

FANDOM: "Farscape"

PAIRING: John/Crais



ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.

FEEDBACK: Welcomed




SUMMARY: "Jothee sees the consequences of his actions. The Nebari close in on Moya."

The usual disclaimers apply. No infringement of copyright is intended.

A "Farscape" slash story
Written by Alison M. DOBELL
* * * * *

No one knew what to say. They were all stunned. Zhaan wanted to comfort Aeryn but knew any overture on her part would be unwelcome. They had listened in silence as Aeryn had told them what happened, what Crichton had said on reaching the pod. The confirmation that it was Jothee inside seemed to break D'Argo. Chiana went to him and sat with her arms round him. Rygel
looked at Zhaan, his face so sad that she felt her heart go out to him. For a few microts no one spoke then Pilot tentatively broke in on their sombre thoughts.

"Moya says to tell you that there is a ship approaching." He paused only briefly, his voice taking on a much more concerned tone now. "Correction, two ships."

Zhaan looked confused. "Two ships? What are they, Pilot?"

"The first one is a Nebari vessel."

"What about the other ship?" Asked Aeryn.

"Moya does not know. It is not a known configuration."

"Whatever it is we have to get away from that Nebari ship." Yelled Rygel. "I have no intention of ending up mind clensed!"

* * * * *

Jothee was trembling when he was finally extracted from the escape pod. The first thing he saw was Scorpius waiting for him, a smile on his face that made his skin crawl knowing it was his actions that had put it there. The half-Scarran was in good humour, suddenly nothing was too much trouble. He talked about the different planets in the data banks Jothee could choose
from, or perhaps he would like to go somewhere right off the beaten track? He had only to name it and Scorpius would see to it.

"You see," Scorpius smiled at him. "I keep my promises."

Jothee nodded, not able to speak for feelings of guilt. The half-Scarran seemed to discern far too much of what he was thinking and feeling.

"First," He said. "I want you to have the pleasure of seeing what I have in store for our human friend."

Jothee's eyes widened in alarm. He started to back away. He wanted no part of this.

"There's nothing for you to be concerned about, Jothee. After all, I want you to share in my pleasure."

Unable to do anything else, Jothee allowed himself to be herded along with Scorpius by his soldiers. His eyes flicked from side to side, nervous, longing for a way out only he was too terrified of Scorpius to do or say anything to rouse his ire. Scorpius talked happily all the way to
the cell where he was keeping Crichton. He paused by the door, savoured his victory for a moment, then had the door opened. They went inside. Crichton was sitting on the floor, he still had his EVA suit on but the helmet had been taken off him. He said nothing as the guards forced him to his feet. He looked at Scorpius, his stomach in so many knots it was hard to take a decent breath. Scorpius could not hide his pleasure. He walked slowly round him, taunting him, intoxicated by the taste of his fear. "John, I told you I would be seeing you again."

"Yeah, well you could have sent a postcard. No need to go to all this trouble, Scorpy."

"No trouble. No trouble at all."

Crichton looked across at Jothee, could see D'Argo's son with his downcast eyes. Too shamed to look at him. He thought he would be angry, furious, but seeing how lost and pathetic the boy looked he could not bring himself to hate him. Scorpius made victims of them all.

"Ah yes," Said Scorpius, noticing Crichton's attention on the half-Luxan. "I believe you know Ka D'Argo's son Jothee?"

"Let him go, Scorpy. You got what you came for."

"You misunderstand, John. Jothee is not my prisoner."

Crichton frowned, looked at Scorpius. "What do you mean?"

"Tell him, Jothee. Tell the good Commander about your plan to turn him over to me. I thought it was a *very* good plan. Showed great initiative."

The look of horror on Crichton's face turned to anger. Anger at Scorpius. "You're a sick sorry bastard, Scorpius."

"And you," Said Scorpius leaning in close to him. "Are a dead man, John Crichton. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, shall we? First I want the wormhole technology."

Jothee could not believe it. Even faced with his duplicity, Crichton had still tried to get Scorpius to let him go. He had never come across a being quite like him and yet he was sure the human was not speaking in an effort to impress him. Quite the opposite. Jothee watched them push the human
roughly and take him to the chair. Their eyes met briefly and Jothee saw the fear but also something else. A spark of intelligence that stared back at him, sorrowing and filled with regret that he should have to see this. A gentleness that he had not expected to see. It confused him. He did not know what to think. The human was so alien. He did not know that he was seeing compassion. Did not know that in that look the human was telling Jothee he forgave him.

He watched as they took the EVA suit off him and placed him in the chair. Saw the way the human's muscles bunched up and the strain on his face as he tried to hide his fear from his enemy, but Scorpius knew. Scorpius looked across the chair at Jothee. "Would you like to operate the controls, Jothee?"

Jothee shook his head, total panic in his eyes. Horror making him back up.

"Leave him alone, Scorpius. He's just a kid. He doesn't have to see

Scorpius looked at Crichton. "I disagree. Everyone should have to face the consequences of their actions."

Before he could frame a suitable reply, Scorpius slid the control up to half power, watching as the human arched his back in pain, trying to bite back the agony and not cry out. Body shaking and images starting to appear on the round screen by his head. Jothee was horrified. Scorpius watched the images then glanced at Jothee.

"What you are seeing are images from John's brain. Memories if you will, ripped out of his head by my Aurora Chair."

Jothee could not speak, could not take his eyes off Crichton. Felt the human's agony, his pain, his torture bringing tears to his eyes. The images on the screen now showing scenes he recognised. Moya. His father. The Delvian, the Hynerian, the Sebaccean female and the white faced Nebari. He looked at Scorpius revelling in the human's pain and knew he was looking at the true face of evil. "You're sick!"

The smile on Scorpius's face froze. "Be careful Jothee, I might forget my promise to you."

Jothee shut his mouth and backed up a step. He could not go any further because of the Peace Keeper soldiers behind him. He looked at Crichton. The human had his eyes closed, the veins standing out on his neck, his body shaking and tensing as the power was raised and he shook in the chair, crying out in his agony, tears streaming down his face while spittle flew from his mouth. Jothee put his hands over his eyes and wept.

* * * * *

The outer corona of the nebula was breathtaking. Bialar Crais stood and gazed at it with joy in his heart. The freedom of the Uncharted Territories was something he could never put into words. He felt Talyn touch his thoughts and smiled. Remembered Crichton's shocked surprise when he realised just what they had been doing when they made love in the pod bay. He chuckled darkly, memories of his lover bringing him both joy and pain. He missed him but this was much the best way. He felt Talyn's sorrow and soothed him with his thoughts, not wanting the leviathan to blame
himself. <It's not your fault, Talyn. John understands this is the way it must be>

He sighed, his mood broken. He was started to feel tired. Talyn stirred in his thoughts, touching his mind and urging him to rest. To let the leviathan take care of him. The memories touched off the first stirrings of need, he found the leviathan becoming too hard to resist. <We have to be
careful, Talyn>

Talyn agreed with him, promised to be watchful. Crais yawned and decided nothing would be gained by allowing himself to become overtired. He nodded out of habit and made his way to the controls to check their heading. All was well. No other vessels were around and Talyn had found a magnetic cloud which would disrupt communications. Perfect. He started to undress as he
walked over to the pod bay. Paused as he finished stripping off and carefully folding his clothes, one hand gently brushing against the warm skin of the pod bay, remembering the times that he and Talyn had made love to Crichton. A sad smile touched his lips then he climbed into the pod bay and stretched out. Closing his eyes he opened his thoughts to Talyn and felt the intimacy of the leviathan's thoughts as his tendrils slid slowly up and over the lip of the pod bay to caress his bare skin as they slowly wrapped around him. He moaned softly and gave himself up to the caresses of the leviathan, the neural implant intensifying the sensations as Talyn stroked up his legs and began to create a delicious friction. A fleshy appendage slid between his lips and fed him, the secretions making him a little giddy with desire, another appendage penetrating him while others caressed him like fingerless hands, their secretions intensifying and gliding over his flesh with beautful
erotic sensations that made his skin buzz. Little charges of electricity made him groan, Talyn exciting his most erotic memories as they indulged in each other, exchanging fluids as they explored their unique bond. One of the leviathan's appendages thickening and flexing inside him as a fleshy tube encased his penis and squeezed him with its' ribbed walls flexing and rolling
up his erection until he was so hard he leaked.

For a time he lost himself in their love making, losing count of how often he came. Sleeping between periods of passion that eased his tension but not his heart's desire. He missed Crichton. He loved Talyn but it was not the same. Could never be the same. He felt Talyn's sorrow, his
apology that he could not satisfy him. Crais was quick to lay no blame at Talyn's door and they made love again, more slowly this time, so that he could reassure the young leviathan. Crais got up and bathed but all his memories were coloured by Crichton. He could not bear to use the bath gel,
felt tears prick his eyes as he washed. He was not alone, he had Talyn. That was what he had told Crichton when he left and it was true. But he did not have Crichton. Not any longer and the emptiness in his heart was not diminishing. It was growing. Talyn was concerned for him. <It's alright Talyn. I'll get over it>

The leviathan hummed a sympathetic and soothing song. So quietly and unobtrusively that Crais did not say anything. It was much later, just as they were emerging out of the far side of the magnetic cloud that an encrypted transmission caught his attention. <What is this, Talyn?>

<It is an update>

<Ah, yes, of course>

Crais got himself some rasklak and sat at his console, keying in his code to unscramble the message. He rarely drank but from time to time the alcohol was a welcome extravagance. He drank sparingly and only in moderation. The Peace Keeper code still strong in his veins if not his heart. He considered the update. When he had left Crichton it had amused him to leave behind one of Talyn's DRDs. He had instructed the DRD to watch over Crichton for him and report back so that he would know he was well. It was a foolish fancy, something inspired by the way in which the human had managed to form a bond with the DRDs. As if no lifeform, however compromised or lowly, was beneath his attention. It was one of the things that he liked about the
human. Part of his enduring fascination. The images that flickered back to him were poor but he could make out sufficient detail. He smiled as he listened to the sound of Crichton's gentle voice. He was crouching down talking to the DRD, asking him if he wanted to be given a name. Crais laughed outright and had to explain what he thought was so funny to Talyn.

The update had almost come to an end when he sat up suddenly, all humour gone from his demeanour. Something was wrong. Crichton and Aeryn were going to check out an escape pod. Areyn thought it was a trap but of course Crichton wanted to go and check it out personally. Crais swore. When would the human stop playing the hero and let someone else go rushing off to save
the frelling galaxy? The DRDs screen went blank, the transmission ended. Crais sighed and instructed Talyn to head back towards Moya's last known co-ordinates. It was probably nothing but he would never forgive himself if something happened and he had ignored the warning signs. A smile slowly graced his dark lips with pleasure. And of course it would be an excuse to
see Crichton again. In his mind Talyn smiled. The corona of the nebula was truly breathtaking. Beautiful. But next to John Crichton it was not even in contention.

* * * * *

"They're gaining!" Yelled Chiana, the panic evident in her voice.

D'Argo shook himself out of his fugue. "There must be something we can do."

Zhaan was looking at Pilot. "Pilot, has Moya any way of going to starburst?"

"No, Zhaan, it will be another arn at least before she is ready."

Aeryn had an idea. "What about a partial starburst?"

"I regret that may not work, Aeryn." Admitted Pilot.

"We are fast running out of frelling options," Said Rygel.

Everybody exchanged a look then Aeryn turned to Pilot. "I think we have to try it, Pilot."

He nodded and started to instruct Moya of their decision. Just then Chiana screamed. Aeryn snapped her head round in time to see a Peace Keeper control collar being launched from the Nebari vessel. If the collar attached itself to the leviathan all chances of any escape would be lost.
Chiana was in tears, panic making her inconsolable. Zhaan tried to calm her when she felt a familiar thought in her head. It was Stark.

"Stop, Pilot! Moya must *not* go to starburst!"

Aeryn spun round on her. "We don't have time for any of this dren."

"It's Stark! He's here."

"Hrrrmph, well I don't see him," Grumbled Rygel.

"No, not on Moya. He's on the second ship."

D'Argo shook his head. "Then he is already too late to help us, Zhaan."

"No, sweet D'Argo, you don't understand. You must trust me."

Pilot paused, everybody looked at Zhaan then a sudden violent shudder shook the ship. Chiana's wails drowned out everything else. The Nebari had attached the Peace Keeper control collar to Moya. Rygel's face fell, sorrow and dispair evident in his voice. "Don't worry Zhaan. It doesn't
look like any of us will be going anywhere."

* * * * *

He was in the chair again. This time Jothee was not present. The Luxan half-breed did not have the stomach for the Aurora Chair. Scorpius had excused him on one proviso. The human was amazingly resistent and resilient. Despite how much the chair was taking out of him, Crichton had a natural ability to bond with other species. He made friends out of the unlikeliest of foes. It occurred to Scorpius that he could use Jothee to try to extract the information out of him when he was returned to his cell. When his defences had been totally and utterly frelled. He liked the idea but could see the pathetic Luxan half-breed quailed at the thought. So Scorpius had made the prospect more appealing. Either Jothee helped Scorpius or next time he would put *him* in the chair. Jothee had ceased all his objections. His sullen silence producing a smile from the half-Scarran. He had Jothee escorted to Crichton's cell and given food and water. Then he returned to
the business in hand. Crichton.

Scorpius leaned on one arm of the chair, looking at the quivering barely conscious form of the human strapped in it. He tilted his head at him, his voice conversational and so casual in its' cruelty. "You *will* give me what I want."

Crichton struggled to form words, the sounds bubbling up from his throat with effort. "I can't tell you....what...I don't....know...."

Scorpius tapped his forehead with a finger. "I know it's in there, John."

Crichton did not respond. He was on the verge of passing out again, his mind so raw just thinking hurt him. His muscles were jerking and trembling with aftershocks, he found it hard to get enough air into his lungs and his heart was doing backflips instead of pumping the blood in a steady rythm. It occurred to him that he just might die here. It must have occurred to Scorpius as well because the next microt he was being unstrapped from the chair. He passed out before they got him back to his cell. Jothee's eyes widened in alarm as the door opened and Crichton was thrown in. He
landed in a tangled heap, his head taking a crack as he struck the floor. Jothee moved away from him but the human did not stir. His fear turned to concern, then panic. What if the human died? Would Scorpius take it out on him? He peered cautiously to see if there were any lifesigns. Remembering that he was supposed to be getting information out of him, Jothee tentatively pushed
his shoulder. Crichton rolled onto his back, arms spread out from his body. He looked a mess.

Jothee swallowed and felt a stab of conscience. Crichton was suffering because of him. Because he had betrayed him out of pique. He watched the human for almost an arn. He did not stir but his breathing was eratic. Even alseep he seemed to be in pain. Jothee did not know what to do. Then the human started to mutter in his sleep. Softly at first. Jothee had to shuffle up close just to make out some of the words but most of it made no sense at all. He could hear the pain in the soft voice. Something stirred in his hearts. He began to understand why his father valued this strange
human. There was a gentle strength to him that was oddly compelling. He did not like the human, blamed him for things that were not his fault, but he was beginning to respect him. Wasn't that a crazy twist? He drew closer. "Crichton?"

At first there was no reaction. Jothee bent closer to the prone figure, his whisper becoming more urgent. "Crichton, it's Jothee. Can you hear me?"

The human stirred slowly, as if responding through great pain. His eyes did not open. "Jothee?"

Jothee smiled at the sound of his name then his smile vanished. He felt uncomfortable, his palms sweating. "Look, I'm supposed to ask you about some wormhole or other."

Impossibly the human laughed softly, a brittle sound, the movement making him groan deeply in pain. His eyes fluttered open, red and sore and haunted. "So you're my torturer, huh Jothee?"

He shook his head, alarmed. "No, no, I don't want to hurt you."

"Could'a fooled me..." He broke off into a pained coughing fit. Spots of blood speckled the floor by his head. He could not sit up so he tried to roll on to his side. It was too much. He groaned and closed his eyes a microt. When he opened them again he tried to focus on D'Argo's son. "Jothee? Can you do something for me?"

Suspicious, Jothee frowned at him. "What do you want?"

He had to wait for another coughing fit to pass. "Can you roll me on to my side? Don't care which one."

Jothee nodded and rolled him onto his right side, the coughing that much easier. He was able to clear a lot of fluid from his lungs and airway. More specks of blood patterned the floor beside his head. Jothee tried not to look at the blood. "You look like dren."

Crichton actually smiled. "Yeah, having the crap taken out of you will do that."

"I don't understand what Scorpius wants from you."

The human considered him for a microt. His eyes too intelligent for Jothee's comfort. The human saw too much. "Scorpy tell you to say that?"

He had the grace to colour. "Yes. I'm supposed to ask you questions."

"Let me guess, about wormholes?"

Jothee nodded. Crichton sighed.

"Relax, Jothee, I couldn't tell you anything anyway. What Scorpy wants is embedded in my brain. Even I don't know how to get access to it."

"Embedded in your brain? How?"

Crichton looked at him then closed his eyes. "Better you don't know."

For a long time neither spoke. Jothee thought Crichton had fallen asleep. He was surprised when he opened his eyes and spoke to him. "So how did old leather face drag you into this house of fun?"

* * * * *

D'Argo checked his qualta blade and got ready to fight. Everyone was arming themselves as best they could, determined not to be taken by the Nebari. Chiana was crying so much that Aeryn was tempted to hit her but one look at D'Argo's face made her realise that might not be such a good
idea. Zhaan was trying to contact Stark. Rygel had a small pulse gun and was trying to find out from Pilot whether there was anything Moya had which they could adapt as a weapon. Aeryn liked the way the Hynerian was thinking but already knew the answer.

"I am sorry Rygel but Moya has nothing of that kind."

Rygel had an idea. "What about the DRDs, couldn't Moya use those?"

Pilot looked indignant. "The DRDs are maintenance droids not weapons of war!"

"Listen you oversized Khan, I don't give a Garanta's brax what they are normally used for but in case you hadn't noticed Moya has been put in a frelling collar and if we don't do something we'll *all* be wearing one! Caw matan?"

Pilot lowered his head a little, looking somewhat chastened. "I'm...sorry, Dominar Rygel..."

"Hrrmph, I should think so. Now let's work together to see if we can't....."

Just then the leviathan shuddered and rocked, listing to one side. Everything that was not fastened down went flying including Aeryn, Zhaan and Chiana. Rygel was fortunate in that his thronesled meant he was the only one not thrown about. "What the yotz was that?"

"Something hit us!" Said Aeryn. "Pilot, what's happening? Are we under attack?"


Rygel looked concerned. "What's the matter with him?"

Aeryn went to check on Pilot. "I was afraid of that."

"Afraid of what?" Said D'Argo.

"The collar on Moya. They've injected something into Moya and its' filtering through to Pilot. He's losing consciousness."

"This is not good." Said D'Argo. "We have to do something."

"Like what?" Asked Chiana sarcastically.

Just then the leviathan rocked hard underneath them, a deep shudder reverberating throughout all her decks. "What the hezmana was that?"

Aeryn ran back to join the others. "The second ship, it's firing."

"What did we do to tink them off?"

Zhaan opened her eyes and looked at them serenely. She smiled at Chiana. "They are not firing at us, child."

Annoyed at being called a child Chiana was in no mood for Zhaan's superior attitude. "Oh? Then why are we getting knocked and tossed about? Can you tell us that?"

"We are being caught up in the crossfire."

"Crossfire? What crossfire?" Asked a very pissed off Luxan.

Aeryn was watching Zhaan's face. "Stark?"

Zhaan's smiled widened and she gave a gracious nod. D'Argo frowned, unconvinced. "Stark may be many things Zhaan, but he is *no* warrior."

Zhaan beamed at him as the leviathan settled down again. "I know. That is why he brought warriors with him."

D'Argo's mouth dropped open and Zhaan laughed. Chiana looked from on to the other and shook her head. "You're all pleeking fahrbot! We're going to die, I know it."

Just then the flickering lights stabilised and Pilot stirred. Aeryn was surprised but pleased to see him awake. "Pilot, what's happening?"

"It seems that Moya has somehow come free of the collar."

Chiana whooped with delight and spun round. She even hugged Zhaan. Aeryn and D'Argo exchanged long suffering looks but Rygel wanted explanations.

"I demand to know just *what* the yotz is going on!"

Zhaan smiled at him and patted his arm. "And you will Rygel, I promise you."

Just then Stark appeared in command with a small group of aliens none of them had seen before. They were all armed and though none of their weapons were pointed at the crew of Moya, Chiana quickly hid behind Zhaan. In the hand of one of the aliens was the severed head of a Nebari...

* * * * *