FANDOM: "Farscape"




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FEEDBACK: Welcomed

EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com


WEBSITE: http://www.carlajane.50megs.com/Ali00.html

SUMMARY: "Rescued from the Shadow Depository and Scorpius, Ka D'Argo finds
a unique way to help heal Crichton's pain."

The usual disclaimers apply. No infringement of copyright is intended.

A "Farscape" slash story
Written by Alison M. DOBELL

Ka D'Argo watched Crichton for arns. Unobserved he witnessed glimpses of his trauma and that was painful enough. The aftermath of the chair. It had enraged and frightened him when after rescuing Crichton from Scorpius at the Shadow Depository his friend had fallen apart before his very eyes. The agony, the sheer intensity of the human's suffering, reaching out to him and
pleading for death. Death by *his* hand. The hand of a friend. Rage had fired in him that he could even ask this. Expect Ka D'Argo to comply. Crichton was his friend, he would not share that momentary loss of control by giving in to Crichton's weakness. As if by ignoring the tears in his friend's eyes he could undo all that Scorpius had done to him. He leaned his head against the frame of the door and watched as the human slowly became calmer. No longer speaking out loud, no longer striking out at the mirror, the wall, anything that would provide painful impact with his fists. Impotent rages burning and fluttering back in fires of defeat.

The Luxan realised something. Slowly it occurred to him that this had been building for a long time but none of them had seen it coming. Ever since Crichton had first been captured by the half-Scarran abomination who now haunted his every step. Stark had suffered the chair many times and he was not exactly whole any more. Not stable. To see his friend fragment was the more painful because he had been in denial himself, not wanting to see the cracks as they appeared. Not wanting to believe that his friend was slipping daily into madness. He sighed gently, touched so deeply by this strange contradictory being. This weak human who could still teach him so much about the true nature of courage. This generous hearted man whose emotion touched all he came into contact with, whether they knew it or not. They were all irreversibly contaminated now. All blessed by this odd creature. He was not even a Luxan yet D'Argo felt bonded to him. So many feelings aroused in him. The loyalty of a sword brother, the affection of the womb, the protectiveness of a father for his children, the pride of a man for his son, the deep abiding affection of a lover though he was not yet that. He was not even a Luxan but a lesser species yet D'Argo learned so much from him. And he was still learning.

Wisdom seeped from every bartantic pore. His sweat a river of tears his skin wept with a depth of emotional feelings that made the rest of them look as if they did not feel at all. At first it had offended him. Affronted all he accepted it meant to be male. The male of the species was strong,
admitted no weakness. This male was not like others. He was not afraid to show his weaknesses, not afraid to admit when he was wrong or did not know the answers. Was open in his fallibility. Hezamana, the human had even cried in front of him. Something no Luxan warrior would allow
himself to do and live. Yet the tears on this man's face were those of a different courage. One that both confused and drew D'Argo closer to him. Wanting so desperately to understand yet afraid of what that knowledge might bring. What it might reveal about himself. So he watched him in secret, vowed to protect him, to keep him safe. Yet he knew he had failed him. Had not been
there when he needed him most. Yet the human did not judge. Did not accuse D'Argo of being less than a warrior. It was as if Crichton looked at all his faults and saw only the face of a friend looking back at him. As if the faults were mere blemishes like markings on the skin, like Luxan
tattoos. Not fashioned right in the depth of his hearts from birth.

He heard the sound before he realised that the human was crying again. Much softer this time, more affecting to him because his suffering was so very deep. D'Argo berated himself for his cowardice and stepped into the light. Crichton did not turn from the wall. Made no sign that he
was even aware that he was no longer alone. He was standing facing the wall, his hands braced above his head, head hanging down. D'Argo walked over to him, concerned and upset for him. He stood beside him, sideways on so that he could look at his face. He needed to see him properly. Not the shadows. Not the line of defeat in the slump of his shoulders. Not the hang of his head as he contemplated hezmana knew what. Still Crichton did not look up. Did not acknowledge his presence. D'Argo wanted to see his eyes, needed to look deep into his soul though he feared it also. He was a warrior. On the battlefield of life he had no equal yet in the emotional landscape of his hearts he was a child and the unknown had always frightened him the most.


No reaction. Perhaps a steadying of breath no more.

D'Argo hesitated slightly then put his hand on Crichton's shoulder and eased him upright, away from the wall. At last the head lifted slowly and his eyes gazed at him through tears that had gone cold on his glistening cheeks. The Luxan caught his breath. Such misery in those depths that it
was breaking him in two. "John, I'm sorry."

His hand gently brushed the still face. No emotion on it now save defeat. In a way that was worse to D'Argo than hearing the human wake screaming or rant meaninglessly while awake. He had not thought his silence would be so affecting. "You need to rest."

Still no reaction. Fear touched the Luxan's hearts. He brought his other hand up to Crichton's face, now cradling him gently between his two massive hands, tilting the head up so he could look him in the eyes. It was a sign of respect to give him eye contact though what he saw staring back at him made his mouth go dry with dread. It was as if he was losing him. Losing a man who had become so precious to him. Precious to them all. He had not realised before how much Crichton meant to him. How deeply he would feel his loss. He stroked his cheeks with his thumbs, his deep voice rumbling gently as he spoke. Intending to soothe him. Wishing he could ease his pain. "John, let me take you back to your quarters."

Something almost tripped from the human's lips. A response struggling to stumble free of his lips. D'Argo paused then spoke again. His voice so soft, so full of care. Love even. "John? I am here."

The human tried again, words staggering like drunken things. Every syllable written in pain. "Scorpy.....I can't escape him, D'Argo."

"But you *have* escaped him, John. You are back on Moya. Among friends."

"You d....don't understand..."

D'Argo rested his forehead against Crichton's, eyes fixed on his tortured ones, trying to impress on him that he did understand and that he was there for him. "Yes, John, I do."


He could not speak. Could not say it. Pain. There was only pain. And now here was his friend. Ka D'Argo. Trying to help. To make him feel better. As deep as the agony was, he was glad that D'Argo was there. He could not fight any more. He had nothing left to fight with. He looked at
D'Argo then, really looked at him. Recognition surfacing. Needing his strength. "A..fraid..."

D'Argo nodded solemnly. "I know." He continued to stroke his cheek, almost unconsciously knowing that it gave Crichton something to hang on to. A point of reference that brought no pain. "I do not pretend I know what you have been through but I have been tortured before, when the Peace Keepers caught me. I have known what it is to lose loved ones. To be parted from those that remain. As distant to me as any foreign land."

New tears followed the silent tracks of the old. D'Argo felt his own tears flow in sympathy. Crichton tried to smile for him, reassure D'Argo that he was alright but the smile would not come. His pain deepened at the fact that he could not ease that burden for D'Argo. Somehow the Luxan seemed to know it, his touch gentle, his look so full of alien understanding. On some level it amazed Crichton but there was so much numbness, so much pain, so much tormenting him that it was hard to remain in the reality of the here and now.

D'Argo felt him tremble. "You are cold."

It was a statement not a question. He started to take Crichton back to his quarters then changed his mind. It would not be a good thing to leave him alone right now. Aeryn was in command and his sleep cycle was beginning now so he took Crichton back to his own cell. Perhaps it would be
good for him to simply be with someone who would not hurt him. To take what comfort he could in the arms of a friend. So D'Argo gently explained to him why he was in the Luxan's quarters and not his own. That D'Argo would stay with him, watch over him, be there if he needed him. D'Argo looked around his room. The bed was larger than anyone else's, needing to accommodate
a Luxan it had to be. He looked at Crichton. He was shivering now, silent eyes not fixed on anything. D'Argo wondered if he was going into shock. Perhaps he had made a mistake bringing him here? He should call Zhaan. Then Crichton looked at him and all his reservations fell away. Crichton needed *him*. Needed this contact to be stable not broken by changing faces, disrupting the calm that D'Agro had been attempting to provide for him. This one microt of sanity. No. He could do this. He *would* do this. He would do it for a sword brother. He would do it for his friend.

He had to undress Crichton, the human seemed incapable of doing anything for himself. His lack of reaction bothered D'Argo. The human was definitely not himself. The silence was so rare that it began to hurt the Luxan's ears. D'Argo began to talk to him about anything and everything. At first his words rambled and he realised they were almost as meaningless as the endless flow that spewed forth from his usually voluble companion. It made him smile but the smile vanished as quickly as it had formed faced with the reality standing before him. He was down to his boxer shorts and still just stood there. D'Argo needed to get him warm and considered the options. A
hot shower. Yes. That would be the best thing. It would also help ease the stress in his bunched muscles, the water symbolically clensing him while the heat of it would warm him through better than sliding imbetween the covers of an ice cold bed. Yes. This would be much better. D'Argo instructed Pilot that he needed hot water but not so hot that it would burn the skin. He tested the flow and found it to his liking. He looked at Crichton and gave a little sigh. He would have to get in the shower with him, there was no other way. No time to spend on modesty for either of them. He explained what he was doing while he stripped then he took off Crichton's shorts and guided him under the overhead tube that acted as a shower head. The funnel of water sloshed over them both in a sudden gush. Crichton shook with the force of it, his eyes closing then opening again with surprise. The shock of the water seemed to have pulled him out of that awful apathy. The relief on D'Argo's face must have surprised Crichton almost as much. He looked at the Luxan baffled.

"What am I doing here?"

D'Argo grinned at him. "Having a shower."

He was dumbfounded. Not just that he was naked. In the shower. But with a big, naked Luxan beaming back at him! Um. What was wrong with this picture? "D'Argo, I know we're friends but..."

The Luxan laughed. "Relax John, it is just a shower. Water."

Crichton looked at him for a moment. Not wanting to jump to conclusions and embarrass himself any further. D'Argo handed him some of Zhaan's scented oils. He sniffed at the jar. When he did nothing D'Argo dipped his hand in the jar and started rubbing some of the oil over the human's chest as if he were a child that needed instruction in even the most basic of things. It quickly formed a fragrant lather. Crichton felt confused.

"D'Argo, you don't need to do that."

The Luxan was humming very softly to himself, his huge hands gliding over Crichton's chest and working the lather deep into his skin. "Relax, you have been through enough."

"I can do that."

D'Argo ignored him. Crichton wanted to be angry at him, tell him he was not a child he could do this for himself, but it felt good. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the water washing its' heat over his skin, the feel of D'Argo's hands now massaging his tight muscles, working out the tension and
undoing the knots.

"Oh man, that feels *so* good...."

The smile widened on the Luxan's face. He had been right. This had been a good idea. The human was beginning to relax now. He could feel the muscles loosening up beneath the pressure of his fingers and worked outward, extending his ministrations slowly as the human gave himself up to the sheer enjoyment of the release of monens of tension. It amused D'Argo to hear the moans of pleasure where before he had heard only pain. That memory pricked his eyes for a moment and his hands paused. Crichton's eyes flicked open. They were suddenly much steadier than they had been in weekens.

"You okay, Big D?"

D'Argo nodded. Surprised to find their roles almost reversed. How the hezmana had the human done that? Seeing the confusion on the Luxan's face Crichton began to step out of the shower. "Hey, it's okay D'Argo. I'm almost done now anyway."

D'Argo put out a hand and gently guided him back beneath the shower, his hands dipping back into the pot and resuming their duty. He was looking at Crichton with an unreadable expression on his face. "You are not finished until I say you are finished."

It was not quite an order but the words were firm, their meaning plain. Crichton nodded and said nothing. After a microt the look on D'Argo's face softened a little. "How do you feel?"

The Luxan's hands were slowly working their way across his abdomen now, the sensation so pleasurable that Crichton did not know how to put it into words. "This feels great, D'Argo... I just... I just didn't expect this."

D'Argo smiled, joy in his hearts that such a simple thing could help his friend so much. Already much of the pain and emptiness in his friend's eyes had gone. Replaced by a slow burning warmth that made D'Argo want to stretch this shower out for monens. He liked the way the human's body felt beneath his hands, the way his flesh reacted to him was pleasing. The flush upon the human's face amused him. Did human males not do this for each other? His hands worked slowly lower, he watched the human's face closely. Kept his own devoid of humour as if the taking of a shower was a serious thing. He noticed that Crichton was taking his cue from him. Not sure of the protocol for this ritual. Trusting him not to hurt him. Not to do anything that he would regret. D'Argo was careful, slow, gentle but with an assured touch that made certain Crichton's pale skin was glowing beneath his hands with every microdench he touched.

"Um, D'Argo?"

D'Argo brought himself back to the present with difficulty. "Yes, John?"

"Um, what do I do?"

He felt a moment of confusion. "You? You do not do anything."

Crichton moved his legs apart a little to keep his balance. D'Argo hid a smile. He liked the improvement though he had no intention of saying so. D'Argo moved a little closer, now washing back and forth over Crichton's hips, his hands massaging his buttocks then back up his hips. The
delicious arcs repeating as D'Argo varied the pressure of his hands.


"Yes, John?"

"Um, I'm not complaining or anything, but I feel as if I've been in this shower for arns."

"Your point?" Asked the Luxan in a voice barely above a whisper. Loving the way the water ran down the human's face in wonderful silver trails, the warm rivers making his skin sparkle as Moya's lights refracted off it. The human really was quite beautiful. The elegance of his pale skin
reminded him of his beloved Lo'lann. Not that he would ever compare the two but Humans
and Sebaceans were very much alike. Apart from the difference in their sexes, he was discovering to his delight how similar they were. His right hand drifted fleeting between Crichton's legs before he could ask another question then resumed its' work on his hip and round his waist.

Crichton's breath caught and he closed his eyes. The *accidental* touch pleased D'Argo. Not only had it shut Crichton up it had made his hips move in a most satisfying reaction, his cock hanging heavy and growing heavier. Or was it his imagination? Should he touch him there? Could he? Would the human allow him to take the next step in intimacy? After all, what was the use of a shower if you did not clean the *whole* body? He would be remiss in his duty would he not? And a Luxan warrior was nothing if not thorough. He wanted to kiss his mouth, taste the human on his tongue, but it was too soon. There could be nothing accidental about such a kiss. No. He would continue to wash the human, caress his skin and work every microdench of him with care until the flesh responded to him and the body took over. If the Human body reacted in any way like the Sebacean, the result would be most pleasurable for them both.

He had to be dreaming, it was the only explanation. Crichton could feel the warmth in his belly, the fire hinted at in his loins. Hezmana. Was this normal for Luxans? D'Argo acted as if this was something males shared without taboos. Was it merely a bodily function for them like flossing their teeth with dentics? Was he the only one getting aroused here? How warped and twisted was that? He groaned. It took a moment before he realised the sound had slid out of his throat and made it through his slack lips. <Oh man, I am so screwed> So he just stood there, letting D'Argo wash him down. Even Mama Crichton had never been this thorough. He tried willing himself not to react to the wonderful feel of his friend's hands caressing and touching him like a lover. His eyes sprung open. <Woah, man, where did that thought come from? A lover? They weren't even the same species let alone the same sex. Was it possible to have a wet dream when you were wide a-freeling-wake?> He found himself looking directly into D'Argo's eyes. His heart fluttered like a trapped butterfly. He felt another brush against his cock as DArgo's hand swept up between his legs and rubbed his hip. <Oh man, I don't know how much more of this I can stand> He closed his eyes quickly, a shudder of excitement firing through him. Hoping desperately that D'Argo had not noticed. Then just as desperately hoping he had.

This was madness. This was so damn frelling erotic. He could feel himself getting fired up. Becoming so damn horny. A passion stirring in his loins. He bit back a moan and tried to hang on.

D'Argo was watching his face intently. He liked what he saw. Loved how Crichton had reacted to his touch, drew himself closer, their bodies only a handspan apart now. He could have rubbed his mivonks up against Crichton but he wanted him to be looking at him when that happened. Wanted the human to know just what it was that was exciting him and how his secretions
reacted directly to his partner's stimulation. No accidental sex for him. For Luxans, sex was not a spectator sport. For them *or* their partners. Comfortable and happy that the human was beginning to respond he allowed a hand to drift between his legs touching the penis with a coarse
finger and trailing it up its' length, delighting in the shiver that ran through the human's body. He did not open his eyes this time, they were squeezed tightly shut and he seemed to be biting down on his bottom lip. D'Argo smiled. He so wanted to kiss those lips, work the mouth open so he could slide his tongue between his teeth and taste him.

He looked down at the human penis, noticed it had started to inflate. He stroked a finger nail down the half formed length and watched Crichton's hips jerk, the penis hardening a little more. He stroked it gently at first, curious to find out what it felt like, the soft flesh firming in his hand.
Crichton was sweating, his pheromones becoming stronger and scenting the steam of the hot water so that it smelled like him. D'Argo inhaled deeply, he liked the smell of the human's sex, his growing excitement affecting the Luxan as he caressed him. His hand riding up and down the foreskin as he watched Crichton's face for his reaction. The human was breathing in hitches
now, his beautiful lashes sweeping against his cheeks as his eyes fluttered open to look at him. D'Argo felt his hearts lurch with excitement, joy and passion. This was better. To be looking at him as he readied him for sex was pleasure indeed. The human was struggling to form words.

"D...D'Argo...that is *so* intense."

D'Argo smiled at him. Noticed the human had not told him to stop, not pulled away from him. Had not rejected him. Good. He leaned in and brushed his lips against the human ones, a tentative knock at the door. Crichton's lips parted slowly and the Luxan felt joy flood his hearts. He accepted the inviation and kissed him properly now, his tongue sliding inside his mouth. The sensitive flexible head of his tongue tasting his gums and the inside walls of his mouth before finding the human tongue. It was so soft, not like a Luxan tongue at all. This one was padded with flesh and rounded, with a fur of receptors on the upper surface. D'Argo tasted Crichton's taste buds, his own far superior tongue able to seperate and identify the buds and take in a whole plethora of information from each stroke of his tongue. He caressed him gently, seeking information as well as seduction. A little tender prod now and then to release the human's secretions but the only secretion in Crichtons' mouth was something called saliva. Interesting
but...strange. What did the human do to excite his mate?

He could feel the human's hips starting to rock in time with the movement of his hand on him. D'Argo released a secretion from the head of his tongue and caressed it into Crichton's tongue. It would heighten the human's experience, make every touch enhanced. He could already feel the
difference in the way Crichton was kissing him back, not hungrily or eratically, but with a deep growing need that made the head of D'Argo's tongue leak even more. The effect was like being on a roller coaster as it gradually built up speed. D'Argo slowed his strokes on Crichton's penis. He was rock hard now, the blood pumping up the inflated organ and throbbing in the Luxan's
hand. He moved his hand off him and felt the groan in Crichton's mouth. His other hand was busy exploring his testicles, noting how sensitive they were and how Crichton jerked back as if in pain if he applied too much pressure. His free hand now dipped into one of his five mivonks and lathered a rosy coloured viscous gel on his fingers, the more he teased the mivonks the more gel it released. When he deemed he had enough he wrapped his hand back around Crichton's penis and began to stroke him slowly. The foreskin absorbed the gel, aided by the caressing motion of D'Argo's hand.

Crichton was moaning continually in his mouth now. The hardly audible sound vibrating quietly in his throat and picked up by D'Argo making the Luxan shiver with pleasure. Crichton's mind had gone South and all points imbetween were off the compass. There was only D'Argo. His North, South, East and West. Shackleton could have saved so much time and energy if he had only been Luxan.

He felt the warm gel on his penis, the Luxan's gifted hand wrapping round him again as he worked the gel in, pumping him gently as he did so. <Oh man, this is so frelling beautiful. If I die now let it be as I come> The gel seemed to be getting warmer, then he felt his penis tingling more and more violently, excitement racing through the veins making them throb harder, his penis jerking and trembling with need in D'Argo's disciplined hand. He was beginning to leak with excitement, his body straining in anticipation. <Oh mama, he's coated my dick with Spanish fly! Oh God this is so intense it hurts! Christ D'Argo, kill me now...>

He was rocking hard now, his hips thrusting eratically against D'Argo but he would not increase his pressure on his penis, would not let him come just yet. The Luxan's tongue noted the change in the flavours in the human's mouth, changed his secretions and observed his reactions until he got the ones he wanted. He steadied him so that he could hang on a little longer to his self control. Noting how the human's metabolism reacted to different stimulants, careful not to give the weaker human a heart attack. After all, he only had one heart.

When D'Argo was ready he lifted the human a half metra off the ground and pressed him against the shower wall. The water now missed Crichton and splashed down D'Argo's back. He did not break off his kiss to tell Pilot to turn the water off. He liked the added sensation. Carefully he
pinned Crichton in place and guided the human's over sensitised penis to his centre mivonks. This orofice was roughly where the human belly button was situated, two pairs of smaller mivonks opened on either side of it. Highly sensitive, these sexual glands released their secretions when stimulated, the central mivonks though was the only one large enough for penetration. The internal walls were ribbed and flexed with independent muscle groups capable of increasing the pleasure of penetration by many levels depending on which secretions the Luxan chose to use to aid sexual stimulation. Right now he had the human so aroused he would have drilled his dick into a hole in the wall if he could have found one the right size.

Crichton almost cried with relief when D'Argo guided him inside his mivonks. The feeling was utterly incredible, so much sensation, so damn intense. He was leaking like mad now and very close but somehow the Luxan had been able to prevent him from coming to orgasm. He had no idea how the hell he did that. It had to be in the secretions, that gel or *something*. His body was firing on all cylinders only obeying the Luxan now. His mind sweeping through a mad fairground of rides that had him spinning from one erotic sensation to another with hardly a pause to draw breath between them. It was a rollercoaster ride alright and he hung on for all he was worth. The
ribbed walls of D'Argo's mivonks drew his penis in deep and tight, the walls contracting to his size then the muscles rolling up and down his penis in delicious waves, flexing and working him so that he cried out, tears streaming down his face, begging to be allowed to come. D'Argo ignored him, his own passion lighting up at the sound of the human's strangled cries. The Luxan continued to work his penis and absorbed the leaking semen, his body able to analyse and savour him as he allowed him to slowly come as if he was being milked. Crichton had never come in slow motion before. It was not a trick humans possessed. Had not known it was even possible. He could imagine nothing closer to dying and being reborn again all in one beautiful drawn out act of orgasm.

<Oh man, D'Argo. What the hezmana are you doing to me? And can I buy it in the local store?>

When he had finished coming, D'Argo did not release him. Crichton did not care. He had not felt this good since High School. All his hormones were in freefall and he had no bones left. His whole body had turned to jelly. He smiled while D'Argo sucked on his tongue, imagining himself as a sentient gel being licked off by Ka D'Argo. Oh hell, he was getting excited all over again. How the hell did he do that?

D'Argo loved the way the human's seed flooded slowly into him. It was quite a challenge for him to stop the human coming in a mad blind rush that would be over before he could really enjoy it. He was pleased the human had not blacked out with the sheer intensity of it. Not many species had the control of a Luxan let alone the endurance to remain conscious throughout interspecies mating. Only another Luxan could withstand the beautiful erotic storm of emotions released in coitus. This human was different. This human was soft and yielding but capable of both great emotional and mental strength. It more than compensated for his lack of physical strength. He
already knew the human's courage was not in doubt. He could feel the softened penis where the organ relaxed after releasing its' seed inside him. He was very sensitive inside the mivonks chamber. The shrinking penis twitched inside him where his ribbed walls contracted gently but
firmly around it as it deflated. He did not release him but let him rest a microt. He wanted to excite the human while he was still inside him, see if he could inflate the tissues in the human organ and bring him back to the brink of another orgasm. He did not know if he could do this or whether the human needed to recover first. D'Argo did not want to ask him first, did not want
to let Crichton sleep and perhaps wake full of regret for their conjoined microt of passion.

The human was in him now and he liked having him there. He liked possessing him, feeling him in such an intimate fashion as if they were built from the same conscious clay. Loved controlling his physical reactions. Making him cry out his name in passion as he came. Loved the human's scent as he got more and more excited. No. He would try this first. Explore the human fully. See how everything functioned physically, how to coax and manipulate the most out of him to their mutual satisfaction. He did not simply want to seduce him and cast him aside. He wanted to love him in every manner he could do so. First he need to find out what range he had. How much he could endure so that he did not accidentally hurt him. What sleeping passions he could rouse. Then the human could sleep for a monen if he so wished. After all, he would need to get his strenth back again.

* * * * *

Crichton slept round the clock. After they had made love several times, the Luxan had encouraged him to sleep then carefully carried him back to his own room and put him to bed. He had taken and folded his clothes as he had seen the human do. He looked down at his friend's now peaceful face and gave him a gentle kiss, the only blessing he could confer on him. Then Ka
D'Argo went to tell the others that Crichton had endured another sleepless night and should be excused any duties until he had fully rested. The others readily agreed, only too happy to do anything that would help their friend. Aeryn went to look in on him. D'Argo did not accompany her. He knew it would take a herd of Renarks to wake him. He was on command when Aeryn
returned. Zhaan inclined her head towards Aeryn, a question in her eyes.

"He is sleeping. He must have been exhausted."

Zhaan nodded. "After what he has been through he deserves a rest."

The others agreed. D'Argo did not dare look any of them in the eye. Not just yet. He stared out of the viewscreen and tried hard not to smile.

For the first time in a long time, Crichton did not have any nightmares. Oblivion claimed him and the darkness welcomed him. Even the chair had been relegated to the side lines. When he did expend enough energy to think it was invariably about Ka D'Argo. Once he had rested and got his
breath back he would have to think of a way to repay him.

* * * * *