Fandom: Harry Potter

Title: Twilight's Promise

Author: Zelgadis Greywood

Disclaimer:I don't own any of the Harry Potter characters. If I did, people wouldn't get away with lying about Snape all the time.

Rating: PG-13

Pairing: Harry/Draco, implied Lupin/Black, ?/Snape

Warning: mpreg. AU (a certain someone is still alive.)

Archive: Sure. If you really want it.

Twilight's Promise
By Zelgadis Greywood

With all the noise Snape was making, Madam Pomfrey was glad the baby had decided to be born during the holidays.

The baby, which Snape hid behind a glamor throughout the school year, had decided to begin it's journey into the world just last night, as those who had remained sat enjoying the Christmas feast.

Dumbledore and McGonagall had helped Snape to his feet and led him to the hospital wing.

"Albus," McGonagall, who had not been privvy to Snape's condition, told the Headmaster. "If the food is tainted..."

"There's nothing wrong with the food," Dumbledore told her. "Professor Snape will be
fine just as soon as the baby is born."

"Headmaster!" McGonagall gasped, "Surely you cannot be serious."

"No," Dumbledore smiled. "I am Albus. Mr. Black is Sirius."

"Headmaster! What is going to happen to him? How will the child be born? Surely..."

"Severus is going to be fine," Dumbledore assured her as they reached his office. "Madam Pomfrey has had past experience with this sort of thing." He reached down to pet the small black puppy who sat, wagging his tail and yipping happily.

"Surely, Sirius Black did not..." McGonagall gasped.

"He most certainly did." Dumbledore nodded.

"But the mother..." McGonagall looked at the puppy in shock.

"...was Sirius Black," Dumbledore smiled. "I promised Professor Lupin I'd look after the puppy until he was able to come back for him."

"You mean that dog is half werewolf?"

"Exactly. He's what I like to call a Fashion Hound." Albus smiled. "He changes his coat during the full moon."


"Everything is fine," Dumbledore promised.

"Everything is not fine. Two males have become pregnant this year!"

"Three," Dumbledore corrected her.

"Three?" McGonagall asked. "Who's the third?"


Harry Potter yawned and curled up in the elegant duvet that was the current furniture in the Room of Requirement.

Draco, his once fierce enemy, now lie asleep in his arms, finally tamed by love.