Title: Tired of waiting.

Author/Pseudonym: AtieJen

Email: atiejen@ureach.com

Fandom: Harry Potter

Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape

Rating: R / NC17

Series: No

Website: http://www.geocities.com/atiejen

Archive: Yes please. Just let me know, okay.

Disclaimer: There is no way that these characters belong to me. I’m just borrowing them for a while but I’ll return them to those making money from them soon enough.

Summary: Harry loves Severus but Draco can’t accept it. What lengths does he go to end their relationship?

Feedback: I’d really like that.

Notes: This was supposed to be a 15 minute fic for Taligator for guessing right, but somehow, it took me longer to write.

Beta: A Big thank you to Taligator for proofreading and correcting this for me.

Tired of waiting
by AtieJen

It was the last Potions class before the Christmas holidays and Harry could barely contain his happiness. He was really looking forward to the holiday period. It was a time away from the rustle and bustle of the rest of the students, and an opportunity to spend quality time with his lover. Thinking of said lover, Harry was the only person that didn’t jump as Professor Snape burst into the classroom with his robe twirling dramatically behind him. It never ceased to amaze Harry the image that the older man could portray with a minimum of motions.

Time and again he’d asked Severus how he accomplished it but the older man only smirked at him and said that it was a Slytherin secret, one that was passed on to the Slytherin head of houses. Harry wasn’t sure he believed him, but like so many of Severus’ secrets and tales, he accepted it at face value.

While Severus paraded up and down in front of the classroom, giving them their instructions, Harry surreptitiously watched him, taking in his form and admiring his gait. He admired the barely contained power in Severus’ swagger and for the umpteenth time, thanked whatever gods there were for bringing Severus into his life. It had taken them a long time to get where they were, but Harry loved the older man and couldn’t imagine a life without him. He knew that there were many people who didn’t approve of their relationship and many more who wouldn’t be happy about it if they found out but they hadn't let that deter them.

Harry was sure that professor Dumbledore already knew about them but since he hadn't said anything about it, they continued circumspectly. After all, their present relationship was definitely better than the times that they sniped at each other at every turn. Harry was now seventeen years going on eighteen and had been in love with Severus for the past year. It was during one of his mandatory Occlumency lessons that he’d managed to reveal his feelings to the Professor and even though Snape had tried to dissuade him, he’d just told him that he wasn’t required to reciprocate. They were Harry’s feelings and Harry’s problems.

It took them a term of hiding and struggling before Severus succumbed and reciprocated Harry’s kiss. They spent the time after that dancing around each other and it took them another month before the relationship became physical and that was only because Severus wanted Harry to be sure about what he was getting into. After all, he was always accusing Harry of being Gryffindor enough to jump into situations without thinking them through.

The first person to find out about their relationship was Severus’ godson, Draco who wasn’t happy about the relationship in the slightest. Harry also wasn’t very happy about how his Slytherin classmate found out, but couldn’t do anything to change it. It was during one of the evenings when Harry was supposed to be serving detention but was actually having a relaxing discussion in Severus’ quarters that the young man had visited. Draco’s shock at seeing both Severus Snape and Harry Potter dressed very informally and laughing as they drank butter beer was made obvious by his widened eyes and open mouth.

“What is going on?” He asked them surprised and Harry could only say his name in disgust, “Malfoy.”

“Oh, Draco. Come round, join us.” Severus called at him in a tone that was diametrically opposite to the one that Harry had used. It was a good thing that Harry had already seen Severus’ softer side because he saw it again as godfather and godson interacted.

“What is Potter doing here, Severus?” Draco sneered even as he sat.

“Don’t be that way Draco. Harry and I actually…” before he could finish, Malfoy interrupted him again, “Harry? Since when did you start calling potty Harry?”

“I’m still your god-father, boy and you should respect me as such. Don’t interrupt me.” Severus told him, tightening his voice and Harry barely stopped his flinch at hearing the hardened tone.

“Sorry Sev,” Draco apologized abashed and Severus nodded to him. While they were having their discussion, Harry had tried to give them a semblance of privacy and not interrupt but it was late and he had to leave. He interrupted them then and took his leave, giving Severus a small kiss. The next time he saw Severus privately, the older man didn’t tell him what had been discussed, only saying that Draco was now aware of the relationship and wouldn’t be saying anything negative about it. Since Draco was trying to find a way out of joining the Dark Lord, Severus was determined to give him whatever support was warranted so Harry kept quiet about his misgivings regarding Draco’s dubious consent.

The day after Draco caught Harry in Severus’ quarters, Draco trapped Harry in an empty classroom and gave him his opinion.

“I don’t know what you think you’re doing, Potter, but let me tell you, whatever you’re planning, it won’t work.”

“What makes you think I’m planning anything?”

“I know you, Potty. You can’t tell me that all of a sudden you like my godfather. Don’t think I don’t know what you and the rest of your Gryffindorks say about him. I’m not going to let him get hurt, not by you or anybody else so you better watch your step.”

Harry scoffed at that before telling him, “there’s nothing to watch, so do what you like. Severus chose me and there is nothing you can do about it.”

“He doesn’t know everything yet, Potter. Just you wait, you’ll make the wrong step and he’ll see you for the useless excuse of a half-blood wizard that you are.”

For Harry, that was Draco’s definitive statement, making him see a little bit of the other boy’s feelings and he couldn’t help mocking him about it. “Half-blood. That is what pains you isn’t it. That no matter how much stock you put in your so called purity of blood, it is still me that he chose.”

“We’ll see who wins in the end, won’t we?”

“Oh please, I’m not going into any kind of competition with you. Just leave me alone and I’ll do the same.”

“I always knew you were a coward.” Draco mocked and Harry only rolled his eyes before telling him, “I’m not the one that has a problem, Malfoy. You do, so deal with it.”

After saying that, Harry pushed away at Draco and left him alone. He was aware that even though he appeared confident in front of Draco, he wasn’t very sure about what Severus would say if he was asked to choose between Harry and Draco. After all, Draco was his godson and regardless of their new relationship, Harry was still the son of the man he’d hated for years.

Harry tried time and again to tell Severus about Draco’s insincerity but all Severus would say was that his godson was the ultimate Slytherin, not letting his feelings get in the way of the good thing he saw their relationship to be. The last time that Harry spoke about it, Severus anger was quite obvious as his face tensed up and he instructed Harry to ignore whatever antics that Draco performed. In his opinion, it was all done in great fun, much like the pranks that James Potter and Sirius Black once played around with in their youth.

After that, Harry swallowed whatever problems he had with Draco and tried to enjoy whatever time he had with Severus. That of course was one of the many wrinkles in their forming relationship but it wasn’t a major one so they dealt with it and moved on.

As Severus had said, Draco was the ultimate Slytherin and upon seeing that Severus was giving him leeway, took it to the extremes. Harry started dreading his potions classes since Draco took whatever opportunity to demean Harry and make him look the fool in front of Severus. Most of the time, it was done quite subtly and since Harry couldn’t prove it, he took the blame for the messes and accepted the docked points from Gryffindor and the served his detentions.

It was now close to a year since Harry and Severus’ relationship had started and the strain of keeping it hidden from Ron and Hermione was getting to him. It wasn’t quite that he didn’t want to share with them his happiness in his relationship with Severus but Harry knew that Hermione wouldn’t approve of the student – teacher aspect of it, and Ron wouldn’t approve of his having a relationship with a Slytherin in the first place and a man in the second place. It was for these reasons that Harry kept this part of his life away from them. Any way, they didn’t really have room to question him because they were also trying to work on their relationships. Ron’s with Parvati Patil while Hermione had started seeing Terry Boot of Ravenclaw.

Harry was jolted back from his reminiscing as he heard his name called in question. Severus was looking at him and he realized that he couldn’t answer a question he hadn't heard. “If Mr. Potter would be so kind as to tell the rest of the class what he would get if he added aged bat’s wings to this potion.” Harry had a policy of not answering any questions in Severus’ class, so he just looked down and away from the man he loved. “Well?” the Potion’s Master snapped at him.

“I’m sorry, Professor.”

“You should be Mr. Potter. It would seem that fame still isn’t everything no matter how long you spend in the Wizarding world.” It didn’t matter to Harry that he knew the answer to the question; he still flinched when his lover insulted him and the Slytherin’s laughed as a result, with Draco laughing the loudest. Harry turned away to hide his hurt and in that moment of inattentiveness, Draco took his opportunity to tamper with Harry’s potion. Harry usually placed a protective boundary around his cauldron in the potion’s class, he forgot this time around and caused his potion to explode.

Whatever Draco had hoped for, it didn’t turn out the way he expected because Severus was before him almost with preternatural speed and he too was caught in the force of the blast. With both of them covered in the purple substance, Harry barely heard Severus screaming at his class mates to leave the class room. By the time he stood up from where he’d crouched down to avoid being swallowed up in the blast, Harry had already ingested some of the potion and was starting to feel its effects.

“Oh Sev, you look so handsome today.” He purred at his lover as he strode towards him removing his robes as he did. By the time Harry was standing before Severus, he was only in a white wife beater and black jeans. The only things he wore under his robes.

“Harry. You’re under the effects of a potion. I have to make the antidote.”

“So, what’s stopping you?” He asked as he leaned in and pressed a kiss on the firm lips before him. At first, Severus didn’t respond but Harry pressed into his kiss and it wasn’t long before the older man’s mouth opened and Harry's tongue dove into its warmth. Their tongues danced around each other for a time before they settled into a comfortable rhythm of give and receive. When breath became a necessity, Harry released his lover’s lips and prowled around him. He knew that the older man couldn’t resist him when he was that determined and Harry took advantage of it. When he was behind the older man, he started running his hands along his backbone, as he knew the other man loved. Severus moaned at the feel of his fingers and Harry smiled.

When Severus tried to walk away, Harry pulled at the robe, stopping the older man in his tracks and plastered himself onto him. “I want you, Sev.” He murmured into the ear closest to him and Severus involuntarily leaned back into him. Harry grinned in triumph as he bit gently at his lover’s earlobe and continued speaking, “Here. Now. Take me.”

“We’re in the classroom, Harry and I have to make your antidote.” Severus told him quietly and when Harry saw that his lover wasn’t doing a lot to stop him, he pressed his advantage. “I don’t need an antidote for this, Sev’rus. I just love you.” He told the older man as he wrapped his arms round his waist. He was happy to feel Severus arms wrapped round his in response and he circled around Severus to face him. As he did that, he looked into the deep enigmatic eyes that held so much, if only he could understand it. While Severus hardly ever told Harry of his feelings, the older man made up for his lack of words in so many ways that Harry accepted what he was given.

“You have no idea how gratified I am to hear you say that, Harry. It doesn’t change the fact that there is a foreign potion in your system though.” The close proximity of the strong body before him brought a smile to Harry’s face even as rubbed himself against his lover seductively and told him, “If you want, you can make the antidote anytime but not now.” He first kissed Severus deeply before whisper into his mouth, “now, I want you to love me.”

“I do,” Severus whispered a bit brokenly, “I do Harry.”

“Then show me, Sev’rus. Fill me up and give me who you are. Love me.” As he said these, he placed tiny kisses on the strong beloved face in his hands and placed a small bite at the junction of his lover’s neck. Just when he felt Severus try to respond, he bit at his Adams apple and ground his hips into Severus’. They both moaned in response and Harry released the skin in his lips and leaned back from his waist. Though Severus swallowed in disappointment, he moaned again as Harry took the opportunity to press himself further into Severus’ groin.

Harry caught sight of Severus watching him and asked “Don’t you want me?” looking at his lover through dark long lashes which lay just above his cheek when lowered at the right angle. He also knew how to lower them because as he did, Severus’ eyes thickened in lust and he growled at Harry.

No sooner had the growl left Severus throat than Harry felt himself pulled close to his lover and his lips swallowed in a controlling kiss. Harry didn’t even have time to protest in any form because Severus pressed in quite possessively and Harry had no doubt about who was in charge. Just as he gave himself into the kiss, Harry felt himself maneuvered and when the movement ended, he was lying flat back on Severus table as the older man cleared it in one sweep of his hands.

Harry lay back and wrapped his legs around his lover’s waist as the kiss continued. When they came up for air, Harry felt his nipples tighten against his shirt and he moaned into the hands pinching them. The hands continued tormenting him and Harry’s eyes lowered in pleasure as his legs tightened, pulling his lover closer into him.

Harry barely felt it when his shirt was untucked from his trousers but the cold air hitting his skin passed the message into him. He could feel the kisses and bites that his lover placed on his skin from his head down to his sternum and his moans were quite involuntary. Harry looked up at his lover’s face and in his eyes, he saw the corresponding pleasure that he was experiencing and that added to the tension in his groins. When Severus pulled at his trousers, he told him in a lowered voice, “I’m going to fuck you, Harry.”

“Yes please.” Harry answered him even though it wasn’t a question. It wasn’t long before they were pulling at each other’s clothes and Harry soon found himself quite naked on the table. He reached out and pinched the pink knobbed nipples before him and was satisfied at the response it evoked in Severus. When he released his lover, he felt Severus give him fleeting kisses at the different parts of his body that he wasn’t even aware existed. Harry could almost feel a fever inside him waiting to be cooled and as a result he wasn’t conscious of the things he said to his lover in the heat of his passion. The only thing he was aware of was his cock being buried alive in a deep heated cavern that was Severus’ mouth, and while his legs were raised, a cool moist finger breached his insides. The combination of hot and cold only served to keep Harry on the edge, that he was impatient for his lover as he moved his fingers to stretch him.

When Severus’ fingers and mouth left him, Harry felt so empty that he moaned out loud in disappointment, but bit it back when his moan was covered with his lover’s lips. The kiss was just the beginning of what Severus wanted because just when Harry started getting into it, he felt a large head press into him. The idea of being filled so soon after the fingers had left him got Harry so excited that he widened his legs of his own accord. Severus held onto his legs as he guided his cock head straight into Harry’s entrance. When he felt the tip completely covered, they both breathed out to relax a bit and Harry was not expecting it when the older man slammed straight in after that. The pain/pleasure combination was too much for Harry that at just that first stroke, he orgasmed quite violently. It must have been just what Severus was waiting for because the older man drove himself into Harry in a steady rhythm maintaining possession of his body at all times. It was quite different from the gently lovemaking that they usually shared and Harry reveled in the wildness of it.

Just before coming, Harry’s lover buried his head in the juncture of his neck and bit down deep to swallow his scream and Harry couldn’t help wrapping his arms around him in comfort. When they both calmed down from their orgasmic fury, Harry looked down at his body and barely recognized his chest for the bites that riddled it.

Harry gave his love a gentle kiss, “Thank you.” Severus wasn’t expecting that because he looked at him in shock before smiling back and reciprocating, “No. Thank you, Harry.”

Severus wrapped his arms round Harry’s shoulders as he led him through a hidden doorway into his quarters. There, they shared a comforting shower, where they bathed each other with gentle touches to reaffirm their realness. Harry went to sleep afterwards while Severus went to make his antidote and tidy up his classroom.


When he woke, it was to Severus watching him from the corner of the bed, which was a surprise.

“What’s wrong?” Harry asked, since he couldn’t recognize the look on his lover’s face.

“Your antidote.” Severus told him, handing him the item

“Oh, thanks. Didn’t you sleep?”

“I didn’t need any.” Severus told him and he shrugged at the older man. After making a face at the bitter taste of the potion, Harry leaned in and placed a small kiss at the corner of his lover’s mouth.

“What is wrong?” He asked again when the expression hadn't lightened.

“What happened in class today, Harry?”

Harry shrugged at him, not quite knowing what to say. For him, it wasn’t unusual; he’d just forgotten to protect his cauldron and his ingredients.

“You should have been more careful, Harry. I know you could do much better than that so why didn’t you.”

Harry then tried to explain. “Nothing unusual happened, Sev’rus. It was just one of the typical potion’s classes.”

“You haven’t exploded anything in my classroom for a long time, Harry.” Severus negated. “So there’s nothing typical about it.”

Even though Harry could see his point of view, there was no way that he could explain it without implicating Draco. And since that was one of the forbidden discussion topics, Harry got angry about the whole situation and where he would usually curtail his words, they burst out in anger this time.

“You’re not exactly ready to listen to the truth of the situation, Severus so just believe that it was a typical class and move on.”

“What do you mean by that?” Severus asked him equally angry.

“I me-an that your godson threw something into my potion.”

“Oh, not this again, Harry.”

That Severus could be so oblivious hurt Harry and made him want to have his say. What they’d shared hours before was too precious for him to continue hiding how he felt about the whole state of affairs.

“No, No. This time, you’re going to listen to me. I know exactly what potion I tasted and what it did to me, and If you were not there, Merlyn forbid, I would have had to throw myself at someone else this morning. Like you say, I knew better, so why would I make such a stupid mistake? I’ve seen you turn a blind eye to all the things Draco does to me but today he went too far and you need to do something.”

“Are you now asking me to choose?” Severus asked him quietly and Harry couldn’t bear the scarcely hidden hurt.

“No, I’m not asking you to choose but there must be something that can be done.”

“You have to understand Harry, now that I’ve taken responsibility for him, he’s never had to share so he just needs sometime to get used to the situation.”

“I’m sorry to tell you this, Sev’rus but if you let things continue this way, I’ll be long gone before Draco gets used to the situation.” Harry couldn’t help his sadness at words and watched as Severus looked at him in surprise.

“Do you really feel that way?”

“Yes!” Harry told him emphatically. “For your sake, I’ve tried keeping my distance from him because I know how much he means to you. The problem is that he doesn’t have the same regard for me and with your silence, you’re just encouraging him.”

“How could you say that?”

“I can say it because when it comes to Draco, you don’t listen. You think he finds it hard to share? What makes you think I want to share you? But you’ve made it clear that for me to have you in my life, I have to accept Draco in your life. Have you told him the same thing? You keep excusing it as Slytherin antics. Well, I’m not the big bad Slytherin so maybe I don’t understand. But what I do understand is that he keeps pushing, and he keeps hurting me, and you keep silent.”

Severus made as if to make another excuse but Harry just continued, “What do you think would have happened today? If by any chance, he had thrown the wings in at another stage, the potion wouldn’t have exploded and with your custom of asking me to test my potion, I would have been the one to drink it and then would have attacked the first person that I saw. Then your godson would have the perfect opportunity to come to you and tell you that I had transferred my feeling to someone else. Tell me, Sev’rus would you have taken me back then?”

His lover opened and closed his mouth a few times before shaking his head and Harry nodded back at him.

“I love you, Sev’rus. I never get tired of telling you or showing you. But what I am tired of is waiting for your godson to grow up and accept me as your lover. I’m tired of feeling like I could lose you at the first opportunity if I don’t get along with Draco. I’m not the perfect Slytherin who understands plots at every corner; you are. So maybe it is time that you made a decision and spoke to Draco.”

When he finished talking, Harry felt himself pulled into Severus’ strong arms as the older man held him close and placed kisses on his head. “I never meant to make you feel like you’re unimportant, Harry. I’ll handle it.”

Harry burrowed into the warm enclosure holding him and told his lover, “That’s all I ask.”

This wasn’t the first situation that they disagreed on and it wouldn’t be the last but for the moment, Harry took comfort in the massive hug that Severus was giving him and accepted his place in the older man’s life.

The End