Title: Death

Author: Pixiestyxs

Sequel/Series: none

Pairing: A/J

Archive: Sure

Notes: This is my first fic in this fandom so be kind. This is Joxer's POV

Warning: Semi Death Fic

Disclaimer: I don't own anything but my own imagination

Summary: Joxer talking to someone.

by Pixiestyxs

I would have never imagined that I could be this happy. If some one had come up to me and told me that Ares loved me I would have laughed. He just seemed the type that didn't love. But I guess that just goes to show you that you can't judge people by their reputations. I certainly didn't think he could love some one like me.

I'm a nobody. Why would Ares want me? It took him a long time to convince me that he really did love me. I mean come on. Me? Ya right. But I guess that just shows you that he's a good person.

Nobody liked me when Ares first announced we were together. But as they noticed that we were for keeps they accepted me. But I think that came too late. Did you know that Ares and I were going to get married? No I guess you didn't. Yeah Ares asked me to marry him and of course I said yes. I mean who wouldn't.

What we didn't take into account was my dying. You want to know what happened? I thought you knew how all the dead came here. Oh. You want me to tell you my view of it. Okay.

Ares had a war that Zeus wanted him to oversee. I didn't like being on Olympus with out him so I told him I was gonna go visit Xena. You know that I traveled with her didn't you? You did? That's good. Well anyway I had been traveling for about a week when Zeus showed up. That's when I knew that the war had just been a diversion.

He knocked Xena and Gabby unconscious. I just stood there knowing what was going to happen. But I didn't do anything. It was all very simple really. He blasted me with enough energy to kill me then left. I didn't die instantly. No Zeus thought was too easy. Oh you wanna know why he wanted to kill me. It seems he didn't want Ares to be happy. Thought he shouldn't love. What a load of bull.

When did I die? You sure have a lot of questions don't you? About two hours later Xena awoke. She found me dying and called for Ares. She knew about us. Ares came and I think he went into shock. He pulled me in his arms and to me to hang on. But I couldn't. Zeus had made it so that as soon as he touched me my death sped up. We only had a few minutes left together.

There was no way for him to save me. Because as soon as he thought about I slipped out of reach. Woke up here. You know the rest. But the sad thing is Ares comes to visit me all the time but he can't hold me. We talk though. He blames himself. You should talk to him. Oh you have to go? Ok. Bye Hades. See you next week. Oh Ares you're here.