Episode 1, part 2

a meets Bess on the Dream Plane:

From: Leontien

Julia: Bess, what happened? Where are we? Maybe this is the dreamplane, 'Lonzo told me about it. I feel weird Bess.

From: Leontien

Julia: Still wandering through the dreamplane and suddenly stops.......

Terrian: {Comes in the dreamplane and sees Julia and Bess and also stops what it was doing} What are you doing here?

Julia: Bess, look a Terrian, maybe it can contact 'Lonz so he would know where we are. Hey Terrian here, help us. Uhh Bess do you know how to talk to a Terrian????

From: Janice Thele

Bess and Julia seemed to be walking down a long tunnel. Suddenly, three Terrians pushed up of the dirt at their feet to stand before them. One Terrian had a staff of power in its hands and the other two appeared to be carrying something else in their hands. One of the Terrians approached Bess and opened one of its hands. Inside the hand was a small blue leaf.

"What do they want Julia?"

I'm not sure, but I think they're trying to tell us about these plants."

The Terrian holding the blue leaf reached for Bess' arm and brought her hand up, palm open. He took his other hand and slit open the skin in the palm of her hand with his finger talon. Bess felt only a mild discomfort; not the pain she should have been feeling. The Terrian took the leaf and placed it over the cut. Instantly the pain disappeared.

"I think this leaf is some type of pain killer, Julie." The second Terrian without a staff then handed another plant to the Terrian holding Bess' hand. It opened its hand and showed her the plant. It looked very similar to a picture Bess had seem once of a dandelion. It pressed the plant to the cut on her hand and in seconds the cut healed over leaving just a small red streak to show where it had been. "Sweet Jesus, did you see that Julia?"

The Terrian then stepped over in front of Julia. It took a leaf from the second Terrian and pressed it against her chest, where her heart was. It removed its hand and showed Julia what the leaf looked like then it disappeared. The Terrian then took a second plant from the other Terrian and pressed it against Julia's stomach for a second. It removed its hand and again allowed Julia to look at the plant so that she could identify it later.

A second later, all three Terrians had sank back into the ground.

"What do you think those other plants do, Julia," asked Bess.

But before Julia could answer, the light in the tunnels Bess and Julia were in started to fade until everything went dark.

From: Hans

Julia woke up seeing Alonzo almost drooling over her.

Julia: 'Lonzo? What happened? (Julia trying to get up too fast) Ouch my head hurts. Alonzo I feel kinda dizzy. (looks around to see that Bess is awake too and suddenly remembers the plant) Bess the plant? What happened.

From: DanzigerE2@aol.com

Danziger: Al, is she coming around? I can't figure this out - Yale didn't respond to my message, do you think the Terrian might have had some kind of affect on our gear? (to Bess) Bess? ::kneeling beside her:: Are you all right, girl?

From: Janice Thele

Bess sits up, grabs her head and moans. She then quickly looks down at her hand. The hand that the Terrian had cut open and then mysteriously healed. Where was a very faint red line where the cut had been. "It was real Julia, it was real. Look at my hand." (Bess shows her hand to Julia). "Look, there in your other hand", Bess said to Julia because it appeared that she had her fist wrapped around several plants and leaves. "Are those the plants that we were shown or did you pick them up before we entered the dream scape?"

Bess, holding her head: "I'm fine, John, at least I think I am. My head feels like it's going to fall off." "Does your head ever feel like this after you dream, Al?"

From: Eeylish@aol.com

'Lonz: No, Bess, my head never hurts after a dream with the Terrians. It's probably from that plant you touched. :::putting an arm around Julia and helping her walk to the rail::: John, have you heard from Devon yet? I did something to my gear when that Terrian popped up in front of me.

From: DanzigerE2@aol.com

Danziger: Julia, you ok? I think you should look at this - it's some sort of powder. That digger, um, .... I mean, Terrian handed it to me. Looks almost like seeds. You know, like they used to plant on earth. You know anything about that Bess? Maybe we should ask Yale about this one. Sun's going down anyhow, we should head back to camp. Devon's probably already complaining that we are late. ::Standing up and offering a hand to help Bess up::

From: Janice Thele

Bess takes John's hand and stands up but is a little unsteady. "Did you get that equipment from Yale set up like you promised, John?"

From: DanzigerE2@aol.com

Danziger: "Dammit! I knew I forgot somethin'." ::looking skyward:: "Think we have time?"

From: Janice Thele

Bess: "I think you better MAKE the time John. If you come back without setting up that equipment Devon will have your head."

From: DanzigerE2@aol.com

Danziger: "That's true, but she doesn't scare me. Anyhow, Al, you want to give me a hand with this?"

From: Janice Thele

Bess, says to herself, ::sarcasdicly:: "Gee, thanks for helping me back to the rail, John. A gentlemen, as always."

From: Eeylish@aol.com

'Lonz: Sure, I'll give you a hand. Just let me get Julia situated in the rail first.

From: Leontien

Julia: Thanks Alonzo, I appreciate it. You're not mad at me anymore are you? (sits down in Dunerail) Give me your stuff and go help Danziger ok? Don't be gone for long, fly-boy.

Meanwhile, Back at camp:

From: Tatanka90@aol.com

YALE TO DEVON: "Devon! I'm concerned about the scouting party....Ive heard nothing from them, and they have not placed the sensor unit yet. I'm afraid they're in trouble."

From: Ann Brill White

::Calling on Gear:: "John? It's Devon. What's wrong with them?"

From: DanzigerE2@aol.com

Danziger: (Sarcastic) "Oh, now she responds." ::turning on gear:: (to Devon) "Nothing now. I still think Julia should check herself and Bess out, but they are awake now and seem to be ok. Well, I never thought Julia was ok, but she's back to her old self anyhow. Something about a plant, not too sure on that one. Anyhow, we're heading back soon. Sound good?" ::looking at the three with him:: "Do think we can go, or do you need a minute? Take your time, but I ain't too fond of driving at night on this planet, understand?" ::back to Devon:: "We'll be on our way soon. You got True there?"

From: Ann Brill White

True... uh... (Devon looks around. True is nowhere to be found. Uly is off playing with his lightning stick)

Uly! Have you seen True?

:back to Danziger: She.. uh... must have gone behind a bush. I'm sure she'll turn up in a few minutes.

From: DanzigerE2@aol.com

Danziger: "What? Devon, are you saying you lost my kid? I leave her with you for one damn day and you can't even keep track of her!? Man, I would have been better off if I left her with Morgan! ::pauseing to think about what was just said:: Well, ... not really, but all I am sayin' is you better have found her by the time I get there or else! Do you hear me Adair?"

From: Ann Brill White

Devon: "I think they can hear you all the way back on the Stations, John. Relax. She probably just went off with Zero somewhere, or went to the bathroom." ::Danziger turns his gear off::

From: Ann Brill White

Devon: Yes, Yale. I'm fine. Except for wanting to feed John Danziger to a Grendler, that is. Oh, have you see True lately? She wasn't around when I looked for her earlier, and her father is in a snit again.

From: Tatanka90@aol.com

YALE: "Now Devon, we know John Danziger has a temper, don't let it get to you. True is the most important person in his life, like Uly is yours. I saw her by the camp perimeter not long ago, with a rather smug look on her face."

From: Ann Brill White

Devon: Yes, Yale, I know... But that man is so *frustrating* sometimes! He's such a stubborn, pigheaded control freak that always has to have things his way...."

From: Tatanka90@aol.com

YALE turns away from Devon with a look on his face as if to say "you would know about control freaks", but is silent and polite.

Back to our scouting group:

From: Leontien

Julia: What's that suppose to mean? You never thought I was Ok? But I'd rather check myself and Bess out when we're back in the Med-tent, I got all of my equipment there. I'm gonna take the plant with me, maybe I can find out what happened.

From: DanzigerE2@aol.com

Danziger: ::grinning:: Just joking around, of course.

From: DanzigerE2@aol.com

<< 'Lonz: Sure, I'll give you a hand. Just let me get Julia situated in the rail first. >>

Danziger: "Great," ::setting up the sensor on a high rock above where Julia and Bess's plants lay:: "I think that'll do. What do you think? ::not waiting for an answer:: "Ok, let's head out then."

From: Tatanka90@aol.com

"......As the scouting party pulls away in the dusk light, across the pass, a figure is passed unnoticed by the group. It is the Terrian who gave the "ancedote" to John and Alonzo. Close up........ expressionless as always, his fists clench as he slips into the world he is now officially at odds with."

From: Leontien

Julia: How long before we're back in camp, Danziger? I'm feeling a little bit tired. And stop bouncing the rail on every rock ok? (falls asleep with her head on Alonzo's shoulder)

From: DanzigerE2@aol.com

Danziger: "We'll be home soon - but not before sun down. Think Adair will be understanding?" ::once again not waiting for an answer:: "I doubt it. She never is." ::with a sigh:: "Anyhow, Bess did you still feel like talkin'?"

From: Janice Thele

Bess: You might want to contact Adair and tell her we'll be late getting back. No need to worry her more than she already is. Make sure you tell her all about the plants we found and the seeds you got. Have you guys noticed how moody Morgan has been lately? I can't seem to live with him or without him. Anyone know what's been bothering him?

From: Leontien

Julia: Huh? What happened? Did someone say something about Devon and Morgan? I guess I fell asleep.( falls back asleep again)

From: DanzigerE2@aol.com

Danziger: "Someone else call Adair. I don't really feel like talking to her right now. Man, if her boy sneezes she calls a frickin' town meeting, but she can't even keep an eye on my little girl for one day! Al, you call her. Anyhow, ::with a slight change of mood:: Bess, honestly, Morgan is always moody to me. I know I provoke him, but I have my reasons."

Alone in the woods:

From: Ann Tate

Mary huddles, knees drawn up, arms wrapped round them, and shivering, behind a thicketed bush. It isn't the settling chill, which really isn't that bad, which makes her shiver. It's the total and absolute sense of ... aloneness.

Her people, her . . . *family* ... have abandoned her, and she is now really alone for the first time that she can remember.

She begins to wish, not for the first time, that she'd gone with the kindly old man when he'd asked her, and not simply bolted away like a frightened child.

But, is she really alone? She has had the frightening sense that something . . . or *someone* has been watching her -- tracking her movements.

A sound makes her jump, and look up. She peers cautiously out from around her bush.

One of the strange mechanical things of *the others* is slowly crawling along, passing right by her.

Reacting, not really thinking, she bolts up from her hiding place, and runs out from behind her bush, directly in the path of the crawling mechanical thing.

From: Amanda

:::Morgan is pushing the ATV to its limits since he's still mad at the Eden group. He bounces over rocks and through potholes, the vehicle groaning under the careless treatment. Suddenly Morgan notices something, some*one* rushing into the ATV's path. He desperately throws the wheel, trying to avoid hitting the person. Part of his mind notices it's the Terrian girl, but he has no time to think about it. Instead, as the ATV bounces down the hillside uncontrollably, he yells:::


:::The shout fades out as the ATV overturns and Morgan is thrown out:::

From: Ann Tate

Mary cries out as the mechanical thing hurtles towards her. Instinctively realizing at the last second that she's in danger, she leaps to one side.

The mechanical thing just barely misses her, but something is wrong with it. Mary watches in horror as the thing topples over, and a man is thrown forcefully from it.

*My fault*, she thinks, blinking back tears as she runs to where the man has landed. Dropping to her knees beside the man, she examines him closely.

A dark red is coming from the wound on his head.

Mary swallows back a shudder. She remembers the red, and the stillness, too. this was how her Mamma and Daddy had looked when . . .

"NO!!!!" she screams, and the sound of her own voice startles her. "My fault," she mutter, now unable to stop the flow of tears.

Getting to her feet, she searches around her, and strips several dark leaves from a nearby bush. Returning to the man, she carefully presses a leaf to the place where the red is coming from.

slowly, the red stops.

"Wake up?" She whispers fearfully. "Please . . . wake up?"

From: Amanda

Slowly Morgan comes to. Faintly he mumbles, "Wha happen? Wher'm'I?" He grabs his head and moans. "Hurts..." Then he focuses on Mary. "Who are you?" he asks her. Then, sitting up too quickly, he squeaks, "Who am *I*??!!"

From: Ann Tate

Mary gazes at him through her tears, confused

"I . . . I do not remember your . . . your name," she stammers.

"My name is Mary," she continues. "You should not be . . . sitting up. You are not well. your head . . . it has been damaged."

She hesitates, then asks, "Your mechanical thing . . . it was angry with you?" she gazes down the hill at the object in question.

Meanwhile as the scouting party is returning:

From: Eeylish@aol.com

'Lonz: "Calm down Danziger. You know True can take care of herself." Flashes the mechanic his trade mark grin when Danziger growls at him. "So, what do you think made that trail? Some kind of animal? It's to wide to be Kobas and too narrow to be Grendlers. You know, we've been so intent on finding edible plants that we haven't tried to find any kind of animals like they had on earth in the good ole days. Things like...cows...turkeys...chickens." Shudders when he remembers that ill-fated mission to find a cargo pod where they (Julia, Danziger, Morgan and himself) had gotten lost and would have died if it hadn't been for that Grendler. "Naw, forget that idea. I'm going to take a nap. Wake me when we get back to camp." Settles in next to Julia and dozes off.

From: DanzigerE2@aol.com

Danziger: ::fully aware he is talking to a sleeping person:: "Sorry Al, but that trail was the furthest thing from my mind. I had nearly forgotten all about it after Bess called." ::talking to Bess:: "Now don't you be going to sleep as well. If you all are asleep I might be liable to dose off and last thing we want to do is wreck." ::thinking back to the trail:: "I have no clue what could have made it. All I know is that we will be heading out this same way tomorrow. The road is smooth and seems easy going, so we should be able to take a good look at it in a few days or less. You got any ideas on what made it Bess?" ::thinking:: "We can rule Terrains out - they trail underground. Although, that one was hanging around there. Now, I don't know much about the Terrians, but I always thought they traveled in numbers. At least in twos. I haven't seen one alone like that before, have you? I still don't care for them ether way."
::thinking to himself "why did Alonzo even have to bring up that ill-fated trip. couldn't we all just forget about it? I wish I could"::

From: Janice Thele

Bess: I know the Terrians seem kind of creepy but so far it seems like all they've done is help us. After all, look what they did for Uly. You don't think the trail could have been made by another one of those cyborg-soldiers do you? Maybe it was made by some type of animal we haven't seen yet. Could be anything.

From: DanzigerE2@aol.com

Danziger: "Dear Lord, I hope not. That is one ordeal I would rather not repeat." ::holding his side as if he could still feel the pain:: "I know the Terrians have helped us in the past, and I'd rather meet up with one of them over a ZED anyday, but I still don't care for them ether way." ::looking at her:: "Some how I don't think they'll take it personally. I don't care much for any life on this planet: Grendlers, Kobas, or the penal colonist."

From: Janice Thele

Bess: "Come on, John. Grendlers are kind of cute. There's like big puppy dogs don't you think. One of those St. Bernard dogs I've seen pictures of. Drool and everything."

As for True and the Koba:

From: Hven1587@aol.com

True : : Walking to a brush with a rock next to it. She sits down with the koba in her arms. "I think we can get along if we work on it. What do you think? I still have to give you a name."

Back to the scouting group:

From: Janice Thele

Bess: "Why do you provoke him, John. Will you tell me your reasons?"

From: DanzigerE2@aol.com

Danziger: ::with a sigh:: "You know what I'm talking about Bess." ::Looking at her while taking off my sunglasses realizing the sun has gone down:: "I know it was a long time ago, but first impressions last a long time." ::Turning to see if Alonzo and Julia are still asleep, they are:: "He knows what he did."

From: Janice Thele

Bess: "You're talking about on the ship aren't you, John? Morgan told me what he did. He feels terribly guilty about it. He panicked, John, he couldn't help himself. He feels terrible about what he did, but, he was scared. All he could think about is getting us off the ship before it exploded." "Please try to forgive him, John. He's really a very nice person. He's just totally out of his element here. He's never spent much time on a planet. He's not the total coward you all think he is. Look over there, that seems like the highest hill around. Maybe we should set up the equipment there."

From: DanzigerE2@aol.com

Danziger: "Bess, if I knew he felt sorry about it, then I could forgive him. Never once has he said anything to me about it, not about feeling guilty and not about being sorry." ::grinding his teeth:: "You say he is not a coward, but what kind of a man closes the door on two lives, one of which was a child? Sure he was scared, but do you think I wasn't? My little girl was with me and you know I'd do anything for her. Everything I do is for her, everything Morgan does is for himself." ::shaking his head and looking away:: "Forgiveness is an element of time and that is what it will take."

From: Janice Thele

Bess: "I'm sorry John. I know it was a terrible thing that Morgan did. Please try and understand that, while everything you do is for your daughter, Morgan's first concern is for me. I know it doesn't look that way, but, you know how afraid he is of losing me. Sometimes it makes him irrational. He's trying, he really is. And, you forget John, Morgan did confess what he did, that night around the campfire. He told everyone what he did and he apologized then. Please try and accept his words."

From: DanzigerE2@aol.com

Danziger: "I understand all that, but like I said, it'll take time. You can understand that I'm sure."

From: DanzigerE2@aol.com

Danziger: "Bess, we are nearing camp, I can see the fire light now." ::looking over his shoulder at Julia and Alonzo who are still asleep in the back and then back to the road:: "You might want to wake sleeping beauty back there, ::grins at Bess:: oh and Julia too." ::seeming to not quite to be there:: "Devon hasn't called again, has she?"

From: Janice Thele

Bess: "Julia, Al, wake up, we're almost back to camp." "No, John, Devon hasn't called again." "Al, Julia, come on now, wake up." "John, they seem to be having difficulty waking up."

From: DanzigerE2@aol.com

Danziger: "What do you mean?" ::bring the rail slowly to a stop:: "Any lucky?" ::Turning around to see Julia is still fast asleep and Al half way awake.:: "Feeling ok, pal?"

From: Leontien

Julia: (yawns) What? (suddenly fully awake) Where are we? (looks at 'Lonzo) Hey sleepy head, are you planning to do another sleepjump or something?

As Morgan regains consciousness:

From: Amanda

:::Morgan looks at Mary dumbfounded. Then, her dirty appearance obviously sinking in, he scrambles backwards, away from her, a scared look on his face:::

"I don't know you. I don't know any Mary. You're weird..."

:::Getting to his feet:::

"What is this place? It's so empty. Where am I?"

:::And Morgan stumbles swayingly away from Mary, into the desert, in the direction away from camp:::

"I've got to find my mother. Where is she?" (Whimpering) "Mom? Mom? Please help. Help meeee!"

From: Ann Tate

Mary: *Mother*, Mary thinks. The word bringing up all kinds of memories for her.

Noticing the man stumbling away, and that he's heading deeper into the desert, Mary runs after him.

Catching up to him easily, she grasps his swaying shoulders.

"Your Mother isn't there," she says, haultingly, pointing out into the nothingness. "I will help you find her," she continues, "but we must go *that* way," she says, pointing back in the direction from which they'd come.

She gently tugs on the man. 'Come," she urges him softly.

From: Amanda

::Morgan, confused from the head injury, allows himself to be led away by Mary. He's still very dazed and softly continue to whimper for his mother::

From: Ann Tate

Mary: Slipping a supportive arm around the man's waist, Mary gently turns him in the direction she thinks the mechanical thing had been coming from, and leads him back through the woods. The nagging feeling of being stalked is still with her, though. Fortunately, the confused man at her side doesn't seem to notice. His whimpering for his Mother brings a large lump to Mary's throat, and brings back a vague impression of herself as a very little girl. She remembers curling up into a tight ball, and crying for her Mama . . . much in the same way this man is doing.

"It is . . . ok" she haultingly tries to comfort him. "We will be with the others soon."

*I hope*, she thinks to herself, and they trudge slowly onward.

The sun is going down rapidly now. Mary suppresses a shudder -- she doesn't like the dark, and really doesn't like being out in the open in the dark like this.

"Come," she gently coaxes the man to move just a bit faster. "Do you . . .know your Mothers face? Or her name?" Mary had no idea whom to look for when/if they found the others.

Back at Camp:

From: Tatanka90@aol.com

YALE: "At last, there you are Uly, I been waiting for you child. Have you seen True lately?"

From: Stefanie Ogrzewalla

ULY: " No.Why? " (hitting, with a branch, on the ground) "Where´s mom?"

From: Tatanka90@aol.com

YALE to ULY: "She's watching True for her dad.The party is almost back."

From: Stefanie Ogrzewalla

ULY: (throws the branch away) "I search for her " (running away) "True?! True?!"

From: Hven1587@aol.com

True: (speaking out loud) Uh oh here comes trouble, Uly! Well, my little friend I will be back soon, maybe after I explain you to my Dad he will say that it's ok to keep you. I still have to think of a name for you though. To Uly: "Uly you don't need to shout I'm right here (True coming out from a brush). I was busy."

From: Stefanie Ogrzewalla

Uly: " Yale and my mom are searching for you. Your dad will be back soon...(looking curious at her) what did you do there?"(stepping towards the brush)

From: Hven1587@aol.com

True: "Thanks Uly, I've been waiting for my Dad to come back. Do you have to know everything I do? It is none of your business." (True stands there with her hands on her hips looking exasperated)

:: Then True turns to leave and walks back to camp, shaking her head.

From: Ann Brill White

The Koba peeks out of the bush and waves goodbye to True...

The Scouting Trip Returns:

From: Leontien

Julia: (gets out of Rail and runs to Med Tent) Yale did you set up the Med-tent? Is all my equipment there? Danziger, bring me the plant. Alonzo could you bring the rest of my stuff please.

From: Eeylish@aol.com

'Lonz: mumbles to himself about always having to carry the doc's things as he drags her bags back to the med-tent. Once inside he drops the bags and flops down on the bed.

From: DanzigerE2@aol.com

Danziger: "You getting as bad as Devon with barking orders." ::handing her the plants they brought back:: (to Devon) "Now where's True? Did you find her yet?"

From: Janice Thele

Bess gets out of the rail and stands there looking around for Morgan.

From: Hven1587@aol.com

True : : Still shaking her head looks up when she hears the Rail come to a stop. She scans the group looking for her father. True yells out to Danz as she runs toward him. :: "Dad!!!! I'm so happy your back!"

From: DanzigerE2@aol.com

Danziger: "I guess so!" ::lifting her up in the air:: "Hey there little girl. And what have you been up to today, huh?"

From: Hven1587@aol.com

True : : wrapping her arms around her dad's neck and giving him a kiss on the cheek : : "Nothing much Dad, just walking around. How was the scouting party? Did you find anything."

From: DanzigerE2@aol.com

Danziger: "Had a little excitement - nothing that we couldn't handle." ::Notices Bess looking around for Morgan and thinks that it's a little odd, but he probably off playing in VR, wasting a whole day away doing nothing constructive. Turning my attention back to True:: "You were gone an awful long time, where did you walk?"

From: Hven1587@aol.com

True :: "Not far from camp, Dad. I just took a little walk down the path in the back of the camp. I did see Morgan but he got mad when... (True remembers that now isn't the right time to tell her father about the Koba so she shuts her mouth and tries to make something up) ... I told him to go bug someone else. Uly found me and told me that you guys were back. That's all that happened."

From: Ann Brill White

Devon: Julia! What happened? Is everyone okay? What do you need? (Glowers at Danziger) I *told* you to be careful!

From: DanzigerE2@aol.com

Danziger: ::putting True back down on the ground:: "What?" ::putting his hands on his hips:: "I didn't do anything. Julia was looking at some plants, she got pricked by one and was out like that. You are always blaming me, ::lowering his brow:: I am not the only one who messes up around here."

From: Leontien

Julia: Devon, we're ok. And Danziger couldn't help it, whatever happened to us. Right now, I need to analyze the plant, to see if there is any toxin. ::entering her med-tent:: I also need to check both my blood and blood from Bess, to see if there is any toxin left in our system. (sees Alonzo entering the tent and dumping her stuff on the bed) Thank you 'Lonz, I really appreciate it. You can stay here if you want to, but I think I'm gonna be really busy tonight.

From: Eeylish@aol.com

'Lonz: "You know what, Doc?" Alonzo got up of the bed and crossed the med-tent to stand behind Julia. ::He swept up her blonde hair with his hands and placed several butterfly kisses along her neck.:: "You work too hard. You need to relax. Come, I can think of something more constructive to do." ::he whispers seductively in her ear and takes her hand in his. Gently with his other hand, he turns her chin to face him and slowly leans in for a kiss.::

From: Tatanka90@aol.com

YALE walks into the scene at this moment, surprised at what he sees: "Excuse me, I'm here to get your debriefing Julia, Devon tells me there was a medical incident on the scouting trip. Shall I come back later?"

From: Leontien

Julia: (starts blushing)Yale! Hi. Uhmm, I didn't find that much yet. Tell Devon that when I find something, she's the first to know. (when Yale is gone, she turns around to look at Alonzo, who is still holding her) Alonzo, I have work to do... but you're right. I probably need to relax. Now what was it you had to show me?

From: Janice Thele

Bess stands in the middle of camp looking around for Morgan. When she doesn't see him, she thinks to herself, "he's probably wandering around my himself. Hoping to find a gold mine or something. Hope he doesn't get himself lost."

Bess walks over to Julia's tent and says - as she ducks under the door flap and just walks in - "Knock, knock. Oh. I'm sorry Julia. I thought you said you wanted to do some blood tests or something. Why don't I come back later. Or, better yet. Let me know when you're not busy and we can do it then." Bess starts to back out of the tent.


From: DanzigerE2@aol.com

Danziger: ::just now remembering that the sun went down about an hours or two ago:: "True, I think it's time you were off to bed. Hey Yale, could you..... ::about to ask Yale if he could take her to her tent, but then thinking about having not been with her all day:: Ah, nevermind pal." (to Devon who is still in a huff) "I think I'm going to turn in soon. We should all be headed in that direction if you still plan to move on tomorrow. It'll be a long day, but I know we are all more then ready to leave this place. Walman is watching on first shift tonight, right?"

From: Tatanka90@aol.com

YALE:" John, I must find out the details of the incident today on the scouting trip, the details may be very important. Tell me what you know. "

From: DanzigerE2@aol.com

Danziger: ::looking a bit distracted:: "Huh? Details? Oh right, um... it's hard to say what happened. Al and I were over looking a some trail. We never did figure out what it was and then I heard Bess call for help. We ran to help her and Julia. Al was a bit faster then me and he.... ::turns around looking around very obviously not paying attention to Yale:: Um, he ran right into a Terrian. He was out for a sec, but then....." ::stilling looking around:: "Hey Yale - where is the ATV?"

From: Tatanka90@aol.com

YALE to John:"It was parked over there where its been all day! It's gone! Who's missing? I'll check the camp population John, you see if its parked somewhere else."


Part 3 will be coming soon!