Highway to Hell, Chapter Eleven: Sepulta Nefas

By Ratwoman


Disclaimer: They all belong to JK Rowling, I just borrowed them. They certainly will be glad when I bring them back, because I'm a very sick person

Pairing: SS/LM, also to a smaller extent SS/SB

Rating: NC-17 (overall)

Warnings: BDSM, auto-aggression; extra- kink in this part: unusual sexual situation

Thanks to hainuwele for beta-reading

Category: Darkfic, Drama/Angst, lightened up with a healthy amount of Humour

Summary: Snape's time at university, when he meets Lucius Malfoy, Lord Voldemort and other nice fellows

Highway to Hell, Chapter Eleven: Sepulta Nefas
By Ratwoman

Sit down and thou shalt behold the Seven Deadly Sins appear to thee in their own proper shapes and likeness.
~Christopher Marlowe, Doctor Faustus

The next time Severus was called to the Lord, Lucius, Sebastian and Mill Apparated only a few moments after him; four other Death Eaters were already present.

"Severus," the Lord said, "did you finish the Potions?"

"Yes, milord," Severus replied and took them out of a pocket.

"Excellent," the Dark Lord said smiling and stored the flasks in a cupboard. Turning to the eight assembled Death Eaters, he said: "I need your assistance for an ancient rite. Each of you has to incorporate one of the Seven Deadly Sins - well, Lechery is best done by two people." he added. "Lucius, what is your favourite sin?"

"Lechery." Lucius answered.

"I'm not surprised." the Dark Lord said with a smirk. "With Severus?"

Blushing slightly under the mask - were they supposed to do that in public? - Severus only nodded his head.

"Sebastian, what is your favourite?" the Dark Lord asked.

"Sloth," Sebastian Goyle slowly said.


A man similarly built as Sebastian answered: "Gluttony."


"Pride." she said haughtily.


"Typical, the best sins are already claimed by others." Mill said sulkily.

"How about Envy?" the Dark Lord said ironically.

"Ok." The half-fairy replied resignedly.


"Wrath!" he barked.

"Then there is only Greed left for me." the last Death Eater said.


They Apparated in front of a lone house, not especially big, but not shabby either. The Dark Lord pointed his wand at the door and murmured some words, whereupon it imploded.

Adrenaline shot through Severus's veins when he followed the other Death Eaters inside. What would they do next?

They rounded up the family living in the house: a man and a woman around thirty, and a boy of maybe eight. Severus recognised the man, he was often in the Daily Prophet as a wizard who openly opposed Lord Voldemort.

Voldemort stunned them, then they brought the family into the living room and tied them to chairs. Severus looked around. The living room was cosy, with a thick carpet, a large fire place with family pictures around it, but not to the excess of the pictures of his dead father at home.

The Dark Lord turned to his Death Eaters. "Start your performance." he ordered.

Obviously Severus was not the only one who did not know how to proceed, because everyone was stunned for a moment. Then the Death Eater whose name Severus did not know said: "Then I'll start plundering."

He took a big bag and started putting in everything that looked half-way expensive.

The man the Lord had called Gregory walked up to the scared looking family and said threateningly: "Where's your pantry?"

The adults just stared at him in fright and the child started crying. Macnair joined him and slapped hard across the bound man's face: "DIDN'T YOU HEAR HIM?" he shouted.

With a shaking voice the woman described the way to the pantry and Gregory walked there. Meanwhile Sebastian sat down comfortably on an armchair and yawned pointedly.

Severus would have kept on watching if Lucius had not started ripping his clothes apart. Severus hurried to do the same to Lucius. Greedily touching Lucius's exposed skin, he was only dimly aware that Macnair was shouting and beating up the family man, while Mill was walking around his wife, screeching something about how envious she was of her golden hair, her rich clothes, her happy family - the woman did not seem to be happy now.

Naked safe their masks, Severus and Lucius tumbled to the floor, eagerly rubbing skin against skin. Severus saw Bellatrix standing in the middle of the room, doing her hair while looking into a hand-mirror, her whole appearance radiating condescension and pride. At some point Gregory came back chewing, arms full of food. He sat down near Sebastian, who held out a hand to get food but gave up when he couldn't reach it without stretching.

Lucius did a quick lubrication spell and raised Severus's legs over his shoulders, then slammed in.

Out of the corners of his eyes Severus saw that Macnair had stopped beating the man, who was a bloody mess by now, and instead was kicking the child. Feeling slightly sick, Severus closed his eyes and concentrated of the sensations of Lucius's cock moving inside him.

For Lucius, the publicity of the act seemed to be an extra turn-on; grunting, he pounded into Severus with such a force as if he was trying to split him in two. Severus found it difficult to let go under these circumstances; other than in the bar where he had enjoyed the publicity, his cock stayed flaccid and limp.

Lucius was still moving in him when Severus heard the Dark Lord chanting in a foreign language. For a moment, Severus was blind, deaf and numb; panicking, he felt some energy being withdrawn from him. Seconds later, light and sound returned. Turning his head, he watched as bluish light was drawn from the chests of the three family members and into Lord Voldemort. The family withered under his eyes, growing old and wrinkled within seconds, then died. It was a grotesque view, to see a child die of old age.

With a lump of fear constricting his throat, Severus saw Lord Voldemort opening his eyes, saw that they were a deep glowing red now.

"Thank you, my friends," Lord Voldemort said, "you just made me immortal."


After casting the Morsmordre across the sky, they went to Malfoy Manor to celebrate. Since they all knew each other anyway (except of Severus and the man who had incorporated Greed, who now introduced himself as Igor Karkaroff), they took off the masks and cloaks.

Everyone seemed thrilled, as if drugged by excitement, while they sat together and drank. Everyone except Mill, who looked quite worried. Severus was not happy either, in his mind's eye he always saw the child grow old and wrinkled within seconds. He badly wanted to be alone with his blades, to bleed and be punished.

Narcissa joined their company, listening with interest to their description of the rite.

"I heard of that before. It is called the Septula Nefas, isn't it?" Narcissa said.

"You're right," the Lord answered. "It hasn't been performed for hundreds of years, though."

The Dark Lord was sharply watching the wizards, and Severus had the feeling that his red eyes could see right into his soul, that he could read his pangs of conscience. But then Lord Voldemort asked Mill instead of Severus: "Is there anything bothering you?"

Mill blushed guiltily and said: "I just wondered if it would have been possible to spare the child."

"No," the Dark Lord said calmly, "the sacrifice has to be a family consisting of a father, a mother and a child. Why does that bother you?"

Mill blushed further, and Macnair was looking hopefully from the Dark Lord to Mill and back. Then Narcissa said, trying to help her out: "You know how we women are - always having a weakness for children and animals."

Sebastian, Lucius, Severus and Karkaroff laughed, more to relax the situation than because Narcissa's remark was in any way funny, but Bellatrix said: "I hate children!"

"You're special," Lucius said, but the way he said it, it almost sounded like an insult.

The Dark Lord was still looking sharply at Mill. "If you ever allow that weakness to stand between you and my orders..."

"Yes, Milord." Mill said, eyes cast down.

The Dark Lord's attention suddenly shifted to Narcissa. "I wonder which sin is yours."

"I never sin." Narcissa said with a smirk, "I'm perfect."

"I almost believe you." Lord Voldemort said. "Lucius, what is your wife's chief sin?"

"She's indeed perfect." Lucius answered earnestly. "Unlike me. And I want to sin again." he added, looking intensely at Severus. And he had hoped to get home to his blades soon...

The Dark Lord looked amused. "On no account would I want to hinder you from sinning, Lucius. Good Night!" With these words he Disapparated.

Macnair took the hint, too, and stood up. "I'm going Muggle hunting. Anyone join me?"

"Sure," Gregory said. "Sebastian?"

Sebastian murmured something about university tomorrow, and Disapparated together with Mill. Bellatrix said something about her fiancé missing her, and Karkaroff left as well.

They were alone.


"I want you to whip me." Severus said as soon as they were in Lucius's bedroom. He took one of the whips from the rack and held it out to Lucius. "100 lashes."

"100?" Lucius asked. "Are you mad?"

"Do it!" Severus snarled, trying to project his self-disgust on Lucius to make his voice sound more authoritative.

Lucius raised an eye-brow at him, then took the whip and ordered: "Strip!"

Severus unceremoniously shed his clothes, just throwing them aside. All he needed now was raw pain, he did not want to stretch the time unnecessarily.

"Cross your hands at the back of your head." Lucius ordered. Severus could not read any emotions in his face.

When Severus obeyed, Lucius did not waste any time, just walked around him so that he stood behind Snape, raised the whip, and let it whistle through the air. It made a loud crack when it hit the skin of his back, burning pain imprinted itself on his flesh. Severus sharply inhaled, then demanded: "More!"

"Say please." Lucius said sweetly.

Severus closed his eyes. 'Oh please, Lucius, don't play games now!' "Please!" he snarled.

"That will do." Lucius said generously and hit him again. And again. And again. Lucius hit him hard, as hard as possible, and Severus savoured every single hit, focused on the pain running through his body like fire, waited for it to dispel the picture of the dying wizarding family. Yet it evoked other pictures... Bartholomeus Peingebreck bleeding out his life, the deadly Poisons he had made for Voldemort...

Then Severus wondered why he suddenly was on all fours on the floor. Had he fainted, or just stumbled? His back was on fire, but no new pain was running like electricity through his veins.

"More!" Severus demanded.

"Sev..." Lucius's voice sounded hesitatingly.


Lucius sighed and swung the whip again with a whizzing sound. Severus hissed when it hit the small of his back and arched upwards. "Harder!"

The whip went down on his back and buttocks again and again, and slowly the pictures ceased until only his aching body was left, until pain was the only reality.

Severus hardly noticed when the beating stopped, when Lucius picked him up and carried him to the bed. Every inch of his skin burned.

Lucius applied cooling ointment, and, half unconscious, he heard Lucius saying earnestly: "You can always come to me when you feel the need to be punished. But never, ever let the Dark Lord see your scruples. Promise me that."

Severus only mumbled in reply, so Lucius slapped him hard across his back. Severus gasped in pain as Lucius hit his injured skin.

"Promise!" Lucius demanded shrilly.

"Yes," Severus said quietly, "I promise."

Lucius lay down and hugged Severus close, ignoring his pained gasps.

"Sweet dreams." he said as if nothing had happened.
