Title: Always Gets What He Wants

Author: Pervert Bitch

Feeback: mgmm16@hotmail.com

Rate: NC-17

Pairing: HP/SS, DM/HP

Disclaimer: You already know it, but I must tell it anyway? I don't own anything Harry Potter-related and I'm quite poor girl who comes from a low-budget country and this piece of fiction ain't going to help any of that.

Summary: I suck at those. Quite PWP if you ask me. About Malfoy Junior noticing certain facts and making use of them.

Warning: None I think. Unless you have something against manipulation. Mmm, guess that would make some of sex in this non-con. Oh well.

Author's note: I haven't write Harry Potter slash ever. Have read lots though. So pleasebe kind. You can say the fic was shite if you didn't like it, but do so in a kind way please. I can be really sensitive. You do want *me* bemoaning about my truncated career as a writer in your conscience.

Another author's note: This all came in a dream after watching too many Yukipon's drawings. 10 points to all who guess the drawings that nagged me until my subconscious manifested them in a dream. One of the best dreams I have had in ages.

An extra author's note: Since this is happening in my subconscious, this takes place in no unambiguous time. So this is an AU world where OoTP never happened and Black is quite alive, much to my chagrin and yet delight? Don't ask.

Always gets what he wants
By Pervert Bitch

Greetings, my lowly muggles, I am Draco Maledictus Malfoy, the heir of the Malfoy fortune and Machiavellian maneuvers connoisseur; and today you will learn how I turn the Boy-Who-Lived into the Boy-Who-Could-Not-Sit-Down-Properly. Why do I lower myself to talk to undignified creatures such as yourselves? Because I can, obviously.Now, let's get started, I've got a prior arrangement with my manicurist in thirty minutes sharp?


"Just a kiss, professor. Please?"

Those five words became one of the turning point in both Harry Potter's and Severus Snape's lives.

The other one was when Professor Snape said: "Yesss"

And it was because Severus Snape desired Harry Potter since he laid eyes on the boy for the first time. So much like his schoolboy nemesis, James Potter, but with a delicious purity that begged to be tainted. Severus was no saint, but he had enough self-control to keep his hands off the boy, masking his desire with hatred and bias. But when Harry, who was about to leave after two hours of detention, turned around flushed and biting his lips, the teacher knew right then, that the boy would be the death of him.

The boy just had to speak, and he was condemned. `If I am going to hell, the least I can do is enjoy the ride' thought the man bitterly. Because how could he deny Harry anything, when the boy not only begged so prettily, but also stroked his face with sweet reverence.

He had barely uttered his approval, when the boy threw his arms around his neck and started kissing him frantically. The professor was surprised with the force of the `attack' and had to step back until he was pressed against the corner of his desk. The position was quite uncomfortable and Severus maneuvered both so he could sit on his desk with Harry on his lap without broking their link. Once settled, Severus was surprised with the clumsiness of the kiss. The boy was clearly an innocent and that inflamed Severus' passion even more. He clutched the boy's chin and started leading the kiss.

When Severus sucked the boy's tongue into his mouth, Harry moaned noisily and started humping his leg. Severus grimaced; clearly the boy had spent too much time with the mangy cur and his werewolf lover. A sudden thought entered his mind: He didn't want to end up this, whatever this was, with just a kiss. And if the heated kissed were any indication, neither the boy. Making up his mind, Severus broke the kiss.

The boy whimpered and tried to renew the kiss. Severus turned away. With a hurtful look, Harry tried to step back, but Severus was having none of it. He tightened the grip on the boy and ran his other hand through the front of the boy until it rested against the bulge between Harry's legs. He squeezed a bit and the boy groaned. His hand went up to the buttons of the boy's pants.


The boy looked up and Severus was satisfied to note Harry was blushing furiously. The teacher raised an eyebrow. Harry gulped and gave him a tiny nod. Fast as lighting, Severus unbuckled Harry's pants and brought them, along with the underwear, down. The boy gasped when the cold air of the dungeon hit his searing skin. Severus cupped Harry's hardness and stoked up and down.

"Professor, please?"

Severus tensed and stopped his ministrations.


"Don't." Severus sighed. "Would you be so kind as to not remind me my position here?"


"Articulate as always. You do know I'm in possession of a name, don't you? You may call by it"

"S-severus?" The boy tried the name and smiled. "Severus"


The teacher started anew. His other hand roamed down Harry's back to cup the boy' bare arse. Slowly, he slid his fingers down the crack of the pale behind. Harry's breath hitched and then he moaned when he pressed back against the fingers. Severus smirked

"So sensitive"

He leaned down and bit Harry's ear. The boy yelped.

"Would you mind to move this to a more comfortable place"

"Yes! I mean no?"

Severus chuckled.

"But first?"

He removed his hand from the boy's arse and licked his fingers while he sped up the motions of the other hand. When the slicked fingers returned, the boy's knee buckled and when the tip of his middle finger breached him, the boy came with a choked cry.

The boy had a dazzled expression on him and when he looked up to watch his teacher lick his come off his fingers, spent as it was, the boy's cock twitched.

Severus savored his treat greedily and watched the red color return to the boy's soft cheeks.


"But I already did" The boy smiled shyly.

Severus rolled his eyes and led the way to his personal chambers.

The hardness he had ignored, throbbed painfully when he watched the boy sitting on his bed. He growled and flung himself over the boy. Harry didn't even mind that his potions professor was practically ripping his clothes with his teeth, for he was too busy trying to unbutton Severus' clothes.

A sudden noise was heard, and Severus stopped and looked to the possible source of the noise. The glass of water that he kept at his bedside table had fallen. The bed had probably moved too much.


He moved to put the glass in its rightful place but Harry bit a nipple and he forgot about the stupid glass. Severus removed the rest of his clothes much for Harry's delight and now he had retrieve something quite useful from one of the drawers.

"Now watch, boy"



"I like it when you call me Harry"

"Watch, Harry"

Severus lied down besides the boy and uncorked his faithful vial. With slicked fingers, he reached between his own legs and touched his most hidden place.

Harry watched hungrily as he massaged his hole.

"This is where you're going, Harry"

Harry gasped. The boy was totally hard again.

With no warning, the teacher pushed two fingers inside his body with the acquired practice of many lonely nights. Harry crawled between Severus' legs and watched with excited fascination as his teacher grunted while fucking himself with his fingers. With a curious look, he reached Severus' cock and rubbed the head with his thumb. Severus moaned noisily and Harry beamed. Looking at Severus the whole time, the boy raised his hand and licked the thumb clean.

Severus groaned and removed his fingers.

Harry climbed on top of him and looked nervously at Severus' eyes. He dragged the boy's head down for a languid kiss.

"Don't worry. It'll all be right." He gave the boy a reassuring smile.

"Ok? Severus"

Severus grabbed the young cock and slowly guided it inside his hole. The first breach made the man wince slightly. But as soon as the whole cock-head was inside, things went rather easily. Once settled in, both stayed still. Harry was panting heavily with eyes closed tightly, his hair looking more disheveled than ever. Severus flexed his hips cautiously and Harry squealed like a wounded animal.

"Ok, you can move now"

Harry didn't need to be told twice and started pumping furiously. Severus bit his lip when Harry hit his prostate.

"Severusss" Harry looked up to watch his lover's face, and startled at the frown he found there. "Severus?"

"Shhh" His teacher tried to control his breathing.

Harry stopped "Are you alright?"

"Yes! Keep moving and shut up! I cannot concentrate with all this talking!"

The boy raised his eyebrows but complied.

Once his lover had that look again, Harry changed the angle to hit the prostate with strong force to make them both jump off the bed. Severus gasped and came.

The potions master lay panting with his eyes closed until he realised Harry hadn't come yet. He opened his eyes to watch Harry smiling like a fool.

"Cheeky little brat, I'll teach you"

He contracted his muscles and the boy's eyes widened to comical proportions. The orgasm taking him by surprise, the boy spent himself as he howled. Yes, too much time with the dogfather and lupine.

Harry had enough mind to slip out and he collapsed on top of Severus. Feeling generous, the teacher graciously allowed the boy to catch his breath.

And some minutes passed by.


The answer was a soft snore.

Severus cursed under his breath, one look at the peaceful face and didn't have the heart to wake him up.

"You are getting soft" He sighed and with a murmured spell and a wave of his hand, both of them were cleaned. He decided to rest his eyes a bit; in a couple of hours he will awake the boy and direct him to his merry way to Gryffindor tower.

"Time to torture the brats!!!"

Severus woke up with a start and looked around to shut his clock up. Just as he did that, he realised two things. One, he was very naked. Two, there was an equally naked body wrapped around him. The recollection of last night crashed and he forced himself to look down. Yes, a very naked Harry Potter was there with his thin pale arms around him. Damn.

"Harry?" He shook the boy a little. When this didn't produce the required outcome, he shook him rather forcefully. "Potter! Wake up"

The boy in question gave a long yawn and opened his eyes slowly. Just to take in the situation and close them again.

"No, Potter. You are not dreaming"



"I liked you better when you called me Harry"

"For God's sake, Potter!"


"Alrigth! Harry, would you mind to get the hell out of here before I lose my job!"

"We wouldn't want that, right?" Harry said bitterly.

"Alright, that was uncalled for. I apologise, it's just that?" Harry closed his eyes. "Now what?"

"Shhh. I want to savor this moment. An apologetic Severus Snape"


They both stayed in silence.

Harry yawned again. "What do we do now?"

Severus reached from under the bed and pulled Harry's shirt out. "Now, you put your clothes on, get out, and act like nothing has changed between the two of us" He started dressing Harry.

Harry beamed

"What are you smiling at?"

"You say `act'"

Severus cursed under his breath.

"Can I come back then?"

Harry rubbed his eyes sleepily. Severus sighed. Albus was going to skin him alive.

"Yes, yes you can"


The boy gave him a peck on the lips.

"But you must remember that we still have to act like we hated each other"

"I can do that, I've been doing that for some time already"

Severus opened his mouth to retort that, but said instead "so do I, Harry"

They finished dressing in silence.

Once outside, Harry shivered.


"Damn, the dungeons are so cold. A breeze just passed me by"

"Then you must hurry to where it's warm"

"Ok then. See you later, Professor Snape"

Severus smiled, "move along, Mister Potter"

They took different ways and by the time Harry made it to the Great Hall, Severus already sneered at him from the teacher's table.

"Harry mate, where have you been" Ron looked at him with a worried expression.

"Fell asleep during detention. The bastard didn't even wake me up. My back is so stiff" Harry lied smoothly. Hermione gave him a look but just shook her head and said nothing.


You see, the only thing I had to do was wait until the Potions class was over. I walked up to Potter and whispered: "I know what you did last night"

How did I know? Surely you don't think Potter was the only one who owns an Invisibility Cloak. I watched the whole show in front seats, so to speak. Who would think that Professor Snape had it in him? What a showman! I hadn't been that aroused in months! And Potter?

"What are you talking about Malfoy?"

I merely looked back at my still favorite teacher. What, you thought that just because I discovered his dirty secret I would stop liking him. Besides, it's good to know we have akin tastes?

You should have watch the blush crept at Potter's face; it was most enticing. Too bad the blush only lasted a minute for he instantly paled for what I said next: "We would dearly miss Professor Snape should he be fired for having an improper liaison with a student".

"You wouldn't dare, he's your housemaster!"

I raised an eyebrow "Wouldn't I?"

"I? What do you want?"

He sounded defeated. And gods, but how I loved that sound!

"Severus, Severus, Severus"

No, I didn't even mind that it was darling Severus whom Potter was calling. In fact, it made the whole experience the better. It didn't matter whom he was calling, he *knew* it was *me* who was taking him, pounding into him over his lover's own desk.

The timing was perfect; Professor Snape wasn't coming back for a couple more hours, daddy dearest and old Voldie were making sure of it.

So you see, my feeble muggles, a Malfoy always gets what he wants.

Mmm. Who knows, suddenly I am craving for a piece of my Head of House too.
