FIC: Dukesblade 7: Ian loves Sara, Sara like Luke

by selena

Fandom: Witchblade/DOH

Catagory: Gen

Ian loves Sara, Sara likes Luke
by Seliena

Sara placed the small clearing muttering obscenities under her breath. Occasionally she would rub her wrist to remind herself why she was there. There was times when she really hated the Witchblade, well and truly loathed it, right now being one of those times. She stopped her pacing and pinched the bridge of her nose in an effort to stem the flow of pain to her head. This whole situation was giving her a major headache. She looked around her, trying to find somewhere to sit down and sulk, finding nothing suitable she sighed and sat down on the grass. She was startled by a coughing sound behind her. She turned her head slightly to see Luke standing by the car they had borrowed of his friend Cooter. For a minute she had forgotten he was there, but she was glad that he was. She smiled weakly at him; he took this as a sign that it was safe to come over.

“Are you ok?” He asked. Sara turned her big brown eyes to look at him, really look at him. Damn if he didn’t have the kindest eyes she had ever seen on a man, outside of Gabriel and Danny. Right now those eyes were screaming concern, for her and for his family. Sara felt a pang of guilt as she remembered that the stupid Witchblade was messing up his life too. Sara reached out and took his hand.

“I’m getting there.” She said softly “How are you?”

“I’ll be fine, when this is all over and everything gets back to normal.”

“Normal is a relative term.” Sara said wistfully, her fingers once more returning to play with the empty space on her wrist.

“You really miss it, don’t you?”


“That bracelet thingy. It seems to me that it is one big pain in the butt, but you act like you miss in being there.” He said, pointing to her wrist. Sara blushed and covered it with her jacket.

“I guess I am just used to it, at least where it is on my wrist I know where it is. Sometimes though I wish I had never got it, sometimes I wish . . . . “


“No it’s stupid.”

“Tell me,” he said softly, reaching out a hand to push away a stray lock of her hair “Nothing you could say could ever be stupid.”

Sara took a deep breath and held it for a few minutes before letting it out. “Sometimes I feel like it’s a curse, on me and everyone who loves me. Sometimes I feel like, like I’m a curse.”

Luke leaned in closer. “You could never be a curse, Sara.”

Sara pulled away from Luke’s touch; she leapt away putting meters of distance between them. “You don’t understand.” She all but shouted. “I hurt everyone. If you get to close, I could get you killed.” She swallowed thickly and pushed away the memories threatening to invade her mind. She couldn’t afford to think about Concobar right now.

“You are special, Sara” Luke said, once more at her side. “I could feel that about you when I first met you. Now it is real messed up how you got here, and it’s a cruel world that would put us through all this. But I am not sorry that it happened. I’m not happy about it, but it gave me the chance to meet you. And I don’t believe for one minute that knowing you could be a curse.”

“Oh wow.” Sara said wryly. “I bet the girls just fall over you.”

“I do ok, I guess.”

Sara could feel his breath on her cheek, their faces just inches apart. Sara leaned in closer, her mouth lightly brushing Luke’s lips . . . . .

“God, Chief. I leave you alone for one minute and you end up all over the first guy you meet here.”

Sara jumped away from Luke and looked into the laughing face of her friend. “Gabriel!” She said, shocked. “What the hell are you doing here, how did you get away from the cops?”

“It ain’t no thing.” Bo said running up to hug his cousin.

“There are no ‘cops’ in this whole place.” Gabriel snorted.

Sara smirked at her friend and turned back to Luke. “Ok, now that we are all back together again, I need you to take me to your other cousin so I can get my ‘bracelet thingy’ back.” Luke smiled at the reference. “Then we can work out how the hell Gabriel and I get back home, to our own time.”

“Do you really have to go?’ Luke asked, capturing Sara’s hand in his.

“Yeah, I do. I’m really not supposed to be here, my being here makes absolutely no sense.” Luke and Sara’s faces were once more inches apart. Gabriel sighed and turned away, wishing to give his friend some privacy. Bo smiled and ambled back over to the General. Suddenly Sara looked up as if she heard a noise.

“What is it?” Luke asked. Sara shrugged of his hands and took a few steps towards a small copse of trees.

“I thought you said knew about this place.”

“They don’t. I told you this was one of Uncle Jessie’s moon shining places. Not even Boss Hogg knows about it.”

“Someone knows.”

“Sara?” Gabriel questioned.

“All of you stay here.” She commanded. Slowly she edged towards the trees. She turned round to see the three men staring at her; she was about to walk back to them when. . . . . .

“Good afternoon Lady Sara.”

“Oh No”

“It’s a beautiful day isn’t it?” Ian’s voice was sad, almost wistful.

“No, no, no, no. You can’t be here.”

“And yet, here I am.”

“What the hell is going on?”

“Don’t you know?”

“No, I don’t know, so would you mind explaining to me.”

“Nothing would give me greater pleasure, but.”

“You won’t”

The tall man advanced on Sara, towering over her. To other people this looming figure might be a little imposing, but Sara had long since stopped being intimidated by Ian. “Everything happens for a reason, Sara.”

“Screw you, Nottingham. I’m so sick of this crap!”

Ian turned away, hanging his head slightly. “This will come to its end soon.” Ian started to walk away. Sara started to go after him, but stopped herself. She didn’t want to leave Gabriel, and if she admitted it to herself, she didn’t want to leave Luke.

“Wait, Ian!” She called out. “What are you doing here, tell me how you got here.”

“I imagine the same way you did.” He said without turning round. And then he was gone. Sara was sure that she didn’t take her eyes off him; he just wasn’t there anymore.

“I really don’t need this now.” She muttered as she walked back to the boys.

“Hey, was that?” Gabriel asked


“But how?”

“You got me.”

"But if he I here, then wouldn’t . . .?”

“God I hope net.”

“But isn’t he dead?”

“Yeah, but I don’t think he wants to stay that way.”