Well, unless he needed it to tuck under his ass to raise his hips so they could...

Clive was startled out of this pleasant contemplation by //RATTLE CLATTER BANG// He sat up. "Good GOD, darling! Are you cooking at this time of night? Leave the pots and pans and come to bed." Right about the time that Clive realized that he was lying on the floor behind some sort of big ass square rock, a head popped up over the edge. Large, chocolate brown eyes regarded him in surprise. "Oh." Clive smiled. "Well, hello, precious."

The man, who had a long, quirkily handsome face, regarded him curiously. "I don't want to question your sanity, but isn't it a little daring to be hiding behind the altar in one of Ares's temples?" He cocked his head. "Especially wearing as little as that."

Clive raised an eyebrow at him. "There's a dress code?"

"Um... Well, armor is usually appropriate. It's just that usually people don't do around wearing that
little clothes, unless they're one of the gods." He paused. "Maybe you're a god I just haven't heard of yet?"

Clive smiled. "No, lamb, though I HAVE given some people what they refer to as religious experiences."

"Would you like me to see if I can find you some more clothes?"

Clive planted a hand on his hip and arched an eyebrow. "Does that mean you don't like the view?" *Oh, MY! What a delicious shade of pink he turns!*

"Oh, um... It's not that. It's just that the high priests of any temple tend to be kind of suspicious of
half-naked worshippers." He paused and thought. "Except for Aphrodite or Cupid. Maybe Strife. He kinda likes to snatch people's clothes and drop them off in public places. I speak from experience."

"Either a Dom or a frustrated sub. Tell you what, doll, step back and give me a couple of seconds of privacy."

"Okay." He moved back out of sight.

Clive stared down at his boxers (which had begun to tent at the crotch) *Stop that! In a minute or two, but first we have to get close enough to grab, and if you wave like that you might scare him off. Let's see... Time to go to lucid dreaming mode.* He squinted his eyes fiercely. *Leather. NOW!* The boxers changed to black leather, and Clive tried to stifle a laugh. *No, I'm not running around in Germany, so I don't want lederhosen. Longer.* The shorts stretched to pants length. *Better. Now, tighter.* In a moment he looked like he'd been shrink-wrapped in the finest black leather from the waist down. *Perfect. God, I LOVE dreams. If only it was this easy to get a good fit in Real Life.*

Joxer was wondering if maybe the nearly nude man he'd found behind Ares's altar might be a demi-god. After all, the gods (especially Zeus) were liberal about sowing their wild oats among mortals. *He certainly LOOKS like a demi-god. Maybe one of Apollo's...* The man stood up and came from behind the altar. He was wearing body-hugging black leather. Joxer blinked. *Whoa. Or maybe Ares.*

"Now, then. WHERE did you say I was?"

"The temple of Ares, at Athens, to be exact. You know, this isn't a good place to be if you don't know where you are, if you know what I mean, and am I babbling?"


"Good. That's pretty much my normal state."

"You're cute. My name is Clive."

"Just Clive?"

"That's all I've ever needed."

"Granted I haven't heard of many Clive's, but you need a title, too. Take me..."

"Love to." Clive grabbed, and laid a deep kiss on the startled Joxer.

Joxer went limp with astonishment. *DAMN! I'm being kissed by a guy, and I LIKE it!* Clive's tongue did something very interesting with Joxer's. *Screw like.*

He was panting when the blonde man set him back a pace and said, "Now then, precious, you were saying?"

"I was?"

Clive smirked. *Very satisfactory reaction.* "About titles?"

"Oh. Yeah. Right, titles. Well, like I'm Joxer, the Mighty..." He paused and threw out his chest
manfully. Clive, always willing to play along with a new submissive (especially if he had plans for them), clasped his hands and batted his eyelashes adoringly. "Um... then there's Xena, Warrior Princess."

Clive nodded. "Leather Babe."

"Iolaus, the Golden Hunter."

"Ooo, yessss. Short, but sassy."

"Gabrielle, the Amazon Bard."

"Blonde Bitch."

Joxer gasped and protested, "That's not very nice!"

Clive noticed a spark of glee in his eyes. "But accurate. All right, if I need a title, I'll use the
one my friend Scribe gave me." He gave a deep bow. "I am Clive, the Leather Hairdresser."

Joxer smiled. "I don't know what that means, but it sounds good."

"Oh, I AM good, sweetheart. In fact, I'm excellent.

Come here and I'll show you."

Joxer backed away. "I don't think that would be... be appropriate here."

Clive stalked him. "Oh, why not? It isn't as if Ares doesn't fantasize about shagging you rotten." Joxer looked confused. "Get it on. Do the wild thing. Make the beast with two backs..." He paused. "You know, I'm not really sure if that's a proper term for what he and I have in mind for you, though we COULD use that position." Joxer squeaked, turned, and ran. Clive went after him cheerfully. "God, I just LOVE a good chase!" He tackled the other man, bringing him down in a crash of 'armor'. "Ouch. But it's going to be worth it." Pieces of metal started flying.


"Now look, Clive, this is too fast!"


"I mean it! We just met. I don't even know you're birth sign."

"Now that's a bit hard to say, lamb." *clatter* "You see, I was born at precisely midnight, April 19th, so depending on how you look at it, I'm an Aries..." *bang* "a strong initiators who likes to complete a project rapidly and keep on traveling, always wanting to be number one. Have a courageous spirit, which encourages confidence in others, romantic and prefers the chase to the long haul relationship. Or, I'm a Taurus..." *spangrinnnnnnnnnng* "taking special pleasure in luxurious items and places, sensual and particularly loving to touch and taste. Speaking of which, we finally seem to have found flesh, goody, goody." *slurp* Joxer whimpered. "Slow, careful and deliberate, I prefer long-term relationships. I am especially sensitive to financial security and will
work toward my goals, and my goal right now is to get you..." *rip* "Success!" *yelp!* "I'm sorry, pet! Did I pinch or scrape?"

"No--this floor is COLD!"

"Aw." *petpetpet* *coo* "Tha-at's right. Now, let's see about getting you somewhere more comfortable... Ah-HAH!" Clive got up and ripped some black velvet drapes off the wall. Joxer started hyperventilating. "Did you say something, dear?"

Joxer, a little bug-eyed, said, "You just tore down Ares's draperies."

"Yes, and he needs to have a serious talk with his temple slaves. They're a bit dusty." Clive flicked them briskly. Joxer sneezed. "Bless you." He spread the material over the altar, then patted it. "Hop up."

Joxer gaped. "Are you KIDDING? Me, sit on Ares's altar?"

"Lie, actually."

"I've kinda gotten used to breathing. I'd rather not give it up right now."

"Just LOOK at these lovely braided silk ropes they were using to hang the drapes. I'm just so happy, because really, pet, your skin looks a little delicate, and I don't want it to scratch too badly
when I..." His voice trailed off.

Joxer waited a moment for him to continue, but he didn't, simply walking closer. "When you do what?"

"Glad you asked. THIS!" Clive pounced.

*thrash* *wrestle*


"Oopsie! Well, quit trying to escape and I'll take my knee out of your back."

*grab* *toss* *scramble*

"You're not going anywhere, sweet cheeks." *nab* *wrap* *tie*

"Mhi aant reath."

"Turn your head to the side, precious."


"There, that's better, isn't it?"

"You can't..." *tietietie* "Well, maybe you CAN, but you SHOULDN'T!"

"I think I can get your legs a LITTLE wider apart if I just..." *cinch* "Oh, that's BEAUTIFUL!"

Clive started searching the room. Joxer, after ascertaining that he was, indeed, securely tied face
down, spread eagled across Ares's altar, watched him. "What are you looking for?"

"Most religions keep oil ready for anointing and such. I'm trying to locate their stash."

"Why?" Clive leered. Joxer swallowed. "Oh. Uh, maybe I didn't mention this when we were discussing the zodiac, but I... Um... I'm..."

Clive had just located a small pot of oil in a cabinet. He went back to the altar and gave Joxer a
broad smile. "Joxer, love, are you trying to tell me that you're a Virgo?"

"Kinda." His voice was very small.

Clive bent over and gave him a gentle kiss. "That's all right. Deflowering is a minor specialty of mine. Now, you need a safe word."

"Safe word?"

"That's the word that you use when you're really, truly serious about stopping what's going on. I
ignore all the usual ones like 'stop', 'quit it', or 'have mercy'. It has to be something that normally
doesn't come up during sex play, and you only use it when you REALLY want me to stop. Any suggestions?"


"No, too close to what you might say during sex. Try again."

"Oh, Tartarus!"

"GOOD one. Tartarus it is. Now, time to get this party started." Clive parted Joxer's cheeks and
started to dip his fingers in the oil, but he paused. "Oh, wait a minute."

Joxer flushed. "I bathed this morning."

Clive laughed. "Not that, precious. In fact, far from it. What type of oil is this, anyway?" *sniff*
"Ooo, olive oil! Perfect." He dipped his fingers in the pale green-gold oil, parted Joxer's cheeks again, and stroked it down the crease. "No, the reason I did 'wait a minute' was that you look just absolutely scrumptious."

"Scrum...?" Joxer gasped. "Oh, no! You don't mean...?"

"Don't I?" Clive bent down. *slurp*

Joxer's eyes rolled back in his head, and he chanted quietly, "Zeuszeuszeuszeus..."

"I don't hear a Tartarus, so I'm going to assume I should keep on." *licklicklicklick*


"I love an appreciative bottom. Reward time, precious." *probe*


Clive noticed that Joxer was humping against the altar. He reached underneath the bound man, sliding his hand along the flat, heaving belly, and found a very nice sized, very hard cock. "Oh, well, HELLO there!" *stroke* *squeeze*

"Ohplease, ohplease..."

"Please what, dear?" *fondle*


"Well..." Clive reached back around and quickly slid a greased finger deep into Joxer's slightly relaxed hole. "How about this?" Joxer made a chirping sound of surprise, but he didn't say the safe word. "Is this your first time for even an exploratory probe?"

"No-ot exactly, but it feels different when someone else does it."

"Oh, it certainly DOES. Because for one thing, another person can go deeper, like THIS." Clive
pushed strongly. The slender man on the altar moaned happily. Clive worked his finger in and out slowly a few times. "Ready for number two?"

"Tuh-two? I don't think I can manage two."

"Nonsense. Besides, my cock is a good deal bigger than two fingers, so you need to be ready."

"Your...? Just a second... oh, MAN!" The second finger had slipped in and they were now being
scissored apart, loosening the tight, muscular ring of his anus. It ached a little, but he had a hot wave of pleasure wash through him every time the fingers plunged in. Then the fingers crooked, while Clive pushed deep, as if he were feeling along the walls of the back passage. Then they passed over a certain spot and Joxer yelled, back arching as a spasm of pure ecstasy washed over him.

"Ah. Found it. That was your prostate, dear. Did you know about that?"

"I... I'd heard stories in the taverns, but I thought they were just bragging. You know, like 'I was
nailing this Amazon, and her tribe came home, and wanted to join in'."

"Yes, we have those in my world, too. No, this one is perfectly true." *rub* *yowl!* "Isn't it NICE?"

"I... you... that... Oooo..."

"Ah, we've reached the incoherent stage. Time to move on to the final level." Joxer groaned in
disappointment as the fingers pulled out of him. "Don't grumble, pet." Clive walked up to stand beside him, and began unbuttoning his fly. I just want to give you a preview of coming attractions." When he had his fly only half undone his erection was pressing out eagerly.

Joxer's eyes got even bigger when he saw the size of Clive's prick, and the Dom chuckled. "Oh, please. I'm nice, but I'm not a record setter by any means."

"Can't prove it by me," Joxer mumbled.

"You say the sweetest things." Clive edged closer. "Give us a kiss, lambie."


Clive's voice was firm. "Please don't pretend you don't know what I want, dear. I'll become annoyed, and you don't WANT me annoyed. I can be so much nicer when I'm pleased." Joxer blinked, then pursed his lips and dropped a soft kiss on the head of Clive's cock. "That's a good START." The dark haired man closed his eyes and licked tentatively. Clive caressed his cheek. "Oh, what a good boy." Encouraged, Joxer licked again, checking to see what he was doing this time, and managing to dip the tip of his tongue into the tiny slit. Clive shuddered with pleasure and pushed his hips forward. A surprised Joxer had enough presence of mind to open his mouth, and the head slipped between his lips. Immediately he sucked instinctively. The Dom sighed. "Oh, yes.
Keep doing that, precious."

Joxer obeyed. Clive began to hump, driving his cock shallowly in and out of Joxer's mouth. He bent close and whispered. "You know, I can go a lot deeper in your ass, darling. Yes. I want you to think about that for a moment. Think about that nice, firm cock sliding over your prostate, again and again and again."

Joxer thought. He spit out Clive's cock and said, "Fuck me, please."

"Such a polite boy. Of course I'll fuck you, pet. I always intended to, but it IS nicer when the bottom asks for it."

Clive moved back behind Joxer and knelt up on the altar between his wide spread legs. He parted the man's buttocks again, and this time he leaned forward to press his cockhead against the glistening hole. "You're going to feel very, very full, pet. Take a deep breath, try to relax, and remember your safe word." Clive started to push.

Joxer made a breathy sound as the warm, solid mass of flesh moved up into him. 'Full' was an understatement. He felt stuffed, and Clive was still moving. It ached, and he considered using the safe word, but Clive started rubbing circles on his back, crooning to him in a pleased tone of voice, and he held off.

He was panting by the time that Clive lay flat on his back, buried to the hilt. "Oh, my," Clive whispered. "What a brave little boy you are. You took it all the very first time without complaining a bit. I'm so proud of you. Now I'll make you feel very, very good." He started to move, and Joxer lost contact with reality for awhile.

All there was was the heat, and the fullness, and the friction when he passed over that special place. Soon Joxer was whimpering and lifting up to meet each thrust. Clive obliged him by speeding and strengthening his thrusts until he was pounding into the willing ass with all his strength.

Joxer achieved his first orgasm ever with another man, crying out as his seed spilled on the soft, warm velvet. His ass clenched tightly around Clive's buried cock, and the Dom snarled, lunging even deeper as he reached his own release. When he felt the hot, liquid gush, Joxer's sperm spurted even more strongly, and, unconsciously, he squeezed. Clive gasped in delighted surprise at the milking sensation.

When it was over he withdrew his softening prick and kissed Joxer on the back of the neck before climbing down and doing up his pants. He walked back to the front of the altar and gave the panting man a deep kiss. "That was lovely, pet. Thank you."

"Welcome," Joxer gasped. "Thank YOU."

"My pleasure. Literally."

"Can I get up now?"

"Oh, I don't know. I'd rather like to just admire you like this for awhile. Debauched is a good look for you."

There was a faint, crackling buzz, and Joxer looked up alertly, then began tugging on his restraints.
"Really, I need to get up now. That's Ares on his way."

"You don't say? Leather God himself, eh?"

"Yeah, and Zeus only knows what he'll do to me if he finds me like this. It's a terrible breach of
protocol. So if you'll just untie me..."

"Mmmm... I DON'T think so."

"WHAT?! You HAVE to," Joxer said, desperate.

"I thought you'd know by now, love--I don't HAVE to do anything. And I, for one, have my own theories about what Ares would do to you if he found you tied naked, hot, and well fucked on his altar."

Joxer was eyeing TWO growing red shimmers with near panic. "Oh, crap! That means that either Strife or Eris is with him. Does it involve him kicking my ass? Maybe cutting off my head?"

"Well, ass and head ARE involved, but not in the way you fear. I think I'll just slip behind this other set of drapes over here and observe for a bit. Don't mention I'm here. I don't want to get harsh with you."

Clive hid. One shimmer coalesced into a tall, slender, very pale young man with spiky black hair.
He was dressed in a leather outfit with chrome accents that Clive highly approved of. When he saw Joxer laid out on the altar his mouth dropped open in surprise. "Well, bugger me!" It was all Clive could do, even after the recent bout, not to take him up on it.

He came closer to the altar. "Joxer, right? Yah, you've helped me out on a few pranks without knowin' it." He examined the bindings closely, and whistled. "Someone meant business." Then he peered at Joxer's butt. He slipped a finger into the crease, then grinned. "Oo, looks like someone's been samplin' Unc's offerins." He raised his voice. "Unca Ares, yer gonna wanna see this!"

The second shimmer solidified into a tall, dark haired, bearded man, also dressed in serious leather. He was scowling at a parchment. "What is it, Strife? I'm trying to estimate the probably casualties of that next battle in Thebes, and..."

Strife pushed down the paper and pointed. "Check it out, dude! I wish MY followers would leave me presents like that. You interested in goin sharesies?"

Joxer pressed his face to the altar, moaning, "I hope Cerebus doesn't chew me up too bad on the way to the underworld."

Ares glanced up, looked back at the parchment, then snapped his head back up. What in the name of Aphrodite's peekaboo tunic is going on here?"

Joxer smiled weakly. "Let me explain."

Ares stalked closer. "If there's a logical explanation for this, I'd love to hear it."

"I didn't say anything about logical."

Ares looked at Strife. "It's him."

Strife nodded. "Yah. I recognized him from tha scryin mirror ya keep nexta yer bed." He snickered. "Tha one with come splatters on it." He peered past Ares at Joxer and informed the bound man. "Betcha didn't know ya had an audience when ya jerked off."

"Look," Joxer said hastily. "Someone is playing a joke. Ha ha," he laughed weakly. "If you'll just let
me go and not kill me, I'll see what I can do about bringing him back to you, so you can mete out just punishment."

"Punishment? If I ever get my hands on him, I'll make him a favored high priest. I've been trying to figure out the right way to get you in this position for MONTHS."

Joxer blinked. "You HAVE?"

Ares was unlacing his pants. "Tartarus, yes! You make me hornier than Pan's pipes." He caressed Joxer's ass as he stroked his own erect cock. "And here you are, already open and ready to go."

"It doesn't bother you that you won't be my first?"

"Nah. Virginity can be nice, but it can also be over rated. I may not be your first," he climbed up on the alter between Joxer's legs, "But I promise you I'll be your best."

There was a flash, and Strife sat cross-legged on the floor, a large bowl of fresh popcorn on his knees. "I'd call Cupe for this, but he gets a little squicked at tha idea of his dad havin sex," he informed Joxer.

Clive carefully sat on the floor also. *I have to watch Xena more often. And I need to cruise the
AresJoxerCupidStrife website again for updates.* He sighed quietly, his eyes closing. *You can never have too much Joxer.*


Clive's eyes popped open. He looked down his torso toward his groin. The visible waistband was cotton, not leather. There was a magazine unfolded over his groin, and more than the staples was holding it up. Clive sat up, lifting it, and regarded the picture of Joxer. *Am I mistaken, or is there a bit more of a twinkle in his eyes than was there before? And I'd swear that the Ares actor looks a LOT smugger.*

He got up off the couch and walked briskly over to where Trenton sat in front of the computer. Without preamble he punched the power button. "Hey!" Trenton protested. "If it's bedtime, okay, but you didn't even give me time to close Windows."

Clive jerked him to his feet and swatted him on the rump, pushing him toward the bedroom. "You'll find some nice braided satin cords in the bottom drawer, Trent. Also get the velvet spread out of the linen closet. I'll be in in just a moment."

"Mm, sounds like you have something definite planned," he grinned.

"It came to me in a dream."

"I love it when that happens. Where will you be while I'm doing this?"

"In the kitchen, getting the olive oil." He paused, then cupped his hands over Trenton's head in a
measuring gesture. He nodded, then bustled off, saying, "And the pasta strainer."