The Pact

By Sephiroth



The Pact

By Sephiroth

"NO! NOT AGAIN!" Duo screamed as he ran toward the blazing hideout. He ran faster and faster, the smoke choking him as he ran toward the flames.

Somewhere inside, a gaspipe broke. A moment later, the building exploded, throwing debris everywhere and and sending Duo flying backwards several yards.

Not far away, Heero suddenly stopped as he felt a piece of his soul suddenly scream in pain.

"Duo." he realized. He'd been ordered to evacuate the hideout and blow it up, and he'd done exactly that. Only, Duo hadn't been there. He hadn't had time to look for him, and as long as he was away, he wouldn't be in danger.

Now, as he raced back, his mind kept playing the same scene in his head, over and over, Duo running into the burning building, trying to make sure he didn't lose his fellow pilots, searching for them, unaware that they were safely elsewhere, then dying himself, in the explosion.

Then he saw Duo lying there, unmoving, amidst the debris. He landed Gundam Wing and raced for Duo on foot.

As he reached Duo, he felt a sudden tingling all over his body. A moment later, he blacked out.

He woke in a cell alongside Duo sometime later. Duo was unconscious, still, and Heero could see blood on his neck. He moved closer, then saw it wasn't blood after all. It was a small blood red mark. One of several which together formed a digger-shape upon Duo's neck.

Outside, he could hear someone, presumably their captor, speaking excitedly to someone on the phone. He couldn't hear much, but one word he did hear, very clearly.




"Taarakian?" Heero asked. "What the hell is *that* supposed to mean?"

Duo pointed to the marks on his neck.

"You?" Heero asked. "Duo... I don't get it. What..."

Duo stepped into the center of the cell, silent, as if in a trance, then stared at one of the tiles in the floor. It began to glow and a sword began to emerge.

//To defend, this is the Pact. But when life loses its value, and is taken for naught, then the Pact is... to avenge.//

Duo's transformation, which had begun with the Mark, completed itself, his hair freeing itself from the confines of the braid and turning mostly light grey, save for a frame of dark grey around the face.

A battlesuit appeared nearby. Heero watched as Duo stripped off his clothes and carefully donned each piece of the battlesuit. A pair of skintight black gloveleather pants was first, followed by a matching pair of boots and a pair of red knee-guards. His top was next, a chest protector followed by several overlapping leather straps, and then a protective shoulderguard for his sword-arm and finally, a red guantlet for his sword-hand.

Duo gripped the sword and raised it over his head in the classic call-to-the-gods position.

And the gods answered.

Heero watched in silent wonder as the sword glowed with an etheral glow sparked by the lightning which struck it from the heavens, Duo himself glowing like an avenging angel or demon, Heero wasn't sure which.


part three soon