
By Ratwoman

Disclaimer: I just borrowed them from JK Rowling

Fandom: Harry Potter

Category: Humour

Rating: R

Pairings: Snape/some Slytherins, (Snape/the Marauders UST)

Squicks: Voyeurism

Very small Spoilers to OoTP, but you may also read it if you haven't read the book yet, as it does not really give anything away

Summary: The Marauders try out a new feature of the Marauders' Map. Remus finds its effects quite revealing

By Ratwoman

It was NEWTs time, Remus lay on his bed reading a DADA book, James was working
through his History of Magic book and Peter was going through his notes. Sirius had
become bored half an hour ago and gone out, but now he came back, bursting into their
dormitory like a thunderstorm.

"I've added a new feature to the Marauders Map!" he called excitedly.

"So?" James answered, raising an eye-brow.

"Come, I show you!" Sirius said, squatting down on his bed.

Remus sighed and walked over to Sirius, as his friends did, too. Certainly Sirius had added another possibility for making mischief.

Sirius tapped the map, saying "I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good." The blank sheet
of paper lighted up, showing a net of lines signifying rooms and corridors and blots that
signified people.

"I added a spell that will not only make it possible to show where people are, but also what
they are doing!" Padfoot said proudly.

"I want to know what Snivellus is doing." James demanded.

"Ok, where is he..." Sirius' eyes searched the map.

"Over there, Slytherin dormitory!" Peter cried excitedly.

"Ah, yes," Sirius said. Pointing his wand at the small blot under which "Snape" was written, he said: "Monstra in his temporibus!"

The lines and blots faded, and instead were replaced by a Technicolor view on what Snape was currently doing. It was as if looking at him through a window, or rather like through one of the TVs Remus had seen at his Muggle cousin Brad.

"Bloody hell!" Sirius said, looking aghast, while Peter squeaked and James's jaw dropped. Remus probably looked similarly stupid, because the sight of Snape naked on his knees
sucking the cock of an equally naked Lestrange surprised him, too.

"What's he doing?" Peter called, then blushed realising that this was the stupidest question he had asked in a year.

Lestrange threw his head back, appearing to scream, then bucked and came.

"Um," Remus said, "I guess that's quite...private, shouldn't we switch it off?" But his friends
did not appear to hear him, just staring at the sheet in utter fascination.

"Wait, who's that coming into the picture now?" James asked.

"Rosier, I think." Sirius stared like transfixed. "Oh my, are they having an orgy?"

Remus cast a last glance at the paper - Snape and Rosier were both on the floor in an entangled mess of limbs, when another Slytherin, Avery, joined them, kneeling between Snape's thighs. Remus forced himself to look away and retreat from Sirius's bed the moment Avery swallowed Snape's cock.

"Really, I don't think we should watch that." he said while he was walking back to his own bed. Again, he was ignored.

Remus tried to concentrate on his book, but it was futile. All the while he was interrupted by his friends' excited voices:

"Look, what he's doing now!"

"I knew he's nasty, but I never thought he's such a slut!"

"Oh, I didn't even know that's possible!"

"Where did he learn that?"

"Is there no sound to it?"

"Maybe I can improve it so that we get sound next time."

Remus shut his book with a loud thud. "For heaven's sake, buy him flowers, ask him out for dinner or something!"

His friends reluctantly pulled their eyes off the sheet. "What are you talking about, Moony?" Prongs asked in utter confusion.

"Why should I want to buy him flowers?" Padfoot asked equally surprised.

"It would make more sense than stripping him naked in public." Remus replied unnerved.

"Why would that make more sense?" Peter threw in.

"Maybe then you'd get more than just a look."

Sirius drew a face in disgust. "Moony, your jokes are getting more and more... Oh, look,
sandwich position!"

Three heads turned and stared transfixed at the paper once again.

Shaking his head, Remus left the dormitory. There was no chance of studying there as long as his friends were watching their secret desire.
