Title: And What You Give Unto Me

Name: Spankmeseverus


Pairings: Severus/Harry

Disclaimer: JKR owns everything in this universe as far as I'm conserned, I am a mere writer borrowing these characters exsitense to brighten my day. In short, do not sue me, I do not own them.

Rating: PG-13

Warning: Character death

Summary: Severus makes a visit

Category: Drama I would say, tis a sad sad world that we live in.

And What You Give Unto Me
by Spankmeseverus

Not a single tear was shed as Severus traced the letters on the headstone. He sat next to the well kept grave regalling the man with the entire story, beginning to end, all bloodshed and love making included.

"If I could go back and do it all again, go back and fix things between us, I'd do it all the same. I wouldn't change a thing James. Then he would never have become the man he was, and still is to me."

Severus laid a wreath of red poppies on James Potter's grave, a boquet of white roses atop Lily's grave and came to stand at the foot of the third grave. This time, as he moved to sit on top of the grave and trace the letters on the headstone, tears prickled the corner of his eye. He let himself cry silently so that if any tourists should come he could hide his emotions. He rose and left in his wake and enchanted red rose that would always be in bloom until the day Severus died and could join his lover in the afterlife.

"Thank you James, and you Lily, for the man; the man I loved. Thank you for Harry."
