Highway to hell, Chapter Seven: Darkness Falling

By Ratwoman


Disclaimer: They all belong to JK Rowling, I just borrowed them. They certainly will be glad when I bring them back, because I'm a very sick person

Pairing: SS/LM, also to a smaller extent SS/SB

Rating: NC-17 (overall)

Warnings: BDSM, auto-aggression

Category: Darkfic, Drama/Angst, Humour

Note: The name Bartholomeus Scarabeus Peingebreck is stolen from Samsas Traum

Thanks to hainuwele for beta reading

Summary: Snape's time at university, when he meets Lucius Malfoy, Lord Voldemort and other nice fellows

Highway to hell, Chapter Seven: Darkness Falling
By Ratwoman

Severus stayed for a couple of days at the Malfoy manor. Most of the time he spend in Lucius's huge bedroom, that was abundant of all kind of things Lucius called SM-toys.

The rest of the time he was asking Lucius and Narcissa questions about the Dark Lord, how it came that they knew him, if there was a possibility that Severus might meet him again...

Lucius looked thoughtfully at him. "I don't know what kind of impression you made on him, he is hard to estimate. But I think, there is a good chance that you might see him again."

Narcissa smiled her cool, distant smile and said: "He might even want you in his circle."

Lucius frowned at her: "Dearest, that's by far not sure."

"What do you mean, in his circle?" Severus threw in.

Narcissa was still smiling: "How did you hide it from him so long, Lucius?"

"A simple concealing charm." Lucius replied. "Dearest, with a promiscuous life- style like mine one has no choice but concealing it."

"Concealing what?" Severus asked sharply. Could it be that Lucius was a Death Eater? From all he knew, it was rather likely.

Lucius gazed searchingly at him then said: "You probably already guessed it anyway," and pulled up his left sleeve. There, at Lucius's forearm was in black lines a scull with a snake slithering out of the mouth.

"The Dark Mark!" Severus called out in fascination.

"Sebastian and Mill have one, too." Lucius said. "I introduced them to the Dark Lord." He smiled proudly.

As if spellbound Severus traced the lines on Lucius's forearm with his fingertips.

"Did it hurt?" he asked.

"Quite the contrary." Lucius answered in a strange voice, as if he was trying hard not to laugh.

Fascinated as Severus was by the Dark Lord, some things he read about him in the papers were rather worrying. "Is it true that you have to kill for him?"

"Only where it's necessary." Lucius answered. "You'll have to make some sacrifices, if you want to change the world."

"And what do you want to change?" Severus asked.

"Isn't that obvious?" Lucius replied. "I want a world where we can proudly walk the Earth, where we don't have to hide from Muggles." he said the word as if he was talking about maggots, "I want to show them their place; they've spent enough time polluting the earth. They are like parasites, and if we don't stop them they will destroy our planet. And why do we not stop them? Not because we're not able to, just because our government thinks it is best not to interfere!" Lucius's voice was trembling with anger. This time, Narcissa was not smiling haughtily but looked almost pained.

Lucius's expression softened, he took Narcissa's hand in his and kissed her fingertips. Severus felt a sharp sting of jealousy when he realised that Lucius really loved his wife. "I won't allow them to hurt you or our child." Lucius said softly.

Severus blinked. Were they afraid of Muggles? And what had Lucius said about a child?

"Child?" Severus asked.

"Of course we're planning on an heir." Narcissa said as if Severus had asked something especially stupid. Planning, so that meant they were still unsuccessfully trying.


Severus and Lucius returned to university a few days later. Severus did not really know what to think of the prospect of becoming a Death Eater. Lord Voldemort was the most impressive man he had ever met, that much was certain. And judging from what he had heard so far, Lucius's arguments why they should control the Muggles did make sense.. But the accussations of Bartholomeus Scarabeus Peingebreck still rang in his ears.

It did not really make it any better that a few days later an interview with Bartholomeus Peingebreck was printed in the Daily Prophet. Mill and Lucius were discussing it in the kitchen when Severus came in. They both looked very outraged, so Severus asked: "What's up?"

"Read!" Lucius barked and held out the article to Severus. Severus took it and read. Bartholomeus Peingebreck was repeating in an interview mostly the same things he had said on Lucius's New Years Party, how he thought that Voldemort's anti-Muggle campaign resembled the fascism he had experienced in his youth.

"How dare he publicly compare the Lord to that scum!" Lucius hissed angrily.

Mill's eyes glittered furiously: "Our Lord will be the salvation of the Wizarding World, and that bastard makes it look as if he was a plague!"

"Well, if that's his opinion," Severus said, "he has the right to utter it; no one is forced to share it."

Lucius glared at him with pure venom. "You think that's ok?? You think it's ok that he stains the reputation of the Dark Lord with his lies?!?"

"I don't agree with Peingebreck, but he just says what he thinks..."

The next thirty minutes Lucius and Severus spent shouting at each other. The rest of the evening they spent in bed making up for the row.


Like he did frequently, Lucius tied Severus spread-eagled to the bed and tortured him with tongue and fingernails. Severus was floating higher and higher when Lucius suddenly sat up, clutching his forearm.

"What???" Severus asked.

"Got to go." Lucius said, jumping out of the bed.

"Lucius?" He could not just leave now!

"The Dark Lord is calling me." Lucius replied.

"Oh" Severus just said and watched Lucius get a black cloak, gloves and a mask out of his cupboard.

While Lucius was hurrying to put on his clothes, Severus said: "Um, Lucius, you can't leave me here like that."

Lucius grinned at the constrained man and said: "You're right, of course!" waved his wand and made a blanket cover Severus.

"Lucius!" Severus yelled, tugging at the chains. Lucius just grinned, put on his mask and Disapparated.


Severus waited, and waited, and waited, cursing Lucius and swearing that he would pay him back for leaving him tied up. Of course he knew he would not pay Lucius back - more likely he'd beg Lucius to do with him whatever he wanted.

About an hour later Lucius returned, still wearing his black cloak, gloves and a mask. He looked both scary and sexy, even though every inch of his body was covered.

Lucius took off his cloak, only wearing the underwear beneath that he had taken on quickly before he had left. Lucius also took off the mask but let the gloves on, then walked slowly, predatorily to the bed, slipped off the blanket and crawled onto the sheets, his hair brushing Severus's skin.

"Good news Sev," he said, running his gloved hands along his sides in an immensely erotic, possessive way. "The Dark Lord wants you."

Severus tried to understand the meaning of Lucius's words even though the feeling of leather gloves carressing his skin was excessively distracting.

"Your initiation ceremony is next Saturday." Lucius said.

The words somehow reached Severus's brains even though gloved fingers were playing with his sensitive nipples. "What if I refused?" he asked. Not that he really planned to...

Lucius quickly closed a hand around Severus's throat, efficiently cutting off his air supply. Severus stared up at the other wizard with wide eyes and a racing heart.

"There is no refusing the Dark Lord, Severus!" Lucius snapped. "He orders, and you obey! Am I clear?"

Severus nodded his head, as far as possible in his position. What was he getting himself into?

Lucius let go of Severus's throat and instead framed his face with his hands. "I'm so proud of you, Sev!" he said affectionately. "Imagine, you're gonna be a Death Eater like me!" He bent down and kissed Severus deeply and passionately, then kissed a wet trail down his throat, down his chest... Severus gasped in growing arousal when Lucius's tongue lapped his left nipple while one gloved hand was twisting and tugging his right one. His other hand was slowly moving downwards, leather brushing the skin of his stomach, leather closing around his cock... Severus moaned and prepared himself for a night of exstacy.

And indeed, Lucius was as inventive as always.


Severus was only slightly worried when he read in the paper on Friday that Bartholomeus Peingebreck was reported missing. Maybe he had just gone back to Germany without telling anyone?
