SUMMARY: "Crichton is made an offer he cannot refuse."

Rated: PG-13.


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"Aftermath 4: Crichton's Choice"
A "Farscape" story
Written by Alison M. DOBELL

He waited until it was all quiet aboard Moya. The crew all sleeping apart from Chiana who was sitting up with Pilot taking her watch. Rygel had not been to see Crichton, at least not when he was awake. He did not like to admit that he had feelings for the quirky human. That it hurt him to see him like this, but it did. He eased his throne sled into Crichton's room and looked at him sleeping. At least that monster Crais was nowhere about. He had finally left aboard Talyn, not a word of where he was going to anyone. He was surprised that Zhaan had seemed sorry to see him go but then Delvians were an odd lot. Almost as hard to make sense of as humans. Humans. Rygel sighed and settled his thronesled beside Crichton's bed. Thinking of all the
adventures they had shared. The times this strange man had touched him with his compassion, his willingness to put himself at risk for their sake. For his. He was not used to anybody doing anything for him without having an ulterior motive. At least until Crichton had come along. Crichton.

He watched him for a good arn, not saying anything and content for the moment not to be feeding his face. In fact he had been off his food since it had happened. Worried first about Aeryn and then Crichton. Now it looked as if Aeryn Sun would pull through, thank the Builders. She seemed almost her old starchy self, as confident and abrasive as ever. Except when it came to Crichton. Considering he had been the cause of her closest brush with permanent death it was surprising that she could forgive him so easily. Until you remembered the real culprit. That awful evil half-Scarran abomination Scorpius. Rygel would love to do something equally horrific to him.

Crichton stirred. Rygel's thoughts fled as he looked anxiously at the human's face, noticing how a deep line appeared across the bridge of his nose when he frowned. Was he in pain? Worried? Having nightmares? He leaned forward and watched him closely, ready to call for Zhaan if he appeared to be in distress. The eyes flickered open and after a microt came to rest on the
Hynerian Dominar. Such gentle eyes the human had. Such understanding for one so alien to his own kind. Such wisdom in one so young. "I haven't come to rob you if that's what you think." He said in a crusty voice. But the words were quietly spoken, more affection than irritation. Crichton smiled gently, his eyes telling him he knew why he was there.

Rygel cleared his throat awkwardly. "Just wanted to see if you were alright. If you needed anything." Rygel paused, scanning his face. "Does it hurt very much?" He asked quietly.

Crichton blinked slowly, twice. That meant no. Or did it mean yes? Rygel was not quite sure. He had not really been paying that much attention when Zhaan had explained it to them. He wished he had listened now but at the time he had been too Upset. Still absorbing the shock. "I wish I could do something for you. I can't tell you stories like Crais - though what that
man could possibly say that anyone would want to hear is beyond me."

The human's eyes were getting heavy again. Rygel patted him on the shoulder very gently. "You go back to sleep. I'll sit with you for a while."

He nodded very slightly, the eyes closing as his breathing deepened. Rygel watched him. Listened to his breathing, assured himself that he was simply falling asleep not breathing his last. He sighed then jumped at the sound of a familiar voice speaking just behind him.

"What're you doing here, Rygel?"

He turned to see Ka D'Argo looking at him.

"What the frell does it look like I'm doing?"

D'Argo nodded. Something in his expression making Rygel look at him more closely. "More to the point D'Argo, what are *you* doing here in the middle of your sleep cycle?"

* * * * *

Jothee was annoyed. Upset. He was sitting on the edge of the big bed having slowly dressed himself. Chiana was taking no notice of him. Letting him sulk. It was all his father's fault. Why did he keep having to mess things up for him? He really liked Chiana. Knew she liked him too. Why couldn't his father see that and let nature take its' course? He got up and went over to Chiana. She was quickly tidying the room up though he could see nothing wrong with it. "Chi, why are you acting like this?"

Her head tilted to look up at him in disbelief. "What? You need me to draw a picture for you?"

He frowned, not understanding her underlying hint of hostility. "I thought you liked me?"

She straightened up and put her hands on her hips. "You know, I had a good thing going with D'Argo and because of you I blew it."

Jothee smiled. Putting on his most alluring expression, eyes widening with interest as he advanced, hoping to coax her out of this mood. If she would just let him touch her, he knew he could make her body sing. She backed away a step.

"No you don't. You're getting out of here and going back to your quarters."

"I like it where I am."

"Well, I don't."

Frustration quickly turned to anger and his face distorted. "This isn't my fault you know so don't start acting like I've done something wrong, Chi! You wanted me, admit it. You flirted with me from the moment you first set eyes on me."

"And you didn't?" She challenged back.

"I didn't say that. I'd never say that. I like you. I never pretended otherwise."

Chiana paused a moment. Recognising her part in this stupid affair. "I know and I'm sorry if it seems unfair to you, Jothee, but I never meant to hurt your father. It's the last thing I wanted."

"Yeah? Well you have a funny way of showing it - sleeping with his son!"

The crack was loud and painful as her hand connected with his cheek. Her face contorted with first rage then sorrow, tears bursting and releasing a damn of emotions. Jothee's anger dissipated at the expression of pain in her eyes and he took a step towards her. Wanting to say sorry. To do anything to wipe that look off her face. But it was too late. Chiana turned and fled
from the room, leaving Jothee sad and confused and in the worst mood of his life.

* * * * *

In command Aeryn Sun was looking at Pilot. "He's coming back? Why?"

Pilot did not look up, all his attention on Moya's controls, his four arms moving between tasks with an effortless grace. "I do not know. He only says it has something to do with Crichton."

Aeryn frowned. Crichton. Just when she was beginning to think that Crais really had changed he had to go and sow the seeds of doubt all over again. What did he want with Crichton? Just then Zhaan and Rygel joined them. D'Argo looked anxiously at Aeryn. "You called us?"

She nodded. "Yes. We're being hailed by Crais. He wants to come back aboard."

The Luxan's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Why?"

"He doesn't say. Just that it has something to do with Crichton."

"I say we tell him to keep the hezmana away."

Zhaan looked intrigued. "Why don't we find out what he wants first?"

"Whatever he wants I say no."

The Delvian priestess looked at D'Argo then at Aeryn. "What do you say Aeryn?"

She looked at the image of Talyn waiting patiently to deliver their response to Crais. She felt Moya's happy purr thrum under her feet at being close to her son again. "Maybe we should find out what he wants first."

Rygel looked thoughtful. "I agree we should hear what he has to say."

D'Argo looked at them in disbelief. "I can't believe what I am hearing. Do you forget who he is? This is a man who has sworn to destroy Crichton. Kill him with his bare hands. And now you want to let him come back aboard Moya to finish the job."

"We don't know that," Said Zhaan.

"I don't think he means to harm Crichton." Said Rygel slowly.

D'Argo turned on him. "Oh, so now you're an expert on former Peace Keeper captains, are you?"

"No I am not, but I do recognise that sometimes people change."

"Not Crais. And NOT in this lifetime, Rygel! Discuss it all you want, if he sets foot on board Moya I will be standing next to him every step he takes."

"D'Argo, I don't think that will be necessary..." Began Aeryn.

"I don't care what you think. What *any* of you think. I don't trust Crais."

Zhaan placed a hand on D'Argo's arm. "I commend you on your strategy D'Argo. I agree we should keep a close eye on Crais *if* we agree to his request to come aboard and see Crichton."

Somewhat mollified, D'Argo merely nodded. Not trusting himself to speak.

Zhaan looked at Pilot. "Pilot. Tell Crais we are listening and ask him why he wants to come aboard."

* * * * *

It was weird but Crichton had long since gotten used to weird. Weird he could handle. Crais was sitting next to his bed, an oddly benevolent look in his dark eyes, a smile on lips that had so often been cruel in the past. Now the darkness that had once invaded his soul seemed to have been excised letting through the light. Crichton discovered that Crais had a sense of
humour. Loved particular kinds of music. Had a discerning palette where food was concerned. He was quite the gentleman dressed in his warrior's weeds. Like he said. Weird. He was aware of his friends in the background but all his attention was fastened firmly on Crais. His unlikely saviour. He wanted to ask questions, get the full skinny on his proposal but all he could do was indicate yes or no. As soon as he opened his mouth nothing but meaningless drivel would tumble out, frustrating him so much that Zhaan would be tempted to sedate him. <No thanks. Been there, done that. Don't want the frelling t-shirt>

Crais was explaining again. For like the hundredth time. His friends, naturally, were not buying it. Aeryn frowned suspiciously. "And this 'medical technician' can repair Crichton? Restore his neural pathways? Reconnect the speech centre of his brain?"

"I didn't say that, Aeryn. I said he was the best I could find. He was most interested in the project when I told him what was involved."

D'Argo growled and flung back his head angrily. "Project? You call this a *project*?"

"A poor choice of words, Ka D'Argo." Agreed Crais.

"A poor choice." Amended D'Argo.

Crais nodded. "And you, Aeryn. What do you think?"

She considered Crais. He had changed, she was sure of it, but this offer of surgery made her uneasy. She glanced at Crichton, was alarmed at the way Crais had managed to worm his way into the human's confidence. He had always been far too trusting. She wanted to believe that Crais was genuine, that his offer to help could do what they prayed it could. That their faith in him would not be betrayed. She was just not sure they could gamble on the outcome with Crichton's life. The price was too high. She shook her head at last. "I would have to say no."

Crais tilted his head at her, trying to hide his disappointment. "No? Is that it, Aeryn? No consideration, no thought for what John might want?"

She glared at him. How dare he use those words. Of course she wanted what Crichton wanted, but not if it meant paying with his life. "We have to be sure."

His lips twisted a little. "And how do you propose we do that when every suggestion I come up with is dismissed out of hand? How do you know *what* will work unless you try it?"

Aeryn stepped up to him, so close that she could feel his breath in her face as they stared at each other. "It's too dangerous. It could kill him."

Zhaan was watching Crichton carefully, noting how the dissention between Aeryn and Crais seemed to be upsetting him. She put a hand on Aeryn's arm and Aeryn followed her eyes. She saw Crichton's expression and all thoughts of Crais fled. She did not want to hurt him. She swallowed slowly and spoke softly but clearly. "What do you want, John? Do you want to try Crais's plan even though it may cost you your life?"

Crais frowned at her, annoyed at the way she had deliberately framed the question to place it in an unfavourable light. Crichton blinked slowly, once. Crais looked at all their faces seeing disbelief, anger, sorrow and a whole wealth of emotion reflected in Sebaccean, Delvian, Hynerian, Luxan and Nebari alike.

"John, consider carefully." Said D'Argo slowly. "If you agree we will not be able to help you."

Crichton closed his eyes again. Once. Again saying 'yes'. For several moments no one spoke. At last Zhaan spoke. "John has decided. We must honour that decision. His choice."

Aeryn spun, anger like sparks flying off her. Temper unleashing fire from her eyes. "Honour his decision? What decision? Crais has been sitting with him every spare arn he can muster and for what? To bring him this so-called opportunity. The chance for surgery that may or may not heal him? And what do we know about the surgeon? About the procedure? Nothing. We are asked to trust blindly to what he tells us. And worse still to place a man he has sworn to kill in his hands. No. I don't know about the rest of you but that is one chance I am not prepared to take."

She glanced down at Crichton and saw tears form in his eyes. She bit her lip. Was she wrong? His hand stirred on the coverlet and without thinking she held it in hers. He squeezed gently, willing her to understand. Tears rose in her eyes. He wanted her to back down. To let him do this. She could see it in his eyes. Why could he not see that after all they had been through she could not bear to lose him? Then she realised he did know. Had been on that plateau himself when he had believed he had killed her. That she was dead. Could she really deny him this chance to be whole again? Tears slowly ran down her face. At last she nodded and looked at Zhaan. "I've changed my mind Zhaan. I say we should let John go with Crais if that's what he wants."

Rygel cleared his throat slowly. "I agree that if John wants the operation he should have it." He paused and looked at Crais. "But why can't the surgeon come here? Why drag Crichton across Uncharted space to yotz knows where? Here we can see what is happening, be near if we are needed. Who knows what might be waiting out there?"

D'Argo nodded. It was a good point. "For once I agree with Rygel."

The Delvian priestess looked at Crais. "Is there some reason why the operation cannot be performed on board Moya?"

Crais nodded. "Yes, though you won't like the reason any more than you liked my solution."

At once all eyes narrowed and turned in his direction. Chiana tilted her head suspiciously. "Oh yeah? And why's that?"

"Because the surgeon I am speaking of is a serving Peace Keeper. A truly remarkable young physician name Korel Bargeril."

Immediately the room erupted into a fierce shouting and slanging match. Crais remained calm and turned a long suffering eye on Crichton. Some dry humour passed between them in that look. Patiently they weathered the storm of protests. Knowing that in the end his friends would be left with only one option, whether they liked it or not...


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