
by Sgt Buck Frobisher

Note: This fic came to me after reading "Speechless" , a fanfic on the Due South Fanfic Archive. "Speechless" is about Caroline Fraser's feelings when she (her ghost, that is)and Benton see each other after 30 years in the mineshaft in "Call of the Wild." I read it and decided to write one from just the opposite, from Fraser's point of view. Part of it is set in the mine and the rest right outside immediately after. Please be nice to me, this is my first story. There may be a few errors, that's because I've only seen a couple eps of the show so far.

by Sgt Buck Frobisher

"You're fading" I watch, as dad's figure grows fainter.

"I've caught my last man" he answers. "No need to stick around anymore."

"I thought you were permanent" I choke on the words.

"Nothing's permanent, son" he answers.

Just as he finishes speaking, another figure enters through the mists. A lump rises in my throat as I realize who it is.

"Caroline" dad says.

She walks over to me and we stand face to face. I have only vague memories of her, but somehow, I feel that, like dad, she's always been there. Could it be that she was there, but I haven't seen her because I didn't know to look?

She reaches out a hand and brushes the hair from my eyes.

I want to speak, want to tell her something, but the words just won't come.

There's a look of pride and happiness in her eyes. I know she's proud of me and so is dad.

Then she turns and she and dad walk away, fading into the mists. I'm alone in the cave.

Good bye dad I think to myself. I'll miss you. Take care of him, mom. I love both of you.

After a moment, I trudge out of the shaft, head still hanging.

Buck is right outside and he notices my sadness. Ray's out there somewhere, in the milling crowd, but I don't see him. Dief is there too, and he looks at me with a sad wolf face and gives a sad-sounding whimper, as if he knows too.

"You okay?" Buck asks.

"Yeah" I manage.

He knows I'm not really, but doesn't take it any further.

"He's gone for good" I stammer out. "I thought he was permanent but he said he's not."

"He told me that too" Buck answered. "He knew it would upset you when the time came, but he knew it had to happen."

"Mom was there too" I continue, still choking on the words somewhat.

"He said she used to visit you." Buck said. "He said you didn't see her because you didn't know to look."

"I figured that out" I answer.

"But they're both still there" he continues. "Even if you can't see them."

I nod, knowing he's right.

Finally, Ray notices me through the crowd and comes over. He puts a hand on my shoulder and we walk back toward the crowd, with Dief trotting along on the other side of me. Ray knows something happened, but I don't say what. He doesn't know about dad, or the ghost business.

As we reach the crowd, I glance back at the mine a moment. And even though he said he was gone, and I can't see him, I still somehow feel him there, and mom too. And I know Buck was right. They are always there, even if I can't see them, even if they don't talk to me. And I can remember the talks he had before, and what he told me, and still use his guidance, even if he doesn't visit anymore.

Standard disclaimer: The Ideas-Mine The characters-Not mine. They are the show's creators.