Final Fantasy 7
Resurrection of Love

by Trakal
(beta version, suggestions welcome.)

In a dark, closed-up mansion, a young man sat and wept.

"If only I hadn't been so afraid." he cursed himself. "If only I'd had the courage to go after him. To go after me." he stood up, and went into the garden to think. Garden was a kind word for what was now a tangle of rotting vines and dead flowers. He could bring her back, he suspected. His power was equal to that of the Other. The one who had taken her from him. But the Other looked like him. Sounded like him. The Other was him. Or at least, had once been part of him. And she would see the Other when she looked at him. Her love for him, if she could love him after what the Other had done to her, would be tainted by the memory of the Other's deeds.

But she deserved to live. Even if she didn't love him, she deserved to live. He probably would not be able to win her heart. But that, he told himself, wasn't the issue. The issue was that she'd died unfairly and without any good reason. And it had been his fault. He had to make amends, whether or not she still had any feelings for him.

"Aeris," he told the stars, "I still love you. Your Sephiroth still loves you. I will do whatever I can to bring you back. I will bring you back even if I have to go to wherever you are and get you. Whatever it takes, my love. I promise."

Part 2

Selecting an outfit wasn't an easy task. He didn't want to wear his Shinra uniform. It no longer held any pride for him. And the few black outfits in the house reminded Sephiroth too much of the Other. No, he decided, he would not be wearing any of those, either. He finally landed upon a solution. The other people of Nibel had left, leaving items of clothing behind. He would wear one item from each person, as a reminder of and a triubute to those people who'd died because of the clone he'd been too much of a coward to face

When the last piece of his new outfit was in place, Sephiroth set out on his journey. He caught sight of himself in a mirror and stopped to look. He hardly looked like a great warrior. For pants, he wore the torn and faded jeans of one former citizen, his shirt was a t-shirt worn by another former citizen, and it had a picture of a kitten pouncing on a ball of string on it. His footwear was a pair of discarded sneakers, and he wore a ring on a chain that was about his neck, the two items belonging to a mother and daughter who the Other had killed. He found their bodies in the yard behind their house and buried them.

"I'm very sorry." he told him, as he covered them. "I should have stopped it. Please..." he stopped for a moment, wondering if he should resurrect them. No, he decided. He couldn't afford to. Unlike the Other, who had been draining the other clones of energy to use himself, Sephiroth's power was limited. He would not have enough to bring back Aeris if he brought back everyone else. He also wouldn't have enough to bring them all back, and some people were going to be left with dead relatives while others' loved ones were still alive.

"Forgive me." he finally whispered.

