FANDOM: "Farscape"

PAIRING: John/Crais



ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.

FEEDBACK: Welcomed

EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com

SERIES/SEQUEL: No. Standalone story.

WEBSITE: http://www.carlajane.50megs.com/Ali00.html

SUMMARY: "Aeryn returns to Moya after the death of Talyn-John. Moya-John is devastated until help arrives from the most unlikely of sources."

The usual disclaimers apply. No infringement of copyright is intended.

A "Farscape" slash story
Written by Alison M. DOBELL

Bialar Crais flinched. He knew the return to Moya would be painful. Watching her cut Crichton dead as they disembarked was not something he enjoyed watching. During the clone's time with Aeryn on board Talyn he had come to appreciate the human. To even, dare he think it, grow fond of him. Not that he would ever own up to such a weakness. Not only was the human caring and giving in ways that astonished the former Peace Keeper Captain, he was also possessing of a quite remarkable amount of ingenuity and courage. Had he not seen Crichton in action he would have scarcely imagined the human capable of such resourcefulness. Grudgingly he had come to respect and value him. Even consider him something of a friend at the end. When the clone had
died Aeryn had gone completely to pieces. They had all feared for her mental and physical well being. He had even harboured a secret hope that she might turn to him for comfort. But his unrequited love for her was destined to remain just that. Aeryn Sun had made it painfully obvious that she would tolerate no advances from him *or* the Banik. That had been a shock. Discovering that Stark had secret designs on Aeryn. If it had not disgusted him so much he would have laughed.

Now he was faced with a painful dilemna. Watching the tormented face of the other Crichton as they boarded Moya. The one Aeryn had left behind. She had not told him of course. The poor prabakto had no idea why he was being treated like dren. Probably wondered what in hezmana he had done wrong this time. Crais could have told him. *You lived, John. Isn't that enough?*

He stood before the desolate human and swallowed hard. Handed him the clone's bag. Later he had gone to seek him out and explain properly. Crichton was all nervous energy. A web of tears masquerading as a complete being. Crais was alarmed to see how fragile he was. How tenuous his grip on sanity was without the glue of hope to hold him together. Hezmana. How was he going to do this? *Gently, Bialar, you have to do this gently*

"Um, Crichton. I mean John. May I speak with you?"

Crichton nodded, not really seeing Crais but responding to his voice. He looked dreadful. Even an enemy would have felt sorry for him he looked so distraught. It churned Crais up inside that Aeryn could do this to him. Especially when he had witnessed first hand how much she had loved his twin. "Sure, go ahead Crais. Knock yourself out."

"The other John - your twin - died on Dam-ba-da."

Crichton sat on his bed. Looked glumly at Crais. Suddenly he hated the confines of his quarters. He stood abruptly. Could not settle knowing Aeryn was on Moya too. It was choking him knowing she wanted nothing to do with him. "Crais?"

"Yes, John."

"Do you mind if we have this conversation on Talyn?"

He raised his black brows in surprise then understood. He nodded solemnly. "Of course."

They left his quarters and walked in silence. Crais did not attempt to make small talk. Within a hundred microts they reached the gunship. Crais asked Talyn to let them in and shortly afterwards they were standing inside the leviathan. Even though he did not like Talyn and certainly did not trust him Crichton gave a sigh of relief just knowing he was somewhere where he would not bump into Aeryn and have to pretend he was alright. That he was not falling apart every time he looked at her dear face. Seeing him tremble, Crais urged him to go into his room. At least there they could sit down and Talyn did not have any hidden guns in this room. Whether Crichton would know that or not he had no idea but he thought it would calm the human if he could at least relax a little.

"John. While your twin was with us, he and Aeryn..."

"I know. Became *close*."

His voice was dead. A dull weight. Crais nodded. Not wanting to go into any more intimate details than that. Crichton might be human but he was not stupid no matter how fahrbot he seemed. "He took a fatal dose of radiation poisoning down on the planet. We tried everything, John, but he was dying. Even Talyn tried to help but it was too late and he knew it. He was so calm about it. It tore Aeryn apart watching him die..." He trailed off painfully. Not wanting to admit it had torn them all apart including him. They were all damaged goods now. All less than the sum of their parts.

"So what are you trying to tell me?"

"There are no easy words, John."

"To say I'm frelled?"

"She may recover in time and..."

"And what? Ask for the substitute to come on? That's what she thinks I am, isn't it?" There were tears in his eyes. Such naked sorrow. Such deep pain. "She thinks *I'm* the clone, Crais. The copy. She wishes I was the one who had died..."

"No, John, she's distraught. Upset. Not herself..."

"Crais, don't lie to me. You don't have to cover up for Aeryn. I know her, okay? I've loved her from the first microt I set eyes on her."

Crais's eyes widened a little. "How could you love her without knowing her?"

He laughed. A cracked, broken thing that was painful to listen to. The little pieces of his heart rubbing against each other like shards of glass. "We have this thing on Earth. My people call it *love at first sight*. I don't think you have anything like it in the Uncharted Territories. Hezmana,
I wonder if any of you people even have love in the Uncharted Territories. All you do is recreate. Everything with the body, nothing with the heart."

"Love at first sight." Mused Crais. "An impossible concept. It is an emotional conceit, John."

Crichton shook his head, a sad smile on his tear stained face. "No Crais, that's where you're wrong. My father fell in love with my mom the microt he set eyes on her and he has worshipped the ground she walked on ever since." Wonder and love shone in Crichton's eyes at the memory. Fresh tears spilled down his cheeks. It fascinated Crais to watch all the human's emotions so innocently displayed on his face. No wonder Aeryn had been drawn to him. There really was not another creature like John Crichton in the Uncharted Territories.

"Are all humans like you?" Crais asked in something approaching awe.

He laughed lightly. Sounded weary and as if all the fight had been knocked out of him. "I don't know, Crais. Some, not all. What can I say? We're emotional beings and we have a word for all the feelings we carry around like love, compassion, and caring for others. We call it humanity. It makes us strong Crais, but it also makes us weak."

Crais nodded. Even though it sounded like an oxymoron he understood. Crichton wanted to know everything that happened. Crais sat next to him and told him quietly. Not elaborating, not pulling any punches either. He gave him the story in full. Unvarnished and in as much detail as the human craved. Crichton put his face over his hands and said nothing. Crais looked at him. Concerned and worried. Should he leave him or should he stay? If he left him would the human be alright or would he try to harm himself? In his indecision he stayed where he was and waited. After almost an arn the human looked up, noticed Crais was still sitting on the bed watching him. Waiting to hear what Crichton wanted to do. He noticed the bunk for the first time. "Whose room is this?"

"Mine. I did not think you would want to..." His voice trailed off awkwardly.

"No, no, of course not. You did right, Crais. You did good."

"Are you alright, John? Would you like to rest?"

"No, I'm not alright Crais. In fact, I don't think I'll ever be alright again."

His soft words alarmed Crais. "Then perhaps you should try to sleep. Get some rest. You can stay here for a while if you cannot face going back to Moya."

He gave Crais a keen look. "Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"Being so good to me? We don't even like each other."

Crais sighed. "I made many false assumptions about you, John. I still don't pretend to understand you but at least now I don't hate you any more."

"So what? While my twin was recreating with Aeryn on Talyn we became best buddies? Is that it?"

Crais winced. Tried to hide how much his words offended him. Crichton did not care. He was curious about Crais's change in attitude but also suspicious. Hezmana, he was almost showing feelings. *Danger, Danger Will Robinson! What have you done with the real Bialar Crais?*

"I do not blame you for not trusting me, John, but I promise you I have no ulterior motive."

The human looked at him for a long time. Saw the closest thing to honesty in Crais's eyes as he had ever seen. It stunned him. "I do believe you are telling me the truth."

He nodded. "I am, John." Crais stood up. "Try to get some rest. Call if you need me."

Crichton's voice stopped him. "Don't go, Crais..."

He paused and looked at him. Waited for Crichton to explain. He looked nervous, unsettled.

"I um I ah have nightmares."

Crais nodded. Understood. "Then I will stay and watch over you while you sleep."

He was surprised. "You would do that for me?" He asked in a small childlike voice.

It made Crais's heart ache to think that the human could be so affected by such a small thing. "Yes, John. I will stay with you for as long as you like."

He could not speak to thank him so just nodded. He was about to get ready for bed when Crais put a hand on his shoulder. He immediately took it away as he felt Crichton stiffen. "Would you like to shower first?"

He nodded. Followed Crais out to the shower room, curious as to the layout of the little gunship. Crais laid out towels and clensing gels for him. Turned to give him his privacy but Crichton did not want to be left alone. "Please, Crais. Stay. I... I don't want to be left alone."

Hezmana, what had been done to this man? Crais nodded and sat down, tried to think of something to say but he felt awkward. He had no idea what had happened to this Crichton while he Aeryn and the other one had been on Talyn. He cleared his throat softly as Crichton stripped off and began running the water to a temperature that he could stand. When it was warm enough he told Crais and Crais instructed Talyn. He watched the human step under the spray of water and asked a question. "What happened to you and the others while we were gone?"

Crichton told him, found that talking helped him to relax. This was weird but as he told his stories he lost some of his fear and began to unwind at last. They even laughed in a few places and compared notes. It was a relief to have something approaching a normal conversation. Crais was amazed what a difference it made to see the human relax. It was like looking at a different man. Once he had finished Crais handed him a towel and watched him begin to dry himself down. His hair was still wet. Without thinking Crais grabbed another towel and began to dry Crichton's hair. Crichton froze and looked at Crais. "What are you doing?"

"Drying your hair."

The human swallowed slowly. "Why?"

Crais chuckled not seeing his discomfort as he faced the naked man. "Your hair is wet."

"I know. I've just come out the shower."

That amused Crais even more for some reason. He continued to dry Crichton's hair and smiled when the human huffed at him. "John, you are still dripping wet. You are *not* getting into my bed like that."

Crichton was sure he had misheard him. "What did you say?"

"You are not getting into my bed like that. What's the matter?" His hands paused. "Are your translator microbes malfunctioning?"

"No, but I think maybe your's are."

Crais looked baffled. "Mine?"

Crichton laughed at his confusion. "Since when did Bialar Crais dry John Crichton's hair with a towel? Or is this a little something you two did on Talyn when Aeryn was powdering her nose?"

He gave the human a blank look then as he struggled to understand what he meant his face darkened. "What are you suggesting?"

"I'm not suggesting anything it's just maybe you've been on your own too long in space, Bialar."

Neither seemed to noticed he had switched to using the Sebacean's first name. "I have not been alone, I have had Talyn."

Crichton snickered and got back to drying himself off before he got cold. "Yeah, whatever you say Crais."

Crais put his hand on Crichton's arm. "Say what you mean, John."

The human realised Crais had no idea what he meant and that his teasing would simply undo all the ground they had covered. He put a hand on Crais's shoulder. "Look, I'm sorry, it's just Earth humour okay? I didn't mean to offend you."

Crais's eyes flashed. He threw the towel at Crichton. "Perhaps you should dry your own frelling hair!"

The shower was still running. Crichton did not want Crais storming off in a temper with him. Did not want him leaving him alone to be frelled by nightmares. He reached out and caught hold of Crais's arm, pulling him back so he could talk to him. Crais lost his footing on the slippery floor and slid passed Crichton and landed under the shower head. Crichton's mouth dropped open then he doubled up with laughter. Crais was spluttering, very angry and very very wet. His black hair plastered to his face, his uniform soaked, water dripping off his beard as he slipped and slid to his feet and glared at Crichton. "This is NOT funny!"

Crichton was crying with laughter now. His side hurt, his stomach hurt. He could not stand up straight." "Hezmana Bialar, you should see your face!"

"Stand aside before I knock you on your eema!"

Crichton shook his head. "Oh no you don't. You're not getting in my bed like that!"

Crais stared at him in shock. "What did you say?"

Crichton was chuckling. "You're all wet."

"I *know* I am wet. This is all your fault."

"Come on Bialar, relax. Might as well take a shower now, you're almost as wet as your uniform anyway."

Crais began to grumble. Crichton hindering more than helping him undo the buttons. Crais huffed then gave up, his ill humour worn down by the giggling human. He started to see the funny side and began to chuckle. Soon he was as naked as Crichton. Crichton pushed him back under the shower. "In you go, now don't forget to do behind your ears!"

"I *know* how to take a frelling shower, John."

"Good, now come on and get on with it. I'm tired and want to go to bed."

"No one is stopping you. I am quite capable of doing this unaided."

"Yeah well I have a problem there, Bialar."

The way the human's voice had gone quiet alerted Crais that something was wrong. "That's okay, you can hand me the clensing gel. Make yourself useful."

Crichton got the gel. "I suppose you'll be wanting me to wash your back next?"

"Do not tempt me, John! I am still trying to think of a suitable punishment."

"What for?"

"The gel, John. Are you going to hand it to me or keep it?"

"Oh." He forgot he had been holding it. A wicked smile touched his lips. "Turn around."


"Turn around. I'll do your back for you."

"I really don't think..."

Crichton spun him round and began to soap him. Stunned, Crais stood still and closed his eyes. The warm water pulsed down on top of his head and shoulders and splashed down his body while Crichton worked the gel into a most satisfying lather on his back. Crais began to relax. It really was quite a wonderful feeling. Crichton grinned as the Sebacean stopped moaning and went quiet. He rubbed the gel in, massaging it deep into his skin then up around his neck. Crais almost gasped, it was so wonderful, made him feel so relaxed. All the stress of the last few days disappearing beneath the human's gifted hands. He gave a little groan. Crichton smiled and stepped into the shower with him, bent close to whisper in his ear. "You like that, huh?"

"John, what are you doing in the shower?"

"It's your turn to wash my back now."

Crais turned to look at him and suddenly the two men were face to face. Crais painfully aware that they were both naked. He looked the human over and felt suddenly nervous. Crichton watched his expression, saw the Sebacean's eyes darken. "What's up Crais, you never share a shower with a buddy before?"

"John, this is um..."

"This is what, Bialar? Come on, you still haven't washed yourself down the front."

Crais could not move, could not take his eyes off Crichton. Watched in silence as the human lathered his hands and began to wash his chest, his hands continuing to massage him now down his front. Crais could not believe how good it felt or how much it was turning him on. He groaned and felt Crichton squeeze some of the gel into his hands. "Come on Crais," He urged in a soft husky voice that Crais had never heard before. He felt a shiver going down his back. "No slacking. I'll soap you if you soap me, just copy what I do, 'kay?"

Too numb to speak he just nodded. His hands gliding over Crichton's chest, rubbing the foaming gel into his muscles and caressing him as the human was him. Crichton's hands slid lower and Crais copied him. Soon they were not talking at all, the air in the shower steaming up with their hot breath, heartbeats going wild and out of kilter. Neither knew who got intimate first but as soon as one touched the other's cock they both did. The wonderful sensation of sliding flesh in soapy hands heightening what was happening. Crichton groaned, Crais gasped. It felt so frelling good neither wanted to stop. Both had been living the lives of celibates and their bodies were revelling in the chance to get a little attention. Crais was so excited, he leaned in to Crichton and caressed his balls while stealing a soapy kiss. Crichton was surprised to feel the Sebacean's lips on his, the
sensous curve of his mouth, the way his tongue was devouring him turning him on even more as he felt his erection getting harder and throbbing with need. <Oh God, tell me this is NOT happening. Tell me I am NOT doing this with Crais>

Crais was so excited he just had to have him and have him now. He broke off the kiss and turned Crichton to face the wall. The human was about to protest when Crais slid his right hand around Crichton's waist and picked up where he had left off, working the foreskin up and down his cock with such smooth strokes that the human's breath caught in his throat. <Oh hezmana I am really frelled now>

As Crichton arched into Crais's pumping hand he felt his ass cheeks being soaped and rubbed. His hips were rocking, his cock being pushed up into Crais's hand, demanding more contact, wanting Crais to grip him harder, bring him screaming to a bright hard orgasm but Crais was not ready yet. Crichton bit his bottom lip and could not get enough contact. He put his hand on Crais's hand to try to speed him up but the Sebacean had a will of iron. Crichton's will was about to splatter all over the shower compartment. Crais bit down on Crichton's neck, the human leaning back into Crais's chest. Crais bit harder, not letting go, then Crichton felt a finger up his ass and the action began to mirror the rythym on his cock. He was really rocking now, the sensations building in him so fast, so hard, so beautifully. Then he felt himself being widened and soaped inside. Was that ever a weird but erotic experience. He gasped and shuddered as the head of Crais's penis breached his tight ring of muscle and cried out. Crais licked the bite mark on his neck and began to slide down the tight channel, his penis taking up every bit of space and pressing deeper and deeper into his hot passage. He was crying now. Half pleasure, half pain, but God he did not want him to stop. Crais knew, how the hell he knew Crichton had no idea, but he knew. The hand on his cock gripped tighter, sliding flesh filled him and began to pump in and out in long luxurious strokes as his hip rocked his own penis into the stroke of Crais's hand. Both men were breathing heavily now, lost in the grinding need to come.

Crais timed Crichton to perfection, not letting the human come until he felt himself tighten and explode deep inside him. Crichton cried, Crais roared. Hot semen flooded inside Crichton and set him on fire, his own orgasm ripping through him as Crais pumped violently into him with increasingly deperate thrusts until both men clung to each other and slid slowly down the wall of the shower to an intimate tangle on the floor. For long microts neither spoke. The only sound their harsh ragged breathing punctuated by the splashing stream of water from the shower head. Crichton leaned his head back and let the water slosh over his face. Hardly believing what he had just done or who he had done it with. Crais opened his eyes and looked at the human. He leaned over his soapy back and kissed the upturned face. Crichton was too blasted to be surprised by anything any more. When at last he opened his eyes he looked at Crais in silence for a few microts. Watching the Sebacean tenderly stroke his wet hair, planting little kisses on his face, a look of complete content in his eyes.


"Yes, John?"

"I take it you uh, you've done this um before?"

Crais chuckled and kissed him on the lips, dipped his tongue into his mouth and sucked. A hand drifting down between his legs to stroke him. It was more of a calming effect on the human that an erotic one this time. He was shattered. Literally. "Bialar?"

He felt Crais smile as he kissed his eyes and cheeks, licked his ear and began to kiss his throat. So gently. So unlike the rough uncouth man he had taken him to be. "Mmm, what is it John?"

"You uh, when um, my twin was on um Talyn, did you uh, did you and he..... you know....did you...?"

Crais laughed gently and rocked him in his arms. Managing to touch and caress him everywhere. "Yes, John, we did."

He gasped in surprise. Felt Crais gently touching him, now playing with a nipple while he slid his tongue in Crichton's ear. He shuddered. Groaned and wriggled in the Sebacean's arms. <Oh God, Crais was getting horny again> "Did Aeryn know?"

Crais actually paused to laugh gently, holding the human to him and wrapping his arms around him as if he never wanted to let him go. "What do you think, John?"

"I don't think she knew."

Crais kissed his lips, sucked the bottom one and enjoyed the look on Crichton's face. "Your twin and I were lovers, John. Even before Aeryn let down her defences."

He wanted to call him a bastard. To strike out and hit him but he could not. He felt so good in this man's arms. So at peace. "That explains how you know my body so well."

His face was gently being papered with kisses while Crais continued to stroke him gently between his legs. The human was completely stunned. Let Crais do whatever the hell he wanted.

"What happens now?"

Crais nipped his ear gently. "What do you want to happen, my love?"

He shuddered. Had Crais called him that? "I... I.. don't know. But I have to try to stop Scorpy. Make sure he can't use the wormhole technology."

He felt Crais nod. "And we will."


Crais turned him round to face him. Let him see the love shining naked in his eyes for the first time. It did weird things to him. This wasn't real, could not be happening. Yet here they were and Crais was stroking his penis into another erection, stirring him into a call for action, plying him
with kisses and doing amazing things with his tongue. Crichton groaned, starting to get excited again. "What do you mean we?"

"Did you think I would let you go alone?"

He shivered. Crais licked and bit gently on a nipple. Crichton jerked, was getting more and more aroused. Crais chuckled gently. "Relax John. I have just the thing to make you sleep..."

"What if I knock you on your eema and blast you to hezmana?"

Crais paused, looked up and considered the human for a microt. Slowly he smiled. "Then you will have no one to sleep with but your nightmare, my love."

Crichton shivered for a different reason this time. Felt a sigh of contentment as Crais went back to stroking him, the rythym on his cock so beautiful. All his nightmares kicked into touch by the love of one man. Crichton's eyes were unfocused, so close to heaven he felt he must have cheated death big time. "And Aeryn doesn't know?"

The Sebacean laughed and kissed John again and again until he had Crichton laughing too. "No John, she doesn't know."

"You gonna tell her?"

Crais shook his head. "What and have my balls shot off? What do you think?"

Crichton looked down, soaped his hands and slid them under Crais's cock. "Nope. I like your balls just fine where they are."

Crais opened his mouth as his breath caught, Crichton rolling his testicles in one hand then wrapping his other around his manhood.

"Now. Why don't you tell me one last time, just how much you love me?"

* * * * *