Here's a little fluffy bit of a story...not much plot, but I had fun with it. For the record:

TITLE: "Nirvana"

PAIRING: John/D'Argo/Zhaan

AUTHOR: Aiobheann

RATING: NC-17 Explicit sex. But mostly hetero.

CONTAINS: Suggestions of m/m sex, nudity, and some really far-out alien sex.

SUMMARY: Zhaan interrupts a private moment...and makes herself right at home. A little bit of Plot-What-Plot? fluff. Sort of a follow-up to the "Brothers" series.

DISCLAIMER: None of these characters belongs to me, and no copyright infringemnt is intended by my use of them. I just had to get this one out of my system.

ARCHIVE: Luxan Appreciation League and Make Believe Archives. All others, please ask.

*This one's for Elyssa, for putting the idea in my head.



By Aiobheann

"D'Argo, I was wonder--" Zhaan stopped in her tracks in the doorway, her words trailing off. Crichton leapt from the bed, snatching at his discarded pants and darting into the clothing alcove and trying to put them on, all in the same motion. D'Argo didn't move, but remained stretched out on the bed, watching Zhaan eye him with an amused look.

"Have I interrupted something?" she asked with a grin.

"I was -- I mean, it's not what -- don't you KNOCK?" Crichton said from the safety of the clothing alcove.

"I'm sorry, John. I didn't realize that you two needed privacy, or I would have announced my presence from down t he corridor, you can be sure."

"Zhaan, did you need something?" John asked, hoping she would take the hint and leave. Or better yet, develop a sudden case of amnesia and forget the whole thing.

"Yes, I wanted to ask D'Argo a question." she replied. John peered around the corner and saw, to his horror, that she had actually sat down on the edge of the bed. D'Argo didn't seem to be too upset by this turn of events -- he seemed a little embarrassed by Zhaan's presence, but made no move to cover himself. John ducked back out of sight. Great. I'm stuck in a closet while she gets an eyeful.

"Well?" John called.

"Hmmm?" Zhaan replied distractedly. He heard another, less definable noise coming from the direction of the bed on the heels of Zhaan's murmured acknowledgment. Oh, God, he thought. What is she doing out there?

"I meant, what did you need to ask D'Argo?" Silence, broken by the slide of cloth on skin. "Zhaan?"

He peered around the corner again. "May I join you?" Zhaan was asking D'Argo, robe pooled on the floor at her feet.

"I don't think that was the question, Zhaan!" John said, shocked. He watched, mouth open, as Zhaan climbed onto the bed beside D'Argo. She settled gracefully on her knees, straddling his thighs, hands running up and down his chest. John didn't know where to look -- as loose as Zhaan was about such niceties as clothing, he had always averted his eyes when he happened to run across her without them. His first instinct was to duck back into the closet, put his pants on, and get the hell out of Dodge. But...he had a pretty good view where he was...

Blue skin. Blue everywhere. I mean, I knew she was...but. Man. He kept watching, the two on the bed seeming totally unaware of his presence. Zhaan was leaning over D'Argo, her hands on his temples, speaking softly under her breath. D'Argo's eyes were closed, face and body totally relaxed. She trailed her fingers down his torso, still whispering to herself. She seemed to glow, somehow, and that glow was being transferred to D'Argo wherever she touched him. D'Argo moaned, still staying perfectly still under her hands as they traveled farther and farther down.

She wrapped her hands around his cock, stroking and pulling, then raised up to lower herself down onto him. Her voice grew louder, and John realized she was chanting something. It sounded a lot like her prayers -- he had heard her chanting as she mediated in her quarters several times, and always passed by quickly, trying not to steal a glance...since Zhaan always meditated nude. He was certainly looking now, though, unable to take his eyes off what Zhaan was doing to D'Argo. She had lowered herself back down onto her knees, remaining motionless except for the movement of her hands as they traced patterns on D'Argo's chest.

The glow that had surrounded Zhaan seemed to encompass both of them now, and her chanting grew louder and faster, counterpointed by D'Argo's moans and gasps. Suddenly the nimbus of light around them both seemed to flare impossibly bright, and Zhaan's chanting faded away into a satisfied purr. D'Argo was looking up at Zhaan with an amazed expression, mouth open.

Unable to contain his curiosity, John came out of the clothing alcove and stood by the bed, watching as Zhaan rose and laid down on the bed beside D'Argo.

"What was that?" John asked, looking from one of them to the other.

"The Fourth Sensation." Zhaan answered. "D'Argo had expressed his curiosity about it before."

John looked at D'Argo, who was lying on the bed, limp and relaxed, staring up at the ceiling with a smile. "Is your curiosity satisfied now?" he asked.

"Yes." he answered quietly, almost reverently.

"Are you curious about it as well, John?" Zhaan asked with a gleam in her eyes.

John held up his hands, shaking his head. "No, thanks. I don't think my primitive little brain could handle it." he answered, laughing.

"It is not your brain that is affected by it, Crichton." D'Argo put in, closing his eyes and sighing contentedly.

"Well, I don't know..." John said. "That looked pretty intense, Zhaan. Are you sure you're up for anything else?"

"I'm 'up for' anything, John." Zhaan replied with a smile.

What the hell. "Okay. Nirvana, here I come." John said.

"Nirvana? What is that?" Zhaan asked, confused.

"Never mind. I'll tell you about it once I've been there."

