Early Morning

By Iris Gray



Email: wy236@victoria.tc.ca

Web Page: http://victoria.tc.ca/~wy236/

Summary: A companion piece to "Mine"; Ray's thoughts the next morning.

Disclaimer: Characters belong to Alliance and their respective creators and not to me.


Early Morning

By Iris Gray

Ray Kowalski opened his eyes and looked at the clock. It was still early - 5:30 a.m. He stretched and cuddled closer to his lover, Benton Fraser. He had arrived home the previous night after the longest and most boring stakeout he could ever remember being on, and Fraser had undressed him and put him to bed. They'd fallen asleep holding hands, as they had done every night since they'd become lovers. It was Ray's way of reassuring himself that his partner would still be there in the morning, that he wouldn't wake up alone as he had done too many times in the past. He didn't really need to do that anymore, not now that he and Fraser actually lived together, but it had become a comfortable ritual.

It was unusual that he was the one who was awake this early, and not Fraser. The Mountie was often awake and out of bed before sunrise. But lately he'd been staying in bed till Ray awoke, saying that now he had a reason to stay in bed in the morning. Their wolf, Diefenbaker (Dief had quickly become 'their' wolf after they moved in together), didn't seem to object to not being forced to go for pre-dawn walks.

Fraser stirred next to him. "Ray?"

"Sssh, it's early, go back to sleep, love."

Strong arms wrapped around him. "I love you," said Fraser.

"Love you, too," whispered Ray as he snuggled in his lover's warm embrace.

Ray's last thought as he went back to sleep were of the man lying next to him.

His friend.

His partner.

His lover.
