Title: Art

Author: Prodigette

Rating: R

Fandom: The League Of Extraordinary...

Pairing: Tom/Dorian

Type: First Time

Status: Complete!

Archive?: Yes please!

Disclaimer: Don't own 'em!

Summary: Tom learns a few things.

by Prodigette

With each sketch he sees, Tom's eyes widen just a little bit more. There seems to be hundreds of sketch books that the man across from him has kept.

Tom's also aware that he's blushing.

A simple smirk is playing on Dorian's lips as he watches the younger man's reaction. He takes a sip from his wine glass, his eyes never leaving Tom.

"I've had years of... practice." Dorian says. His fingers lightly trail around the wine glass, and Tom can feel his mouth go dry.

"With drawing?" Tom asks, wincing at the cracking in his voice. When Dorian pauses, he immediately regrets asking.

He regrets letting Dorian come to his room.

"Yes. Something like that." There's a twinkle in the other man's dark eyes, and Tom quickly looks away. Turning the pages, he can see the sketching of two males.

Two males that are tangled together.

Two men that are-- oh.

Tom immediately slams the sketchbook shut and puts it to the side of him. Fully turning away from Dorian, he concentrates on the patterns in his bedspread.

He's now positive that he regrets letting Dorian into his room.

"Don't fear the male form, Mr. Sawyer. It is indeed something beautiful." He can hear Dorian say. The sound of something dropping makes him look up.

Naked Dorian Gray.

Tom scoots back farther away from the other man until his back hits the bed's headboard.

"Maybe one day you shall grow to appreciate it."

Tom now knows that he wanted him here all along.