FANDOM: "Farscape"

PAIRING: John/D'Argo


STATUS: New. Part of a series.

ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.

FEEDBACK: Welcomed

EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com


WEBSITE: http://www.carlajane50megs.com/Ali00

SUMMARY: "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. So what happens when the
flow gets diverted?"

The usual disclaimers apply. No infringement of copyright is intended.

Written by Alison M. DOBELL

After he had rested Crichton opened his eyes to find Ka D'Argo up and dressed. The Luxan was sitting in a chair alongside his bed watching him. He wanted to close his eyes and groan. Part of him wished it had been a dream and part of him wanted reassurance that it was not. He was not
sure how he felt about it other than the embarrassment. D'Argo watched him sit up, momentarily unaware that he did not have a stitch of clothing on. For a moment Ka D'Argo did not say anything. He was too busy admiring the view.

"How do you feel?"

Crichton started to frown. "I'm not sure."

"You are well?"

The human felt confused. It was an odd question. "Yeah, very well thanks, why?"

D'Argo shook his head and stood up to go. Crichton swung his legs off the bed then realised he was naked. He started to flush. D'Argo rather liked the rush of colour to his cheeks. He reached out a hand and touched Crichton's chest, setting little sparks off beneath his skin. "Thank you,

"What for?"

Something glimmered like a reflection in a deep dark pool of his eyes. So illusive yet somehow significant. "For letting me *talk* to you."

The human laughed lightly, his voice a little nervous and ragged. Too aware of D'Argo's hand on his chest. "I'd say we did more than just talk, D'Argo."

The Luxan was watching him closely. "How do you feel about that?"

"I don't know. It was so unexpected. I don't normally do this sort of thing."

"What sort of thing?"

"This. I mean, I don't go with guys. I'm with Aeryn."

D'Argo nodded. "And I am with Chiana."

Crichton tilted his head thoughtfully. "What about Chiana? Won't she be angry with you?"

"No. She likes you."

It was such a weird conversation. Crichton chuckled softly. "That's not what I meant. Chiana may like me but that doesn't mean she may want *you* to like me."

The Luxan looked at him for a moment before his meaning sank in. "Oh. That. Chiana thinks as I do. We are not so...what is the word?...backward as you humans about our sexuality."


"On my homeworld we are constantly at war. Some centuries we have had too many females and others we have not had enough. So we have evolved to compensate for our losses."

The look on Crichton's face was priceless. "Are you telling me that Luxans are hermaphrodites?"

"What are....her...herm.." D'Argo could not even pronounce the word.

"Hermaphrodites. That means you possess both male and female genitalia."

He wondered if the translation microbes would have difficulty translating that. D'Argo's expression cleared. "Yes. During times when the sexes are evenly divided we keep to our dominant sex, whether it is the female or the male one. Should the balance change we can switch to our secondary gender to ensure the survival of our species."

"So you can switch from being male to female?"


Crichton whooped. "Way to go, D'Argo! That is *such* a neat trick."

D'Argo frowned, offended. "It is *not* a trick. It is how our race have survived a thousand centuries of war."

His friend considered him for a moment, his brief euphoria over. "But you're not at war now, are you?"

He looked uncomfortable. "No, we are not."

"So why the switch? Why did you jump me?"

"I did not *jump* you."

"Well you sure as hell didn't send me flowers. I want to know why you hit on me, D'Argo."

He was silent for so long that Crichton thought he was not going
answer. Then he sat on the bed next to Crichton. He looked across at the human, his eyes drifting down his chest and passed his hips. Memories stirring. Seeing his distraction, Crichton went to cover himself up with a sheet but D'Argo put a hand out to stop him. "I like to look at you."

Crichton felt a tingle go through him as he touched him. "You know this won't ever happen again, don't you?" He said softly.

D'Argo looked deep into his eyes. Realised the human was serious. He nodded. Crichton dropped the sheet. It was too late for modesty now anyway. D'Argo wanted to touch him, run his fingers and tongue all over his firm golden flesh, explore him slowly microdench by microdench until he
lit the human with desire. He shivered and closed his eyes, trying to hang on to some semblance of self control. He should not have stayed. He should have left before Crichton had woken up but he had to make sure he was alright. That he had not hurt him. Crichton looked anxiously at him.

"Are you alright, big guy?"

His eyes opened. "I should go." He looked again at Crichton, the sight of him doing strange things to his mivonks. He reached out and dared to gently stroke his cheek. "You are so beautiful," He said softly, his voice tinged with wonder as if the realisation surprised him.

Crichton did not move, aware that D'Argo was giving him a rare compliment but also uncertain how to react to the tenderness in the Luxan's eyes. "As if you know that many humans." He joked to lighten the mood.

"No." Agreed D'Argo. Then even more softly. "You are the only one."

Their eyes locked and Crichton had the idiotic feeling that he meant he was the only one full stop. Human or otherwise. But that could not be right. Before he could think of anything to say D'Argo leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. The tip of his tongue dipping inside his mouth,
triggering off a waking wet dream that made Crichton shudder. He pulled away, Crichton still trembling from the effect of the kiss. He watched the Luxan stand up and leave in silence, trying to figure out just what the hell had happened. He did not love D'Argo, did not lust after him, so why was this affecting him so much? He got up, showered and dressed. He needed to think, put it all into some kind of perspective that would make sense. He snorted softly. <Yeah, like that's gonna happen>

He found his footsteps leading him to the Terrace. He trapped a sigh in his heart as he looked out on the stunning panorama of stars glittering in the darkness of space, his thoughts a supernova being pulled in two different directions. He knew he loved Aeryn, wanted her in every way it was
possible to want someone. Loved her heart and soul. Yet he also cared for D'Argo. What was this strange attraction between him and the Luxan? Or was it as simple as the attraction between the planets? Was it all down to gravity? The mass of the larger planets drawing the smaller ones into its' orbit? The seduction of stars.

It was only later. Much later. That Crichton realised D'Argo had not answered his question.



Aeryn found Zhaan in command. The Delvian priestess was talking to Rygel. Explaining to the Hynerian Dominar why a Delvian Pa'u was incapable of enjoying Hynerian Marjols. Apart from the fact that they were only a delicacy if eaten live, she did not hold with eating gastropods of
any kind. The discussion stopped as soon as Zhaan saw the look on Aeryn's face. Aeryn frowned and was glad that D'Argo and Chiana were not there. "Zhaan, have you seen John?"

"No, Aeryn. Have you tried the maintenance bay?"

She nodded. "First place I looked."

"The terrace?"

She shook her head. That had been her second choice. If she did not know better she would have thought he was avoiding her. Not that she had given him any reason to of course. Zhaan waited for her to explain.

"He hasn't been taking his meals."

"Perhaps he prefers to eat in his quarters?" Suggested Rygel.

"Why the frell would he do that?"

Rygel and Zhaan exhanged a look.


"Nothing, Aeryn, but Rygel is right. Why don't you ask Pilot where he is?"

"Good idea. Pilot. Can you tell me where John is?"

"He is in the canteen, Aeryn."

Zhaan smiled and Rygel chortled. "There, what did we tell you?"

Aeryn turned and made her way to the canteen. Her steps quickening slightly once she was out of sight of them. She was so engrossed in what she was intending to say to him that she almost walked right into Crichton as he came in the other direction. Both of them stopped mere microdenches apart, startled to see the other there. Aeryn looked at his face. He was sweating,
his skin pale and clammy. "John. I've been looking for you."

"Oh hi, Aeryn."

Her eyes narrowed as she looked at him. "Are you alright?"

"Uh yeah, fine."

"You look like dren."

He could have told her he felt like dren too but right now he did not want the hassle. The thought of Aeryn giving him the third degree was making him queasy. He had to get back to his quarters. He went to side step her but Aeryn matched him move for move. He stopped, frowned at her, his
face starting to look grey. She felt a stab of alarm. "Something's wrong, what is it?"

"It's okay Aeryn, I must have eaten something that disagreed with me."

"I haven't seen you eating *anything*."

He groaned inwardly. Damn. Trust Aeryn to notice. "Uh, well, I've been having a little trouble in that department. Nothing to worry about, I just need to lie down."

"You need to see Zhaan."

"No Aeryn, I need to get back to my quarters and lie down. It'll pass. It always does."

She fell into step with him. "This has happened before?"

He tried to shrug it off. Would not look her in the eye. "Yeah, a few solar days now. Every time I try to eat something I keep throwing up. Figure I must have some kind of bug."


"Sorry, a virus, that kind of thing. Back on earth they're common. You eat something that's a little off and before you know it you're throwing up all over the place. Body's defence mechanism Aeryn, throwing out anything that shouldn't be there. Protecting you from harm."

She gave him a doubtful look. "You do not look protected, John, you look awful."

He chuckled. "That good, huh?"

She shook her head, they had arrived at his quarters and she noticed he was not too steady on his feet though he tried to hide it. "You go and lie down, I'll get Zhaan to take a look at you."

"Aeryn, that's not..."

He never finished the sentence. Aeryn was already striding away from him faster than he could form words. He sighed. Sorry to have worried her but oddly glad that she would fetch Zhaan. Anything that would take away this nausea and stop the whole frelling world from tipping and swaying every time he opened his eyes had to be a good thing. Oh God. He could feel his world
swaying away, his vision blurring and his insides tying themselves up in knots which burned and pained him as if he had been drinking acid. The tide was rising. With a hand clamped firmly over his mouth he lunged in a mad dash for the sink.


D'Argo had not been this happy in a long time. He could hardly keep the smug look off his face. Chiana angled her head and looked at him. They were in bed, D'Argo with one arm draped around her as he lay flat out and spent from their exertions. Chiana lay on her side, one hand stroking his face, outlining his tattoos. Her hand stilled. "Are you going to tell me or do I have to guess?"

He looked at her, genuinely puzzled. "Tell you what, Chiana?"

"What is going on?"

He gave her a lusty grin. She hit him playfully. "Not that."

His expression changed. "Then what?"

"You're up to something."

"Why should I be *up* to anything?" He said, his arms circling around her to draw her into his lap, his eyes openly appraising her.

"I'm not a complete greebol, D'Argo."

"I never said you were."

His lips brushed hers, his hands starting to stir against her all too willing flesh. She loved his touch, the way she could excite him so easily. The way he made her feel. But lately he had been distracted. She could not put her finger on it and now his mood had changed again. As his lips
and hands teased her she licked his chin and enjoyed the shudder that ran through him. She pulled back slightly to watch his face. "I'm concerned about John."

He smiled gently at her. "Don't be."

Startled she pulled back as he tried to kiss her. "Why not?"

"Chiana, he's going to be alright. Zhaan is looking after him."

"Yeah, but she can't find out what's wrong. He's human, it's not like he's got a normal physiology."

That amused D'Argo for some reason. Intrigued she tilted her head the other way. "You know, don't you?"

"Know what?"

"Why he's ill."

He sighed. "Chiana, everyone gets sick from time to time. It is nothing. Remember that eachak you gave me? The little Nebari fruit?" She nodded. "It was so sweet I ate three plates full. Afterwards I was so sick I was convinced I was going to die!"

She laughed. "Maybe I am over reacting."

He kissed the tip of her nose. "That's exactly what you are doing. If there was something wrong with John, I would tell you."


Aeryn was driving Zhaan crazy. Zhaan had wanted to move Crichton to the apothecary but he had insisted on staying in his quarters. Insisted he was alright even though it was obvious to anyone that he was not alright. The sickness had not passed. If anything it was getting worse. He was throwing up blood now and she could find nothing to account for it. Aeryn dogged her steps, so alive with worry that Zhaan had resisted the urge to yell at her.

"Aeryn, I don't know what else to tell you."

"Then you're missing something, Zhaan, because John is not getting

"I'm okay, Aeryn." Crichton mumbled from his bed.

Aeryn ignored him. Zhaan sighed and turned to face her. "You are right, Aeryn. I *am* missing something. I have no idea why he is so ill or why my herbs are not helping him. That is why I have taken some blood and tissue to examine in my apothecary."

"I'll come with you."

Zhaan put a gentle hand on Aeryn's arm. "That won't be necessary, dear. Stay here with John."

Torn, Aeryn looked back at the bed and saw that Crichton had his eyes closed. He was soaked in sweat, his bed covers damp with it. His clammy face now flushed. When he opened his eyes she looked into his baby blues and her heart faltered. His look was fevered, as if he was in pain but trying hard to hide it from her. How could she leave him like that? Zhaan was right. She looked at the Delvian and nodded. "I'll stay but I want to know the microt you find anything, Zhaan."

Zhaan nodded. "I will, Aeryn, you have my word."

* * * * *