Series: Friends, Lovers and Fire Fighters

Title: Chapter One Welcome Back

Author: T R Gardner

Fandom: Emergency

Rating: NC 17

Pairing: Hank Stanley/ AJ Davis-Stanley, Victor/Charlotte Soreign, Martin/Anna Stanley

Status: Sequel to Hank's Surprise

Archive: I would like this story to be included in WWOMB. Can be archived elsewhere with notice.

E-mail address for feedback:

Disclaimers: Written for fun not profit. The characters are borrowed not owned. All mistakes are my own. No offence or copyright infringements intended. All events and situations are works of fiction.

Note: Accusations of Rape, HC, Language, Violence, Rape. Responce to A plot bunny challenge

Summary: AJ and Hank return to duty after their honeymoon. A rescue goes wrong.


Friends, Lovers and Fire Fighters

by T R Gardner


Part 1: Welcome Back

Hank ambled into the dayroom humming.

Mike looks up with a twinkle in his eye. "Good morning, Cap. Welcome back."

Hank rubs his hands together, "Good Morning. Good Morning. Roll call in five minutes." He says as he pours a cup of coffee. He takes a drink and gags. He sputters, "Who in God's name made this coffee?" He demands.

Chet frowns, "You didn't drink from the cup on the counter did you?" Chet asks as he cringes.

"Why yes, Chet I did. What were you going to do to Johnny?" Hank growls.

"Soap, Cap." Chet says guiltily.

"Ya Twit." Cap growls. "You do know what duty you'll have right?" Cap asks calmly. "This won't make me sick, will it?" Hank asks.

"No Cap, except, um, your spit may be blue for an hour or two. Um, is that the phone I hear?" Chet asks as he speeds from the room.

"Welcome back, Cap. How was the honeymoon?" Roy asks as Johnny enters shaking his head.

"Does anyone know why Chet is banging his head against his locker door?" Johnny asks as he pours a cup of coffee.

"Not a clue." Hank says with a smile answering Johnny's question first. "The Bahamas were beautiful. The cruise got off to a rocky start though." He says as the guys look concerned. "Um, I, um, accidentally, kind of threw AJ's birth control out the porthole. Well," Hank says to raised eyebrows, "she was suppose to catch them. We had arrived early and were unpacking. I was helping unpack her case. I had thrown several things to her. She bent down to pick up her earring off the floor and I had tossed her birth control pills to her." Hank blushed. "Any way the Ships Doctor, Dr. Adam Bricker was able to refill them. The night skies were beautiful so full of stars that you felt like you could reach up and pull down a diamond. We dined at the Captain's Table. The food and entertainment was superb. When we were in port we'd walk the beaches until we'd find a quiet cove and um, never mind. We can't thank you guys enough. Once we finish moving into the ranch we plan on having a family get together with both crews as a thank you for the honeymoon trip. Roll call." Hank interrupts himself.

Once the chores were done with Chet drawing latrine duty the guys relaxed. The morning was quiet and Cap finished his paperwork. The day was warm, 80 degrees, with a clear sky and a gentle westerly wind, both bay doors were opened. The guys were enjoying a game of basketball, Mike, Hank and Roy against Johnny, Marco and Chet. As Mike makes the winning basket the tones sound.


Station 51, Station 72, Battalion 14 with Squad 110 in place of Squad 14, and Squad 18, respond to a building collapse from an explosion at 1239 Ventura Blvd, that's 1 2 3 9 Ventura Blvd. Cross street Concho. Time out 1320.

Hank responds, "Station 51, KMG 365." and he hears AJ respond "Station 72 KMG 339" as he rounds the Squad after giving Roy the slip. The rear bay door rumbles down as Hank takes his seat.

Mike pulls Big Red into traffic with two long blast of the air horn as the front bay door closes. The first thing they notice is the lack of smoke. Only a faint layer of dust and debris gives testimony to the magnitude of the explosion from three blocks away. As Mike pulls around the corner of Concho, they hear AJ, "LA County, Engine 72. Respond a second alarm response, we have a twelve story building which has partially collapsed. The fire appears to be out at this time." They hear dispatch responding, "10-4 Engine 72." as the tones sound over the radio.

"Engine 51 pull in behind Engine 72." AJ instructs them.

Battalion 14's Chief, Martin Stanley takes control of the scene. AJ and Gator, with Coop and Finn, Swede and Mac begin preparing to approach the building from the outside as Hank and Mike, Johnny and Chet, Roy and Marco begin preparing to approach from inside.

Suddenly, there is a faint tremor and the structure groans and shifts as the debris settles with a puff of concrete dust. As they begin the debris is shifted carefully as they and the other teams begin to look for trapped and wounded.

The paramedics from 110 and 18's, Conway and Tyler and Brice and Bellingham, prepare to treat the wounded. With in minutes of the collapse Rampart sends Mike Morton and Stanley Larson to the scene to triage the wounded and provide on site assistance. A slow trickle of wounded begin being brought out. Most were broken bones and cuts but they knew that the deeper the men got the worse the wounds would be. La County had three helicopters on standby to transport the most critical patients to Rampart.

As Hank and Mike moved through the debris, Hank looks into a crevasse, "Mike, I have a couple of people here. We're going to need the K-12." Hank says as he slithers into the opening only to feel the ground shake. He pushes Mike back as he shouts, "Earthquake."

Mike watches in stunned horror as the hole that Cap had crawled through had collapsed. He raised his HT and announced, "Engine 51, Team 1, we have a code I times one and two men trapped by a cave in. I need additional teams to assist with the rescue."

Chief Stanley staggers, knowing that Hank was partnered with Mike, "10-4 Engine 51, team one. Engine 72, teams one and two and Engine 51 teams two and three respond to Engine 51 team one's location." He waits to hear the responses needing to hear AJ's "Engine 7 2 team one 10-4" Came the tense response.

Hank threw himself over the injured man as the ground undulated with the quake. The debris shifted and a beam falls across Hank's back, pinning him on top of his victim. When the dust
settles, all that can be seen of the second victim is a hand protruding from a pile of rubble and a slow spreading red stain. With only a seconds hesitation, he reaches for the hand. It was still warm but had no pulse. Hank attempts to get his hand into his turnout pocket.

The young man begins to panic. "No. Stop." He yells.

Hank attempts to calm him. "I'm Captain Hank Stanley It's alright, I'm a L A County fire fighter from Station 51. I just need to, augh, there." He pulls the Handie Talkie from his coat pocket. "Ht Engine 51, Team one to Battalion 14." Hank's voice is strained from pain and some shortness of breath from the swirling dust.

"Battalion 14. Hank are you alright?" Martin asks.

"10-4. I have a (cough) Code I times one (cough, cough) with an injured man and a (deep shuddering breath with a cough) Code F." Hank says.

"10-4. Ht 51. Hank it was a small quake but it brought down some more debris. We'll have you out soon." Martin says with a prayer.

"Ht Engine 51, How are the others?" Hank asks in concern.

"Ht 51. We have five other teams trapped. Don't worry ALL the guys are fine." Martin says with a smile. It can't be two bad if he is worried about the others, I hope. Martin thinks to himself as he continues correlating the rescue workers.

"10-4 Battalion 14. Ht 51 out." Hank groans shifts dropping his HT.

"Get off me. You have no right." the frightened young man says.

"Sir (cough), um, what's your name?" Hank asks.

The young man answers through his tears, "Paul Miller, you son of a bitch."

"Paul, I can't move off you. There is a beam pinning me across the back. Ugh, is this better?' Hank asks as he squirms in an attempt to get Paul more room.

"Stop. It hurts." Paul cries out.

"Paul tell me where it hurts?" Hank asks with concern.

Paul bucks under Hank and Hank cries out in pain.

"Stop. Oh God." Hank moans as his vision begins to dim. "Relax it will be over soon. My men are coming for us. Paul stop." Hank orders. "Relax, I know your in pain and scared. I'm scared too but this isn't helping. I can't get off you. Please stop." Hank begs as he fights to keep from passing out. "How old are you, Paul." Hank asks.

With a shudder Paul responds, "I'm only 25, why?"

Hank takes a deep breath and says, "We were called out for an explosion and a building collapse. Did you feel the explosion?" Hank asks

Paul doesn't answer.

"Damn it, Paul. You and I may have concussions. Answer me." Hank demands as he fights desperately to stay awake.

"Yes. It went off too soon. Barry was suppose to have set it for one a.m.. We didn't want to hurt anyone. Where's Barry?" Paul asks.

"Who's Barry?" Hank demands numbly as he looks at the hand.

"He's my older brother. He said we had to do this for Dad. They destroyed him. He.. He killed himself." Paul relates crying as he bucks under Hank.

"Stop, Paul please. Stop." Hank yells out then moans as the pain shoots across his back and down his left leg. "Who.. Who destroyed your Dad?" Hank asks in a desperate attempt to stop Paul from moving.

"The investment company he works, worked for, Bradford and Fields. He made some bad investments then borrowed money from his clients. They fired him and were going to prosecute him. He couldn't face the disgrace, so he shot himself." Paul cries. "He warned us about what
happens to men in jail. Please get off me." Paul begs.

"Paul, I would if I could. The beam is bearing more weight on me. As you move, I shift and so does the beam, causing it to bear more weight on us. It could crush us." Hank calmly tells him.

"I don't care, you Bastard. I can't face this." Paul yells as he begins to buck and squirm under Hank.

Hank screams as the beam falls. He passes out.

Martin and the others, at the command post, were stunned by the information pouring out over the HT. "Hank's HT must have jammed on when he dropped it." All the rescue teams had switched to tact two. "Ht Squad 51. Hank isn't talking anymore. How soon?" Martin worriedly asks.

"HT Engine 72. We are almost through. Squad 51 is preparing to enter. Standby." AJ says fiercely.

Johnny pushes through the opening. "Mike, we need the jack. Marco, we need a hole to the right of the opening.

"Right, amigo." Marco says, as he begins cutting through a part of the ceiling with the K-12.

Mike maneuvers the jack and begins to stabilize the debris. "How's Cap?" He asks worriedly.

"They are both unconscious. Roy, can you help me?" Johnny asks.

Roy slides in the larger opening that Marco had created. "We need to lift the beam."

"Marco, Chet, Finn, Mac you heard the man!" AJ says. "HT Engine 72 to Squad 72, we need a pressure suit and another backboard." AJ orders.

Carefully they remove the beam as they place a cervical collar on Hank before log rolling him onto a backboard and place the first pressure suit on him for a precaution.

Hank moans with the movement but remains unconscious. He can hear the sound of his men working, I hope AJ's alright is his last thought as the blackness reclaims him.

AJ watches quietly as she observes their men working on her husband and the young man, Paul, who had caused this disaster.

"Rampart Base this is Squad 51." Roy relays.

"Squad 51, go ahead." Dr Early responds.

"Rampart, we have two victims of a beam collapsing on them. Victim one is a thirty seven year old male fire fighter, who was hit across the mid to the lower back. He has decreased reflexes on the left side with a probable fracture of the tib/fib on the right. There is considerable swelling in the lower back and flank area. Vital signs are BP 136/90, Pulse 120 and Respirations are 24. Pupils are equal and sluggish. Be advised the patient is Captain Stanley. There is no distention or bleeding from the ears or nose. He has been unconscious for approximately 15 minutes."

"10-4 Continue with patient two." Dr. Early responds.

"Patient two is a twenty five year old with numerous cuts and abrasions. Vital signs are BP 100/70, Pulse 140 strong and Respirations are 28 slightly labored. He was laying under Cap when the beam fell. He has a large bruise on his forehead. Pupils are unequal with the right constricted but does react slightly to light. Slight distention of the upper right quadrant of the abdomen. Pressure suit has been applied as a precaution to both patients." Johnny relays.

"10-4 Squad 51. Patient one. Start an IV D5W TKO. Monitor vitals and transport. Keep him immobile." Dr. Early orders.

"10-4 Rampart. IV D5W TKO, monitor vitals and keep immobile. We will transport per helicopter." Roy informs them.

"10-4 Squad 51, Patient two IV NS TKO, Monitor vital signs and transport." Dr. Early orders.

"10-4 Rampart, IV Normal Saline TKO, monitor vitals and transport . Will transport per helicopter." Johnny confirms.

"Cap we're ready." Roy says.

"Roy take good care of him." AJ says as she steps back to allow them to leave. AJ remains behind to recover the body but her heart goes with her husband. Once the body has been recovered they return to the undamaged area of the buildings lower level. AJ notices that it is almost seven o'clock as they approach the command post.

"AJ, we're almost done here. We had seventy-five injured and three DOA. I'm releasing you to Rampart." Martin says. "Thank God it wasn't full. The building manager just accounted for everyone, who was thought missing. I'll be by the hospital in a while. Give that thick headed son of mine a hug for me." Martin says with a smile as he briefly hugs AJ.


Part 2: The Accusation

Hank awakes to find that he was at Rampart Hospital.

"Hi handsome!" Dixie says with a smile. "Do you know where you are and what happened?"

"Dix. An explosion! Paul trapped under me. Back pain. Right leg hurts. Left leg numb and tingling and a headache." Hank says.

"Here's Kel." Dixie says as she steps back.

"Hank are you in pain now?" Kel asks.

"Yes, stabbing pain in my right leg and a throbbing ach in my back. My left leg is numb and tingling. How's the boy?" Hank asks.

"Joe's taking care of him. What day is it?" Kel asks.

"Monday Sept 9th, 1978. My name is Hank Stanley. My birthday is Sept 25th, 1943." Hank says.

"You have badly bruised and strained your back with swelling pressing on the sciatic nerve which explains the numbness and tingling in your left leg. You broke your right leg and have a slight concussion. Congratulations you're staying at least three or four days." Kelly says ironically.


"Mr. Miller, I'm Dr Early. Do you remember how you got here?" Joe asks.

"Yes, where is Captain Stanley?" Paul asks fearfully.

"He's in the next room." Joe says as he studies the x-rays.

"Don't let him near me. He raped me." Paul declares in tears.

Doctor Early and Sharon stare at him.

"What??" Joe asks in disbelief.

"When we were trapped. He raped me." Paul shouts.

Vince stepped forward, "Are you sure? This won't keep you out of jail." Vince scowls.

"He raped me. Keep him away from me." Paul cries out fear fully visible in his face.

"Doc. You'll need to perform a rape exam." Vince says, "I need to see Hank's crew. Lieutenant Bailey will remain during the exam. We'll need pictures and his clothes as well as Hank's clothes." Vince instructs.


Vince enters the Dr. Lounge. "John, can I talk to you in Kel's office.

They walk to Kelly Brackets office.

"John, when you entered the pocket, could you describe the scene?" Vince requests.

"Sure. Cap was unconscious laying on top of Paul Miller." Johnny says as his eyes take on a far away look. "Cap had a beam laying diagonally from the Right upper Lumbar region to just over his Left hip. His lower legs were covered with debris."

"Was Hank's clothes in order?" Vince asks.

"His turnout coat was bunched up under him on the right side where he had pulled out his HT. Otherwise there was nothing wrong." Johnny says. "Why?" He demands.

"What about Miller's clothing?" Vince persist.

"He was fully dressed." Johnny responds.

"Could he have been moved or undressed?" Vince persist again.

"Absolutely not. He and Hank were pinned the only thing that kept them from being crushed was that the beam got hung up so that Hank was bearing only two thirds of the weight in addition to some rubble. Why Vince?" Johnny says with determination.

"Miller accused Hank of rape." Vince says with regret.

"No way. Didn't happen." Johnny says with conviction.


Over the next hour Vince interviewed each of Hanks men. They all verify Johnny's statement. And voiced their outrage at the accusation and the police taking it seriously.

Engine 72 pulled up to the emergency entrance and AJ dismounts and goes inside.

AJ enters the lounge to hear Vince say that "I don't believe the charges but We are obligated to investigate them."

"What charges?" AJ asks.

Vince looks very uncomfortable, "Mr. Miller accused Hank of raping him."

AJ stares at Vince then shouts, "Why that no good son of a bitch, my husband saved his sorry ass and this is how he thanks him. Hank didn't attack him. Hank couldn't have his leg was broke. I'm sure he couldn't have even if he would have wanted to which he didn't. God I'm glad the HT jammed. The conversation was heard by two Battalion Chiefs, two police Lieutenant's, Doctor Morton, Brice and Bellingham." AJ stomps across the room. "How dare he accuse Hank of this? Does he hope we'll forget he and his brother set the explosion?" AJ asks as she paces. "I wasn't in the pocket but Hank was zipped and snapped when he was turned and Mr. Miller was fully dressed. That's my statement. Is that other officer taking statements from my men." AJ demands angrily.

"We have to investigate the charges. I see no evidence to support the complaint. Joe is doing an exam now." Vince attempts to calm AJ.

AJ moves towards a chair as her vision darkens.

"Cap." Roy yells.

"Dixie get a doctor." Johnny hollers.

Kelly turns to leave and runs into Dixie as he opens the door.

"AJ just collapsed in the lounge." She whispers urgently.

"Carol, get Hank admitted. We'll see you upstairs." Kelly says as he leaves. "What happened?" Kel asks after the door closes.

"Joe's patient accused Hank of raping him." Dixie says as Kelly gives her a look of disbelief. "I know. AJ arrived as Vince was questioning the Guys." Dixie says.

"AJ, what happened?" Johnny asks with concern.

A look of panic and AJ clamping her hand over her mouth clues Roy, who places the trash can next to her as AJ throws up.

"I think I have the flu." AJ says.

Kelly helps her up. "Dixie?" Kel asks.

"Treatment room three." Dixie says as she heads into the exam room.

Martin and Victor had both arrived and given their statements when Joe enters the lounge twenty minutes later.

Joe gets a cup of coffee, "There is no evidence that Mr. Miller was assaulted. No unusual bruising. No semen. No blood. No tearing. No swelling. Lt. Bailey took pictures as proof that no assault took place. I think his concussion confused him and made him think Hank had raped him. I've assigned him to a Psychiatrist. What was all the yelling about?" Joe asks.

"AJ passed out. Kel is examining her. Um. Does Cap know about the charges?" Mike asks.


Part 3: Good News

"Can I see him?" Vince asks.

Kelly enters, "He's in room 412. So is AJ."

"What's wrong with AJ?" Martin demands.

"You'll have to ask her. By now, I'm sure, AJ has talked to Hank." Kelly says.


In room 412. AJ was wheeled in and put to bed. "AJ are you alright?" Hank asks with concern.

"I'm fine Hank. How are you?" AJ asks.

"My back is sore and my leg hurts like a bitch. Honey, why are you here?" Hank asks again.

"I'm sorry. We never really discussed.. I don't know how but we're pregnant." AJ says.

"Pregnant. Great. I love you. A baby.. What do you know?" Hank beams ecstatically. "I wouldn't have thought you'd know in a week. I mean this soon." Hank says.

"Honey, I'm almost eight weeks pregnant. You know, the fourth of July." She says as Hank blushes. AJ wonders to Hank's side, "Something happened after you got here. Honey, Miller says that at the accident sight, well, um, Miller accused you of raping him. AJ says as she hugs him.

"I never.. Would never.. My God." Hank sits stunned.


The door opens and Vince enters as AJ and Hank look concerned.

"AJ told you?" Vince asks.

"Yes, Vince I would never do that." Hank says.

"I need a statement but our investigation is closed. You're in the clear." Vince reassures. "He is going to have a Psych. Evaluation."

After Hank goes over the events for about thirty minutes. With Vince asking for clarification as needed. Then he closes his notebook with a thump. "Thanks Hank." Vince says.

"Vince, we're going to have a baby." Hank says again beaming.

"Congratulations. I'll let the others in. I wanted you to know about the charges." Vince reassures.


The room explodes as concerned fire fighters, wives, children, mothers and fathers and mothers in laws and father in laws, and Aunt and Uncles invade the room.

AJ silences all questions with a glare.

Mikey runs to the bed. "Daddy, how are you?" Mikey asks as AJ lifts him up onto the bedside.

"Broke my leg, son. Otherwise just sore." Hank says reassuringly.

"Momma, you sick?" Mikey asks.

"No." At a glare from Kel, AJ adds, "Heat exhaustion, stress and pregnancy, all cause my collapse."

For a few moments only a few words could be made out clearly from the uproar of hoots and hollers. "Pregnant." "Congratulations." and "Soon isn't it." were heard.

Mikey bounced on the bed as Hank quickly grabs him with a grimace. "Hope day twins." Mikey giggles.

AJ pales and looks hard at Hank as both their crews laugh.

Martin asks, "Surly you thought about that AJ. You know my father was a twin and Anna has triplets on her side of the family.

"Oh God!" AJ sinks beside her son on Hank's bedside.

The revealers never noticed a strange man standing in the doorway.

"Cap." Johnny says as both Hank and AJ look up, "Vince told us the charges have been dropped. I can't believe this would happen."

The stranger frowns and leaves.

"I just thank God this was resolved so quickly. I can't.." Hank shakes his head as Mikey hugs him.

Mike asks, "Can we get you anything?"

"Eventually, I'll need my civvies. Who's taking my place?" Hank asks Martin.

"I am." Captain Daily, the stocky, white haired thirty year veteran, says, "We are back in service available from here."

"And I'm here to relieve AJ." Tony De Marko says as he enters.

"Tony, Hank and I are going to have a baby." AJ beams.

Tony picks her up and spins her around. "There you go. Finally taking some advice from your elders." Tony smirks as AJ blushes.

Hank raised eyebrows is the only sign of question.

"Hank, Tony is a good Catholic and has twelve children. He wants us to give him a run for his money." AJ says smirking.

Hank turns pale and just repeats, "twelve children. Uh, can we talk about this."


Everyone laughs as Martin checks the clock and says, "Time to head for the barn."

"AJ will be released in the morning if everything goes okay." Kelly says.

"Gator, can you bring my clothes?" AJ asks.

"Sure Cap. Cap Stanley take care. We'll bring the car over in the morning, Cap." Gator says.

"Want to stay. Momma and Daddy need me." Mikey pouts.

"Honey, Grandma Anna needs you. Be good for Grandma. Anna if there is a problem let Charlotte know." AJ says.

"Alex, we'll be just fine. Won't we, Mikey?" Anna says.

"Can I call?" Mikey adds.

"You can call like you do to the Stations." AJ replies. "Give our love to Lil Cap and Pip."
AJ says.

"Okay, love you, Momma." Mikey gives her a hug and a kiss. "Love you, Daddy." Mikey gives Hank a big hug and a kiss on both cheeks and his nose. "From Pip and Lil Cap too." Mikey says as the adults laugh.

Hank gives him two more hugs saying, "For Pip and Lil Cap. Talk to you later, pal."


At 9:30, on the dot, both phones ring. AJ answers hers, "Hello."

"Hello, Congrats Mom." Lil Cap says.

"Thanks. How are you?" AJ asks.

"We're fine. How's Dad?" Lil Cap asks.

"He slept until just now. He starts Pt in the morning for his back." AJ informs Judy.

"Is it true that that man accused Dad of hurting him?" Lil Cap asks angrily. "He wouldn't hurt anyone."

"We know that. Vince knew it too but he had to investigate the charges. The police have already cleared Hank of any wrong doing. Honey don't worry everything is fine." AJ says as she hears Hank's end of the conversation with Joy.

The next minute Mikey's on the phone with AJ. "We call on Mrs. Prentiss's phone. Nanna's here. How you?" Mikey asks suspiciously.

"I'm fine little one. How are you?" AJ asks.

"I okay. Want to be with you and Daddy but can't. Come visit a morrow?" Mikey asks.

"Yes, you can come with Grandma. Are you being good?" AJ asks.

"I always good. Love you. Nanna's walking me back to talk to Daddy. See you a morrow." He says.

"Momma are you alright?" Pip asks.

"Yes, sweetheart. I'm fine. How are you?" AJ asks.

"A little scared. I'm glad the troubles over. Grand says we can stay home form school tomorrow and come and see you. Tomorrow is `Give The Teacher's A Break Day'." Pip says.

"We'll see you tomorrow. Will you keep an eye on Mikey? He sometimes has nightmares especially after I've been hurt or sick." AJ asks.

"Will do. Talk to you tomorrow. Bye." Pip says.

"AJ, we'll be there about 10:00. Take care. Love you." Anna says.

"Anna, um, Mikey may want to sleep with you. He has nightmares when I'm in the hospital." AJ says .

"I know. He slept with Martin and me when you were in the hospital last July. It's alright. I'll take care of him. Charlotte is spending the night. Everything will be fine." Anna reassures AJ.

"Thanks for everything. Love you too, Mom." AJ says.


Hank hangs up. "Whew."

"We knew this would eventually happen." AJ reminds Hank.

"Yeah, God I'm tired." Hank says.

"Go to sleep, love. I'll watch over you." AJ says.

"From over there?" Hank asks as his blanket begins to tent.

Laughing AJ goes to the door and locks it then kneels beside the bed. She gives Hank's cock a kiss to its head before she devours him.

"Oh, God. Yes." Hank moans.

AJ varies the tempo of her sucking. The head pops from AJ's mouth. She eases beside Hank and slowly impales herself. With slow sure thrusts she slowly sets the pace. Her pleasure spiraling higher.

The nurse knocks and goes to push the door finding it locked. She hears Hank moaning in pain. She goes to call maintenance.

AJ sighs and growls softly and getting louder as Hank grabs her hips. Her pace becomes faster. She fiercely kisses Hank. They both continue to moan softly as they reach for the peak each needing to affirm that everything was going to be alright. That for a few minutes she had thought her husband was dead. They were so close that they missed the sound of the door knob being unlocked.

The nurse and maintenance man both witnessed the climax as Hank grabbed AJ's hips and pulled her down hard as AJ clutched Hank's head in a demanding kiss of submission. They shuddered as the pleasure rips though them.

Joe sees two people staring into Hank and AJ's room. He witness a final shudder as Hank sinks his fingers into AJ's hair at the nape of her neck as the other slides sensuously up and down her
back in a calming manner.

Joe grabs the door and quietly shuts it. "What are you doing?" Joe demands.

Blushing brightly Megan swallows, "The door was locked. I thought accidentally. I never thought.." She stammers.

"AJ and Hank are married. They had every right to lock the door, for privacy." Joe says pointedly.

"But I heard moaning, granted, I thought he was in pain. I needed to do his crani checks." She defends.

"Enough. You not a word." Joe says to Dave, the maintenance man. Who was trying very hard to cover evidence of his enjoyment of the show.

"Yes, sir. Not one word." He says as he glares at Nurse Hogan.

"I suggest you review the policy on privacy. Be glad Dixie Bracket is not with me. The long and the short of it is: you knock, then enter. If the door is locked you come back later. I'll do Hank's
crani checks." Joe says in irritation.

"Yes, Doctor." Megan says.

Joe knocks loudly. He hears some rustling then enters. AJ and Hank are sharing the same bed. He chuckles, "Hi. Um. Next time you lock the door and want privacy, you might need to hang a note." He laughs at the inquisitive looks. "Miss Hogan knocked, heard Hank moaning, found the door locked and called maintenance and after he unlocked the door they witnessed your enthusiastic finale.

"Oh, God." AJ blushes furiously.

Hank chuckles, "It will be fine, My Love."

"Your crani checks are fine but your BP is a little high. So for tonight, you can share the same bed but no more life affirming episodes alright." Joe reinforces.


Part 4: Interlude

The nurses checked on the Stanley's throughout the night. Most thought it was sweet that they were sleeping together. All that is except Nurse Hogan.

She was talking to Peggy Wayne. "It's disgusting. They are breaking the rules and I get into trouble." Megan gripes. "They have no sense of decorum."

Peggy smile is saccharine as she says, "I know what you mean. We couldn't keep them apart when Alex was admitted last time. You do know that she is Dr. Early's niece. Don't you?" She glances around, Megan through to make sure they weren't over heard but in truth Peggy was making sure that she was overheard. She saw the older man sitting behind Megan as she continues, "I hear Captain Stanley was accused of raping a male victim."

A wintry, "Ladies, don't you have somewhere to be. Peggy, your expected in my office at the end of the shift." Dixie says witheringly.

"Yes, Miss McCall. I mean Mrs. Bracket." Peggy says with insincere contrition. She glances to see that the man had disappeared.

The floor was quiet. The nurses were busy at the Nurses Station. No-one noticed a man open the door to room 412 and look at the two Captains sleeping peacefully. He glares at Hank and briefly glances at AJ. The door closes quietly.


AJ awakens refreshed. Hank awakens as Nurse Daniels comes in.

Nurse Daniels says, "You in your own bed. You I'll be back in twenty minutes to give you a bed bath."

Hank shudders in horror. "AJ do something."

AJ picks up the phone and dials an extension. "Kelly, Daniels is wanting to give Hank a bed bath. Do Something!" AJ demands.

Dixie enters with the breakfast trays. "You are going to Physical Therapy and will be getting a whirlpool so no bed bath." Dixie says with a twinkle in her eye.

Hank and AJ had finished eating by the time Nurse Daniels returned. "You," She points to AJ, "in the shower. Captain Stanley, PT will be here in fifteen minutes to take you for a whirlpool. I'll make your bed while your gone." She states as she takes the trays.

Hank asks desperately, "Don't leave me alone with her."

"Hank, you're a grown man. You'll be fine." AJ says.

Hank gives here one of Johnny's kicked puppy looks. He sees that he may win this argument.

Nurse Daniels enters to glare at AJ, "I said take a shower." She says.

"Thank you, Nurse. I'll take a shower after Hank goes down to PT. You can make the beds then." AJ informs her firmly.

"No little missy. I have a schedule to keep. Get in the shower." Nurse Daniels hisses.

"On second thought," AJ says, "I'll make the beds while you leave. Good Morning, Nurse." AJ's eyes flash dangerously.

"Listen Mrs. Stanley, your in my hospital and you'll do what I tell you. Now move it." Daniels orders.

"Nurse Daniels, number one it is Captain Davis-Stanley. Number two." AJ pales as she is overcome with nausea. "Oh God, Hank." AJ cries out.

Daniels runs to the phone and calls for "Dr. Bracket to room 412 stat." She tries to force AJ to lay down.

AJ fights her as the nausea increases.

Kelly hits the door at a run. He sees Daniels trying to force AJ to lay down, Hank trying to get out of bed but stopped by pain.

AJ pushes at Daniels, who won't get back as AJ throws up.

Nurse Daniels looks furious as she looks at the breakfast she is now wearing.

AJ wretches again unable to stem the outgoing tide that was her breakfast.

As Daniels draws back her hand, Dixie says from the door, "Get out of here and change then meet me in my office. Think on what you were about to do." Dixie states adamantly.

With a final glare at AJ she leaves.


Dixie goes to Hank. "We'll take care of her, relax. I hate to tell you this is the beginning of morning sickness."

"AJ, I'm going to keep you today. We'll look to discharge you tomorrow." Kelly says.

Joe enters to see AJ pale and sweaty. "What happened?" Joe asked worriedly.

"I was poisoned." AJ says adamantly.

Dixie giggles as she pats her pregnant belly, "Morning sickness."

Hank stares wide eyed, "I'm waiting for her head to spin around."

After Dixie gets AJ some ginger ale and soda crackers. She goes to her office to give a piece of her mind to Nurse Daniels, two nurses in two shifts. What is going on here. She wonders as she shakes her head as she enters her office.


When Hank returns for PT. AJ is sleeping. Her color had returned. The beds were made and his folded back. Matt, the twenty-six year old blond orderly, helped transfer Hank back to bed.

The door opens as he hears a knock, "Up for some company?" Gator asks.

"Yes, come in. AJ's napping. Gator did Brenda get morning sickness?" Hank asks.

"Yes, sometimes I feared she wouldn't stop. Why?" Gator asks.

There is a tap at the door as 51's A shift enters.

"AJ getting morning sickness?" Marco asks knowingly.

"I was poisoned, I say. I never had morning sickness with Mikey." AJ groans.

"Morning Cap." Came from the too happy crew.

"Yeah, morning." She says as she rolls over and pulls the covers over her head.

The guys chuckle as the door burst open and a small boy shaped missile launches at AJ's bed.

The only sound were from the startled men. "Oh no." "Augh, no" and "Mikey no."

The lump under the covers shakes at Mikey's attempts to pull the covers down. "Momma, you dere?" He asks as he prods the lump. He sits back in wonder. He crawls to the foot and pulls up the covers then crawls under them. "Momma, we here to take you home." Mikey whispers. He wiggles to the top of the bed and finally wrestles the blankets down to reveal AJ's head. With a kiss he says, "Morning sunshine."

The guys laugh at the display.

"Hi Baby. Good morning, Pigmy." AJ says.

Mikey jumps down and slowly approaches Hank. "Daddy day make you better?" He asks as he is lifted to the bed by Mike and he gives Hank a kiss.

"A little better." Hank says as Lil Cap and Pip give Hank a kiss then climb up next to AJ. They each give AJ a kiss on the cheek. "Morning Momma." They chimed.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?" AJ asks.

"Nanna stayed at Grandma's last night. We slept okay." Lil Cap says.

Anna and Martin and Charlotte and Vic enter the room. "We saw Dix outside. How are you feeling AJ." Anna asks.

"Okay, I guess. I'll get use to it." AJ says.

"Louisa said the same thing. It was the longest four months I ever lived through." Marco says.

"I'll be staying one more day and will be back to work in a week." AJ says.

There is a knock and Nurse Walters enters. "Would you like some juice?" She asks as she hands AJ an apple juice. Pip and Lil Cap takes some as does Mikey. Hank refuses. "Anyone else?" She asks when she gets no takers she turns to leave.

"Thank you, Sharon." AJ says.

"My pleasure, Cap." She says.

The room empties and refills throughout the day. Shortly after supper everyone goes home. AJ joins Hank as they cuddle. Hank and AJ both are discharged the next day. A visiting nurse will come twice a day to help Hank with his therapy and any thing he needs done while AJ works. Vic picks them up and takes them to the ranch.


Part 5: The Trial

As AJ returned to work, Hank received a visit from LA County EADA, Barney De Costa.

"Mr. Miller will be charged with seventy five counts of attempted murder, three counts of Murder in the first degree, using a weapon of mass destruction, Criminal trespass, breaking and entry and filling a false police report. His trial starts Monday. You'll be our star witness." Barney says.

"What about the false rape charge?" Hank asks.

"We'll handle it. Your were cleared of the charges. They would be foolish to bring it up since it is part of the charges. We'll have Vince testify that Miller was trying to discredit you by making the complaint. Dr. Early and Lt. Bailey testify that there was no physical evidence of an assault. Dr. Porter, Ramparts Psychiatrist, will give his opinion of the incident and we can now ask Mr. Miller if he still believes you raped him and he would have to answer that no, he no longer believes it, according to Dr. Porter. We will be asking for the death penalty for the crimes."

"Barney, I have never supported the death penalty but after what I saw that day, I could be swayed very easily. Is there anything else we need to cover today?" Hank asked as the two hour debriefing had tired him out.

"I think we have covered everything. I'll call and set up a time to review the case Monday before the trial." Barney says as he stands to leave. "I'll see myself out. Don't get up. Does that orderly, um., Matt, was it, come back and help you get up and around?" Barney asks.

"Matt will be back in three hours, at five o'clock to do my Physical Therapy. He then comes back at nine o'clock to help me get ready for bed. I hate being cooped up in the house but until my back heals I can't return to duty or do any of the odd jobs that need done." Hank says with a sour look on his face.


As the DA leaves he fails to notice that the door hadn't locked behind him.

There was a knock on the door a short time later. Standing at the door is a middle aged man, standing six feet tall, with sandy blond hair cut military style, icy blue eyes and a neatly trimmed
mustache. "Hello." He calls.

Hank yells, "Just a minute", as he struggles to get out of the chair and on to his crutches. "I'm coming." He yells as he slowly makes his way to the door.

As Hank opens the door, Kona, one AJ's ranch hands, rounded the corner of the house. "Can I help you?" Kona asks as Hank pushes the door open.

The man is startled by the sudden appearance of Kona. "Um. I'm selling Life Insurance. I was wondering if I could talk to the owner of the property. Um to see if you needed any insurance. You would be surprised by how, um, how many home owners are uninsured." He stammers.

To Hank's surprise the door opened without him turning the knob. "We really don't need any insurance. My wife owned the ranch before we married and has it insured for both home owners and the horses. We both have life insurance through the County. We cover our ranch
hands insurance needs." Hank informed the stranger, "Mr.?"

The man startles again, "I'm sorry, you see I'm new and forgot to introduce myself. I'm Larry Mueller. If my company, Quality Life, calls will you not tell them that I forgot to introduce myself? I really need this job."

"Okay," Hank says with a frown. "Mr. Mueller I'm sorry but we have all the insurance we need. Thank you for stopping by. Good day. Kona, can you look at the door the lock isn't working right." Hank says as he continued to lean against the door frame to relieve the strain on his back and cast.

"Sure thing, Boss. I'll do it right after I get back from taking Bob to the air port. Do you need any help getting settled before we go?" Kona asks in concern. "I'll be back by five. I have to pick up the new colt and it takes a while to clear customs."

"I'll be fine. I'm just going to rest on the couch." Hank says as he watches Mr. Mueller get into his car and leave.

Hank pushed the door closed making sure that it closed completely. As he walks to the couch with the crutches, he failed to notice the snick as the lock disengaged. The phone rings as Hank settles on the couch with his leg on a raised pillow on the coffee table. Picking up the phone he says, "Hello."

"Hi Stud, what are you wearing?" AJ asks with a smirk.

Laughing Hank responds, "Only a smile."

AJ draws a deep shaking breath, "I guess I deserved that. How are you?" She asks with concern. "It took you awhile to answer the phone."

"We had an insurance salesman at the door. Kona is going to get a new doorknob and fix the door. It didn't lock after De Costa left. He says the trial will start Monday. How is your day?" Hank asks.

"Quiet. The squads been out for four calls but we've had a quiet day. I wish we weren't on for the whole weekend. Your Mom's going to bring you in after your therapy. We'll have supper ready for you. Charlotte wants to keep the kids until tomorrow morning. I told her it was fine. I hope you don't mind." AJ says contritely.

"I had the kids all day yesterday. They were killing me with their suggestions to help pass the time. I'll be fine. Kona is picking up the new colt this afternoon. He'll be here and yes, he'll be
sleeping in the guest room, MOM." Hank says in exasperation.

"I just want someone there. I don't want anything to keep us from making love. If your not rested, I'll be sleeping in the guestroom." She says as she laughs.

"The honeymoon's over, I guess." Hank says sadly.

"Don't you believe it. I want to ravage you, Stud." AJ says as the tones sound. "There playing my song. Bye Love." AJ says.

"Be careful. I love you." Hank says as he hangs up the phone. He scoots over so he is laying on the couch as he begins to fantasize about his burgundy haired imp of a wife. He quickly falls into a light sleep.

Hank awakens but is unsure of what woke him. He glances at the clock, seeing that he had slept for about a half an hour. He resettles and begins to slip off to sleep when he hears someone moving towards the couch. Opening his eyes he sees Mr. Mueller and two other men. As he struggles to sit up he demands, "What are you doing here? I told you we didn't need insurance. Get out of my house." Hank shouts.

"You really should have fixed the doorknob. Get him." Mueller orders to the two men with him.

The word that came to Hank's mind was punks, as he looks the two men over. One had a black leather jacket and a white t-shirt, long black hair pulled back into a ponytail, with dirty, faded blue jeans. His friend was bald with a bright tie-dyed t-shirt that barely covered his potbelly and black jeans held up with a chain link belt. Hank registers all this while struggling to get away. He knocks over a side table which had a vase of flowers and a ceramic fire truck on

"Where are ya going, darlin'?" Black Jacket sneers, as he watches Hank move to his left dragging his right leg which was encased in a plaster cast. "Don't play hard to get. We know you want it."

Hank feels the first wash of fear as the words sink in. He shakes his head no as he stumbles into a large body. Baldy! How could I have forgotten him. Hank chastises himself. "Let me go. Leave me alone. What do you want?" Hank asks as he hopes the answer is different this time.

Baldy holds onto the struggling Hank. He smiles as Hanks struggles start causing some pleasant feelings to build. "Now settle down sweetheart. We're going to teach you a lesson, right Boss."

"My name is Miller not Mueller. We have a little over two hours to teach you a lesson you will never forget. I've lost a brother and a nephew and I'm not willing to loose Paul." Miller says with hate in his eyes. "What are you waiting for?" Miller asks impatiently.

Hank starts to say, "I didn't." When he was silenced with a punch to the gut that steals all his air, as he gags a rag is stuffed into his mouth and efficiently tied into place.

"Look you're the boss but this is a little open. Let's take precious, here, upstairs, where we can get comfortable." Baldy says.

Hank again attempts to break free as he tastes the blood from his cut lip.

"Snake, give me a hand." Baldy says as Hank continues to struggle.

Snake, AKA Black Jacket, grabs Hank's right arm as Baldy switches his grip to hold Hank's left arm.

Hank is held fast as Miller steps forward.

"You raped the boy and got off. You'll be sorry you ever touched him." Miller snarls as he threw a punch to Hank's middle. Miller alternates punching Hank's abdomen, face, and ribs.

Hank says a prayer to God, that this was a sick joke, that he survive the attack, that it would end, that someone would come home early and save him. He couldn't believe that this was happening. They are going to rape me. Hank says to himself as if voicing it will make it easier to comprehend.

With a final punch Hank's legs give out and he sags between the two men holding him. Grabbing a hold of his hair and forcing Hank to look at him Miller says, "Now that I've softened him up let's take Captain Stanley upstairs. Tell me Hank, will your wife's Uncle save you this time?" Miller hesitates as if he awaits an answer from the gagged man. "You know it wasn't hard to find two people to rape a fireman. My two associates have been looking forward to this event for a week, every since you and wifey were discharged from Rampart Hospital." Miller smirks as he continues, "I haven't had a man since I left the service, a couple of years ago, but I do remember there is nothing like a raw new recruit shuddering under you as you break him wide open. The sounds of his squealing as you pound into his body. The feeling of power as you take what you want. Of course you know these feelings to since you did that to Paul. Move it upstairs."

As Hank attempts to stand, Snake gives him a kidney punch, which drops Hank like a stone.


Hank's mind clears as he realizes that he was in the bedroom. His eyes focus and he sees Miller undressing. Hank's mind continues to deny what is about to happen. AJ help me. Please someone help me. Hank thoughts chase one after the other.

Miller stands naked and erect before Hank. He opens a switchblade and efficiently cuts Hank's clothes off. He cuts the ruined material into strips that they use to fasten Hank's arms to the legs at the foot of the bed.

Hank attempts to kick out to hurt his attackers anything to stop this. He feels his legs grabbed and pulled apart before they are tied to the frame of the bed. The pillows are jammed under his
abdomen thrusting his virgin ass obscenely high in the air.

"Um, Um, don't he look as pretty as a picture. Just like a trusted up Christmas turkey waiting for the stuffing." Baldy says as the other laugh at his crude joke. "Hey Snake, get me in the mood, honey." Baldy orders.

"Sure enough, Baby but by the size of that lump your sporting, I think Sweetmeat, here, has already got your motor running." Snake says as he trails his hands up Hank's back. "Come on, Baby. Let your monster out to play. There's nothing like a little head to put some starch in your sails."

Miller grabs Hank's head by the hair and forces him to look up. Standing before him, Snake and Baldy are kissing and caressing each others crotches.

Hank swallows hard and fast as he feels bile trying to enter his throat as he attempts to keep from aspirating his vomit.

As Snake slowly swallows Baldy's cock, Hank feels hands brushing over his shoulders, lower back to his buttocks. Hank yells out a muffled, "No."

"You are a very pretty man but that never mattered in the past. I like a firm and fit man with a tight ass. Your ass and back are so smooth. The bruises highlight the curve of your spine beckoning me to take your ass." Miller says in a groan as he pumps his cock. "You'll never want your bitch wife again, after you've had us." Miller says as he parts Hank's ass cheeks. "You greedy Bastard. You take other's but never allow yourself to be buggered. He's got to be a virgin, look at this fine hole." Miller says in a strained voice as his breathing roughens.

Snake and Baldy look over at the stunned look on Miller's face.

Miller prepares to mount Hank without any prep.

"Aren't you going to grease him up? We'll have no fun if you rip him up." Snake grouses.

Hank continues to yell into the gag as his mind chants, this isn't happening. This isn't happening..


Baldy stops Miller from taking Hank dry. "Let me get him good and ready." He bends down and licks Hank's hot musky hole. "Um, tastes so good. You gonna love this. You want it hard and fast don't you." Baldy says as he continues to rim Hank.

Hank's head shakes side to side in a negative, while muffled screams could be heard as tears flow down his cheeks.

Snake wraps his fingers in Hank's soft thick hair with one hand forcing his head up as he rubs his cock head over Hank's face leaving a trail of pre-cum. "Cry for me baby!! I love the look of suffering on your face. You're making me hot. See this monster," He says as he shakes his cock before Hank's tearful eyes, "you caused it. This is all for you." He says as he smears his cock around Hank's ear and face.

Hank tries to jerk away for the slimy cock trying to penetrate his ear but is held fast by the hand in his hair.


The wet slurping noises fill his mind as he feels Baldy trying to force his tongue into his rectum. Hank yells out as he feels the tongue enter his chute. He yells out a muffled no as in shame he feels his cock begin to get hard. What's wrong with me. I hate what their doing to me. A muffled "Stop" can be heard as Hank closes his eyes in humiliation.

The determined tongue continues to penetrate Hank's opening. Moans of pleasure continue to pour from behind Hank. A surprised chuckle can be heard then Baldy says, "Fuck me, he's getting hard. See, he wants it. He's ready for you Boss."

Miller slaps Hank's ass with all his might ten times. "You'll never forget this. Hang on, Hank baby as I penetrate your man cunt." He cruelly breaches Hank's virgin opening. Miller cherishes
the muffled shouts that Hank makes. After only a few seconds, he slams his hungry cock up Hank not stopping until his balls bounce on Hank's spasming reddened globes.

Snake catches Hank's head as Hank strains and screams from the violent entry and bends down to lick his face. "Oh Precious, you're suffering so good." He says as he strokes his cock.

Baldy enters Hank's line of vision. "Captain Sweetheart, you have a tasty ass." He says as he smacks his lips and obscenely licks his wet face. "Here have a taste." He says as he grabs Snack and gives him a tongue filled kiss.

Snake licks his lips after the kiss saying, "He sure is tasty. I want to suck his cock." Snake says as Blade starts jerking Snakes cock. "I'm too close. Here it comes." Snake shouts as he shoots
wad after wad of thick warm spunk on Hank's face. "Look at the mess. You're gonna have to clean it up."

Hank shrinks away in disgust and horror as Snake loosens the hold on his hair. There animals. Hank thinks. Stop it hurts; please stop. Even though he knows that they aren't going to stop until each have had a turn.

Blade takes Hank's face between his hands as he proceeds to lick the cum off his face.

Hank shudders at the touch only inflames Miller who sets a more punishing pace.

Miller pumps into Hank as hard as he can. He feels some resistance but continues until he feels a give and relishes the yowl that Hank makes at the pain. He continues his relentless punishment of Hank's dark tunnel. Hank is crying out almost nonstop. "You'll not testify against my nephew or next time we take your wife or your girls or although a little young I might enjoy splitting the boy." Miller threatens.

"Hey, we don't do kids." Snake corrects as he lets Baldy have Hank's hair so that Hank is forced to watch him give his lover a blow job."

Miller pistons his cock into Hank's abused and bleeding bowels. "So fucking tight and hot. Do you ram the post up your engineers ass? I bet he likes it. I'm sure it's a perk of command. It was in my troop. Yes. Yes. You want it. You crave man meat. Take it all bitch. Captain Hank Stanley, my HO. Unh. Unh. God, yes here it comes. I'm going to fill your ass with my fuck cream. Unh. Unh. Unh." Miller yells out as he collapses on Hank's back. He licks the side of Hank's neck as he says tauntingly, "You gave me the best most awesome ride I've ever had."

Hank groans in pain as he feels his bowels fill with warm cum. He feels Millers weight crushing him making it hard to breath.

Baldy takes Millers place as Miller roles off Hank's sore and bruised back. He slowly sinks into Hank's raw backdoor. His cock jumps at Hank's muffled screams. He begins a slow pace guaranteed to prolong his assault. "Um. Um. Yes, so hot and moist. He's clutching me." Baldy says.

Hank shudders in humiliation as he tries to stop his spasming bowels. It's the pain. He tells himself.

"So tight. So good. Yes that's the way, my whore fireman." He reaches under Hank and pulls him back forcefully as Hank yells out.

"Tank, did he cum?" Snake asks as he uses one of AJ's silk gowns to Jack-off on.

"UM. Unh. No he's not hard anymore. Let's see if I'm a better lover." Tank, AKA Baldy taunts. With each forward thrust Tank circles his hips trying to get the right angle. As Hank's head jerks
back in surprise and a long moan is forced through the gag, Tank calls out "Bingo." He keeps his hips canted at the right angle to massage Hank's gland, he reaches around and grabs Hank's erect cock.

Hank moans in shame as his cock again hardens to the shooting feelings of pleasure that rips unwilling and unwanted through him with each thrust of his rapist.

"That's it baby. Oh, yeah. Get hard for me. You love my thick cock up your ass. Oh Baby, I'm going to make you cum. Yeah squeeze my cock. Come on bitch. Take my meat. OH YEAH. YEAH. Your going to cum so hard, when you finally cum. We'll know the truth. You can yell all you want afterwards but we'll know you wanted it because you came. That you were really begging me for my hot cock. OH, unh, unh." Tank groans as he shoots his load deep in Hank's ravaged tunnel. "Sweet cheeks, you're the best." Tank can't keep from one more parting shot to demoralize Hank more.

Hank groans in anger and fear as he feels his orgasm building. He stops it by sheer will power. I don't like it. I don't want it. I can't cum. Please God make it stop.

"Damn, he didn't cum. It's up to you, Stud." Tank says to Snake.


With an evil grin Snake says, "I want him on his back."

Tank looks shocked then says with a grin, "Good idea." Miller helps him untie Hank, who erupts off the bed swinging.

Hank thinks, I have to get away. He yells as he feels someone grab him around the neck.

Snake locks his arm around Hank's neck in a sleeper hold, he had seen on All Star Wrestling.

Tank and Miller hold Hank's arms out to his sides as they turn the wrist forcing Hank to lean towards the bed with Snake laying on his back.

Snake hangs on to the choke hold and waits for the struggles to lessen.

When they feel Hank's resistance becoming feeble, they quickly tie his arms above his head and his legs higher on the frame and add a tie around his thighs spreading his thighs wide. Leaving him in the perfect position for face to face sex.

Snake quickly covers Hank with his body. As he sees Hank slowly regaining consciousness, without finesse he plunges into Hank.

Hank's eyes fly open in pain as he looks up into Snakes beady brown eyes. Hank tries to turn his head but is stopped by Tank who holds his head firmly.

"Sweetheart, we're going to put your mouth to good use. If you bite we'll come back and kill your wife. Now be a good boy and take Miller's cock." Tank says as Miller removes the gag.

Hank is nearly exhausted from pain. He whispers, "Please don't hurt me. Stop. I don't want this. I never raped Paul. All you need to do is ask him. Please stop. I need to go to the hospital." Hank stops as he sees his words are only inflaming the situation. He clamps his jaw tightly but feels Tank sinking his thumb and forefinger into the joint and gripping with all his might forcing
Hank to open his mouth.

Miller fills Hank's mouth and throat with his hardened weapon. He plunges brutally and relishes the choking and gagging noises Hank is making. With only a few strokes Miller shoots wads of cum down Hank's throat. He pulls out and stuffs the rag back into his victims mouth.

Snake begins his brutal thrusting as Miller vacates the bed. He gleefully notes that Hank had hardened as Miller almost asphyxiated him. "Look , it's back." he said as he points to Hank's bruised and swollen cock. Snake licks Hank's neck. "Your mine bitch. I'm going to mark you. When you look at the mark you'll remember that I was fucking your ass and you were loving it." He says as he sinks his teeth into Hank's corded neck. He groaned in lust as Hank's blood flows into his mouth. "Uh. So good." Snake says as he laps at the blood. "Yeah. Take it." He says as he braces himself on his right arm as he wraps AJ's silk gown around Hank's penis. "Wifey won't be happy if we ruin one of her sexy gowns." Snake watches Hank's face as his hips plunge faster and harder.

Hank begins to shake his head no as he feels his orgasm building. I can't be enjoying this. A muffled, "Bastard. No, No, no." leaves his stretched mouth.

"She is beautiful. Her long hair flowing over your face as she rides you." Snake says as he lets his hair down so it brushes Hank's face. "Her hot fire truck red lips wrapped lovingly around your hot cock as she swallows it. Pumping her beautiful face up and down sucking you to release." Snake voice takes on a soft lilting breathy girlish quality as he whispers seductively. He wound his voice around Hank's confusion. "Come on Baby. Cum for me stud."

Hank's mind fills with scenes that are described to him. He feels AJ's hair caressing his face. Hank's confusion allows his will to break and as he opens his eyes in horror he cums.

Snake cries out as Hank's bowels milk him and he follows Hank to completion.

Hank's cries of anguish and humiliation echo through the room.

Snake laughs as he shows Hank the cum soaked spot on AJ's gown. "Look what you did. What do you think wifey-poo's going to say at the evidence of your enjoyment. I'll bet she leaves you. You'll disgust her." Snake says as he pulls his softening cock from Hank's swollen and battered rectum.

Taking a vibrator that they had found coating it with some whiskey from Tank's flask, Miller jams it into Hank's ravaged ass. He listens to Hank's inhuman muffled screams as he ties the vibrator in place before turning it on high. "Goodbye Captain, I'm sure this will help you remember our encounter. Remember you are not to testify." Miller says.

Tank kisses Hank on the forehead. "Precious, I hope to meet you again someday. Maybe we'll have fun for old times sake."

"Give my love to your wifey and family." Snake says as he leaves.

Hank hears the door shut. He looses consciousness to the unrelenting hum and throb of the invading object.


Part 6: Not Hank

Anna Stanley was surprised to find the door slightly opened. "Hello." She calls then stops a she sees Hank's crutches laying next to the couch and a table turned over while taking in the scattered broken items. "Hank, honey where are you?" Anna yells out. She hears a faint moan from the bedroom. She hurries up the stairs. "Honey, did you hurt yourself?" She asks as she enters the
bedroom and freezes.

Hank moans softly through the gag. His eyes open to see his mother staring at him. He wails in despair as she rushes down the stairs.

Anna can't forget the sight of her son's tied and bleeding body. It was obvious that Hank had been raped. She grabs the phone and dials a number that she knows by heart.

"Battalion 14, Chief Stanley speaking." The voice says.

"Marty, it's Hank. He's bleeding. He. He's been raped. What should I do? Should I untie him? Tell me what to do." Anna demands as her fear mounts.

The men of Battalion 14 watch in concern as the Chief staggers, "Anna reassure him. We're on the way. I'll call the police. Don't. Don't touch him, he'll be afraid. 51's is twelve minutes away. Oh God." Martin says as he hangs up then opens the line and dials a number.

"LA County Fire Department, What is the nature of your emergency?" Sam asks.

"LA County, Battalion 14. We have a still alarm. A rape victim. Do not respond Station 72. Dispatch Station 51 and the police to 8527 Benedict Canyon Road Cross street Angelo Drive. Sam, Anna is at the house. It's Hank. Stand down Station 72 and Battalion Chiefs 14 and 17. Call Chief Soreign and have him pick up AJ. It's bad."

As Martin was talking to Sam. The tones sound at Station 51. "Station 51 respond with LAPD to 8527 Benedict Canyon Road, for a rape victim. That's 8 5 2 7 Benedict Canyon Road, cross street
Angelo Drive time out 1712.

Captain Daily acknowledges the call, "Station 51 KMG 365."

The men of 51 stare at each other as the address sets in.

Johnny yells as he sprints for the squad. "My God, that's Cap's house."

The other rush to get help to their hurt family member.


Anna rushes back to the bedroom. She sees the fear, pain and anguish in her son's eyes. "Hank, honey. Help is on the way." She carefully unties the gag.

"Mommy, make it stop." Hank hoarsely cries out.

"Hank, make what stop?" Anna asks as tears fall down her face as she looks at her son's battered body.

Matt finds the door opened and enters. He hears a commotion upstairs. He freezes in the doorway. Matt slowly enters. "Hank, can I help you?" He asks calmly and quietly.

"Hurts. Take it out." Hank whimpers.

Only when Matt starts for the bed does Anna realizes what Hank was asking for. She rushes to the bathroom and throws up. My baby, my poor baby. She wails in her mind. She hears Hank yell in pain. She hears a soft soothing voice.

Matt peers into the bathroom. "I need some towels. Make one wet with cool water. Hurry please." Matt says as he leaves.

Anna grabs a stack of towels and wets one. She returns to her wounded son's side.

As Anna enters, she sees Matt cut the rope that held Hank's arms over his head.

When Matt sliced through the left leg rope Hank curled up into a tight ball that shook and whimpered.

Matt takes the cool wet towel and slowly approaches the bed. "Hank, I need to slow the bleeding. I have to touch you. I need you to stay still." He gentle separates Hank's buttocks and he mutters, "My God." As he sees the swollen, bruised and bleeding tissue. "Hank, help will be here soon." Matt says as he presses the make shift pad between Hank's cheeks. "Anna, go get some ice." Matt orders.

Anna stares at the blood covered vibrator. She startles when Matt repeats his order. Anna runs down the stairs into the kitchen. She fills a bowl with ice and meets Vince coming in the door. "Vince take this upstairs, I'll wait for the Squad." Anna says.


AJ looked out her door to see Gator crossing over to the map. She shrugs as she returns to her paperwork. She hears her men whispering but chose to ignore it. She is startled when she glances
up to see Chief Soreign. "Vic, what's wrong."

"AJ, all I know is that Hank was attacked. Station 72 is stood down until LA County can find a fill in for you." Vic says with concern and compassion on his face.

AJ grabs her purse and jacket, "Let's go. Please God keep Hank safe." AJ says as she races to Vic's car.

Vince knocks before entering the bedroom. He sees Hank's bruised and battered body, as Matt retrieves the ice. He wraps some of the ice in a towel and exchanges it for the bloody towel. Vince's heart breaks as he hears the small whimper. His eyes fasten on the cut ropes, the pillows and sheets that have blood soaking them and finally the vibrator. My God. Vince thinks as he takes a steadying breath, "Hank, can you answer some questions?" Vince asks.

Hank cringes and attempts to make himself smaller. He is muttering to himself under his breath. As Vince steps forward he understands what Hank is saying, "This isn't happening. This isn't happening.. Over and over.

Anna meets Roy at the door. He hugs her as she says, "It's Hank. He's been hurt. Someone raped him. He's bleeding. Matt's with him. Hurry. Do something." She implores.

With a quick exchange of glances, Roy and Johnny start up the stairs.


Martin pulls in as Roy and Johnny enter the house. He sees Anna. "Anna honey,.." is all he can get out as she throws herself into his arms and begins to cry. "My baby. My poor baby."

They hear a car pull up and see AJ and Vic rushing to the door.

AJ sees Anna crying, Engine and Squad 51, as she by-passes everyone and rushes inside and up the stairs.

Vince tries to stop her but she pushes past him to find her husband hiding behind a chair with his back to the corner and Johnny, Roy and Matt trying to calm Hank.

"Step back." AJ orders. She crawls closer to Hank. "Hank, I love you." She says.

Hank peers up at her and shudders and shakes.

"Matt hand me that robe." AJ orders quietly. "Honey, you're going into shock. Let's warm you up. Here baby." AJ coaxes with a loving smile. She moves towards Hank.

"They hurt me." Hank says in a small gruff voice.

"I know. I'm so sorry that I wasn't here to protect you." AJ says.

Hank becomes agitated. "No, they would have ra.. Hurt you too. He. He said he would."

"Hank," AJ takes a stab in the dark, "I'm okay and the kids are safe."

Hank shudders, "You're sure? He said they'd do this to the kids even.. Even Mikey." Hank looks at the floor.

AJ pales at the evil that had unleashed itself upon her husband. "Mikey, Joy and Judy are with Charlotte at the Santa Monica Art Museum. They should be home soon." AJ says. Soothingly she
pleads, "Hank come out so Johnny and Roy can help you. I can't raise a baby by myself again. Please Hank, this wasn't your fault. You are strong and brave, don't let them win."

Hank slowly eases over to AJ, who hugs him.

"I love you. Nothing has changed because of this." After a pause she continues, "You really look a mess."

Everyone is stunned by her words.

Hank chuckled twice. "Hurts, dizzy, cold, help."

AJ cuddles Hank, "Johnny's going to get your vital signs." AJ listens as Matt relate to Roy the catalogue of injuries. "My love don't leave me. I need you. The kids need you and the baby needs
you." AJ affirms. "Hank." AJ says urgently.

Johnny places his hand on AJ's arm and says softly, "He's asleep. It might be a blessing. He's hurt bad, AJ."

Roy hands Johnny an IV set-up and watch Johnny start the IV on Hank's forearm, the only area that isn't too bruised or swollen to find a vein. He shakes his head and says, "We need to transport him, now. We'll take good care of him." Roy says as he reaches for AJ.

Hank whimpers and burrows closer to AJ.

"Looks like I'm going with you." AJ says as she encourages Hank to lay down but Hank begins to get agitated. AJ pulls the head of the gurney up and crawls behind Hank so he can sit with his back to her. Hank quiets but pulls the blanket tightly up to his neck and looks around distrustfully.


The ride to Rampart was surreal. The siren howling, Hank's cardiac monitor beeping erratically. Hank's breathing becoming coarse. Johnny and Roy talking to Kelly at Rampart as the ride continues. An occasional whimper escapes Hank's tightly locked mouth.

Joe is there to meet the Ambulance as it slowly backs into the ER entrance, as Dixie and Kelly try to sooth their lover.

Roy jumps down and says, "His pulse is really erratic. His BP is dropping." Roy says.

"We have a surgical suite on standby. We need some x-rays." Kelly says.

Hank jerks awake as Kel bends down to check his eyes.

Hank yells and pushes Kelly away.

"Hank, it's Kelly. He needs to assess you. Honey, they are going to take you to surgery. There has been a lot of damage done to your bowel." AJ says gently.

"No, they will see. I don't want anyone to see." Hank whimpers.

"Hank, Dixie, Kel and I will be doing the surgery. You know and trust Ted Benton, our anesthesiologist and Carol will scrub." Joe says.

Hank nods warily, "No DANILES."

"No, she is working on the Psyche floor." Dixie reassures.

Once Hank is asleep, Joe helps AJ up. As she stares at the blood soaking her uniform pants, Joe says, "Sharon take AJ to the locker room and get her some scrubs and stay with her as she showers then take her to the lounge and get her to eat something." "How do you feel?" Joe asks.

"I feel sick. I want to hurt someone really bad, Uncle Joe. I'm so angry that I want to shove an inch and a half up this man's ass and turn the pumps on. How could he hurt Hank like this? The vibrator was on for at least twenty minutes jammed against the floor of the bowel. It could have ruptured his bowel. I want to rip his penis off and shove it down his throat." AJ says as she finally gives into her grief. "He was so scared. Hell, I was so scared. I un." AJ rushes to the trashcan as she throws up. She sinks to her knees crying as she says, "He never hurt anyone. Why, Uncle Joe? Why?"

Joe enters the Doctor's Lounge after seeing AJ to the locker room. He holds up his hand to stem the questions. "Hank is on his way to surgery. We don't know if the damage is bad enough to require a temporary colostomy. We weren't able to do the rape exam in the ER so while he's in surgery we'll be doing it there. I'll let you know when we're finished. He is scared and will have a hard recovery. AJ's in the shower washing off Hank's blood. I'm still debating if I need to admit her. Try to get her to eat something then to get some rest. I've notified the Fire Department of the need for each of you to talk to the Rape Therapist. You are all required to talk to them. Hank's going to need all of you." Joe says as the intercom announces "Dr. Early to Surgery three, Stat."


Part 7: Misconceptions Corrected.

AJ sinks to the floor of the shower sobbing as her fear and anger war within her. Why God? I know that you never give us a load we can't bear but Hank was so badly hurt. Please God keep him in your loving embrace and care. Give us the strength to help him. Suddenly a memory surfaces, scenes flashing behind her closed eyes. AJ gags and begins dry heaving. Not Now. Please.

Sharon races to the shower as she kneels beside Cap. "Captain, um, AJ breath deeply. Try to slow your breathing. That's it, slower. That's it." Sharon reaches up and shuts off the shower. She hugs the shivering woman as she cries, " AJ, let's get you dry or you'll catch cold." Sharon helps AJ to stand up. With practiced ease she quickly has AJ dry and dressed. Sharon notes the haunted and vacant look in AJ's eyes. Shock, she thinks. "AJ, um, I have to change. Will you be alright?" Sharon asks.

AJ's eyes focus, "God, I'm sorry. You're all wet." AJ says as she tries to focus. "Go ahead, I'll be fine." AJ laughs harshly. "No, I'll be fine once Hank's out of surgery and safe. God, Sharon, I feel so helpless."

Sharon steps into view in scrubs, "AJ, I want you to talk to Dr. Fulton. I know Dr. Early called him." Sharon says timidly.

"He's a Rape Councilor, right." AJ says hopelessly.

"Yes, he is very compassionate and a good man to talk to." Sharon persist.

"Okay. I know I need to so when Hank's better then I can help him." AJ says more calmly.

Hesitantly Sharon ask, "How long ago?"

AJ starts, "I'd say that I don't know what you're talking about but I doubt you'd believe me."

"No. Um. Mine happened when I was seventeen. He was a family friend. He almost killed me. I spent weeks in the hospital. That's when I decided to become a nurse." Sharon says with her eyes
downcast. She meets AJ's eyes.

"I was working late, after my shift, catching up on the paperwork. The Station got called out. He. That was almost four years ago." AJ shudders.

"Does Hank know?" Sharon asks with concern.

"No one but Chuck, the Chief and I and my attacker knew. He was charged with aggravated assault, not sexual assault. He took the easy way out. He killed himself, well I think he did. I always wondered. A flashback hasn't happened in over two years." AJ says.

"I told Dr. Early that I would get you to eat then rest." Sharon says as AJ begins to bulk. "Don't make me tell Dr. Early that I didn't follow his orders. Come on honey. I mean Captain." Sharon
says shyly.

"It's AJ but honey is fine. Um, if I need to talk?" AJ asks hesitantly.

"You know where to find me. Come on, Uncle Joe has spoken." Sharon states with a grin.

AJ burst out laughing. "Yes, I guess he has. Thank you, Sharon."


The lounge door opens and AJ enters slowly.

Vic and Martin lead her to the couch.

"I'm better, Sharon's going to rustle up some food. I, um." AJ says as she's stopped by tears. She is enveloped by a huge group hug. She is surprised to see not only Station 51's A-shift but 72's as
well. "Who's minding the Station?" AJ demands.

"B-shift came in once they heard what had happened. They wanted you to have the support of your crew." Gator said.

"It was the same with us. B-shift arrived thirty minutes after the call to relieve us. Is there anything we can do for you, Cap?" Mike asks.

"Pray. Pray that Hank survives, that he recovers mentally as well as physically and that the police catch the animals that did this." AJ responds.

"Animals?" Roy asks.

"One of the few things Hank said before they gave him a shot to calm down was that, `The three men had hurt him. They had threatened the kids and me. They might come back." AJ says.


"God damn it. This is all my fault. I was late. I always arrive early at least thirty minutes. I like visiting with Hank. I always fix him a snack before his therapy. Why didn't I hurry. I should have hurried." Matt castigates himself.

"Matt this wasn't your fault." AJ says.

"I might have stopped the damage from being this severe." Matt says as he punches the wall. He cries out.

The others cringe as they hear the sound of bones breaking.

Johnny and Roy race to him and ease him into a chair.

"Matt, I'm almost sure you broke your hand. Chief get Doc. Morton." Johnny orders.

Sharon enters with a tray of sandwiches. She sees Matt and races to get a wheelchair. She runs head on into Mike Morton. She dodges around him and returns with the wheelchair.

"Let's get him into treatment room 1." Mike says with a scowl.


Betty enters the room about thirty minutes later and says, "Dr. Fenton's in Dr. Bracket's office. He would like to see Mrs. Stanley. When both AJ and Anna look up she amends, "Mrs. Anna

Anna raises unsteadily to her feet.

Martin stands to go with her.

Anna says, "No, I'll be fine, Marty." as she leaves the lounge.

"Mrs. Stanley, I'm Randy Fenton. I'm a rape therapist with Rampart Hospital. I'm told you found your son. I want you to tell me about it." he says after Anna had sat down.

"Okay," Anna says shakily as she describes the image that would haunt her for weeks to come. "I didn't know what to do. I wanted to help him but I was afraid that I'd hurt him more. I was ashamed that I'd seen him like that. I, um, was ashamed that he had um." Anna stops as her sobs overtake her.

"Let me guess. You were ashamed that he had let this happen to him. Am I right?" Randy asks kindly. He continues after Anna's hesitant nod, as she hates herself for these feelings. "He didn't
let them. I saw the pictures. He fought the bonds. He has bruises consistent with struggling. They had to choke him into submission. He was overpowered by these three men." Randy looks at Anna and says, "Your feelings aren't inconsistent with a family member who has a son, father or any male attacked. There is a great misconception that a man can't be raped. Rape is a situation of control, of forcing another to submit to your will and take what you want. When you add that the victim is a male the thrill increases threefold because they forced him to submit, they took the inherent control of being a man, a leader of men in a dominate profession and dominated him. They may have found Hank attractive but this wasn't the motivating factor although they may have tormented him with his looks and that he was asking for it. Your son is a strong and brave
individual. Something horrible and despicable happened to him. He will need your support. He will feel humiliated that you saw him like that. He may push you away because of these feelings."

"What do I do." Anna says with determination in her eyes.

"I'm impressed most people don't like what I tell them." Randy says.

"Most people aren't a fireman's wife and mother. Tell me how to help my son." Anna demands.

"You need to know that his words are calculated to hurt and drive people away. He will be very angry and ashamed and will probably choose a safe outlet, which is usually family. Reassure him that you love him and that no matter what that won't change. That it wasn't his fault that he was attacked. That your proud that he survived. That it takes a strong individual to survive this. When he is rude or nasty, call him on it. Encourage him to see me. He will survive this but it will take time. He may be frightened of men for a while and need an additional buffered comfort zone and he may not like to be touched especially by a man maybe by a woman also. Just remember that he will get over this and things will return to normal. Let him take the lead in initiating touching. He may need quiet time and lock himself in a room alone. Let him unless he is spending hours
like that then call me and I talk to him. Do you have any questions?" Randy asks.

"Thank you Randy. Can I call you if I need to talk." Anna asks.

"Here's my card." Randy says.

One by one Randy talks to Hank's extended family and as with Anna, prepares them for Hank's possible reactions to the attack and what they might expect from Hank, using his years of experience as a rape therapist. He explained the misconception that men can't be raped and helped them with their own questions and fears. He is impressed by the level of support Hank has in his men, his wife's men, family, the department. He had decided to let AJ sleep. He had just finished with AJ's first mother-in-law when he was approached by Nurse Walters.

"Doctor, um, Can I talk to you for a minute. It's really important." Sharon says as she wrings her hands.

"Step in." Randy says in surprise.

"Um. AJ, um, Captain Davis-Stanley was, um, well she was raped a little over three years ago. She never told anyone in the family except her deceased husband. And she had a flashback in the shower and well, um, I thought you should know." Sharon stammers.

Randy falls into the chair behind him with a shocked look on his face. "That explains her actions at the scene. She knew what to do. Yes, thank you Sharon. I did need to know." Randy says.

"Um, Doctor." Sharon starts but is stopped.

"Please call me Randy, everyone does." He smiles kindly.

"Randy, I kind of, um, talked about my attack, so she wouldn't feel so isolated, was that the right thing to do." Sharon asks as her gaze locks on Randy's.

With out thought Randy gives Sharon a hug. "That was the best way to handle this. Would you mind if I asked Joe to assign you to Hank's care?" He asks.

"Sure, that would be fine." Sharon smiles shyly.

"It's important that you keep AJ's secret, she has to tell Hank." Randy says.

"I understand, Randy. AJ's awake or she was, I mean." Sharon says.

"Will you bring her in?" Randy says.


Part 8: Secrets

Sharon knocked on the lounge door. When she entered, she felt a roomful of worried gazes. "I called surgery and was told that everything is going well. They have stopped the bleeding and have called in Ortho to set his wrist and reset his leg. It appears that he re-injured it in his struggles. UM, AJ, Dr. Fenton will see you now." Sharon says shyly.

"Thank you, Sharon." AJ says as she sets the half eaten sandwich on the table. As she stands, she picks up her coffee."

Randy wasn't sure what he expected but he was surprised when the door opened and a burgundy haired vision in scrubs entered. Her long wavy hair was loose and her smile was both sad and strained. "Captain Davis-Stanley?" Randy asked.

"Yes but you can call me AJ." She again let fly that smile which must be a killer when she's not worried.

"Please call me Randy. Have a seat." He says as AJ sat across from him. "Has there been any word yet?"

"Sharon told us that everything was going well and they should be done soon." AJ's eyes fill with tears.

"First, I wanted to commend you on your approach with Hank earlier today. You kept him at ease and got him to accept medical help. Which is unusual for men. They don't want anyone to know." Randy said.

"I understand his feelings. He was afraid that the guys would think less of him. That those men will come back and hurt the children and me. That he won't be able to protect us. That I hate him and am disgusted with him. I understand those feelings and just reassured him that nothing can change my feelings for him. That I love him and need him. You see, I'm pregnant. My first husband died before my son was born. He is three and half. I love Mikey but I don't want to raise another one or more by myself." AJ says.

Randy set up straight and said, "You must have had some doubts about who was your son's father?"

"Sharon told you." AJ said with resignation.

"She wanted to protect you from being hurt by my normal in your face discussion. She really likes you." Randy says with a smile.

"I wasn't sure who the father was until Mikey was born. He was Chuck's son not Palo's." AJ says with a certainty.


"Do you understand why Sharon told you about her attack?" Randy asked.

"I expect to make me feel less isolated." AJ says.

"It might help Hank if you tell him what happened. I want to have Sharon assigned to Hank's care. It might help if you told someone. Why didn't you tell anyone then?" Randy asked trying to understand.

"I didn't press rape charges because of the departments image. The Chief and Chuck both agreed that it would be easier on me to just press assault charges. He had beaten me badly. People would be able to see the proof of that; like I would lie about it." AJ says as her eyes fill with tears.

Randy hands her a box of tissues then says, "You need to heal before you can help Hank."


"Okay. It's been almost four years ago." AJ says as she takes a deep breath and begins. "I don't know if Sharon told you that I was working late. Chuck and my parents were busy away from the
ranch. I didn't want to go home alone. I had mentioned that I was going to stay and finish some paperwork. We had been out on several rescues and fire calls and I was going to finish some utilization reports that were due next shift. When B-shift came on, I retreated to my office. About an hour into their shift, they were called out for a high rise fire. I worked for about twenty minutes more and needed a cup of coffee. The phone rang as I passed the mic stand. Instead of going back into the office, I passed under the divided partition. I answered it and it was Chuck. He would be done with his chores in an hour and would come by to take me to lunch then we'd pick up the car and go home. As I hung up, I was grabbed from behind." AJ says with a shudder.

"He knocked my head against the wall. I woke up tied to my bunk. He was one of my Fire Fighters. One of my own men. He had been assigned to the 412's for less than a month." AJ says as Randy starts. "He said, `that he was going to show me what God had made woman for. I had no right being a Captain. Let alone being a Fire Fighter and telling him or any man what to do.' He penetrated me vaginally and anally. He broke my wrist and shoulder, three ribs and gave me a concussion. He beat me with a belt which he used like a whip, leaving welts and cuts on my back and buttocks. He broke my cheekbone when I refused to perform oral sex." AJ says as she takes
a moment to wipe her tears and blow her nose.

"I heard the door open and Chuck call out. Palo took off grabbing his clothes but he left his Maui Fire Department Id. I was almost unconscious by that time. Chuck was going to call dispatch
when Chief Lauloni dropped in. He helped Chuck get me dressed. They took me to the hospital and told them the truth. When the police came, they gave them a modified story of the events. I never told anyone else." AJ says as she begins to pace.


"When I found out I was pregnant, I was still on a Leave Of Absence. I couldn't return to the station. I decided to take a job with Headquarters, where I assisted in dispatch. Chuck wanted me to take a promotion to a less dangerous job. I sat the Chief's exam and passed at the top of my class. My husband and parents were killed in a small plane accident on the way to my promotion ceremony." AJ stops for a minute to collect her thoughts.


"Once I became a Chief, I was assigned to Headquarters' in Honolulu. It wasn't easy; I feared most of the men I worked with and didn't like to be touched. I eventually conquered my fear and after Mikey was born began touring the stations under my command. I requested a transfer to a working Battalion. I had two Engines, a Hook and Ladder truck, a Utility truck and a Squad. I had a total of twenty men under my command and I worked there until I was recruited by L.A. County." AJ said with pride.


"One thing I didn't have to deal with was that Palo had taken the easy way out and killed himself. I didn't have to worry that he would come back. I had to learn to trust my men again and to that
end I had help. I saw a department shrink. She helped me a lot. I refused to tell anyone else though. I want to help Hank and bring him through this whole. I love him; he's the other half of my
soul." AJ finished and felt a large weight leaving her.

"I'm so proud of you. You got help and survived." Randy said as he was interrupted.

"I was sent for help by the Chief. I went kicking and screaming. I wanted to punch her, the therapist, in the face as soon as I saw her. She was a very hard person to talk to. I hated my sessions. I went through a deep depression. I withdrew from everything but I entertained an idea about suicide but I couldn't hurt the baby. It's funny but I never once thought to change jobs. I did survive intact and sane. " AJ says embarrassedly.

"You know what he is and will go through. He may not want to return to the ranch, anytime soon. He may not want to be touched or be able to have sex for a while. Men tend to develop impotence if the trauma is really severe. Let him set the pace. He will need to be in control. Don't push him. He may have some flashbacks or have memories brought up with a word, sound , scent or touch. Reassure him that you love him. It wasn't his fault." Randy says.

"I'll do whatever he needs. I love him and want him back. I know that it will take time. We have all the time in the world. Thank you Randy." AJ says as she wipes her eyes and blows her nose.

With a timid knock, the door opens. "Captain Stanley is out of surgery. Dr. Early and Bracket are on the way down to talk to the family." Sharon says.

AJ gets up and crosses to Sharon. With a hug she says, "Thank you for the push to talk and for your help with Hank's care, Sharon." AJ says with a slightly brighter smile.


Part 9: Good News.

As AJ leaves her session with Randy, she notes that it is almost midnight. She joins the other in the lounge. Anna and Marty hug her as they wait for the news.

Everyone breathes a sigh of relief when they see the smile on Joe and Kelly's faces.

"Do you want to go into Kel's office?" Joe asks.

AJ looks around at the faces of her friends and loved ones and says, "No, we're family here."

"He gave us a run for our money. His vitals dropped several times but we finally got him stable. He is in recovery and will be transferred to SICU, in about fifteen minutes. We had to give him
three units of whole blood. The damage wasn't as bad as we thought. We repaired all the rectal tears but there is a lot of swelling which we will be watching. The alcohol caused some chemical burns which we are treating with ointment and antibiotics. There were no ruptures, thank God. His right leg was re-broke and we may have to pin it if it doesn't set right. His wrist was set and we're watching three cracked ribs. His throat was red and swollen with a few abrasions. We'll monitor for any throat infection. The majority of his lower back is swollen, again. He has numerous deep tissue bruises. There's a possibility that he has torn his rotator cup but we won't
know for a while. His worst injuries were his blood loss and the rectal tearing. He is running a low grade temperature. We have him on mega doses of antibiotics. There is a slight possibility of his
developing a bowel obstruction which we'll be monitoring very closely. We are going to keep him in a medically induced coma, for a few days, to allow his body time to heal without him having to deal with the psychological aspects of the attack. We are testing his blood for all STD's. Now why don't you all go home and get some sleep." Joe says as he sees AJ's eyes flash, "He's in SICU and a cot is waiting for you. AJ, I want Kelly to examine you in the morning. Anna, Martin go home. He's in good hands."

Martin shakes both doctor's hands as did all the guys.

Anna smiles worriedly as she thanks both doctors.

AJ steps up to her and asks, "Mom, would you rather stay?"

"No sweetheart. I'll stop by in the morning. Watch over him, my Angel." Anna says as she hugs and kisses AJ's cheek.

Vic comes forward and hugs AJ. "I'll let Charlotte and the children know that everything went well. Randy wants to visit with the kids soon." Vic says.

AJ looks concerned.

Kelly says, "He is very good with kids. Hank's going to seem different. They need to be prepared."

"I just want to protect them." AJ says, "but you're right things have changed."

"Cap. We'll stop by tomorrow." Mike says.

Joanne says, "If you need anything at all. Call us."

AJ says with tears in her eyes, "I will."

"Cap, I'll be here first thing in the morning to take you out for breakfast." Gator says in a tone just shy of an order.

"Practice that tone; you'll need it when you're a captain." AJ says.

"Cap, we'll," Roy says as he points to both crews, "will stop by the ranch and clean up."

"Um, Guys," AJ hesitates, "would you mind moving the furniture back to Hank's house. Everything that is except for the bedroom set. Throw the mattress and bedding away and leave the set outside. I donated it to a charity and they will pick it up tomorrow afternoon. I called the realtor and cancelled the listing on the house for the time being."

Kona jumps in, "Mona Lau is on her way. Okie is sending three men to help with the ranch. Don't worry we'll take good care of the ranch."

"Mona Lau is coming?" AJ asks as if to check her hearing.

Kona blushes, "I told her that you're pregnant and she went to pack. Okie told me she's been praying to the old God's that you'd have another baby for her to spoil."

AJ burst out laughing. When she stopped she said with genuine affection and a twinkle in her eyes, "Okie is sending The Mountain, Bruiser and Iron Mike. Isn't he?"

Kona blushed again, "We need more muscle on the ranch, Little Dove. Okie was very upset about Hank. He doesn't want anything to hurt you again."

AJ looks startled, "You knew."

"Mr. Chuck told us. He make Madam Pele look tame." Kona said

"Madam Pele is the volcano goddess. She can be very spiteful if her property is bothered. You see about four years ago, I was raped. He killed himself. Um. You guys didn't. Never mind." AJ says. "I will explain but I really don't have the energy right now."


Part 10: In The Quiet Of The Night

AJ walked with Joe. "He's going to look bad. He is badly bruised and swollen . He will survive this. Now young lady get some sleep." Joe orders to AJ.

AJ waits for the nurse to finish checking and settling Hank.

Nurse Hogan was horrified by what had been done to Hank. She couldn't meet AJ's eyes as she leaves the room. She watches as AJ push a lock of hair from Hank's forehead and say a few words before kissing his forehead. My God, what has Peggy done? Megan asks herself as she enters Hank's vitals on his chart. Why had Peggy asked me for Captain Stanley's address. Why hadn't I questioned her? OH GOD. She berates herself. She tries to settle herself as she watches AJ move the cot closer to Hank's bed. I'll have to wake her when I get Hank's vitals at 1:00. Megan grabs the phone and dials the Med-Surg floor. "Is Peggy Wayne there?" She asks fearfully.

"This is Peggy." Came the waspish reply.

"When are you scheduled for break?" Megan asks.

"I get my lunch break at 1:30. Why?" Peggy asks.

"I need to talk to you." Megan says.

"Is it about Captain Stanley? Meet me in the cafeteria then. Bye." Peggy says before hanging up.

"Nancy will you trade me lunch breaks?" Megan asks.

"Sure. How's Captain Stanley?" Nancy asks.

"He was put into a coma. His wife and family are very worried. God, how could something like this happen to such a nice man." Megan asks with her fear growing.


By 1:30, Megan was as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rockers.

Peggy was already seated in the dining room. She could hardly wait. Her eyes were over bright as she waved to Megan. She bit into her hamburger with anticipation.

Megan had decided on soup and 7 up in the hope of quelling her rebellious stomach.

As Megan sits down, Peggy leaned forward, "Is it true?" Peggy asks.

"Is what true?" Megan asks in disgust.

"Was Hank Stanley really raped?" Peggy asks as her eyes dilate and her cheeks flush.

My God, she's getting off on this. "Captain Stanley under went four hours of surgery to repair damage caused by an assault." Megan frowns as she looked at her friend, really looked at her for the first time.

"Can I see his chart?" Peggy asks in false concern.

"No, his chart is confidential." Megan says

"What bug crawled up your butt?" Peggy says in irritation.

"Why did you want Captain Stanley's address?" Megan asks.

"I was curious about the Stanley's. It's a huge ranch, you know. They have five horses on a ten acre ranch with a brook flowing through the backyard. I understand that she inherited a lot of money. Must be rough being wealthy. They have two ranch hands and pay for their insurance policies. They, they have two cars, two trucks a horse hauler, three motorcycles and a jeep." Peggy says with envy glowing in her eyes.

Megan is horrified that Peggy must have gone to the ranch. But when? Before or After?

"You know, she has two wedding rings. I bet she demanded it. You know, how snobby rich people are." Peggy says with a mixture of hate and envy. "You know, I could have married Hank until that fireman walked in. I wonder what she said when she saw that his wedding ring is missing? It was removed because of the swelling from his broken wrist. Look at the time. Got to go. See Ya." Peggy says as she leaves.

Megan sat stunned and feeling sick to her stomach. How did she know about his ring? Slowly Megan stood to return to work.

By 4:00, Megan had decided to see Dixie Bracket, after her shift. She heard the elevator open but didn't look up. She had to check Hank.

She glanced up to see Peggy reading a chart at the desk. Her stomach rolled as she almost gagged. It's a good thing I removed the pictures and surgical reports from the chart. She watches as Peggy flips through the chart then glares angrily towards Hank's room before she storms off.

Nancy almost ran into Peggy, "Are you alright?" Nancy asks.

"I'm fine." Was Peggy's angry response as she gets on the elevator.

"Sid, will you do me a favor?" Megan askes.

"Sure." Sid, the nineteen year old UCLA student, answered.

"I need a witness. Come on." Megan says as she starts down the hall.


They entered the Med-Surg floor from the back stairway. As they reached the corner by the Nurses Station. Megan held up her finger and whispers, "Listen."

Peggy was talking urgently on the phone. "Larry, he's in a coma. I couldn't get his chart. All the surgical and photo information was purged. He's on two IV's and a mega dose of antibiotics. All I know is he was in surgery for four hours. You must have hurt him pretty bad. His leg was re-broke in addition to his wrist and some ribs. He has extensive deep tissue bruising over two thirds of his body. What? Yes she's here. Sleeping at his bedside. Okay baby, I'll check his chart later today. It's the soonest I can get a chance. Bye, love you." Peggy smirks.

Sid looked at Megan in shocked concern, "She knows who did this to Captain Stanley."

Megan took Sid back upstairs and called Dr. Bracket.

Megan waited impatiently as the phone rings.

"Bracket." was the abrupt answer.

"Dr. Bracket, this is Megan Hogan. I think I might know who attacked Captain Stanley." Megan says willing him to believe her.

"I'll be right there. Wait, it's the hospital, Honey. Go back to sleep. Hank's fine." Kelly says as he hangs up.

Sid shudders, "Oh, boy. What a mess."

"You said it." Megan says.


Part 11: With Friends Like These.

If Megan was surprised to see Dixie Bracket, she didn't say so.

"Let's go into the Med. Room." Dixie suggests.

"Um, well. I was asked by Peggy Wayne to find out Hank and AJ's address after they were dismissed." Megan says in a small voice.

"You didn't give it out did you?" Dixie asks in indignation.

"Honey, calm down." Kel says, "Go on."

"She's my friend at least I thought she was my friend. I never thought. Oh God. I asked her at break, why she wanted the address. She said that she wondered where they lived. She had heard that AJ had inherited money. She said they have five horses, two cars, two trucks, three motorcycles and a horse trailer and a jeep."

"AJ doesn't own a horse trailer. She rents one when she needs it. They were picking up a pony and needed a trailer. It wasn't at the house at the time of the assault." Kelly says.

"Peggy said that AJ had two ranch hands and she paid for their insurance needs. I really didn't understand that." Megan says.

"AJ said that Hank had told her that an insurance man was at the house that afternoon." Dixie says.

"She asked to see Hank's chart. She asked if Hank had been raped. God she was getting off on it. She then said that Hank had to buy AJ two wedding rings and she wondered how AJ reacted to Hank's missing ring. Saying that the swelling from his broken wrist would have caused damage if it hadn't been removed." Megan stopped for a gulp of air then says, " At 4:00, Peggy looked through Hank's chart." To the concerned gazes she reassures, "I purged the chart of all photographic, surgical and ER records. They are here in the Narc cupboard under double lock. She got real mad. I asked Sid, here, to come with me. We overheard her on the phone to her boyfriend. She apologized for not getting Hank's chart and described his broken bones and said `He was in surgery for four hours. You must have hurt him pretty bad." Megan completed her statement in a rush.

Sid steps forward. "She was talking to one of the guys. She said she loved him." Sid looks ill.

Kelly took a deep breath, "Dix call Joe while I call the police. You do realize you're in trouble for giving out the address."

"Yes, I'll take my punishment. No problem. I was angry but I never wanted anything like this to have happened." Megan shudders and begins to cry.

"Joe, it's Dix. Can you come to SICU. Hank's fine but we have more information." Dixie says more calmly than she feels.

After a short wait, Kelly gets a hold of Lt. Bailey.


By 5:30, Joe, Vince and Lt. Bailey had heard Megan's story and Sid's supporting statement.

"Put Hank's chart back together." Kelly suggests and continues, "Then call Mrs. Bolin, on Med/Surg and tell her to send Peggy up to complete Nancy's shift because she had to leave feeling sick."

The desk was deserted when Peggy arrived. She pulled Hank's chart, then smiled in glee as she looked at the pictures as she slowly turned to the others. She took the chart to the copy machine TO makes copies of all the relevant information. She returns the chart and picks up the phone. "Larry Miller's room please. Hey Baby. I have copies of his chart. The Bitch put it back together for shift change. Okay, I'll be by after work. Keep your motor running. Love you. Bye." Peggy hangs up smiling in evil glee.

Lt. Bailey, shuts off the phone tap tape. "We got her. Paul Miller has an Uncle named Larry. He was a colonel in the Marines. He retired with distinction."


AJ woke up at 6:00 to see Kelly, Joe and Dix. "Good Morning." AJ slurs as she wipes the sleep from her eyes.

"Morning." Kelly says, "I'd like you to come with me."

"Kel, I fine." AJ says then gives in to the three pair of glaring eyes. She looks out the door and sees a policeman standing guard at the door. Going to Hank's side and holding his hand she asks, "What happened last night?"

"AJ, let's go outside." Joe tells her.

She brushes the hair from Hank's forehead. "I love you so much, my darling husband. Nothing that happened was your fault. My love for you will only grow stronger. Dixie is going to stay with you while Uncle Kel checks on the baby. I'll be right back, My Love." AJ kisses his forehead.

Hank was drifting in a dark quiet place. He heard AJ but was too tired to open his eyes. I love you too. He is enveloped in a deeper darkness.

"The Police believe they know one of the men who raped Hank. He had an informant here in the hospital. A Police guard was posted for Hank's protection." Kelly says as he finishes taking AJ's BP.

"Who's the informant?" AJ demands.

"AJ, the Police are on it. Let them do their job. Um. AJ. Well." Kelly says with a huge smile, "I hear two heartbeats."

"What?" AJ says stunned.

"I said I hear two heartbeats. I'm going to schedule an sonogram. Just to be sure." Kelly says.

Dixie enters the room, "Gator is with Hank. What's wrong with her?" Dixie asks with concern.

"I hear two heartbeats." Kelly smirks.

"That's great." Dixie says as she rubs her pregnant belly. "You're going to have two cousins to play with."


Part 12: Awakened

Gator took AJ out to eat. Anna stayed for two hours in the morning. Martin stopped for two hours followed by Mike, Marco, Roy and Johnny each staying for an hour to discuss their family matters
and reassuring Hank that they were proud that he survived. Anna and Martin spent a couple of hours in the afternoon allowing AJ to spend some time with the children. She returned at 6:00 P.M. to spend the night with her soul mate.

On the third day, A-shift was on duty. The A-shift wives, Anna and Charlotte spent the day with Hank talking and reading to him. Anna spent the night watching over her son.

On Sept 29th, Hank's birthday, it was decided to bring Hank out of his coma.

It was strange, Hank could hear his friends and loved ones talking to him. He felt comforted as he floated in the darkness.

AJ and the Guys entered the hospital after their shift. AJ was on a leave of absence for the duration of Hank's hospital stay. AJ left the Guys in the lounge as she went to Hank's room. She hugged Anna and then took her place by his bedside. "Good Morning, My Love." AJ whispered as she kissed his forehead.

Kelly, Joe and Dr Fenton entered the room followed by Dixie.

AJ watched Hank like a hawk.

He slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were dulled with medication but slowly they cleared as his eyes sought hers.

Randy thought that yes her smile is a killer.

She saw Hank open his hand and she held it. "Good Morning, My Love. I missed you beautiful brown eyes." She says as she kisses his forehead.

He jerked and shuddered, "I'm." He takes a drink that was offered then says, "I'm sorry." in a small lost voice.

"Henry Martin Stanley, you are the bravest man I know. I love you, the children love you and our twins will love you." AJ says.

Hank gives AJ a double take as AJ took his hand and placed it on her lower abdomen and he thought he felt a slight flutter.

"Hank, I'm Dr Fenton. I'll be visiting with you one to two times a day while you're in the hospital. I'm a Rape Councilor. The Police would like to talk to you. Is that okay?" Randy asks.

Hank shudders again.

AJ bends down and says, "This wasn't your fault. I'm proud of you for surviving. I love you."

Hank smiles faintly and nods but keeps a hold of AJ hand firmly in his.

Vince and Lt. Bailey enter, "Hank, How are you?" Bailey asks.

Hank swallowed several times before answering, "I've been better."

Lt. Bailey says, "I guess you have. Can you tell us what happened?"

"I was dozing. I thought I heard something that woke me up but didn't notice anything strange. I settled back to sleep when I heard someone walking towards the couch. I.. I asked them what they were doing in the house. I told Miller, who had said his name was Mueller that we didn't need insurance." Hank paused to still the shaking that overtook him. Then continued, "He. H. H. He said `I should have fixed the doorknob.' Then he ordered the two punks to grab me. I. I tried to get away." Hank stopped to wipe a tear.

"Can you describe the men?" Vince asks his old friend gentle.

Feeling less shaky Hank answers without hesitation, "Miller is in his late forty's or early fifties. Six foot with sandy blond hair graying at the temples and cut military style. He has a well kept mustache and icy blue eyes. He wore a black suit and has a. a," after taking a couple deep breaths Hank continues, "a tattoo on his left upper chest of an eagle that says `Take What You Want'. " Hank says gentle as tears roll down his face. "He told me not to testify against his nephew. That was why they did this."

Vince gentle moves Hank along, "The other two?"

"Punks! The first one, Black Leather Jacket, um. His friend called him Snake. He was six foot two, very thin with long black hair in a ponytail. White t-shirt with dirty faded jeans. He has a cavity in his front tooth and half his left earlobe missing also a scar over his right kidney. Baldy, um. Tank is six foot four three hundred to three fifty. He wore a tie-dyed t-shirt that barely covered his potbelly, black jeans held up with a chain link belt. He had a, um, well," Hank blushed brightly, "a man bound in handcuffs and blindfolded kneeling naked tattooed on his right flank." Hank closes his eyes and shudders. "Miller said `it wasn't hard to find two men to rape a fireman. That they had been looking forward to it since you and wifey had been discharged from Rampart. They were going to teach me a lesson that I would never forget. Once I had a man I'd never want my wife again. I wasn't to testify against Paul.'" Hank stops swallows and glances at AJ, who was weeping quietly for her husband. "I didn't like it. I love you."

AJ looks at Hank in love and replies, "I love you too. I would never doubt you. You're the other half of my soul."


"Hank, we have some pictures for you to look at if you don't mind." Lt. Bailey asks.

Joe steps forward, "Hank if you're not up to this, we'll stop now." Joe says in concern for his friend, nephew-in-law and patient.

Holding AJ's Hank firmer, Hank gives his consent.

A page of distinguished blond men's pictures are laid in front of Hank and suddenly he jerks back. With a shaky finger he points to one of the pictures and points out Miller. "It's .. It's him." Hank whispers fearfully.

Vince lays another group of pictures with young men with long black hair.

Hank looks for Snake. "Him." Hank points out.

Vince sets the third set of pictures in front of Hank of big bald men.

Hank begins to sweat and his breathing becomes labored. Of all the men this one frightened him the most. "Him." Hank says as he pulls AJ closer.

AJ bends down and whispers, "You did good. I'm proud of you and I love you so much."

Hank blushes and flashes a shy smile. "I don't want to talk anymore."

"That's fine. Thank you Hank." Vince says as they leave.

"Wait." Hank calls out as a question enters his mind. "How come you have pictures of them?"

"They are under arrest and are being held with out bond so they can't hurt you again." Lt. Bailey says before he closes the door behind him.


"Hank, I'd like to talk to you." Dr. Fenton says with a reassuring smile.

"I don't.." Hank started to say before he was interrupted.

"Would everyone step out for a moment." It was said as a suggestion but the look on AJ's face said it was an order. As the door closed behind the last of the Doctors, AJ continues, "Honey, I know you don't want to remember but you need to talk to Randy."

"I don't need to talk to anyone. I'm fine." Hank snapped.

"Henry, what about the panic attack, you had with the pictures?" AJ asks gentle.

"I don't feel good. My stomach hurts. Tell him I'll talk to him tomorrow." Hank says angrily.

"Nope, you tell him." AJ says as she turns to leave.

"I'm scared, Alex." Hank says gently through his tears.

"I know, baby. Let Randy help you. We all had to talk to him." AJ says.

"What in hell for?" Hank yells, "I was hurt. You're talking behind my back. Leave. Now."

AJ stands stunned. "Hank, I know you were hurt. I love you. We all needed help. You were so badly hurt and scared. You were hiding behind a chair and wouldn't let Johnny or Roy or Matt help you. There was blood on the bed and the floor. I had to crawl to you to calm you down enough to let us help you. I should have stayed home. I might have stopped them." AJ says as tears of guilt and anger fall.

Hank can't believe what he is hearing. "AJ, they would have hurt you. I won't lie that I didn't hope that you or someone would come in and stop them but no one did." Hank says harshly then adds, "Miller threatened you and the kids and I was so glad that you weren't here. I would have died if they had hurt you."

"I wanted to hurt them badly. Jam an inch and a half up their asses and turn it on. They had no right to hurt you. I don't want to live without you, Henry Martin Stanley." AJ says fiercely.

"Don't say that. I thought I'd die. I knew that you would love and care for our children." Hank says.

"Just so we understand each other, I don't want to raise any children by myself again. Mikey was hard enough but two twelve year olds, a three year old and two new born twins. No way. No how." AJ says.

Hank smirks. "Okay, we'll grow old together."

" You bet your sweet ass we'll grow old together." AJ chuckles.

Hank cringes and turns pale as an unwanted memory takes over...Baldy standing in front of him. `Captain Sweetheart, you have a tasty ass.' He smacks his lips obscenely.

Dr Fenton, Kel and Joe enter as they hear AJ calling Hank loudly.

Hank's flashback continues ... Baldy continues, `here have a taste.' He says as he grabs Snake and gives him a tongue filled kiss. The pain overtaking Hank. Slowly he hears AJ calling him and shaking him.

"Hank, come back. It's over. Look at me." AJ yells.

Slowly Hank blinks, where am I? He thinks to himself then he hears AJ and says, "Run AJ they'll hurt you."

"Hank, you're at Rampart. It's over. You're safe. They are in jail. Come back." AJ says in tears.

Hank sees the four concerned faces in front of him.

"What happened?" Kelly asks.

"Flashback." AJ responds.

Randy says quietly, "Slow your breathing down, Hank. Concentrate on your breath. In and out, deep and slow. Now look at AJ. You're safe and so is she." As Hank looks more alert, Randy asks, "What caused the flashback. What was the trigger, Hank?"


Part 13: Demon's fought

Hank is sweating and pale. His breath becomes labored.

Kelly quickly checks Hank's BP as his cardiac monitor mirrors the racing of his pulse.

No one had noticed Joe had left until he returns with a syringe.

Randy stops him and asks again, "Hank, what triggered the flashback?"

"We were talking and AJ said, `You bet your sweet ass.'." Hank begins to dry heave.

Randy nods to Joe who administers the sedative. "I'll come back later this afternoon. Get some rest. Remember this wasn't your fault."


Hank sinks into a deep sleep without dreams. The sun had reached it's zenith when he woke up. He looked for AJ but finds his mother in the chair and a strange man outside his door. "How long
have you been here?" Hank asks gruffly.

"About a half an hour, AJ went to get something to eat." Anna says.

"Momma, I didn't want you to see me like that. How can you sit with me?" Hank asks in disgust.

"I love you. I admit that I was shocked but not at you. That someone could do this to my son who has never hurt another living soul. I was angry at myself. I didn't know what to do to help you. I didn't want to hurt you anymore. I felt so helpless. I wanted to shelter you in my arms and protect you from these men who had hurt you so terribly. I knew you were in shock and need help so I called your father." Anna says.

"You called me what?" Martin says as he sits in the visitors chair.

"To help Hank. You were the first person that popped into my mind." Anna says.


"They took me by surprise. I did fight them. I didn't want them to touch me like that. I wanted to kill them for what they did. I still do. They had no right to do this. I didn't like it or want it." Hank's voice rose with each word.

Martin touches Hank's hand and notes the shudder that pass through his son. "Son, we know you fought. The extent of your injuries tell us that. They had to tie you down and almost suffocate you. The bruises on your neck from hands and arms. We almost lost you. You're strong enough to survive this. You are a Fire Captain after all. We're proud of you and love you very much. You have nothing to apologize for or be ashamed of.

"Why don't I feel that way?" Hank asks desperately.

"You will. It will take time and talking to Randy will help." Martin says.

"God Damn It. I don't fucking want to talk to Randy. I." Hank stopped himself at the look of shock on his parent's faces. Taking a deep breath, "I'm sorry Mom and Dad. Please accept my apology. I'm just so angry. Why me? Why do that to me?" Hank says in anguish.

"They wanted to scare you. To intimidate you. To control you through pain and violence." Sharon says as she finishes checking the IV and begins to flush the NG.

"Is that so. What makes you an authority?" Hank demands looking for an outlet for his anger.

With a sad gentle smile Sharon pauses before saying, "I've been here. I was seventeen. I said no. He didn't care. I was in the hospital for months recovering."

Hank's face fell as his anger evaporates. "Oh God, Sharon. I'm sorry. Hank's vision clouds. `Let me get him good and ready.' He bends down and licks Hank's hot musky hole. `um, tastes good. You gonna love this. You want it hard and fast, don't you?' Baldy says as he rims Hank.

Hank's head shakes side to side in an negative, while muffled screams of no can be heard as tears flow down his cheeks.

Sharon watches as Hank's eyes get distant, turning pale and clammy. She grabs his shoulders and gentle shook him. "Captain Stanley it's over. Those men are in jail. You're safe." Hank's cardiac alarm goes off as he begins to hyperventilate. "Hank concentrate on your breathing. Come back. You're safe. That's it breath deep and slow. In and out. That's it." Sharon says in encouragement.

Hank hears Sharon. Slowly he focus on her voice. Fallowing her orders. He remembers the orders slowly breath in and out. His eyes focus on the shy girls face.

"Are you okay?" She asks in concern.

"I feel sick to my stomach." Hank begins to gag on the tube running down his throat into his stomach.

Sharon pushes the call light and says, "Sally, I need some compazine."

Once she had given the shot to Hank she again asks, "Are you alright?"

"No." Hank attempts a smile, "But I'm not nauseated anymore. Thank you."

Hank relaxes against the bed and asks, "Who is that?" As he points to the large Hawaiian, who stood outside his door.

"Aloha, I am Mike Cahlhini. You may call me Iron Mike. Oke sends his regards." Saying this Iron Mike returns to his place outside the door.

Anna explains, "Oke sent three men to help at the ranch."

Hank pales and swallows several times.

Anna continues, "They also are to be body guards for you, AJ and the Kids." Anna smiles.

"I. I thought they were in jail." Hank says with another shudder.

"They are. Oke is overprotective. Mona Lau is helping at the house. She is busy spoiling her `kids'. The Guys love her. The department will never be the same." Martin says.


"How are the kids?" Hank asks.

"They are fine." AJ says as she brings in a bouquet of balloons. "Come on in kids." AJ calls.

Hank smiles as his children enter the room.

Pip breaks down and cries, "I love you, Daddy." She says as she gentle hugs Hank.

"Love you too, Pip." Hank says as he hesitantly returns the hug.

"How are you feeling?" Lil Cap asks as she slowly approaches her father and opens her arms to wait.

Hank opens his arms as Lil Cap snuggles with him. "I've been better." Hank says.

"You looked better to." Mikey says as he is helped up on the bed. "Love you, Daddy."

"Love you, to. I have missed you all." Hank says as he fights to get his emotions in control.

"Happy Birthday, Daddy." The children yell together.

Hank looks stunned. "It's my birthday?"

"Yes, Baby. Happy Birthday." AJ says as Hank opens his arms and she dives into them.

"Well, this isn't one of my best birthdays." Hank says in a sharp tone.

Anna and Martin wish Hank a Happy Birthday then urge the children to say good bye to their parents.


Mikey looks puzzled, "What dat tube? Does it start dere and end here?" He asks as he points from the NG to the catheter.

Hank burst out laughing. "No, but it does feel that way. I keep getting sick to my stomach. This," Hank points to the NG, "keeps my stomach empty, so I don't feel sick." He tells his son.

"Where dis go?" He persists as he again points to the catheter tubing.

"It helps Hank pee." AJ tells him.

"Uncle Johnny says that hurts and um," the three year old screws up his face in thought, "sucks. Does it suck the pee from you?" Mikey innocently asks.

Hank's facial expression goes rigid. Snake licks his lips after the kiss. `He sure is tasty. I want to suck his cock.' Snake says as Baldy starts jerking his cock. `I'm close. Here it comes.' Snake
shouts as he shoots wad after wad of thick spunk on Hank's face. Slowly AJ's voice penetrates the memory.

"Hank come back. You're safe at Rampart. Please Hank, I need you." AJ almost shouts.

Hank's eyes focus. He begins to slow his breathing.

AJ kisses his fore head. "You scared the bejesus out of the kids." She says.

"Where are they?" Hank asks.

"Anna and Martin are taking them home." AJ says.


Randy knocks, "Good afternoon. I understand you have had two other flashbacks." Randy states.

Hank coughs nervously, "um. Yes, I guess so."

"AJ, why don't you go get some coffee. I'll call you when we're through." Randy instructs.

"We're done, now." Hank yells.

"AJ go." Randy orders when AJ falters.

Hank watches his wife leave. "You may be a Doctor but you have no fucking right to do that." Hank snarled.

Randy waited for the storm to pass. "You have had three flashbacks is less than sixteen hours. What were the triggers." Randy prods.

Hank roll away from Randy then quickly rolls back onto his back. His breathing was coming in pants. He all but yells, "Leave me the hell alone."

"Do you enjoy the way you feel?" Randy asks as he notes the stunned look of horror on Hank's face. "You need to talk about this. It is festering and needs to be drained so you can reclaim your body, mind and soul." Randy says more gentle as he sits beside Hank's bed.

"Like this. Hell no, I don't like this. I'm scared. I don't want to remember. It becomes a truth if I acknowledge it." Hank whispers.

"Hank, I can understand that but your subconscious isn't going to let you forget. That what these flashbacks are. You do need to acknowledge it and talk about it to exercise it." Randy persists.

"Why did they do this to me?" Hank asks in despair.

"They wanted to control you. They chose an up close and deeply personal way to do it. They wanted to break you. Hank, don't let them win." Randy says gentle.


Slowly and haltingly, Hank describes the acts that had been done to him. He vents his anger and fell back finally exhausted.

"You've made a good start. Can I come back tomorrow at about 9:00?" Randy asks.

Hank wanted to say no with every fiber of his being but he did feel a little more at ease. Maybe I'll survive this. Hank thinks as he says, "Okay but make it 10:30." Hoping that Randy wouldn't be able to make it.

With a faint smile Randy says, "10:30 it is. I'm ordering you a shot to help you sleep." Forestalling Hank he says, "You have to have sleep to heal. Randy looked out the door and told Sharon, "Sharon, could you get AJ?"

Hank glared at Randy as he settled back to wait for his lovely wife.

AJ enters to see Hank asleep and Randy charting. "How did it go?" She asked.

"It went fine. He's a nosey Bastard." Hank says with his eyes closed.

"It went well. Good night, AJ. Good night, Hank." Randy says as he leaves.


After a short while, Hank abruptly asked, "AJ, do you still love me?"

Stunned AJ says fiercely, "With all my heart and soul."

"Does Does the thought of touching me disgust you?" Hank asks quietly.

"Oh Baby, I ache to touch you but we were afraid that you wouldn't want to be touched." AJ says with her eyes shining with tears and love. "You could never disgust me. Well maybe if you had squid hang between your teeth." She teases.

"I. I. Would you hold me?" Hank asks.

"From now until eternity. I love you. Would it be alright to lay next to you." AJ asks.

With a blush Hank nods shyly.

As AJ joins Hank she says, "I'll watch your back, My Love." Spooning herself to Hank she takes him in her embrace.

"I came, AJ. I tried not to but I couldn't stop it. I didn't like it. It hurt so badly." Hank says as fresh tears cascade down his face.

"Hank, it had nothing to do with desire or enjoying it. All they had to do was keep caressing your prostate and you couldn't help it. It's called `misattribution of arousal'. Your body reacting to fear
at an extreme experience and interrupted it as arousal. You had no control over it. AJ says reassuringly.

"How do you know this? They said that if I didn't want it and like it I wouldn't cum. Baldy said that `no matter how much I yelled afterwards it was proof that I wanted it.' Hank wanted to believe AJ but was afraid to.

"Hank, I need to tell you something." AJ proceeds to tell Hank of her rape. She added, "I came. It isn't unheard of but it isn't a frequent occurrence with women who have been raped."

"God, AJ how are you doing?" Hank turned towards her.

"I'm better. We'll make it together." AJ reinforces.

A knock on the door proceeds Sharon, "Dr. Fenton ordered a shot to help you sleep." After administration it she gave each a hug. "Good night."

AJ heard Hank's breathing even out and follows her husband to sleep.



Part 14: Mind Over Body

It was the third day after Hank had been brought out of the coma. Yet he still was unable to eat.

"Hank, your throat was red and inflamed with some abrasions. Let's talk about this." Randy instructs.

"I, You SOB, fine, Miller forced his cock down my throat. He choked me with it. I almost asphyxiated. I was tied on my back so I couldn't move. Baldy held my jaws locked open as Miller slammed it down my throat. He forced me to swallow his cum. I wanted to throw up but he held it in my throat until I quit fighting." Hank looked up stunned. "I get sick ever time I put something in my mouth."

Randy nodded. "We'll start slow. How about some ginger ale?"

Hank nodded and sipped the offered soda. Then his thoughts burst forward. "Broth is salty. Jesus." He shakes his head and asks, "So how do we get past this?"

Randy set for a moment tapping his pen against his lip then says, "Since we know what is causing the nausea, we have to watch the foods we send. Taste and texture, I think. If you keep the soda
down, we'll try a soft diet."

Hank nodded, "Thank you. Sorry about calling you names. I just get so frustrated."

"I understand. I've been a Rape Councilor for almost ten years. No sweat. What time this afternoon?" Randy asks determined to give Hank control.

"2:30." Hank suggests.

"See you then." Randy says as he leaves Hank to ponder the connections of the brain and the body.


AJ was surprised when she walked in and Hank was sitting up in the chair watching TV and sipping a chocolate malt. "Hi. Stud." AJ says.

"I drank two ginger ale and half of this malt." Hank says with some pride and adds, "I loose the catheter and maybe the IV this afternoon." Hank suddenly smiles shyly.

"What Hank?" AJ asks.

"I had a BM and there was no blood and very little pain." Hank says as he blushes.

"See you're getting better everyday." AJ says then asks, "How about a walk, Stud?"

"Honey," Hank drawled, "would you carry my purse?"

Dixie chuckles as she says, "How about I take your `purse'?"

"Really? Please Dix take it out." Hank all but groveled.

"It's going to hurt." Dixie reminds him.

"It hurts now." Hank reminded her. "Son of a Bitch." Hank whispered as she pulled the tubing out of his bladder.

"Now about that walk, I understand that the solarium is empty." Dixie suggests.

"Thanks Dix." Hank said. "What about the IV."

"The bags about empty." with some thought Dixie decides to pull the IV.

AJ grabs Hank's malt as he thanked Dix again and they headed hand in hand down the hall.

Sharon and Dix watched them and smiled .

Sharon says to Dix, "They are going to make it."


Entering the Solarium AJ says with a sigh, "It's always so quiet here."

Hank wraps his arms around his beautiful wife and kisses her. "Um, I missed that." He says huskily.

"Me to. Kind Sir, may I partake of you plush lips again?" AJ asks saucily.

"My Lady, t'would be a pleasure beyond compare." Hank assured her as he gentle takes AJ lips in a soft kiss that begins to heat up.

"Excuse us, sorry." The young man in a hospital robe says as he and his wife turn to leave. "Wait. Captain Stanley?"

"Yes." Both Hank and AJ say.

"You may not remember me but I'm Jason Carter and this is my wife Dana. How are you?" Jason asks.

"I'm fine. Let me introduce my wife, Captain AJ Davis-Stanley. You were one of the men that Michael and I extracted for the building collapse a few weeks ago." Hank says.

"How are you?" AJ asks.

"Getting better and will probably go home in a week. The burns are almost healed. I didn't realize you were hurt at the rescue." Jason says in concern.

"Hank had some injuries but he had an." AJ trails off looking at Hank.

"I was attacked at home by the Uncle of one of the men who blew up the building." Hank says with a tight smile.

"I'm sorry that he hurt you but I am glad it gave me the chance to thank you. You answered my prayers. When I saw you crawling towards me in the dim light, I knew you were a gift from God. You helped keep me calm and saved my life. Thank you and to all the men and women who dedicate their lives to helping people in dire need." Jason says.

"Captain Stanley and Captain Davis-Stanley, I too want to add my heartfelt thanks and those of our children." Dana says with a hug to both Captains.

Hank was blushing as he says, "Thank you both. You don't know how badly I needed to hear this." As he hugs AJ, he stumbles slightly.

AJ goes into command mode. "Sit, Mister. I'll get a wheelchair. I shouldn't have let you stand for this long. I'm sorry. It's a pleasure to meet both of you."

"Captain Stanley." Dana started to say when Hank stops her.

"Please, call me Hank." He says with a friendly smile.

"Hank, we shouldn't have stayed this long." Dana says contritely.

"You have done more good for me in the last few minutes than you can possible know. AJ just gets overprotective." Hank says with a loving and indulgent smile as AJ and Sharon bring in a wheel chair for him.

Sharon takes his vitals and says, "Your vitals are fine. It's lunch time and I expect to see at least half of your food eaten. We ordered AJ a tray also." Sharon smiled at her two favorite people.

Hank decided that it would be a while before he could eat any soup because of the texture but ate most everything else.


Part 15: Going Home

Kel, Joe and Dix met Hank at the door.

Joe says, "Good Morning. We'd like to examine you before your walk."

Hank sighs, "Sure." He shudders only once during the rectal exam.

"I want you to see Dr Fenton today. Then on an outpatient basis when you're discharged." Joe says sternly.

"Okay." Hank says before grudgingly saying, "He is helping, I suppose."

Kelly and Joe smile while Dixie smirks.

"Do you want to go home?" Kelly asks.

"Do I? I'll call AJ and have her here in fifteen minutes." Hank smiles.

"Hank after you see Randy!" Kelly amends.

"FINE." Was Hank's angry reply. Then with a huge smile, "I'm going home."


Randy visited with Hank for about forty minutes. They discussed what to expect when he went home. The up-coming trial and finally Randy handed Hank his card saying, "This has my home, work and pager number. If you need anything, call me. We'll meet daily for the first week then go from there. Your first appointment is tomorrow at 10:00. After that you can pick the time."

Hank nodded.

"Call me anytime." Randy reinforced.

"I will. Tomorrow at 10:00. See you then." Hank says with a grin.

Hank called AJ. "I'm sprung. Can you give me a ride?" Hank asks.

The sound of joy in AJ's voice was unmistakable. "I'm on it. Be there in twenty minutes. I love you."

"I love you, too." Was Hank's happy reply.


Twenty minutes later, AJ drove Hank back to his house. "I wanted a change of scenery." Was AJ's response to Hank's query of where they were going.

"Thanks AJ. I don't think I'm ready to face the ranch." Hank says.

With practiced ease Hank navigated the porch steps, which he had been practicing in PT for when he came home. Hank settles in his favorite easy chair and puts his feet up.

"Why don't you lay on the couch?" AJ asks as she notes a shudder pass through Hank, "Oh, just relax. Would you like something to drink?"

"A Coke would be nice." Hank says as the doorbell rings.

Mona Lau enters with the drink. She hands it to Hank as she drifts over to the door. "Aloha Mister Vic and Mrs. Charlotte."

"Aloha, Momma Lau." They responded back.

"Hank, Welcome Home." Vic says.

"Thanks Chief." Hank replies as he sips his drink.

"AJ are you ready?" Charlotte asks.

Hank raised his eyebrow in question.

"My OB check." AJ says. "Do you want to come?" AJ asks with some concern.

"You go. I'll watch over Mister Hank. Iron Mike is mowing the yard. You go. I want to visit with my new son-in-law." Mona Lau says with a twinkle in her eyes.

Vic, Charlotte and AJ watch the changing emotions crossing Hank's face.

Going to her husband AJ says with humor, "She can be overwhelming but try and be nice. You'll grow to love her like everyone else." AJ gives Hank a quick kiss. "We'll be back for lunch. She leaves with the picture of Hank's bewildered facial expression.


Mona Lau sits on the edge of the sofa. "You have made my Little Dove very happy. Where are your medications?" She asks gentle.

Hank points at the white bag on the table. "Who are you?" Hank asks bewildered.

With a melodious laugh Mona Lau says, "I was AJ's nanny. She has always been like family. I knew something had happened. Then Kona called and I knew I could help. You give Mona Lau twins to spoil. You make me very happy."

Hank had to smile at her. He hardly ever felt overwhelmed but this good natured Hawaiian lady had in a matter of minutes. Her skin was smooth belying the strands of gray hair that showed through her mane of thick black waist lenght hair. Her brown eyes show her compassion and fun loving spirit. She stood five foot nine and was a little overweight. She wore a bright blue floral muumuu. Her hair was pulled back with a matching headband. An aura of calm and great
energy surrounded her.

"Where are the kids?" Hank asked with concern.

"They are with your parents. Don't worry The Mountain and Bruiser are with them. They are my grandsons. You've met Iron Mike, my youngest. They good boys. No harm will come to you or yours." She says as she goes to the kitchen, "Rest now. I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything."

Hank listened to the sounds of the house. Sounds he hadn't heard in several months. He relaxed and rested in the chair for about forty minutes then he decided to go outside. Quietly he let the footrest fall. He grabs his cane and walks to the porch. After sitting in the porch swing, he listens to the sounds of the neighborhood. I'll be fine. He thought to himself. He heard the lawnmower and suddenly a large man appeared pushing it. Hank's breath grew short and he began to sweat. He's Iron Mike. Mona Lau's son. Slowing his breathing he begin to get his nerves under control. Jesus, Hank, he's pushing the lawn mower not trying to hurt you. Hank thinks in disgust. You survived. They're in jail. Oh God, can I face a trial? Testifying in front of people about the rape? Will they believe me? Will they think I wanted it? That I deserved it? Hank felt an uncontrollable anger and fear overtake him. Slowly walking to the gym, he begins to punch the heavy bag. It swings back and forth faster with each group of punches. He didn't realize that a litany of curse words were flowing from his subconscious and out through his mouth. AJ, Vic and Charlotte watched Hank anxiously as he worked through his anger.

AJ sent Charlotte to call Randy.

"Bastards had no right to rape me. I tried to fight. There were three of them. I can't be afraid of men. I'm a fire fighter. They can't take that away from me. I'm Captain Hank Stanley of LA County Fire Station 51. Bastards. God Damn sick Bastards. He was never caught before. I'll have to testify. Everyone will know that they raped me. Will people believe me? Will my men respect me? Will I be able to respect myself? NO GOOD SOB'S. (punch) came into my home
(complex series of punches) threatened my children and wife (punch jab punch). I wanted to kill them. I. I. God." Hank had exhausted himself and missed the next punch and the bag knocked him down. Hank cried for his lost innocence and for what his family and friends had to endure. Spent he lay back on the floor and heard voices outside. Shit!! Hank thought as he calls out, "I'm okay."

Randy stood in Hank's line of sight. "Do you feel better?" He asked.

The sarcastic remark died on his lips as he stopped to think. In surprise he said, "Yes, I do."

"The wound is draining. You are letting the poison out." Randy said with a gentle smile.

"Let's talk. How about inside where it's more comfortable." Hank says as he reaches out to the councilor to help him up.


After thirty minutes, AJ knocked softly on the door. "Lunch is ready. Do you want to eat here or at the table?" She asks and is surprised by Hank's hearty laugh.

"We'll eat with everyone." Hank says. "Thank you, Randy. I truly feel that I come through this whole."

Lunch conversation was kept light but as they settled into the living room there is a knock on the door.

AJ answers it and stares at the man who stood there.

"Hello Captain Davis-Stanley. I'm EADA Barney De Costa. I need to speak to Captain Stanley." Barney says.

Hank shudders at the memory of the last time Barney and he had met. "Come in Barney." Hank says in a subdued voice.

Glancing around the room his eyes fasten on Hank. "Hank." Barney says without preamble, "Paul Miller plead guilty to all charges."

Hank sighed and relaxed. "I'm glad." Hank says.

"We will need you in court next week though. Larry Miller, Brandon `Snake' Colton, Gregory `Tank' Pearl and Peggy Wayne are being charged and the trial will start Tuesday." Barney pauses as all the color drains from Hank's face. "Hank, your testimony will be brief and limited." Barney says.

"What do you mean limited?" Hank whispers.

"Well, um. You see, Miller filmed the attack and kept it as a trophy." Barney starts as AJ sinks to the floor beside her husband. "We'll show the film and ask you if it was a true representation of what was done to you. It is very graphic and shot from an angle that you wouldn't have know it was being filmed. You will respond yes. They can only ask you about the subject of the tape as a whole. If I don't ask you about the rape, they can't ask you either. I'll then bring Miss Wayne, who has cut a deal where she plead guilty to conspiracy to commit rape in the first degree, and she will validate the tape and what took place. The film is a documented account of the attack with sound. There will be no doubt that what was done to you was against your will and an act of extreme violence." Barney says.

"Wait a God Damn minute, did you say Peggy Wayne, Nurse Peggy Wayne? The one who works at Rampart?" AJ all but spit out the questions.

"Yes. Thats the lady." Barney says in disgust. "She seems to feel that you stole Hank from her. By helping her new boyfriend with this she was saving face and hurting you at the same time. She denies that she suggested this scheme but did take a passive part in taking the film and removing Hank's wedding ring to save his finger. She appears on tape removing Hank's wedding ring and kissing his face. She licked the blood off his chin." Barney shudders as he remembers the scene from the tape. There is no question that you resisted. No one will believe you wanted that to happen. We'll close the courtroom if you want." Barney reassures the group.

"Could we view the film before the trial?" Hank asks.

"I was going to suggest it. We don't want your first response to be surprise and a possible denial." Barney says.

"Close the courtroom and can you seal the records?" Hank asks.

"We can try. When do you want to view the film?" Barney asks.

"AJ when's your next shift?" Hank asks. "I've lost track." Hank says.

"We're on Monday. I will not have you viewing this alone." AJ says angrily.

"Randy, will you be with me?" Hank asks suddenly anxious.

"I'll be there." Randy reassured Hank.

"We'll see you on Monday in conference room three at 10:00." Barney says as he stands to leave.

After closing the door, AJ turns to Hank, "I don't like it."

Hank is saved by the telephone. He answers and listens. "That's great, Pal. How much? How big? Louisa? Wonderful. We'll stop by tomorrow. Congratulations, Marco." Hank smiles as he looks up from hanging up the phone.

"Well, What did Louisa have?" AJ demanded the beginnings of the argument forgotten.

"They had a healthy baby boy, weighing in at eight pounds and seven ounces and twenty-one inches long. He has ten fingers and ten toes and a head full of black curly hair. Louisa had a very difficult labor so they asked us to wait until tomorrow to visit Juan Henry Lopez." Hank beamed.


Chapter 16: Respite

Randy stands to leave, "Hank, I'll pick you up and drive you to the Justice Building." He says.

Hank stands and shakes hands with Randy while saying, "Thanks Pal. See you Monday."

Vic and Charlotte stand together.

"Hank, it's good to have you home. Take care. See you for Sunday dinner." Charlotte says as she kisses Hank's cheek.

Vic shakes hands with Hank and slowly pulls him in for a hug, "Take care, Son."

Hank was startled by Vic's hug but feels warm inside, "Thanks Dad. Have a good afternoon."

Hank smiles at AJ and says, "I'm kind of tired. I'm going to lay down."

"Before you go up, Mike and Tami are coming to dinner." AJ says contritely.

"That's great. I've missed talking to Mike. How's Tami's pregnancy going?" Hank asks.

"Better than mine. I can't believe that she hasn't had any morning sickness." AJ says with envy.

"I thought you were poisoned!" Hank says with a smirk.

"HA, HA, You Hose Jockey. Go on up and rest. I'll be up in a few." AJ says as she heads into the kitchen to make sure the door is locked.

With a shrug, Hank climbs the stairs slowly. He enters the bed room and stops to stare.

AJ starts up the stairs when she hears Hank's uncontrolled laughter. "What?" She demands.

Still laughing Hank points to the bed. A king-size, dark mahogany sleigh bed. The bed was made up in a black and white, cow spotted, fake fur comforter and four king sized pillows in black and white checked cases. It also held four round pillows, two solid white and two solid black. Stretched diagonally across the bed was the biggest cat he had ever seen, it had to weigh fifteen pounds and was the size of a small bobcat. It looked kind of like one too. He was very immodest, laying sprawled on his back with one leg stretched above his head and the other curled over his eyes. Both back legs were spread wide and his full fluffy tail was straight away from his body. Hank stared at all three feet of him from paw to tail tip. "Who have we here?" Hank asks.

"This is Ashford." AJ says. "He was living here. Poor thing was dirty and half starved." AJ says as Hank's eyebrow arches. "He's practically skin and bones. The kids wanted to keep him, so I said yes." AJ says shyly.

"So if it's theirs, why is it here?" hank asks with a twinkle in his eye.

"Well, um. You see. He's been sleeping with me while you were in the hospital." AJ defends.

"Okay. Come on Catzilla, let's get you up. You can sleep in Mikey's room." Hank says as he attempts to pick up the cat in question, who had gone boneless and now weighed fifty pounds. "AJ." Hank says in exasperation.

"Ash, come." AJ says as she picks up a shirt from the hamper and walks across the hall to Mikey's room. She tosses her shirt on the bed.

Ash stood, stretched out to his full three feet then with his puffy tail held high, he strolls into Mikey's room, winds himself around AJ's feet then with a yawn, crawls up onto her shirt. He kneads it before laying down to sleep.

"Poor baby." AJ cooed.

"Poor baby, my butt." Hank scowled as he continues, "He had to walk six foot and it was was so taxing that he went back to sleep."

"You can growl all you want but Ash is a very protective and loving cat. You need to get use to him and he to you." AJ counters with a smirk.

"Is Mona Lai staying here?" Hank asks to change the subject.

"They are renting the Davidson's house across the street." AJ says with a twinkle in her eyes. "How about a massage?"

"Well now, that might not be a bad idea." Hank settles on his side of the bed.

AJ brought a bottle of herbal lotion from the bathroom and warming it in her palm before rubbing her hands together. Slowly and gentle she touches her husband's bare bruised back. She feels a slight shudder pass through Hank, as she rubs his tight muscles. With slowly increasing pressure she begins to knead his muscles into submission.

Hank begins to groan with pleasure as his muscles are forced to relax. He feels AJ's light strokes as she finishes she says softly, "Rest my love. I'll be here if you need anything."

Hank only sighs to her words as he says, "Love You."

AJ smiles as she settles the blanket over them.

Hank jerks awake. Someone was resting at his side. Opening his eyes he sees the top of AJ's head which had settled on his chest with her arm flung over it. He breathed in the calming scent of her which was reminiscent of sun ripened apples. As he slips back to sleep he kisses the top of his beautiful wife's head.

AJ had awoke as Hank's muscles tightened. She pretended to be asleep. Slowly Hank relaxed and kissed her head. She thinks, We'll be fine in time.

The phone startles Hank awake. He opens his eyes to see two stunning green eyes looking at him and a heaviness on his chest. The green eyes didn't belong to AJ. Ash's expression turns to bliss as Hank softly strokes him. Hank listens to AJ's voice as it wafts upstairs. "I'm sure. You can join us for supper. We'll add more dogs to the grill. Hello, Mikey. I love you too. Hank loves you too. You're still staying at Grandma's and Grandpa's. Tell Pip and Lil Cap . We'll see you soon. Bye."

AJ stands at the bedroom door watching Ash worm his way into Hank's heart.

Ash's cold nose touched Hanks then draws back. He yawns so hard that Hank can see down his throat. "Big Boy, you're heavy. Why don't you take your bath on the bed, if you don't mind?" Hank says with a chuckle.

Ash stretches then begins his grooming.

Hank closes his eyes and tries to slip back to sleep, only to feel a warm damp roughness at his hairline.

Ash's tongue pulls back before another lick touches Hank's forehead.

"I tell you what, I'll take a shower while you finish your absolutions." Hank says as he moves into the bathroom.

"Good Boy." AJ says as she hugs Ash. "He needs someone to give him unconditional safe love. Keep him company." AJ goes downstairs to prepares a couple of salads for dinner.

AJ shakes her head as she hears Hank singing in the shower. Who would have thought that Hank sung show tunes in the shower as he sings Oklahoma.

Hank comes downstairs with his cane and Ash following at Hank's heels. He enters the kitchen and watches AJ wraps a bowl of potato salad.

"Did you sleep well?" AJ asks.

"It was the most restful sleep I've had. Um.. AJ. what happened to the bed?" Hank asks while attempting to make it sound nonchalant.

"I gave it to charity. We've wanted a bigger one and the time seemed right. Coffee's on the stove." AJ says as she changes the subject. Turning she bumps into Hank, who takes her in his arm and kisses her deeply.

He lets AJ go as a flush floods her face. Hank pours himself a cup of coffee then settles into the chair. "What's on the agenda?" Hank asks blushingly.

"Well our small supper has grown. All our family is coming. Your parents, Vic and Charlotte, Kelly, Joe and Dixie, The Guy's. I hope you don't mind." AJ says contritely.

"It'll be wonderful." Hank is interrupted by a knock on the front door. Hank yells, "It's opened." Then he hears the doorknob turning but the door doesn't open.

"Just a minute." AJ calls out as she explains to Hank, "I locked the doors before we went upstairs."

As AJ opens the door, Sharon Walters and Randy Fenton enter.

"Thank you for inviting me. Hello Captain Stanley." Sharon says as she blushes.

"Now, you are to call me Hank." Hank says.

"Thanks Hank. How are you feeling?" Sharon asks as she gives him a appraising look.

"I'm fine. Actually I just woke up. Good evening, Randy." Hank says as Ash rubs against his legs.

"Good evening. I was called and told there was a party here." Randy says.

"Out back. Hank can show you the way." AJ says.

Hank leads them out to the back yard, where a banner hung saying `WELCOME HOME HANK AND HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY.' Hank is surprised to see that everyone was already here.

"Hello Cap. Welcome Home. We missed you. Happy belated birthday." Are called from the group.

Hank sits in a reclining lawn chair and Ash quickly settles onto his lap. "Marco, I would have thought you'd be at the hospital." Hank says as he strokes Ash's long silky hair.

"Louisa kicked me out." Marco says with a huge smile. "Here." He says as he hand Hank a `It's a boy' cigar. "And this is Juan Henry Lopez." He says as he hands Hank a picture.

Hank took the picture and gazed at the newest tiny member of his family.

Marco is worried as he watches two tears fall from Hank's eyes.

"Marco, he is beautiful. You and Louisa make sure he knows how special he is." Hank says as he wipes his eyes.

"We will, Cap." Marco says. "Who's this?" Marco asks as Ash licks Hank's face.

"Ashford meet Marco." Hank says as Ash sniffs Marco's hand before licking his fingers.

"What is he?" Marco asks.

Sharon, who had been standing in the background, says, "He's a Grand Coon. A newer breed. They are very expensive."

Hank turns his head to find AJ, who blushes bright red.

"One of the nurses at the hospital had one for sale. She was allergic to him." Sharon continued unaware of what was going on.

Everyone waited in anticipation of what was coming. They shared humorous glances.

"AJ said this guy was found here when she moved back in. I guess you're lost, Ash. We'll have to place an ad in the paper, so the owners will know where to find you." Hank says with a frown as he scratched the cats ears.

"Hank, honey…" AJ starts to say.

"No, AJ. It wouldn't be right to keep someone else's cat. Sorry, pal." Hank says as his frown deepens.

"Oh Damn. Alright, I bought the cat. He really belongs to us." AJ confesses.

"Don't you feel better." Hank smirks.

"You. You knew?" AJ yells.

With a chuckle Hank says, "Of course, You don't lie very well."

"Harrumph." AJ returns to setting up the picnic table.

"Did I say something wrong?" Sharon asks.

"No. They were teasing each other." Randy says as he wraps his arm around Sharon's waist.

Suddenly the yard erupts, as the children arrive.

Mikey runs up to Hank gives him a hug and pets Ash. He crawls into the recliner and lays beside Hank saying, "Love you Daddy."

"I love you, Mikey." Hank says as he shifts over. Looking up into matching brown eyes, he says, "How are my girls?"

"We're fine Daddy. Grandma and Grandpa are happy to have us." Lil Cap says as Pip nods in agreement, as Lil Cap kisses his cheek.

"Momma said that we'd be staying here tomorrow night. She was so worried about you and she wants to have you to herself." Pip says as she hugs and kisses Hank.

"I love you both so much." Hank says shyly.


The evening was warm. Hank gave Johnny tips on grilling as AJ and the girls circulated. Roy caring JR sits down next to Hank.

"Want to play?" Mikey asks JR.

"Sure." JR says as he follows Mikey over to the sandbox.

"You're a lucky man, Roy." Hank says as his eyes follow Mikey.

"Hank, what's wrong?" Roy asks quietly.

"Nothing. It's just. I love Mikey with all my heart." Hank pauses to collect his thoughts.

"But?" Roy prompts.

"You, Marco, Chet and Johnny, all have sons. I guess, with AJ being pregnant, I'm hoping for a son." Hank sighs. "Don't get me wrong. I love the twins and would never trade them for anything and Mikey is mine in all but blood but I still feel an emptiness."

It's okay. I understand. Cap, it'll be alright. Remember you have a fifty/fifty chance." Roy says with a twinkle in his eye.

"I was hoping for slightly better odds, like seventy-five/twenty-five in my favor." Hank says with a smile.

"What are you betting on?" AJ asks as she kneel beside Hank.

"What sex the babies will be." Hank answers truthfully.

"Let's see. Pip, Lil Cap and me against you and Mikey. Even money says you want boys." AJ huffs.

"We need to even out the sexes." Hank smirks.

"Now, you know, that even with boys, we'll always be right and win." AJ teases

Hank rubs AJ's tummy, "Don't listen, it'll be four against three and the majority rules." Hank says with a grin.

Shaking her head AJ shouts, "Chows on." "Burger or hot dog?" AJ asks.

"Burger with all the trimmings. But first." Hank pulls AJ into a kiss that left both of them breathless. "Hurry up woman, I'm starving." Hank says with a smile.

Hank was truly a happy and lucky man. There were moments of anxiety but they didn't last long and were easily pushed away. He visited with his men, AJ's men and all the families all the while gently stroking Ash, who had only left Hank's lap to eat and potty. With a full stomach and feeling safe and loved he fell asleep.

"Hank, honey, it's time to go in. Everyone is ready to go." AJ tells him.

"Sorry everyone. I guess I'm not 100%, yet. Thanks for the party. I, um." Hank says getting choked up.

"Good night. Drive carefully everyone." AJ orders.

Taking a minute to shake hands and give a kiss or a hug. Hank sinks back into the chair saying, "Whew."

"Come, my love. It's time to go to bed. Oh Hank, you can come to." AJ chuckles at the face Hank makes.

"Ash, my boy. You'll be sleeping in Mikey's room." Hank orders as he chucks Ash under the chin.

AJ stops long enough to lock the doors then follows Hank upstairs.


Chapter 17: Just Hold Me

Hank changed into a new set of pajamas. He shook out the stiff bottoms and pulled them on. He had began to feel his anxiety build as he listened to the shower turn off. It's only AJ. He keeps telling himself. She won't hurt me. She's so beautiful and sexy but I can't seem to get the ladder up. What happens if she wants sex?? Hank shudders and feels his stomach turn over.

The door opens and AJ comes out wearing a pair of green cotton shorts and a matching oversized t-shirt. Her hair is fixed in a ponytail with a matching green silk ribbon.

Hank says with a chuckle, "You look so cute."

AJ's eyes twinkle as she says, "All I'm interested in is being held by my handsome husband and getting a good nights sleep. I double locked the doors. Come on Big Guy, it's bedtime."

"I don't think so. Ash come." Hank says as he adds his shirt on the bed in Mikey's bed. "See ya in the morning Ash." Hank says as he re-enters the bedroom.

"Spoil Sport." AJ says with a hug.

"Good night." Hank says as he settles beside AJ and spoons against her.


The sun awakens Hank, who is amazed at the angel in his arms. The sun adding copper tones to her rich burgundy hair. Her thick eyelashes rest softly against her cheeks. Her face glows in the early morning light. Her eyelashes flutter as she dreams. God, she is beautiful. Hank thinks as he gentle untangles their legs and walks to the bathroom. After completing his business, he returns to the bedroom and sees that Ash had snuck in during the night and was sleeping behind AJ.

Ash purred softly as he opens one sleepy eye. He yawned and stretched before crawling over AJ to lay between them.

Hank settles back and feels extremely relaxed.

AJ's breathing changes as she balls her fists and stretches. Squinting she sees that Hank is awake. "Good Morning." She says as she rolls over to snuggle and gets a face full of fur. "Ash, what are you doing here?" She asks.

"Honey, you have been sleeping with him for weeks. He still want too. I don't blame him." Hank says before ordering, "Ash down."

Ash slowly climbs from the bed with his fluffy tail held high.

Hank pulls AJ to him with her head firmly under his chin.

AJ softly strokes Hank's chest after giving his exposed neck a kiss. AJ lets her mind wander until she fells Hank grow rigid. Surprised she sees that her traitorous hand had been stroking his right nipple. Pulling back her heart hurt because of the look of fear and anxiety on Hank's face.

Hank tries to relax but all he could do was lay frozen as his mind chases itself. God, she wants to make love. I can't. I don't want to. Will she leave me if I refuse? Around and around this thoughts chase each other.

"Hank, look at me." AJ says contritely.

Hank slowly meets her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything. I wasn't thinking. Forgive me. I love you. If we never make love again, I can live with it as long as you're at my side." AJ reinforces.

Hank breathes out. "It's not your fault. I just don't feel that way. I wouldn't blame you if you left me." Hank puts his fears into words as a single tear slides down his cheek.

"Henry Martin Stanley, I mean what I say. I love you and need you by my side." AJ says fiercely.

"I could take care of your, em… needs." Hank offers.

"Baby, I can wait until you're ready. I'll fix breakfast." AJ says with a loving smile.


After AJ leaves, Hank stood before the vanity mirror. "Why can't I feel anything but anger, fear and disgust." Hank whispers as he opens his pajama top and lets it fall to the floor. The bruises had started to fade but Hank could still see the bite mark that Snake had placed over his clavicle. They had no right. God Damn It. Without thinking Hank grabbed the first object that came to hand and threw it at the wall. He listens to the satisfying crack then he realizes it was a bottle of AJ's perfume. He caught Ash and tosses him out the door and slams it.

AJ races up the stairs only to find the door locked and Ash growling. "Hank are you alright?" She as in concern.

"I'm … I'm fine. I broke one of your perfume bottles. I tossed Ash out while I pick up the glass. I'll… I'll be down shortly." Hank says with a sigh.

"I love you." AJ calls through the door.

"I love you, too. Be down in five or ten minutes." Hank says as he watches Ash swipe under the door.

With a sigh AJ returns to the kitchen.


Once the glass was picked up and the perfume that had splattered the wall was wiped up, Hank threw open the windows to air out the bedroom. He caught movement out of the corner of his eye.

A gray and black striped arm swiped under the door.

Hank grabs the belt from his robe and he began to tease the paw.

Ash's eyes widen and he growls deep within his chest.

Hank chuckles as he watched the cat trying to fish the belt from under the door.

Ash pulled the end of the belt with his claws. He gets enough on his side that he bites it and begins to pull.

Hank pulls gently as he hears a deeper growl.

They play back and forth. Quickly forgetting the time as they play.


AJ worriedly climbs the stairs until she notices Ash backing up with the belt from Hank's robe in his mouth.

Suddenly the belt begins to drag Ash forward. Smiling as she hears Hank laughing. AJ shakes her head and returns to the kitchen.

Once the pancakes and bacon are ready, she calls, "Hank breakfast is ready. Ash kibbles."

Ash thuds down the stairs as he drags the belt behind him.

Moments later Hank appears. "We lost track of time. Sorry." Hank says.

"Eat. I'll get the paper." AJ says as she unlocks and opens the door. Looking out side she sees Mona Lau sitting on the porch. "Aloha." AJ yells. She leaves the door open and returns to the kitchen, where she and Hank finish breakfast. They spend the next hour reading the paper. "Hank, you have an appointment with Randy this morning." AJ reminds him.

With a scowl, Hank heads upstairs to shower. Hank drug his feet as he dresses. He pulls on a pair of worn jeans, a t-shirt, shirt, sweater and a coat.

AJ notes the multi layered clothes and sighs at Hank's need to metaphorically dawn armor for protection. "Hank, it's 90 degrees. You might be a little overdressed." She points out.

"Okay." Hank shrugs as he rids himself of the coat and unbuttons his favorite blue sweater.


As they get ready to leave, AJ asks, "Do you want to drive?"

Hank looks like a kid in a candy store.

The drive to Rampart was uneventful.

"UM.. Hank, I have a meeting with Randy today too." AJ gentle says as Hank pulls into the visitors parking lot.

Hank's knuckles whiten for a moment then he relaxes. "What time?" Hank asks wearily.

"9:30." AJ says.

"I see. Is it about me?" Hank asks as he feels anxiety begin.

"No. Yes. Not really. It's about me." AJ says.

"You still love me. Don't you?" Hank asks.

"I will love you until the day I die." AJ affirms.

"I was hoping for longer." Hank says with a smirk as his fears settle.

"From now through the end of time." AJ hesitates. "Hank, I'm thinking of a temporary transfer to Headquarters until the babies are born." AJ informs Hank as he parks.

"God, AJ. I know you would but you're just starting fourth month. Every things okay right?" Hank asks in fear.

"Hank, I'm fine. The babies are fine. I received a mandate from Headquarters that I could take the time off without pay on an administrative leave, or accept a temporary transfer to dispatch, administration or the fire academy." AJ says. "They feel that working a station is too dangerous in my present condition."

"Well, I can't say that I haven't been a little worried but you know I support any decision you make." Hank says kissing AJ deeply.


Chapter 18: Confused

As they entered Rampart. Hank reminds AJ that they have a second appointment to see the newest member to their extended family. They entered Randy's office and were surprised by the cheerful muted colors of his office. They stopped at the receptionist desk and introduced themselves and checked in. They chose to sit on the sofa where they could sit side by side.

Hank caught AJ's hand and looked deep in her eyes and says, "I love you and I always will." Then he kisses her deeply, which leaves AJ flushed and dazed.

At that moment the receptionist calls, "AJ Davis-Stanley."

Hank settles back to await his appointment. He picks up a Popular Mechanic and is soon lost in an article about hydraulic pumps.


AJ shakes Randy's hand. "Hi." She says.

"How was everything after we left?" Randy asks.

"Fine for the most part but I'm confused. One minute I think Hank's coming on to me and the next he withdraws or worse yet, hell go rigid." AJ sighs in frustrated. "He'll give me a passionate kiss then pull back. This morning," AJ stops to gather her thoughts and blushes, "I let my mind wander and unconsciously stroked his chest, un..., nipple. He had such a look of fear on his face as he lay next to me rigid. I know he's confused but so am I. Then there's the letter from the County. How dare they say I am unfit for duty in a Station, just because I'm pregnant. Damn it, I know that and am able, with my Doctor advice, to make the decision to go on a leave of absence or accept a transfer without them ordering it." AJ had began to pace then suddenly she throws herself back into the chair across for Randy before continuing, "God, I sound pathetic."

"Let's deal with the Department first. How many female Fire Fighters does LA County have?" Randy asks.

"UM.. Well, one actually." AJ says as she blushes again.

"So they haven't had any experience with pregnant Fire Fighters before? Is that safe to say?" Randy asks.

"Yes, that is safe to say." AJ says with a smile.

"What was the decision of the Department in Hawaii when you informed them of your pregnancy?" Randy asks.

"They suggested that I take a transfer. I sat the Chief's exam. But it was my decision. LA has dictated the terms of the transfer." AJ sighs in frustration.

"Which are you more frustrated with that they took your opinions away or that you weren't asked before they did it?"

"Damn you're a shroud man. I'm more frustrated because they didn't come to me and talk to me." AJ sighs again.

"Tell them when you go in and take the transfer." Randy smiles.

"I have an appointment with the Big Chief, today." AJ says with a smirk.

"It's Sunday." Randy says a little startled.

"Randy, we work 24/7. Headquarters is never closed, although they did have to call Chief Howitz in, for my meeting." AJ says with some satisfaction.

"On your terms? Good for you. I agree that they handled the situation wrong and should have talked to you about your plans. By the way what are your plans?" Randy asks.

"Next week, I'd have gone in a requested a temporary transfer. Now, I can get it on my terms." AJ says with a shrug. "I don't like being forced to do things."

Laughing, Randy then asks the harder question. "What about Hank?" He asks.

"I know he's not ready to resume marital relations." AJ says primly. "He'll give me a passionate kiss then pull back. I… This morning, I let my mind wander and unconsciously started caressing his nipple. I, um, well, like to run my fingers through his chest hair. I know he is confused but so am I." AJ says with a scowl.

"Have you asked Hank about the kisses?" Randy asks.

"No, I don't want him to withdraw completely." AJ says then continues, "I think, he feels safe kissing but it's leaving me frustrated. I've told him that I could live without sex as long as he is by my side. I think they told him I would leave him."

"You need to talk to Hank. He can't read your mind." Randy rises and rings the receptionist. "Ruth send in Hank Stanley."


There is a hesitant light tap on the door. Hank quietly and with his eyes downcast enters. His gait is short and his shoulders are hunched over. Fear and anxiety roll off him in waves.

"Hank, sit down." Randy instructs.

"I want you too know that I love you more than life itself…" AJ is interrupted by Hank.

"But your leaving me." Hank whispers as he sinks down dejectedly in his chair.

"No Henry, Never. Hank look at me." AJ says in her command voice.

Reluctantly he meets her eyes. Her love for him is shining in her emerald eyes. "Hank, I'm confused. I need to ask why you turn each kiss passionate if you are unable to respond?" AJ asks in frustration.

Hank sits stunned surprise. He quickly reviews the last twenty four hours. "I guess, I want to show you my love. Since I can't. you know!" Hank blushes.

"Do you think I want sex for sex sake." AJ asks angrily then taking a deep breath, she says, "Before I met you I became quiet capable of relieving tension by myself." AJ continues as Hank's blush deepens and she notes a slight stirring in Hank's crotch, "I want us to make love not just have sex but only when you're ready. It's okay to stoke the flames but don't build an inferno and offer to take care of my `you know'." AJ says with a frown.

Hank feels less anxious almost relieved as he says, "Okay. How about gentle kisses and some petting but we'll both talk about any changes when I feel like going further." Hank sighs.

"AJ, why don't you go get a cup of coffee?" Randy suggests.

"I love you. I'll wait days, weeks, months or years until you are ready. I love you with all my heart and soul, Henry Martin Stanley." AJ affirms.


After AJ leaves Hank sighs, "I don't want to loose her." Hank gives voice to his biggest fear.

"Why would you?" Randy asks.

"I'm not good enough for her. I'm damaged, dirty. She deserves a real man." Hank responds in despair.

"Define a real man?" Randy demands.

"Someone who is respected. Who's a good provider. Someone who is a good father. Someone who doesn't cringe at her touch. Someone who can love her." Hank recites heartbroken.

"Okay, Let's see. Hank Stanley is a Captain of the Los Angles Fire Department. Hank Stanley is respected by his peers. Hank Stanley is respected by his men and his commanders. Hank Stanley earns a good wage. Hank Stanley provides a roof over his family's head. Hank Stanley's children love and respect him. Hank Stanley has a very loving and devoted wife. Hank Stanley has been through a terrible ordeal and needs time to feel comfortable with someone else's touch. Hank it's only been a little over three weeks and you were just released from the hospital yesterday. Hank give it time. As for being able to love her, do you love her?" Randy asks.

"I can't imagine living without her." Hank responds desperately.

"Does AJ lie?" Randy asks.

"Of course not." Hank says as anger begins to build.

"Is AJ a whore." Randy continues to press.

"FUCK YOU. This meeting is over." Hank screams.

"Leave now, I'll call Joe Early and have him readmit you." Randy threatens.

"AJ is no whore, you bastard." Hank snarls.

"I'm just restating your statements. You can't satisfy AJ. Maybe you're afraid she'll leave you?" Randy says calmly.

"Maybe." Hank says defeated.

"So she stays with you because you satisfied her?" Randy repeats.

Hank nods.

"She exchanges love for sex?" Randy asks.

"NO. We love each other." Hank growls.

"You made love on the first date?" Randy asks.

"Christ no. We waited for two months before we made love." Hank says.

"So AJ loves you for other reasons. Sex wasn't the only reason she married you." Randy points out.

Hank sat stunned. "I.. No, it wasn't just sex. They said she'd hate me. Be disgusted by me. She'd leave me." Hank whispers.

"Henry." Randy says as Hank looks up to meet his eyes, "They lied. When AJ says she'll wait, she means it." Randy says. "You need to rediscover your own body. Touch your self. If nothing happens at first, don't worry it's natural. When you're comfortable with your touch then start helping AJ with her bath. Nothing sexual. Just get use to touching her naked body. Don't push yourself. Remember tomorrow will be difficult and probable traumatic." Randy says. "One more thing. I want you to keep a journal. I want you to write down all your thoughts and bring it in Friday. You'll get through this. I'll pick you up tomorrow. You will get through this." Randy says with a gentle smile.

"I've been an ass haven't I?" Hank asks.

"Maybe, I don't know. I do know you're her husband and she loves you and will forgive you anything." Randy says with a blush and a smile. He rings the receptionist and asks, "Ruby, is AJ Davis-Stanley in the waiting room?" He listens for a moment then says, "Okay, thanks." As he hangs up, he says, "AJ is waiting for you.

Hank relaxes. "See you tomorrow. Thanks and I'm sorry for calling you names." Hank says as he leaves.

AJ and Hank stop at the gift shop before going up stairs to see Juan Henry. They stop at the nursery. They hug as they look at the most beautiful baby they have seen. Juan was dressed in a white t-shirt with a blue cap and wrapped in a blue blanket. His little face scrunches up before he opens his deep dark colored eyes. He begins to wiggle then yawned and fell back to a peaceful slumber.

AJ says, "He must be related to Ash."

Hank burst out laughing. He nearly falls down in mirth. "I do see a resemblance." Hank chuckles as he says, "AJ, I'm sorry for my behavior. I love you and need you."

"I love you, too. Come on Chuckles." AJ says as she leads Hank to Louisa's room.

Marco and Louisa are cuddling as they hear a knock on the door. "Come in." Louisa shouts.

AJ hands Louisa a package and Hank hands Marco a package.

Marco opens the first gift and it is a blue sheet and blanket set. "Thanks Caps." Marco says.

Louisa opens the other gift and inside is a sterling silver picture frame with a picture of Louisa and Marco and a heart shaped inset for Juan Henry's picture. "It's beautiful but you shouldn't have." Louisa says with tears in her eyes. "Thank you both."

"We can't stay. We'll stop again." Hank says as they leave.


Chapter 19: Change

AJ drives to headquarters for her meeting with Chief Holtz. Upon arriving AJ is escorted to see the Big Chief.

Chief Holtz assures AJ that once her maternity leave is over she will be returned to A-Shift at Station 72.

While AJ is taking care of her business, Hank sits in a chair facing a wall of Fire Fighters pictures. They represent each member of each station and each shift. On the opposite wall are the pictures of LA County Fire Fighter's who were killed in the line of duty. Looking up Hank sees Deputy Chief Bob Daniels. He takes a deep breath, not sure what to expect from his old friend.

Deputy Chief Daniels motions for Hank to remain seated. "Hello, Hank. How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. AJ is putting in for a temporary transfer." Hank says as he feels anxiety beginning to grow. Why? Hank asks himself as he sits across from the Chief.

Chief Daniels smiles, "Congratulations, you lucky dog. AJ's pregnancy certainly cause us a few moments of anxiety. The transfer is for her protection as well as your babies." Bob continues without noticing Hank's discomfort, "Why don't you and AJ come to dinner. Donna was saying how she wants to meet AJ. You know how Department wives are. You know, I think your ready to sit the chiefs exam. It's time."

As the Chief had been talking, Hank was attempting to get his breathing under control. "Thanks, Chief. I'll think about it." Hank says as he tries to determine why he felt so anxious. Chief Daniels has blondish gray hair, in his mid 50's and had a trimmed goatee. Shit. Hank chastises himself, he was my first captain, for God sakes. He's not Miller and doesn't really look like him.

"When are you coming back?" The Chief asks.

"It depends on my leg, if it heals right or not. Probably six weeks if all goes well." Hank says.

"Don't worry about money. We have been inundated with request from fellow Fire Fighters to donate vacation hours for you to use." Bob
says kindly.

Hank was stunned. "They want to give me time. I. I don't know what to say. I am out with a work related injury.

"God Hank, I thought you had gotten the letter." Bob says as he cringes.

"What letter?" Hank asks bewildered.

"The insurance company in their infinite wisdom has determined that they won't pay your wages. Bastards say that since you re-broke your leg during the attack, it isn't work related." Bob angrily says to his old friend.

"You're kidding right?" Hank asks with a sinking feeling.

"I'm sorry, Hank. We decided then that anyone who wishes to donate vacation hours to you can. Hank, you have lots of friends in the Department. We have received close to 1200 hours in just two days." Bob says with a rueful smile.

"I don't need that many hours. They really want me to help us even after what happened." Hank says in embarrassment as he tries to make sense of what was happening.

"We went before a closed secession of the County Board and requested a special circumstance award to make the donations legal. Once the Board okayed the situation, we started to document the hours and are taking the little of the time from each person. They demanded that your banks be replenished. No one holds you responsible for what happened." Bob says but stops when Chief Holtz accompanied AJ to join them.

"AJ, they have donated 1200 hours of vacation time to be used while I'm off." Hank forestalls her questions as he continues, "Since the attack the insurance company say I can't draw workman's comp. When I come back you'll have to give the excess back." Hank says.

AJ and the two Chief's smile at the fact that Hank had said when and not if.

"Hank, The Department take care of their own. You're a damn fine Captain and will make a great Chief someday." The Big Chief says as he shakes Hank's hand. "Get well and hurry back." With those parting words he returns to his office.

"I start twelve hour shifts Monday." AJ says as she hugs Hank.

"Baby, Bob wants us to come to dinner." Hank says absentmindedly.

"Sure, how about some time next week?" AJ asks.

"Great. Donna will give you a call." Bob says as he stands to leave. "See you soon."

"Sure." AJ and Hank both say together without breaking their hug.

"What will you be doing?" Hank asks.

"Um. Filling in. I accepted a temporary promoting to Chief as a fill in for Chief McConnike, who is having surgery and will be out for several months. I'll have a driver/assistant." AJ says as she rolls her eyes.

Hank chuckles as he leads the way to the car.

"Are you hungry?" Hank asks as they pull away from Headquarters.

"Yes, I'm famished." AJ says.

Hank pulled into the Pig N' Whistle, which was an Art Deco Style restaurant, serving California Cuisine.

After a delicious meal served on the terrace, AJ says, "It's been a lovely afternoon but we need to go home and change. We're due at six for dinner at Vic's."


Hank pulls into the drive. He opens the door for AJ.

Ash looks up indifferently from his place on the back of Hank's recliner.

"Thanks for holding down the fort, Ash. We're going to take a nap." Hank yawns.

Unfurling himself from the back of the recliner, Ash rushes upstairs.

Hank locks the door and follows AJ upstairs.

Ash sat in the doorway with the robe belt in his mouth.

"Not now Ash. It's nap time." Hank says with a gleam of affection in his eyes.

Ash jumps up on the foot of the bed and lay down.

Hank takes his jeans and sweater off and snuggle up to AJ. He smiles at the sigh AJ gave then fell asleep.


AJ and Hank were awakened by the deep growl being emitted from deep in Ash's chest. It continues to get louder and more frightening. Ash stands at the foot of the bed looking into the hallway.

"Hank." AJ starts but is hushed by Hank.

Hank stood pale and shaking as he grabs his cane to use as a weapon.

Ash leads Hank into the hallway and then AJ hears a yell and someone yelling, "What the Hell?"

"Dad, what are you doing here?" Hank asks as he sinks to the stair step.

"Damn Hank. When you didn't answer the doorbell, I got worried. Son of A Bitch that cane hurt." Martin says as he rubs his arm.

"I'm sorry Dad. I saw you but didn't recognize you." Hank says contritely.

"We didn't hear the doorbell." AJ says in confusion.


Anna and the kids stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"Grandpa are you alright?" Mikey asks with eyes as big as saucers.

"Lil Cap, please go out and ring the doorbell." AJ requests.

Lil Cap pushes the doorbell and nothing happened. It's not working, Momma." Lil Cap says.

"Daddy that was so cool." Pip says.

"Pip, your Grandpa could have been hurt." Anna says worriedly.

"Grandpa said a bad word Momma." Mikey says

"You're not to use that word ever." AJ says as she whispers to Hank, "Why don't you go put your pants on." .

"Jeeze." Hank says as he runs back into the bedroom.


Ash sat at the top of the stairs cleaning his paw pads with his claws extended.

"Ash woke us up and was growling and stretching low. His fur was standing up." AJ shudders and continues, "We knew someone was coming up the stairs. Why didn't you call out?"

"We were worried when you didn't answer the door. I used my key to get in." Martin explains.

"It's too soon. I told Marty not to call out. We heard a noise up stairs. I. I was afraid it might have happened again." Anna says with tears running down her flushed cheeks.


Hank stood at the top of the stairs, "Mom, let's go into my office and talk." Hank descends and wraps an arm around his mother's shoulders steering her into his sanctuary. "Mom, what happened was done by three sick men. We locked our doors. We have an attack cat, who proved himself today. I won't be caught unaware, again." Hank pauses to collect his thoughts. Then continues, "Mom, I wish I could assure you that I won't get hurt again. But I will be careful and
more aware of the situation and my surroundings."

"I'm sorry. You're my only child. I accept the dangers of your job but it's a Mother's right to worry. I'll try not to freak out. I'll back off." Anna says.

"I love you. I need you. I'll try to remember to cut you some slack. UM. Maybe we could spend sometime together. I. I have to go to the courthouse and view the film tomorrow." Hank says. "Um. I was wondering…" Anna interrupts him.

"Why don't you have Randy drop you off at the house so we can talk. I've been feeling lonely. We could have the kids take the bus and then you could stay until AJ gets off." Anna orders gentle.

"Okay. Okay. I know when I've been maneuvered." Hank says as he hugs his mom.

AJ had placed an ice pack on Martin's arm and had it in a sling. "It'll be sore for a few days. I don't think its broke just bruised. If it begins to hurt more or your fingers go numb, we'll take you by Rampart.

I called Charlotte and told her that we'd be a little late because you'd dropped by. She says to bring you with us." AJ says with a twinkle in her eye.


Chapter 20: Family Time

"Let's mount up and roll." Hank orders as he herds everyone out the door. He stops and turns to Ash and says, "You'll get some salmon when we get back. Good Boy! Hold down the fort." Hank shakes his head and chuckles as he goes to the passenger side of the car.

The drive was uneventful and they soon pull into the Soreign's driveway.

Charlotte had prepared a wonderful meal. Ash was the topic at the table. Martin had to bare the brunt of the jokes as each person embellished the story, in the many retellings.

AJ checks her watch and says, "It's getting late. I'd hate to start my first day as a temporary Chief being late."

Vic and Charlotte stare at AJ, "Did you take the promotion to Chief, again?" Charlotte asks.

"No, Chief McConikee is on a medical leave of absence for two months with the possibility of it extending to three and a half months. I'll be filling in for him. The Department has assigned me a driver/assistant, so I won't get over taxed. It seems that being a pregnant Fire Fighter is quiet a human interest story. I'll respond to fires and direct the services but am forbidden to go inside. I will be allowed to investigate a fire, if necessary." AJ says with a shrug.

"You said temporary, right?" Anna asks.

"Oh, yeah. A temporary assignment to a higher class with a written guarantee that I'll get 72's A-Shift back after my maternity leave, as a Captain." AJ says.

"Hank, are you thinking of sitting the Chief's exam?" Charlotte asks.

"Now's not the time. I'm happy AJ's going to be in a safer position but I need my station. I need familiarity. I'm not ready. AJ feels the same way. Maybe they will eventually make 51's and 72's into Battalions, some day. Then we can have the best of both worlds. Mike is passing on taking the Captain's exam. Chet is retaking the Engineer's exam. Marco is content where he is. Roy has refused another promotion offer. It may be selfish but I'm glad that the best paramedic team in LA isn't breaking up. I know Johnny feels the same way. We'll think about promotions again next year." Hank says with a huge smile.

"We're going to be Ole Gray Haired Captains." AJ says with a contented smile.

"Poppa, does Momma ranking you, upset you?" Mikey asks uncertainly.

"Nope. She was a Chief before I met her and it's necessary to protect your little brothers." Hank says with a smile.

"Brothers, alright. I'll take good care of them." Mikey says earnestly.

Pip frowns, "Sisters." She says with feeling.

Lil Cap prophesizes, "Momma is having a boy and a girl."

Anna and Martin say together, "Twin boys!"

Charlotte smiles and says, "AJ is caring the babies low. Twin Boys."

Vic snickers, "I'm with Lil Cap."

Everyone looks to AJ, who says, "Twin's who are healthy. This is all I'll ask but this pregnancy is different from Mikeys."

"Time for us to go. Momma needs her rest." Hank says with a twinkle in his eye as he say, "Boys."


The drive home was quiet as each thought about what the new babies would be and what fun they would have with them.

Hank opens the door and let's the other proceeded him. He then sets about getting Ash's treat.

AJ gets the kids ready for bed. After she helps Mikey wash up and tucked in, she tucks in Lil Cap and Pip.

"Momma, Daddy hasn't kissed you tonight." Pip says with concern and continues, "Why not?"

"Yeah, you hold hands, hug and he kisses your forehead. Is something wrong?" Lil Cap asks.

"Your Dad and I are very much in love. We decided to cuddle, hold hands and…" AJ is interrupted by Hank.

"Everything is fine and it's between AJ and me." Hank reinforces with a frown.

"Sorry, Daddy." Lil Cap says with tears in her eyes.

"Girls, I'm sorry. Judy, honey don't cry. Everything is fine. We decided to take things slow. Do you understand?" Hank asks.

"Yeah no mushy displays." Pip says as she chuckles.

Hank blushes as he hugs AJ and kisses her forehead. "Good night, don't let the bed bugs bite." Hank and AJ say together.


Hank heads into the bathroom where he strips quickly and adjust the shower temperature. He runs his hands down his lightly furred chest. He softly caresses his chest and sighs when nothing happens. Damn it. He thinks as he climbs into the shower. As he soaps his arms and chest, his mind begins to wander. He remembers his counseling secession. AJ's voice fills his mind… I became quiet capable of relieving tension by myself… as he continues to wash his mind forms a picture of AJ naked pleasing herself. "Oh, yeah." Hank begins to harden but fails to obtain an erection. Frustrated he groans when he hears a knock on the door. "Hank are you alright?" AJ asks.

"Yes. I'm… I'm about done." Hank sighs. He wraps himself in a fluffy bath sheet. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so long." Hank says.

"It's okay. I'll take a quick shower and then we'll go to bed." AJ hugs Hank hard then goes into the bathroom.

Hank puts his pajamas on and takes his belt from the end of the bed where Ash had left it and drags it slowly across the floor. He chuckles as Ash stretches close to the floor and prepares to pounce. Soon the boys were lost in a game of tug of war.

AJ stands in the doorway and feels her heart lighten. Seeing Hank smiling and playing with Ash gave her great hope that all would be fine.

Hank whips the tie towards the back of the room and catches sight of AJ watching them with such a loving look that he hesitates for a moment and Ash pulls the tie from him and struts from the room dragging it behind him. "Hey, I'm going to need that." Hank says to Ash's swishing tail.

"Looks like you're going to need a new one." AJ smirks as Ash returns without the tie.

Ash jumps up on the foot of the bed on Hank's sides.

His loud purr resonates in the quiet as he begins his nightly grooming.

Hank and AJ hug and kiss sweetly before crawling into bed.


Chapter 21: New Beginnings

The alarm went off. The shrill buzz resonating through the quiet. Hank jerks abruptly awake. His heart is beating double time.

AJ woke more slowly. She rolls over and taps the off button as she turns back to Hank and snuggles. "Good Morning, my love." She says as she stretches.

"Why don't you get ready and I'll get the kids up and ready for school. I'll fix breakfast." Hank says.

"Nothing fancy." AJ orders.

"Eggs and toast." Hank says with a smile.

"Okay. Let Mikey sleep. Charlotte will pick him up at nine." AJ says as she heads into the bathroom.


Fifteen minutes later, AJ came down in her uniform. "The dry cleaners shrank my pants." AJ says sulking.

The twins chuckle softly but Hank looks AJ over.

"Honey, you're four months pregnant." Hank points out.

"I'm fat. Is that what you mean?" AJ demands.

Pip and Lil Cap glance back and forth between their parents.

Lil Cap whispers, "He's in trouble."

Pip nods as she starts eating her toast. Ready to watch the show.

Hank realizes his mistake and begins to backpedal. "Of course, you're not fat. You're beautiful. You positively glow. You're starting to show and it's expected that you'll gain a little weight. The babies need room. Remember boys are carried lower so you"ll need pregnant pants sooner, as this is your second pregnancy. You're the sexist, most beautiful woman in the world."

AJ burst out laughing, "Thanks Stud." AJ says as she reaches for a coffee cup.

The girls blush as they give Dad a thumbs up behind AJ's back.

He smiles and pretends to wipe sweat from his brow and fling it away.

AJ turns just in time to see Hanks hand turn from a fling to a pat of his hair. She gives Hank and The Girls a stern look before she sits down to eat.


Two cups of coffee later there is a knock on the door.

Hank hesitates only a moment before opening the door. A man in a Fire Department uniform stands there. "Can I help you?" Hank asks.

"I'm here to pick up Chief Davis-Stanley. I'm Captain Parker, her assistant. He says.

"Come right in." Hank smirks. "Honey, your driver is here." Hank says rolling his eyes.

AJ hid her chuckle behind her napkin turning it into a cough. "I expected to meet you at Headquarters. I need to drop The Girls off at school."

"That's fine, Maam. Well drop them off before we tour the stations under your command." Captain Parker says slowly.

"Cap, whats your first name?" AJ asks.

"It's Fenton, Ma'am." Captain Parker says.

"Please don't call me Ma'am. I prefer AJ." AJ says.

Captain Parker frowns at this.

AJ amends her previous statement, "Or you can call me Chief."

"Understood, Chief." Captain Parker reluctantly agrees. "I would prefer that you not call me Cap." He primly says.

With her back to Captain Parker, AJ rolls her eyes and with a sigh says, "Fine, Captain. Girl are you ready to go?"

The Girls give Hank a hug and a kiss.

"Remember, you're to take the bus to Grandmas house after school." Hank reminds them.

"10-4." Lil Cap replies.

"Right, Daddy." Pip says.

AJ hugs Hank and give him a quick kiss. "Call me, if you need me. I still don't like this." She says.

"Just remember to pick us up after your shift." Hank says with a smile.


Ash sniffs Captain Parkers shoes and growls low and looks at him then turns away in disdain.

"Chief, we really should go." Parker says pointedly.

AJ, Pip and Lil Cap call out their good byes as they walk to the Department Station Wagon.


Chapter Twenty Two: Validation

Hank locked the backdoor and heads into his study to write in his `Journal'. He begins to document his anger and frustration.

Ash sits on the back of his chair looking over Hank's shoulder.

"Momma? Daddy, you there?" A sleepy voice calls out.

"I'm in the study." Hank calls out as he closes the journal and places it in a drawer.

"Daddy, how are you?" Mikey asks as Hank wipes the tears away that he hadn't realized had fallen.

"I'm fine. Are you hungry?" Hank asks as Mikey rubs his eyes.

"Yes, but Nanna's coming at nine o'clock and I need to dress." Mikey rambles.

"How about I set out some clothes then while you dress, I'll fix some toast and eggs." Hank suggests.

"Okay. Love you." Mikey says as he crawls up into Hank's lap. "Do you want me to come with you to see the scary movie?" Mikey asks in concern.

"No, Son. I'll have Randy there. You need to keep Nanna company. She gets lonely. How about I stop by and pick you up after my appointment downtown?" Hank suggests.

"Momma asked Nanna to keep me until three o'clock so you could spend time alone with Grandma." Mikey sighs. "I'll be fine with Nanna but I come over at three."

Hank smiles and hugs Mikey, "Yep, your Momma has everything planned out. I love you. Now let's get you dressed." Hank says as he carries Mikey up stairs.

Ash follows behind guarding Hank's back.


Hank choose a matching short set of blue. He leaves Mikey to dress as he goes to make breakfast. He quickly pours some orange juice and scrambles some eggs then he trims the crust off the toast. He spreads peanut butter on the toast and adds a face of raisins with a big smile.

Mikey climbs up to sit in his chair. "You membered." He says as Hank hands Mikey a glass of milk. "Daddy will you read me the paper?" Mikey asks as he devours his eggs. Mikey giggles at the funny voices Hank makes as he changes from characters to character.

Hank's rendition of Andy Cap was interrupted by a knock on the back door. Hank opens the door, still chuckling, to see Charlotte. "Good Morning. I was just reading the comics to Mikey. Come in." Hank says as he blushes scarlet.

Charlotte's eyes gleam with humor. "I know Mikey doesn't like my impression of Dick Tracy as much as yours."

"Daddy's the best." Mikey says as he jumps down and goes to wash his face and hands.

Hank clears the table and turns to hug Mikey. "See ya at three o'clock, Pal." Hank says as he hugs Mikey and kisses his cheek.

Mikey says, "Love you. See ya latter alligator." as he picks up his book bag which holds his favorite toys, books and a tablet.

"After while crocodile." Hank says as he hugs Charlotte.

"Call me if you need anything." Charlotte whispers then adds, "We're proud of you, Son."

Hank hugs her hard and says in an emotion choked voice, "Thanks Mom."


As Mikey opens the door, they hear a car door slam.

Hank steps out, closes the door and walks them to Charlotte's car.

"Hello, Randy." Hank says as he shakes Randy's hand.

"Good Morning. I thought you might like to talk before our appointment." Randy says.

With a nod to Randy, Hank watches Mikey take his seat. "Don't forget your seatbelt. Bye Bye. Have a good day, Mikey. Thanks Charlotte for everything." Hank says.

Randy was sitting on the porch waiting for Hank. The morning was warm and quiet. The birds were hushed by the heat of the day. A few bees were fluttering around the flowers growing at the edge of the porch.

Hank waved to Mikey, who was looking out the back glass waving furiously. Hank turns reluctantly. "I really don't want to do this." Hank says softly.

"I know." Randy says, "We need to bring closure and this will begin that process."

"I know what I went through. I never wanted to have to talk about it in Court. In a way, Miller has given me an out." Hank says. "I'm afraid I'll loose all the progress I've made." Hank voices his fear.

"We'll have to take steps to insure you don't. The film is in the past. You survived. Your strong and want these men punished for what they did. We'll support you. I'm. I'm kind of worried myself. I've heard you tell me about it. I've seen the damage but to actually see it. We'll both get through this stronger than before." Randy says.

"Okay. I need to lock up. Then I'll be ready to go." Hank says.

Ash meets Hank at the door sensing his person's disquiet and he meows and rubs Hank's leg.

Hank holds out his arm and Ash jumps into his arms. "Hold down the fort, Pal." Hank says as he nuzzles Ash then sits him down.

Hank checks Ash's water and pours some dry food. Locking the front door and firmly pulling the back door shut and checking it by trying to push it open. Hank slowly walks to Randy's car.

Randy waits patiently for Hank. He turns on the radio to a classical music station hoping to help ease Hank's anxiety.

After putting the seatbelt on, Hank begins to fidget with his sweater, buttoning and unbuttoning it. He sighs as his hands still. "I'm sorry. I'm just nervous." Hank says.

"It's understandable. What are your plans for the rest of the day." Randy asks.

Grateful for the distraction, Hank says, "You're driving me to my parent's house. The Girls will take the school bus there and Charlotte will bring Mikey over at three o'clock. AJ will get off at seven thirty." Smiling Hank tells Randy about Ash waking them and his subsequent attack on his father.

Randy smiles as he notes Hank's keen sense of humor. He thoroughly enjoyed Hank's story. Hating to break the mood he reluctantly say, "We're here."

A shudder runs through Hank.

"You don't have to do this." Randy reminds him.

"Yes, I do. I don't want to have to see it for the first time at the trial. Let's get it over with." Hank sighs.


Randy and Hank enter the Justice Building and quickly find the Conference Room.

"Good morning, Hank." Barney greets them with a deep frown on his face as he reluctantly adds, "This is George Langston and Artie Payne, Council for the accused.

Hank's jaw clamped shut with an audible snap. He nods but can't bring himself to say anything.

"I'm Dr. Randy Fenton, I'm here at Hank's request." Randy says with a frown. "Barney a word, please."

"What, in hell, are they doing here?" Hank angrily demands.

"We have to disclose our evidence. I'm sorry, Hank. They just showed up to view the movie. I didn't invite them. I'm really sorry." Barney says as his eyes flash angrily. "You can rest assured that I will find out how they knew we were viewing the movie this morning."

"I need a minute, go get set up." Hank says as he swallows.

"You've survived. Look at it as proof you didn't consent. No one, who knows you is disgusted with you. You are loved by both your family and the department. I'm here for you." Randy reinforces.


Hank and Randy sat as far away for the others as they could with Randy setting on the inside as a shield for Hank.

Barney starts the 8 mm movie.

No one says anything as the documentary of Hank's rape unfolds.

Hank looks at the movie in a detached manner. His tears silently flow.

Suddenly the door is flung open and the movie halted as the lights were turned on.

"We'll resume when Mr. Payne returns." Barney says pointedly.

Hank shudders as he feels Mr. Langston watching him.

Barney walks to Hank's side and says, "Mr. Langston is representing Miller. Mr. Payne is with the Public Defenders office and is representing Pearl and Colton.

Mr. Payne returns pale and sweaty and takes a seat further away from Mr. Langston.

Barney restarts the film. The graphic display of evil continues to unfold.

When the movie reaches its conclusion, Hank is a little shaky.

Randy is pale as he thinks, my God, I never expected to see that amount of brutality and Hank survived.

Mr. Langston leaves without a word.

Mr. Payne stands and says, "Mr. De Costa, a word please."

They walk outside the room.

"I was afraid people wouldn't believe that I had fought back, that they'd think I wanted it. The sick Bastard actually helped me." Hank says as he wipes his face.

"Hank," Randy says, "you, fireman, must be a hell of a breed. I am amazed that you weren't more traumatized.

Blushing Hank says, "Some days I still don't feel so steady."


Barney enters wearing a smile. "The rats are jumping ship."

"Huh?" Hank voices his confusion.

"Mr. Payne is looking for a plea bargain for his clients." Barney says.

"What does that mean?" Hank asks in concern.

"It means, they want to testify against Miller, they will plead guilty to a reduced sentence in exchange for that testimony." Barney beams.

"How reduced?" Randy demands.

"Well after previewing the movie, we amended the charges to include false imprisonment, attempted murder as well as the original charges. We'll accept a plea on the lower charge of conspiracy to commit manslaughter, rape in the second degree, sodomy in the first degree and false imprisonment for a sentence of twenty-five to thirty-five years in a maximum security prison, with a guarantee that they will not serve their sentence in the same prison as Miller. Also, we will not block parole, with good behavior they could come up for parole after twenty years.

Hank begins to pace as he asks, "What is Miller's deal potential?"

"NONE. He will serve the max of twenty-five to life in a maximum security prison without the possibility of parole until he serves all twenty-five years and my office will keep the movie to show at each parole hearing." Barney says in way of validation.

"Langston and Payne petitioned the court to disallow the movie because it would inflame the jury. The judge denied the request. The trial is set to begin Wednesday but we may be in Court tomorrow if Pearl and Colton accept the plea. You'll need to be there." Barney waits for Hank's nod before continuing, "I should know later today. Where can I reach you?" Barney asks.

"I'll be staying at my parent's house, today." Hank says.

"I should know by close of business today." Barney says. "Go home and don't worry. We have him. He won't see daylight. I promise."


Chapter Twenty Three: Nightmare and Revelation

Anna had fretted most of the morning. She had cleaned all the downstairs windows and was currently polishing her silver. When she heard a car drive up, she rushes to the window.

Randy and Hank talk for a short time then Randy drives away.

Hank notices the sparkling clean windows with a feeling of guilt.

"Come in, Hank. I'm in the dining room." Anna calls out.

He sees that Anna is polishing her silver. "Mom everything is fine. Let me help." Hank says.

They had all the polishing done in no time.

"I love you, my son." Anna says simply.

"I remember many a night finding you polishing this silver. Usually when there was a monster fire or when dad was hurt. I thought you'd rub them so thin that there'd be nothing left. There was the time, when I was thirteen, Dad almost died. You'd returned from the hospital and sat up all night polishing this silver." Hank says before being interrupted by Anna.

"I'd always hoped that I kept my fears from you." Anna sighed.

"I have always known the perils of being a Fire Fighter." Hank says with a smile.

"Wait a minute, you gave me two sterling silver candle sticks for my birthday that year." Anna smiled and blushed. "I never realized. Although I did wonder about the silver goblet set, let me think, Mother's Day the year your father was hurt in the rollover." Anna reminisces.

"Mom, Dad's alright isn't he?" Hank suddenly ask in concern.

"Your Father's fine. I was worried about you." Anna smiles sadly.

"I love you Mom." Hank says as he hugs his Mother.

"Let's go outside." Anna suggests. Once Hank was settled in a chair with a glass of iced tea, Anna asks, "Are you really alright?"

"It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I have spent a lot of time worried about what other's will think about me but the movie has put those fears to bed. Mom it's very bad. I don't want anyone to see it but when they show it in court I want your promise that you'll leave." Hank begs.

"I'll support you all I can and if it will make it easier on you then I promise." Anna says.

"Pearl and Colton's attorney may have made a deal to testify against Miller." Hank says. "Miller has a high priced attorney. I hope he'll plead out. But the Bastard," Hank blushes and says, "Sorry Mom, I know he won't he wants to ruin me." Hank says disheartened.

As they sit quietly together, Hank falls to sleep. He moves fitfully as he dreams

…. Hank is sitting in the witness box giving testimony.

Suddenly Miller jumps over the defendant's table and runs to Hank. He is holding a long jagged edged knife. As he moves his arm to strike AJ tries to stop him.

Hank struggles to get up and finds that he is tied to the chair and is unable to get free.

Miller grabs a very pregnant AJ and stabs her in the abdomen.

A look of surprise crosses AJ's face as she falls to the floor…….

Hank jerks awake as he feels someone shaking him.

"Hank are you alright? You were moaning in your sleep and then you screamed." Anna says with concern showing on her pale face.

"Nightmare. God." Hank gulps air as he leans forward trying to keep his stomach from rebelling.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Anna asks.

Taking a deep breath to settle his nerves, Hank says, "I was in court. Miller came at me. AJ races forward and he stabs her." Hank pauses then continues, "He threatened the kids and AJ. I suppose with him so close to going to prison, I just carried the fear into my dream." Hank stands and walks over to his mother as he says, "How about I help you with lunch?" Hank asks as the phone rings.

Anna rushes to get the phone, "Hello." She listens then says, "Okay Barney here's Hank."

Hank takes the receiver from his Mom and answers, "Thanks Barney. See you at nine o'clock." Hank says as he hangs up. "The plea bargain is in place. They'll plead guilty tomorrow." Hank says with a sigh. The afternoon speed by and at three o'clock Mikey invades the house. Shortly there after the Twins arrived. They played out in the backyard under the watchful eye of their Dad.

Martin came home and changes out of his uniform and played hide and seek with the children.

Thirty minutes later AJ drives up. "Chief, um, Dad, please have Captain Parker reassigned. He's more anal than Brice. He's driving me crazy. He." AJ cringes, "He likes KISS, for God sakes. He was rude to Captain Blanchard, of 38's. He bad mouthed Marco's chili. He tried to reprimand Mike over a smudge on Big Red's bumper. He drives ten miles under the speed limit. He asks me ever twenty minutes if I need to go to the bathroom. Reassign him. Please." AJ begs.

Everyone was momentarily stunned then they burst out laughing.

"It's not funny. He… He picks his teeth. He's a slob. If Brice and Animal had a child it would be Parker."

Hank chuckled then smirks, "Hi Honey. How was your day?"

AJ shot him a look that said he'd pay later. Then she blushed, "God, I'm sorry Hank. Is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine. Let's talk about it later." Hank nods to the kids.

"Momma, is Captain Parker a, what did Mike say, um, oh yeah, a Geek?" Mikey asks proud that he had said it right.

"Yes baby but don't call him that to his face." AJ says to Mikey with a hug and a kiss.

"Pip, how was your day?" AJ says as she hugs and kisses each of the twins.

"Not as eventful as yours." Pip says tongue and cheek.

"Mine either. Hi Mom." Lil Cap says as she replaces her LAFD cap on her head.

"Are you ready to go." AJ asks as she turns to Martin and Anna.

"See you tomorrow AJ, at seven thirty, bright and early." Martin says with a smirk.

"Why aren't you at Battalion 14, tonight?" AJ demands.

"Because I was filling in for Chief Scranton. He had a family commitment and asked me to work twelve hours for him. Since I'll be needed some time for our Grandbabies delivering. I said yes. How did you like working at headquarters?" Martin asks.

"If I can lose Parker it'll be fine. I'm on Tuesday. I'll be off Wednesday thru Friday then I start a night rotation Monday and Tuesday." AJ says.

"Did you eat, dear?" Anna asks.

"I had breakfast with Hank and the kids, then at nine o'clock Parker insisted we have a snack, lunch at 51's, then he wanted to stop for another snack at two o'clock then dinner at the cafeteria." AJ rolls her eyes. "He kept saying `your eating for three.' Marty talk to him. Please." AJ asks desperately. "A leave of absence without pay is looking better and better."

"Kids it's time to take Momma home; she's getting crabby." Hank says solemnly with a twinkle in his eye.

"Just you wait, Mister." AJ whispers as the kids get their book bags.

Hank chuckles as he meets his mother's eyes, "I'll call you tomorrow." Hank says as he hugs and kisses his parents cheek. "Good night, Dad."

"Take care. Good night Kiddlets." Martin says as he pulls AJ aside. "Hank had a nightmare about you. Be careful Little One. It would destroy him if something happened to you."

AJ looked at her soul mate with concern.

"Call Anna tomorrow when you have time." Martin says then adds, "Take care. See you Saturday." Martin says as he wraps his arm around Anna as they both wave.

Hank met AJ at the drivers side and asks, "Do you want me to drive if your too tired?" Hank asks.

"I'm fine, my love. I'll drive." AJ says as she hugs Hank.

As they drive away, Mikey asks, "Momma, what does 9 + 5 equal?"

"It is the same as 10 + 4." AJ says.

Mikey scrunches his forehead in thought. "Um Fourteen. Oh, that's not so long is it." He asks.

"Why?" AJ asks.

Mikey ignores the question as he continues to write on his tablet and mutter. He then asks, "How old are you, Daddy."

"I'm thirty five." Hank says as he glances at Mikey who is writing in his tablet.

"35 + 14, um. Pip?" Mikey asks.

"Daddy would be forty nine." Pip says as she shrugs to her parent's raised eyebrows of inquiry.

"Okay, Lil Cap. What's 52 + 14?" Mikey asks.

"That would be sixty six." Lil Cap says.

"3 + 14 would be seventeen and 13 + 14, um, 3 + 4 = so that would make it twenty seven." Mikey continues to write as he mumbles to himself.

Pulling into the driveway, AJ turns to Mikey and asks, "What are you doing, honey?"

"If the bad men get, um, pay rolled at fourteen years, will I be old enough to help Daddy?" Mikey asks with worry in his eyes.

"Where did you hear this?" Hank asks with a growing understanding.

"I heard Grandma talking to Nanna on the phone. She said the bad men, who hurt Daddy, could get early pay roll and be free in fourteen years." Mikey says as his lower lip begins to quiver. "I'll be big enough to help Daddy, won't I?"

Hank both blushed and cringed. "Mikey everything will be fine." He took a deep breath. "Let's go inside and I'll explain."

Once everyone was seated Hank took a deep breath and began to explain. "Two of the men have agreed to plead guilty and to testify against the other one. They could get out in fifteen years with good behavior. The really bad man will hopefully never get out."

Hank says tiredly. Suddenly he was engulfed in a group hug with Ash rubbing the back of his head.

AJ took the kids upstairs to get them ready for bed.

Hank looked at Ash, who had the robe belt in his mouth. Hank grabbed the belt and dragged it behind him up the stairs.

They played in the bedroom until AJ comes in. Hank drops the belt and lets Ash carry it away to hide.

"AJ, um, I really want to kiss you. I need to be closer to you." Hank sighs.

"Honey tell me about your dream." AJ softly whispers.

"I'd rather not." Hank began then seeing the look in AJ's eyes, he explains about the disturbing dream. Hank is sobbing when he finishes.

"Hank, I'm fine. I'll not allow that animal to damage our family again. We'll raise our twins and our children together." AJ says as she pulls Hank to her and gives him a deep loving kiss. She is surprised as Hank moans.

Hank reluctantly drew back. "Can I help you with your bath?" Hank asks shyly.

"I love to be pampered by my handsome husband." AJ says as she starts to unbutton her blouse.

Hank ran a bubble bath trying to still his shaking hands.

AJ enters the bedroom in a terrycloth bathrobe. Slowly she lowers the robe.

Hanks breath catches, "You are so beautiful." He says as he helps her into the tub. For the next thirty minutes, Hank relearns his wife's body.

AJ relaxes and give her care over to Hank. She notes a slight increase in his breathing.

"Honey, would you relieve some tension?" Hank asks.

AJ gives Hank a double take then notices a partial erection. "Anything for you." AJ says. Knowing that Hank was watching turned AJ on. She rapidly brings herself to full arousal. With her eyes on Hank's face, she pushes herself into a orgasm. She glances at Hank's crotch then his face.

He blushes and shakes his head no.

"Let's go to bed." AJ suggest.

Hank slowly dries AJ off and helps her dress in her pjs.

They stop and stare at Ash who was curled up asleep on Hank's pillow. They carefully crawl into bed, so as to not disturb his highness, then cuddle as they fall gentle into sleep.

It felt like they had just closed their eyes when the alarm goes off. Hank stumbles into the bathroom as AJ stretches.

When Hank comes out of the bathroom AJ rushes in.

Hank starts to get breakfast ready while AJ woke the kids. Soon Hank had scrambled eggs and a tower of toast ready.

"Good mornings" are exchanged.

Mikey yawns and says grumpily, "Want to stay here."

By the sound AJ made this was a conversation that had started while he was getting dressed.

"You're staying with Charlotte." AJ states firmly.

As Mikey's eyes fill with tears, Hank interrupts the beginnings of an argument, "Mikey, you're to stay with Charlotte until I get done downtown then you'll spend the rest of the day with me."

"Really?" Mikey sniffs.

"That's right, Pal. It'll be a Father Son day." Hank says.

Now it was AJ's eyes that fill with tears. "Are you sure?" She asks.

"Absolutely. That okay with you, Son?" Hank asks.

"Great." Mikey says as he turns his mind to demolishing his breakfast.

Too soon for AJ's liking there was a knock on the door. Hank opens it to find Captain Parker standing there.

"I'm here to pick up Chief Davis-Stanley. Are we dropping the kids off at school?" He asks.

A voice floated down the path. "I'll be taking the Girls to school. You must be Captain Parker. I'm Charlotte Soreign, Chief Soreign's wife."

"A pleasure to meet you Ma'am." Parker says. "Are you ready, Chief?" Parker asks as he pointedly glances at his watch.

Setting her coffee down with a martyred look AJ hugs the kids and kisses each on the cheek. She hugs Charlotte and then pulls Hank in and kisses him firmly on the lips.

Hank blushes as AJ pats him on the shoulder.

"Love you." AJ says. "Ash watch over my Boys." AJ says with a chuckle and heads out the door.


Chapter Twenty Four: Rat Tales

Charlotte chuckled as she watches AJ flirt with her husband and at seeing Hank blush. She noticed that Captain Parker, Pip and Lil Cap blushed also.

The only one who hadn't blushed was Mikey who smiled and waved to his Momma.

With a shrug Captain Parker follows AJ to the car.

"Charlotte, I'll pick Mikey up before lunch. I'm due in Court at nine o'clock." Hank informs her.

If she was surprised, she didn't say anything as Mikey says with a face splitting grin, "Daddy and Me are going to have a Father and Son day."

"Wonderful." Charlotte says with a twinkle in his eye. "Girls are you ready for school?" Charlotte asks.

"Yes, Nanna." Pip answered for both of them.

"Mikey get your book bag." Charlotte reminds him.

"Have a good day, Girls. Mikey have a good morning and I'll see you later." As he hugs the children.

"Daddy will you be home after school." Lil Cap asks.

"Yes, we'll be home." Hank says as he hugs and kisses each of his children on the cheek. "Thanks Charlotte." Hank says as he hugs her.

"Son, you're welcome. Is Randy going to meet you?" Charlotte asks.

"He'll meet me at the Courthouse." Hank replies then adds, "I should be getting ready. Bye kids."

"Bye Daddy." The kids called out as Charlotte kisses Hank's cheek and leads the Children like the mother duck with her ducklings.

"Ash, where are you?" Hank calls as he checks the back yard through the screen door. Hank hears a purr from behind him. He turns to see Ash sitting in the doorway with the belt in his
mouth. "I've created a monster." Hank mumbles as he grabs the loose end of the tie. Once again Hank looses himself in the game.

Ash scrambles for the flying terrycloth belt. He jumps and scrambles after it. Once he had it trapped on the floor he bites it then the tug of war begins. First he backs up pulling the belt tight then he is pulled along the floor as Hank gentle pulls on it. Eventually Ash unclamps his jaw and it time to run, jump and cavort after the belt.

Hank glances at the clock and says, "Shit." As he drops the belt and watches Ash carry it away.

Hank comes down the stairs wearing a medium brown suit coat with a tan shirt and flair legged dark brown pant that fit over his soft walking cast. His tie was striped with the three colors.

"Hold down the fort, Ash." Hank says as he checks the food and water in Ash's bowls. He double checks the back door seeing that it was locked. Hank grabs his keys and locks the door.

Hank walks to his blue Thunderbird. He drives carefully through the morning traffic as he focuses on the upcoming ordeal.

Randy was waiting outside the courtroom for Hank. He notices the shy smile Hank had on his face but was unable to ask about it because Barney walks up to them.

"We're in Courtroom Three. Judge Michael Bandera is sitting this case. He is fair and tends to hand down the maximum sentence. Everything is in hand." Barney reassures them as they enter the courtroom.

Mr. Payne was sitting at the defense table reviewing some papers.

The door at the front of the courtroom and to the left of the bench opened to reveal two of the men who had assaulted Hank.

Colton and Pearl were lead in by two Deputies. Their movements were stiff and hampered by the wrist and ankle irons. Once they were seated one of the Deputies left.

A Bailiff stood beside the bench and called for attention. "Judge Bandera is involved in another case and will begin this case in about thirty minutes.

Pearl was sitting rigidly in his chair rubbing his arm.

Hank bent forward to talk to Barney when Randy's beeper went off.

"Hank, I have to get this." He says before he stands and goes in search for a phone.

Hank again leans forward to talk to Barney when Pearl groans and falls to the floor. Hank sits frozen for a few seconds. He is startled to hear Colton speak.

"Please, Captain Stanley don't let Tank die." Colton says with tears falling.

Hank jerks from his stupor and calls to the Bailiff, "Call for a rescue squad."

The Deputy who was kneeling beside Tank says, "I think he's having a heart attack."

Hank reluctantly approaches Pearl and saw that he was pale and sweaty with a bluish color around his mouth. He shakily checks his pulse. He switches to Fire Fighter mode. "Pulse is 140 and very irregular. Mr." with a shudder Hank begins again, "Mr. Pearl can you describe the pain?" Hank asks.

"It's sharp. Hard to breath. Feels like a band squeezing my chest." Pearl gasps.

Hank pulls one of the chairs over upends it with the legs faced away for the patient. He raises Pearls feet and place them on the underside of the seat. "Deputy, you need to un-cuff him. We need to loosen his clothes." Hank instructs.

The Deputy took the leg cuffs off then removes the handcuffs but reapplies it to his right arm and cuffs him to the defense table.

Hank loosens the coveralls and took off the sneakers and socks. As he is checking for a pedal pulse, a shudder and a sigh pass through Pearl.

"Cardiac Arrest." The Deputy says as he watches Hank.

Hank frowns angrily at Pearl then says, "I'll do the chest compressions. I can't, um." Hank nods towards Pearl's head.

"Understood." Deputy Hoyle says.

Hank became lost in the five compression to one breath cycle. He was so focused that he didn't realize that Squad 18 had arrived. He jerked when a hand landed on his shoulder.

Randy helps Hank to stand and pulls him out of the way.

Hank stares at his shaking hands. "I need to wash my hands." Hank turns blindly away but allows Randy to lead him to the nearest bathroom. He leans weakly against the wall letting his head rest on the cool tile. Once his legs had stopped shaking he washes his hands.

"Hank." Randy calls to him. When he had Hank's attention he says, "I am so proud of you."

Blushing and swallowing the rising bile, he finally says, "I couldn't just sit there and do nothing. I couldn't let him die. My Fire Fighter training took over."

Barney knocks on the door and enters. "The Judge will hear Pearl's testimony when and if he's able. Colton is ready to testify.

Taking several deep breaths Hank says, "Okay. I'm Okay. Let's get this over with."

Upon entering the courtroom and resuming their seats the Bailiff announces, "All rise. LA Criminal Court, Part one is now in secession. The honorable Judge Bandera presiding."

The Judge, a Hispanic man in his late fifties with salt and pepper wavy hair and a neatly trimmed full beard, took his seat. He addresses the court, "Captain Stanley, I wish to express my appreciation for your assistance with Mr. Pearl." Then he adds, "Tom if you'll read the charges.

Barney jumps up and says, "Your Honor, the people wave the reading of the charges."

Mr. Payne says, "The defense concurs."

"Mr. Colton, What is your plea?" Judge Bandera asks.

"Guilty, Your Honor. Tank and I were at the Bloody Hammer. It's our favorite hangout, you know, a biker bar. This Suit, um, Mr. Miller, came in and bought a number of drinks for people. He talked with several men before approaching us, as we were shooting pool. He said `he was looking for a couple of men to teach a rapist a lesson.' He said, `His nephew was raped and because his rapist was a fireman and because the doctor was his Uncle, he got away with it.'

He said, `His nephews, Paul and Barry, had bombed the building and were trapped inside.' He said, `That the fireman had let Barry die so he could rape Paul.' He said, `Not only was he getting away with rape and murder but he was testifying against Paul. We were to assure that the fireman wouldn't testify.'

Now, Tank and I have always found fireman sexy but arrogant. We had a couple of fantasies and well here we were being offered two thousand dollars to brutalize and rape a man, who represented the ultimate untouchable.

He called us about a week later and gave us the address of the ranch. He and his hag met us there. Captain Stanley was sleeping. He looked so angelic. We overpowered him. He said `we were to beat him up to soften him up.' Then we took him upstairs and restrained him and raped him repeatedly.

When Captain Stanley asked us to let him go to the hospital, I knew we had him. I sodomized Captain Stanley as cruelly as I could. Miller gave us an additional fifteen hundred to be filmed. We were told that anything we said to him `was to be said to demoralize him.'

I am deeply ashamed of my actions. I have had it pointed out to me quiet painfully in the slammer that it was a mistake to have raped a Fire Fighter. When we found out that Captain Stanley was innocent of the charges and that Miller had known that he was innocent and still wanted to PUNISH Captain Stanley, we were horrified. We would never have harmed him if we had known.

Again your Honor, I plead guilty. I assisted Larry Miller to rape and brutalize Captain Hank Stanley and I am deeply and profoundly sorry." Colton says with his head bent.

"Mr. De Costa are the people satisfied?" Judge Bandera asks.

"We are your Honor. We have agreed to a sentence of 15 to 25 years." Barney says.

"Mr. Colton did you agree to this sentence?" The Judge asks.

"Yes, your Honor." Colton says.

"I find this crime particularly repugnant. You are sentenced to 15 to 25 years in a maximum security prison." Judge Bandera replies with a look of disgust.

Hank sighs one down and two to go.

"The trial of the State vs. Larry Miller is scheduled to start Wednesday. Is the People ready?" Judge Bandera asks.

"Yes, we are your Honor." Barney says.

"Court is adjourned." Judge Bandera says as he bangs the gavel.

Randy and Hank were allowed the use of a conference room. Hank covers AJ's day. He relates his discussion with his mom. Mikey's conversation and his reaction to helping AJ with her bath.

Reluctantly Randy says, "Hank, I'll not be in Court with you tomorrow." Randy explains. "I've made arrangements with Joe Early to be with you."

"Thanks for everything you've done for me." Hank says with a sigh.

"Hank, Joe will bring you in for a secession after you are done. I have an appointment that I can't change. I have adjusted the rest of my schedule to attend the rest of the week. If we need longer I'll talk with Joe if necessary. You'll not be alone." Randy states.

"Thanks. It well be fine. What about Pearl?" Hank asks.

"It's in God's hands. He was unstable upon arrival at Rampart. Dr Morton and Bell are treating him." Randy says.

"I'll see you Thursday." Hank says.

"You still have a meeting with me tomorrow." Randy reminds Hank.

"Right. Um. Randy, I am getting better aren't I?" Hank asks afraid of the answer.

"The fact you can ask that question is evidence that yes, your getting better." Randy says.

"Thanks Pal." Hank says as they shake hands. "I need to pick up, Mikey. We're spending the day together."

"Enjoy you're afternoon. Call me if you need to." Randy says.

Chapter Twenty Five: Father And Sons Day Off

Hank drives to Charlottes house and picked up Mikey then they stop at the house where Mikey leaves his book bag. Hank noticed that it was already 11:30.

"What would you like to do?" Hank asks.

"Daddy, can we visit the horses and then Station 51?" Mikey asks.

Oh God. Hank thought. He watches Mikeys face light up. I cant let him down. Hank thinks. "Sure. Are you ready?" Hank asks.

"Oh Boy. Let's take some apples for them." Mikey suggests.

"Only one apiece." Hank ordered.

Mikey stuffed the five apples into his jacket pockets.

Mikey chatted happily non-stop on the drive from the house to the ranch.

Hank pulled over as he entered the drive.

Mikey unfastened his seat belt and slid over next to his Dad. "I'll be with you. We'll visit the horses."

Hank hugged him hard. "Let's go."

Hank pulled in close to the barn. He cast a glance at the house and was surprised that it was just a house. Not dark nor a feeling of evil. It was quiet and pretty house.

Kona greets them. "Aloha Boss."

"Daddy, Daddy look at the pony!" Mikey pulls excitedly on Hank to follow. "Isn't he a beauty?" Mikey continues.

"Mikey. Wait a minute. You'll spook him." Hank says.

"He's a sweet tempered baby." "Do you know what his name is?" Kona asks with a smile.

"No. What?" Mikey says as he fidgets foot to foot.

"He's called Mike's Pride." Hank says then he sees Mikey's face fall. "What's wrong?"

"He's Uncle Mike's horse." Mikey scowls.

Kona and Hank burst out laughing.

Mikey's eyes flash and his stance reminds Hank of AJ.

"Son, he's named after you. You may not always want to be called Mikey." Hank says as he has only seconds to prepare for an arm full of boy.

"Love you and Momma. You take good care of Mike's Pride, Kona." Mikey orders.

Mikey slowly approaches his new horse. Mike's Pride, who is a spotted gray with huge brown eyes. He whickered as Mikey holds his hand out and gives him an apple. Mikey spends the next twenty minutes feeding apples to the horses, petting them and talking to them.

Hank enjoyed the serenity and calm of watching Mikey.

Once Mikey had bid each horse a goodbye, they headed to Station 51, where The Guys were on.

Captain Blakely greeted Hank with a handshake. "Hello Hank. We have had a very busy morning and Gage is just putting lunch in the oven."

Mikey sat on Hanks lap and tells The Guys about the new pony. He then goes over to play with Henry.

"We heard that you'd make a hell of a paramedic Cap." Roy says with a smile.

"I can't have worked with the best paramedic team in the County without learning some things. I just couldn't let him die." Hank says then adds, "Millers trial starts tomorrow."

"How are you doing?" Mike asks with compassion and concern.

"I'm fine. Really!! I am not going to let him win." Hank says with determination.

The Guys feel some of their worry lessen when they see the spark back in Hanks eyes.

"Well, will you join us for lunch?" Johnny asks.

Mikey asks with suspicion, "Hot dogs?"

The Guys laugh as Johnny blush as he says defensively, "No, I'm fixing pigs in a blanket."

Mikey gives Hank a martyred look.

"Sorry Pal. We have a dinner date. It's boys day out. I'll see you guys later." Hank says as he walks through the bay he gives Big Red an affectionate tap.

"Daddy can't Uncle Johnny fix anything else?" Mikey asks.

"Not really." Hank says with a tolerant smile.

Hank took Mikey to The Brown Derby for burger, fries and a chocolate malt. They attended a matinee movie then go home to wait for The Twins. Mikey sits on Hank's lap as Hank starts to read when they both fall asleep. Mikey dreams of riding Mikes Pride and Hank of riding Big Red.



Chapter Twenty Six: Family Time

AJ found Hank and the kids playing the game of Life. Lil Cap is the banker and Pip had the most money. "Good evening everybody."

The assorted responses of "Good evening." were tossed at her as she rushed up stairs to change. The game had ended by the time AJ came down.

"Have you eaten ?" Hank asks.

"Yes Captain Parker suggested that we stop at 72's and we had dinner with them." AJ says with a smile.

"Daddy saved me from eating Uncle Johnny's hot dogs." Mikey wrinkles his face with distaste.

"You were at 51's, today?" AJ asks while looking at Hank.

"Yeah, but the best part was when we saw the horses. I love Mike's Pride . It's my horse not Uncle Mikes." Mikey says as he hugs AJ.

"Is everything alright?" AJ asks worriedly.

Hank smile warmed her heart as he says, "Everything is fine."

"Momma, can we go see the horses?" Lil Cap asks as Pip pouts.

Hank smiles and asks, "Do you feel up to riding?"

"Sure do." AJ says.

"Lets go for a ride Saturday morning." Hank suggests with a twinkle in his eye.

"Great it's been a longtime." Lil Cap says.

"How about a riding picnic?" Pip suggests.

"What do you think, Honey?" Cap asks.

"It sounds heavenly." AJ says

As a family, they settle back and watch a movie. As everyone relaxes, they are consumed by a feeling of contentment.

AJ drifts off to sleep so Hank gets the kids ready for bed before waking AJ.

"Honey it's time for bed." Hank says as he tucks a stray piece of hair back behind her ear.

AJ sleepily waits for Hank, who locks the door and then leads her upstairs.

After tucking AJ in Hank plays a quick game of tie tug of war before climbing into bed spooning AJ.

Hank turned off the alarm before getting dressed and waking the children. Mikey was his usual grumpy self.

"Want to stay here." He says with a pout and large tear filled eyes. "Momma's home." Mikey points out.

"Mommas going to court with Daddy." AJ says before adding, "Pigmy, you need to stay with Nanna. We don't want you to meet, see or hear the bad man."

"Okay, I'll go to Nanna's." Mikey says as Hank grabs him and hugs him.

Breakfast was soon over and Charlotte arrived to pick up the kids.

Hank sags but straightens as he looks at AJ's compassion darkened eyes.

"I meant for you to sleep in and here you are bright eyed and bushy tailed. We have a little over an hour before we have to leave for court. How about we take a shower together? Um I.. I'll wash your back and you can wash my back." Hank suggests. "AJ, can I wash your hair?" Hank asks as he blushes.

"Honey, you can do what ever you want to me. I'd love to have you wash my hair." AJ says with a sigh.

Hank locks the door then follows AJ upstairs. He slowly undresses as he hears AJ start the water. We are just showering. Hank thinks as he takes a deep breath before joining AJ in the shower.

She hands him the shampoo as she sits on the shower bench. AJ all but purrs as Hank washes her hair and massages her scalp.

Hank relishes the feeling of his hands roaming AJ's wet body as he soaps and rinses.

"Hank, I think I'm clean. Your turn." AJ says softly as she switches places with Hank.

AJ's Touch was soft and gentle. She worshiped Hank's body the washes his hair.

Both were breathless as they stepped out of the tub. They dried each other off and dressed for court. Hank in a suit and AJ in a dress.

AJ drove to the Justice Building as they discussed Hank's day with Mikey and AJ's day with Captain Parker.

Chapter Twenty Seven: The Prosecution

AJ and Hank where met by his extended family. The Bailiff at the door explained that the trial was closed to the public. He checked his list and allows Hank's family and friends into the courtroom.

Barney was reviewing some papers when he heard Hank and his entourage arrived.

The courtroom door was thrown open and Mr. Langston storms in and stomps to where Barney was seated. "What is the meaning of this?" Langston yells as he shows Barney a witness list. "You can't call Paul Miller to testify or his Psychiatrist.

"We are required to give you our witness list not gain your approval. Paul Miller has consented to have Dr. Porter testify." Barney barely restrained a smirk.

"We will object to these people who have been added." Langston snarls.

"You can but try." Barney says serenely.

Langston turns and glares at Hank and his supporters as he takes his seat at the defense table.

The jury takes their seats. The thirteen men and women, dressed conservatively, settle into their seats.

Miller was escorted to court by Deputy Hoyle. Miller was dressed in a three piece business suit.

Deputy Hoyle removes the leg irons but Miller remains handcuffed.

The Bailiff calls order, "All rise. Criminal court part one is now in secession. The honorable Judge Bandera presiding."

Judge Bandera takes his seat saying, "You may be seated. Tom read the charges."

"Case number 6032002. The people vs. Larry Miller for attempted murder, Rape in the first degree, Conspiracy to commit rape in the first degree, Sodomy in the first degree, False imprisonment, Assault and Battery, Use of a weapon to commit a felony." Tom read.

Judge Bandera frowns at Mr. Langston, "Mr. Miller, how do you plead?"

"I plead innocent due to mental defect." Miller says with a sneer.

"We object your honor. We weren't notified of an insanity defense." Barney shouts out in outrage.

"Tom escort the jury to the jury room. I beg your indulgence." Judge Bandera says as he waits for the door to shut. "Mr. Miller, you will undergo a Psyche exam. I happen to have the peoples examiner here. Bailiff take Mr. Miller to Conference Room 3." Judge Bandera orders.

"We object." Mr. Langston yells.

"On what grounds, Councilor. You raise the insanity defense. Either Mr. Miller undergo the exam or he changes his plea." The judge states adamantly.

"We ask for a recess, your honor." Langston requests.

"You have fifteen minutes, Mr. Langston." The Judge orders.

"All stand." Tom the Bailiff says as the Judge leaves the courtroom.

Deputy Hoyle escorts Miller and his Lawyer to the conference room.

Joe Early had watched Hank's reaction to Miller's plea. Hank paled.

"What is going on?" Hank demands an explanation. "Barney?"

"He is making an end run around the court. By saying he was unstable during the attack." Barney says then quickly adds to the stunned and angry faces, "We have witness that will refute this. I told you that Judge Bandera was fair. He must have thought Langston might pull something and he arranged for our Psychiatrist to be on hand."

Moments later Langston and Miller returned to the Courtroom.

"All rise." Tom said as the Judge returned.

"Your honor, we wish to change our plea." Mr. Langston says.

"Mr. Langston, you will not revisit this issue. If during the trial you attempt to bring mental defect into this case, I will instruct the Jury that Mr. Miller refused to have a Psyche exam. Is this
understood?" Judge Bandera asks.

"Yes, your honor." Langston seethes.

"Tom, call the jury back." Judge Bandera instructs his Bailiff.

Once the Jury was seated the Judge repeats, "Mr. Miller what is your plea to the charges."

"I'm innocent." Miller says with a sneer.

"We'll hear opening arguments." Judge Bandera says.

Barney outlined the case for the Jury.

Then Mr. Langston steps forward. "My client had lost a brother to suicide and a nephew to an explosion that his nephews had caused. He watched his surviving nephew accuse Captain Hank Stanley of raping him and saw that Captain Stanley was getting away with the crime. It was then that Larry Miller feeling that his nephew had suffered more than enough, he set out to make Captain Stanley recant his testimony. It was unfortunate that the two men he hired had other things on their minds." He shakes his head in sorrow and resumes his seat.

"Mr. De Costa, you may call your first witness." Judge Bandera says.

"A moment your honor. We call Paul Miller to the stand." Barry says as he orders his paper.

After being sworn in, Paul Miller takes the stand.

"Mr. Miller were you raped by Hank Stanley.?" Barney asks.

"Objection your honor." Langston interjects.

"Your honor this goes to the defendants frame of mind." Barney says.

"Overruled." The Judge sighs.

"No sir." Paul says as he hangs his head in shame.

"When did your Uncle find out that you had made a mistake?" Barney asks.

"Objection, leading the witness." Langston says.

"Mr. De Costa, reword the question." Judge Bandera says.

"When did you realize that you weren't raped?" Barney asks.

"Three days after the explosion." Paul says quietly.

"Paul, when did your Uncle find out?" Barney asks.

"The same day." Paul says.

"No more questions." Barney states as he takes his seat.

Mr. Langston approaches Paul and asks, "Mr. Miller, why did you accuse Captain Stanley?"

"I was hurt and confused. I am ashamed that I was the cause of this." Paul says.

"Why did you believe you were raped?" Mr. Langston asks.

"He was on my back. I was trapped under him. Just like when my Uncle had raped me." Paul says in tears.

Mr. Langston stands stunned as the courtroom is buzzing with this revelation.

"One more outburst and I'll clear the court room." Judge Bandera admonished.

"No more questions." Mr. Langston walks back to his seat with his shoulders rigid.

"The people call Doctor Joe Early." Barney announces.

Joe explains about the rape kit and the procedures done during the exam. He carefully explains the pictures that were taken and why. He explained why he was caring for Paul Miller.

Barney then had Joe explain the damage that was done to Hank and had Paul and Hank's exam pictures side by side. Barney had Joe compare the two and after categorizing Hanks injuries and his treatment and prognosis Barney announced that he had no more questions at this time and reserved the right to recall.

As Barney sits down, Mr. Langston asks, "Are you Captain Stanley's Uncle."

"No. I am AJ's Uncle." Joe says.

With a tisk of irritation Langston grinds out, "Are. You. Captain. Stanley's. Uncle. In. Law."

"Yes." Dr. Early says quietly.

"Isn't it a breach of ethics to treat the man who accused your nephew-in-law?" Langston all but snarls.

"I was the only Doctor free. I couldn't treat Hank so I took Victim 2, Mr. Paul Miller, who was unconscious. Once he awoke. He asked where Hank was. He was told that Hank was in the next room. He then asked that we keep Hank from him because he had raped him. There was a police witness present because Miller was under arrest." Joe says with conviction.

"Isn't it true that the negative report rests on your opinion?" Langston says with a shark toothed smile.

"No. Due to the nature of the situation the FBI lab has confirmed all my findings, as well as two other Doctors, who were unbiased. They were give blind reports and both corroborated the findings." Joe says with contempt heard in his normally calm and gentle voice.

"No further questions." Langston says with a frown.

"Judge, the people reserve the right to recall Dr Early later if necessary."

"So noted." Judge Bandera says.

Joe was followed by Vince and Lt. Bailey, who discussed the investigation of the charges against Hank and all follow up investigation of Hank's rape.

Mr. Langston had no questions for either witness.


Chapter Twenty Eight: Court Part Two

Barney called Megan Hogan to the stand, who testify that Peggy Wayne had asked her Hank and AJ's address. She then testifies to the discussion she had with Peggy after Hank was admitted to her care after the rape. She explains that she had purged Hank's chart of the pictures taken in the ER and in Surgery. That she had removed the History and Physical from the chart as well as the Surgery notes. That she had called Dr. Bracket and Mrs. Bracket, after overhearing Peggy on the phone with Larry Miller. She then relates the plan to catch Peggy and her accomplice by returning the chart and calling Peggy to fill in the rest of the shift.

Mr. Langston cautiously approaches Megan. He asks, "Miss Hogan are you employed at Rampart Hospital?"

Megan blushes as she answers, "I am currently employed at Rampart but I am on suspension for giving out confidential information and "

Mr. Langston interrupts. "Are you employed?"

Barney calls out, "Objection. She is trying to answer the question and council interrupted her answer."

Judge Bandera replies, "Sustained. Please continue with your answer."

Megan says with as much dignity as she could, "I will be on probation for a year if I make a mistake or violate confidentiality, I'll be terminated."

"So you admit that without you, Mr. Miller wouldn't have found Captain Stanley." Mr. Langston asks.

"Objection. Making a speech." Barney states.

"Mr. Langston ask a question or take your seat. The jury is instructed to ignore that statement." Judge Bandera admonishes.

"Why did you give Peggy the address?" Mr. Langston asks.

"She was my friend?" Megan says with a frown.

"Was Captain Stanley's address in the phone book?" Mr. Langston asks.

"No, he had moved and there was no listing." Megan answers.

"So there was no way for Mr. Miller to get the address except through you?" Mr. Langston asks harshly.

"No.. No just from the hospital." Megan says as she starts to cry.

"No more questions." Mr. Langston smirks.

"Miss Hogan would you have given out the address if you knew that Hank would be hurt?" Barney asks.


"You can step down. No more questions." Barney says.

"The people call Peggy Wayne." Barney says.

Peggy was dressed in a fuzzy pink scoop necked sweater and a black mini skirt and three inch spiked heels. She is sworn in.

Barney asks, "Where did you meet Larry Miller?"

"At the hospital, when I was caring for Paul." Peggy responds with an inappropriate smile and glories in the attention.

"Why did you ask for Captain Stanley and Captain Davis-Stanley's address?" Barney asks.

"Larry asked me to." Peggy answers promptly.

"Who's idea was it to attack Captain Stanley?" Barney asks.

"Larry's. He wanted to stop Hank," Peggy locks eyes with Hank, who shuddered, which was a reaction the Jury took note of, "from testifying. He said that for him to be dominated by another man would make Hank ashamed which would keep him from testifying."

"Did he know that Paul hadn't been raped?" Barney asks.

"He knew that Hank was IN-NO-CENT. But he thought that Hank was sexy. He," Peggy pauses then with relish says, "wanted him."

"Wanted?" Barney asks.

"Sexually. He got so hot that he ravished me." The evil glee danced
in her eyes.

"Who wanted the copies of Hank's chart?" Barney asks angrily.

"Larry did. He yelled at me when I told him I couldn't get it. He demanded I try again later." Peggy states huffily. "I called him later and told him I had the copies. He was ecstatic."

"You told him to and I quote, "Keep your motor running. What did you mean?" Barney asks.

"He was masturbating while I was talking to him." Peggy primps her hair while saying, "I didn't want him to start without me."

"No more questions." Barney says with contempt.

"Miss Wayne isn't it true that you approached Mr. Miller?" Mr. Langston asks.

"I talked to both Paul and Him." Peggy says primly.

"Isn't it true you lamented the loss of your relationship with Captain Stanley to and I quote `that female Captain'?" Langston asks.

"I said that she broke up the BEGINNINGS of a relationship with Hank." Peggy snaps.

The jury noted the hostile look that AJ shot at Peggy and the negative shaking of Hank's head.

"Isn't it true that you suggested that you both punish Hank." Mr. Langston asks not seeing Hank shudder at his use of his first name.

"NO." Peggy yells out in surprise. "I didn't. Would never." She looks appalled.

"Who suggested filming the attack?" Mr. Langston asks.

"He did. He said he wanted a memento. I agreed to go along to film it. He brought these two brutes. I had nightmares for weeks afterwards." Peggy says with dignity.

"I'm sure you did. Wasn't it the two brutes who started the assault?" Langston hammers at her.

"No way. They followed Larry's orders. He directed it." Peggy stated.

"No further questions." Mr. Langston says with disgust.

"Redirect." Barney requests.

"Miss Wayne were you ever involved with Captain Stanley?" Barney asks.

"I had visited with him many times. I was ready to suggest that we go out when he started seeing Captain Stanley." Peggy blushes.

"No further questions." Barney says.

Once Peggy had left the stand, Barney calls Mr. Colton to the stand.

Colton is dressed in a shabby suit but his hair was cut in a conservative style. He is sworn in and takes a seat.

"Mr. Colton would you tell the court how you came to know the defendant?" Barney asks.

With a deep breath Colton says, "Mr. Miller came to the Bloody Hammer, a Biker Bar. He bought drinks for some of the guys then came to talk to Tank, um. Mr. Pearl and me."

"What did he talk to you about?" Barney asks.

"He asked us to help punish his nephews rapist." Colton says.

"Why did you accept his offer?" Barney asks.

"He offered us two thousand dollars." Colton responds.

"Was there any other reason?" Barney asks.

Blushing Colton answers, "He told us that it was a fireman. I found it erotic. I've had some fantasies, you see, but he was a rapist or so we thought why not."

"Are you and Mr. Pearl homosexual?" Barney asks.

"I'm bi-sexual and Mr. Pearl is homosexual." Colton answers.

"Who suggestion was it to rape Captain Stanley?" Barney asks.

"Mr. Miller. He directed the whole attack from: how we got in; how we were to talk to Captain Stanley; what we were to do; how we were to do it. His hag was to film the attack and we were paid fifteen hundred for filming." Colton says.

"Would you have raped Captain Stanley if it weren't for Mr. Miller?" Barney asks.

"No way." Colton denies.

"One final question. Would you have followed through if you had been told that Captain Stanley was innocent?" Barney asks.

"As God is my witness, we wouldn't have touched him." Colton says.

"No more questions." Barney says.

"Mr. Langston due to the time, we'll adjourn for Lunch." Judge Bandera declares.

Mr. Langston glares then turns to talk to Miller as the jury files out.

"All rise." Tom says as Judge Bandera leaves the court.

Miller is escorted from the courtroom as Barney shows Hank and his entourage to a conference room where lunch was provided for them.

Barney notices that Hank is pale and shaky. "Are you okay?" He asks worriedly as he wanted to win the case but not at the cost of losing Hank in the process.

"Yes. It could have been stopped if Miller had been truthful. My God." Hank swallows. "Take him down." Hank orders as his eyes flashed.

AJ hugs Hank and kisses his forehead. "I love you."

"How are you, Baby?" Hank asks.

"I'm fine. I love you and I am proud of you." AJ reaffirms.

"We are all proud of you, Cap." Johnny says.

Every one nods and hug Hank.

At exactly 1:00, court reconvenes. "All rise." Tom says as the Judge takes the bench and the jury returns.

Mr. Langston approaches Mr. Colton and says, "Isn't it true that your charges were reduced in exchange for your testimony."

"I plead guilty to lesser charges, yes." Colton says.

"So you will only serve a few years?" Langston glares.

"I will serve fifteen to twenty five years." Colton answers.

Mr. Langston is stunned. "No, isn't it true that your sentence is five years?"

"Objection your honor. Asked and answered."

"Move on Mr. Langston." Judge Bandera instructs.

Mr. Langston turns and sees Mr. Payne salute him with his coke as if to say go on.

"Mr. Colton, isn't it true that you and Mr. Pearl planned the rape?" Mr. Langston says.

"No sir." Colton says.

"You want this court to believe that Mr. Miller and not two transients would plan a rape?" Mr. Langston snarls.

"Larry Miller planned the rape. Tank and I own the Bloody Hammer in addition to The Coffee Shop, in Pasadena." Colton says calmly then adds, "We are not transients."

Langston turns open mouth to stare at Mr. Payne in disbelief, who smirked as he leaves the courtroom.

"No further questions." Langston says in disgust with himself for believing what Mr. Payne had told him.

Chapter Twenty Nine: Court Part Three.

"Mr. De Costa call your next witness." Judge Bandera says.

"The people call Captain Hank Stanley." Barney says.

Hank walks forward with his head held high. He takes his seat after being sworn in.

"Captain Stanley, I'm only going to ask you to verify a film that is Peoples exhibit 12. Your Honor, we beg the courts indulgence for a few moments. Due to the graphic nature of the film we wish to allow Captain Stanleys mother, Anna, to leave the room. Mrs. Stanley will return after the film is completed." Barney says sadly.

"We will allow this breach of etiquette." Judge Bandera allows.

"I renew my objections. This is nothing but a way to unduly influence the jury." Mr. Langston snaps.

"Sit down Mr. Langston". Judge Bandera instructs, "Tom start the film."

Hank sits rigid in the witness box and silently cries as the ordeal is revealed to the court.

AJ cries softly on Joes shoulder.

The Guys look on in horror at what Hank had to endure and tears quietly fall as they marvel at Hanks ability to overcome this event.

When the lights come up many of the jury are pale and nauseated. Tears mark each face.

"Captain Stanley do you need a brief recess?" Judge Bandera asks as Anna retakes he place in the gallery.

Hank shakes himself and answers, "No."

"Captain Stanley was that a fair, um, full representation of what occurred on the day of the rape?" Barney asks gently.

"Y.. Yes Sir." Hank says as his hand wipes the last lone tear from his face.

"No further questions, your honor." Barney says.

"Captain Stanley have you ever had sex with a man before?" Mr. Langston asks.

Hank looks stunned as Barney yells "Objection your honor. Arguing points not in evidence."

"Very well." Judge Bandera orders.

"Wait. I want to answer that question." Hank takes a deep calming breath and says, "I have NEVER had sex with a man prior to the rape." Hank practically shouts.

"Captain Stanley did you really fight?" Mr. Langston asks.

"The film talks for itself." Hank responds.

"I want you to answer the question." Mr. Langston.

"Objection asked and answered." Barney points out.

"Sustained." Judge Bandera says. "Mr. Langston just so you understand completely, you are limited to questions about the film only." The Judge admonishes.

With anger lit eyes Mr. Langston growls, "No further questions."

"Captain Stanley you may step down." Judge Bandera says. "We'll adjourn for the day. Court reconvenes at 8:00 tomorrow." The Judge bangs the gavel.

"All rise." Tom says as the judge leaves the courtroom.

Hank is quiet and unable to meet anyones eyes as the court empties.

"Cap, I am amazed youve done so well. Your strength is profound. We're more than friends; we're family. I respect you more than anyone Ive known." Mike says to Hank.

Each of his and AJ's men step forward and reinforce to Hank their respect and admiration.

Hank blushes but appreciates his friends, no Familys words.

Anna hugs Hank and whispers, "I love you, my son. You are brave, compassionate and strong. I am so proud of you."

Martin hugs Hank and tells him, "I'm so proud of you."

AJ approaches Hank and kisses him on the lips. "How are you?" AJ asks.

"I'm fine but I really need to talk to Randy though." Hank says.

"Cap, we'll see you tomorrow." Chet says.

"Thanks guys for your support. You have no idea how much this means to me. Mike would you and Tami join us for dinner?" Hank asks hesitantly.

"Sure, Cap." Mike says.

"Hank, how about I drive you to Rampart and AJ can pick up the kids?" Joe asks.

"That's a good idea. Do you mind honey?" Hank asks timidly.

"That's fine. Love you." AJ says as she kisses Hank.

Joe and Hank leave the court house as the Guys gather around AJ who again is weeping for her husband.

"AJ do you need to talk to Randy?" Anna asks with tears in her eyes too.

"I'll visit with him tomorrow. Anna it was really bad. I remember seeing Hank hiding but to witness what those animals did to him. God, I could still joyfully neuter them for what they did." AJ says as anger and compassion war in her eyes.

"Guys, if any of you need to talk to someone let me know. I know that I'll be talking to Randy too." Martin says as he wipes a lone tear away.

"AJ call if you or Hank need anything." Roy says.

"Honey, do you want us to take the kids home with us tonight?" Anna suggests.

"No, I think Hank wants things to be as normal as possible." AJ says then she turns to the Guys and says, "Thank you all for your support. I'm not sure how Hank would have made his recovery with out your support and friendship. Mike how about coming over at 6:00."

"We'll see you then. Don't overdo. You need your rest. Why don't we pick up pizza on the way over?" Mike offers.

"I'll be fine. I'll fire up the grill and you and Hank can cook." AJ says with a smile.



Chapter Thirty: Worry and Fear

Hanks meeting with Randy lasted for over an hour. He talked of his anger at Millers attempted insanity defense; at his binging extremely grateful to the Judge for his insight; at his hope for his sexual relationship with AJ; at his happiness with the respect and acceptance their men were showing him; at the affirmation offered by the film that he had resisted; ending by telling Randy to talk to AJ tomorrow.

Randy was amazed by Hanks clear thinking and level headedness. He knew that the trial would truly bring closures. Hank was a survivor. Randy marveled at the determination and stubbornness that refused to let the evil of one man destroy him.

Hank drove home after having his leg rechecked and a brief visit with Kelly and Dixie. He left making a promise to bring the kids over to their ranch for a visit.

AJ had the grill set up and ready to go when Hank arrived. Mike and Tami are on their way. AJ says as she kisses Hank.

The Girls were doing their homework on the picnic table.

Mikey was playing in the sandbox building a fire house. He had two engines and a hook and ladder parked in the cleared drive.

Mikey kept pushing Ash out of his way as he built his fire station. The piece of stick was placed for the flag pole and a small piece of paper was his flag. As he worked he heard his

Momma talking to someone. He turned and upon seeing Hank, he and Ash ran to Hank. He jumped up and was caught by Hank, who hugged him and kissed his cheek.

Ash ambled around Hanks legs and rubbed against him.

Hank was almost bowled over by his enthusiastic son. "How was your day?" Hank asks.

"It was Bor- ring." Mikey says in a long suffering way.

Hank stifles a snort. " Lil Cap, how was your day?"

"It was fine. I'm the set designer for the school play. The Great Pumpkin, you know, from Charley Brown." Lil Cap says.

"Wonderful, way to go." Hank says as he kisses her cheek.

"Daddy, Im playing Lucy in the play." Pip says.

"That's great. I'm proud of you." Then he adds, "If you want me, or the Guys, to help, let me know." Hank says as he kisses Pips cheek.

"Daddy, Momma is going to make my costume. Maybe Lil Cap will need help." Pip says with a confused look on her face.

As Hank blushes, he hears AJ laughing hysterically. "Thanks Pip, you're probably right but I can sew a button just as well as AJ".

As Hank stalked AJ he asks huskily, "Does Momma need any help?"

As she attempts to quell her snickers, AJ says,"Not right now. But when we put the steaks on its your turn to cook."

Hank chuckles as he hugs AJ and kisses her. As he deepens the kiss, AJ hugs him harder. "Ugh, get a room." Pip says with a blush.

Mikey smiles as he covers his eyes.

Lil Cap says happily, "Isn't it great. Everythings back to normal."

Hank and AJ blush as they hear a car pull into their driveway.

With a sigh Hank says, "I love you very much."

AJ's hands rest on Hanks behind. As she squeezes each cheek gentle, she says, "I love you."

Mike opens the gate for Tami. They see AJ's hands resting on Hanks butt.

"Hi, Uncle Mike and Aunt Tami. Momma and Daddy are pre oc cupied." Lil Cap says as she rolls her eyes.

"Hi Munchkins, Cap and Cap." Mike says with a twinkle in his eyes.

He helps Tami sit down. He says, "Are you okay? Comfortable?" Mike asks anxiously.

"Yes, Mike. Im pregnant not an invalid." Tami says with an accepting smile.

"How are you feeling?" AJ asks with concern.

"Oh. Im fine. Mike is just being a first time father. You know." Tami says as she smiles sweetly at Mike, as she continues, "He can drive a Engine and enter a fire with no fear but he is over protective with his wife."

"Oh, it's not just you. Big Red was jealous when he married and he treats her like she"s pregnant too." Hank says as he dodges the slap that was speeding towards the back of his head.

"You said you'd keep that a secret. Big Red is cantankerous because you"re not back yet. She thinks you have forsaken her." Mike snorts.

Tami shakes her head and asks, "How are you feeling?"

"Oh just great. I almost as big as you and I'm only two months pregnant while your entering your fifth." AJ says with a frown.

Hank jumps in and says, "You're beautiful. Remember your carrying two boys." Hanks eyes glint with mischievousness.

As Pip and Lil Cap take a deep breath to argue, AJ decides to stop this discussion before it starts by saying, "Which ever they are we will love them."

Mikey runs over to Tami and lays his hand on her belly. His eyes gett huge and he asks, "Whats that?"

"The baby kicked. He's wide awake. Feel over here." She says as she places his hand over the spot.

Mikey feels a small knot the size of a golf ball. "What's that?" He asks with awe.

"It's either a foot or a hand that's pressing against my belly." Tami says.

With a frown, Mikey hurries to AJ and touches her in the same place. He looks confused, "Where's the babies?"

Everyone burst out laughing.

Mikey looks hurt but stubbornly waited for an answer.

"Pigmy, their not really old enough to need to stretch but they are moving." AJ says as she places Mikeys hand.

Mikey felt a flutter and asks with his brows furrowed, "Da Babies?"

With a smile AJ says, "One of them."

Hank hated to interrupt but he asks, "Honey do I have time to talk to Mike before we start the steaks?"

"Sure, Baby." AJ says as she watches the girls playing tag with Mikey.

Hank leads Mike into his office after a brief stop at the fridge to get a couple of beers. As they settle into two of the easy chairs, Hank asks in a subdued voice, "Mike, first I want you to know that youre my best friend and I don't want anything to hurt that friendship. Are you going to Court tomorrow?" Hank asks fearfully.

"Yes, I want to be there for you." Mike says kindly.

"When they showed the film, um, did you catch the reference to um." Hank starts but is interrupted by his friend.

"You mean the question about `... Ramming the post .." Mike asks as he is interrupted.

"Yes." Hank begins to shake and turn pale.

"Cap." Mike waits a minute then tries again, "Hank, it's alright. I never believe that you would think that or want to hurt me. I love you like a brother. Hell with the feud still going on, I love you more than my brothers."

Hank shakily reaches for Mikes hand, "I was so afraid that he would ruin our friendship. You're like the brother I wish I had. He could say a lot worse things. I don't want to loose the best Engineer, in LA County, unless its to your own command." Hank says shyly.

"Hank none of us will let that Bastard ruin our friendship or respect for you. I'll be happy and extremely grateful for everything you've taught me. Cap nothing will change how we feel about you." Mike affirms.

Hank quietly wipes a few tears away and says in embarrassment, "Sorry, I feel like my nerves are raw and my feelings are too close to the surface."

Mike decides to change the subject. "We can't wait for you to get back. Chet is driving Johnny crazy." Mike chuckles as he continues, "Although Johnny has got in a couple of good ones." Mike watches a Hanks eyebrow lifts in question before continuing, "Johnny spent two weeks altering several of Chets uniforms. The Pant legs got longer. At the same time Johnny
started wearing lifts in his shoes. The change was very subtle until he had Chet convinced he was getting shorter. Then he made several false floors of different heights. They were higher at Johnnys end and lower at Chets end. Johnny taped a tape measure to the wall. Chet never notice that each inch mark from zero up to twelve were actually two inches apart, so that zero was actually twelve inches below true zero. God it was great. Johnny even suggested different ways to make Chet taller. He had Chet hanging upside down to let his weight stretch him. Chet was completely hooked. Captain Blakley was amazed at Chet's reaction. THE PIGEON HAD STRUCK BACK. Kelly denies that he was hooked but for about two weeks, Johnny was the king." Mike says with admiration clearly showing as he continues, "I almost felt unworthy."

Hank had sat in stunned silence but burst out laughing. When he got himself under control he says, "I hate to tell you, Pal, but it's been done before over at 10s. It happened while Johnny was working there. He must have been at his wits ends. Damn, I'd like to have seen that."

Lil Cap heard her Dads laughter through the door she waited for a minute then knocked.

"Come in." Hank calls.

"Momma says, `She is STARVING.'" Lil Cap says as she rolls her eyes.

end part 30