Title: Dinner For Two, a Steve/Jack story

Authoress: The Huntress


Rating: NC17...what did you think it was going to be? Kids Only??

Archive: BBQ Bob's, The Abode, WWOMB, if wanted, and my page...all others please ask.

Synopsis: It's Steve/Jack for a change, but Steve does end up with Jesse ....

Authors Note 1: In the Jack eps, Mark lives on a residential street, and Steve has his own place. In this fic, the living arrangements are as they were in the Jesse eps. Steve lives with Mark on the beach.

Disclaimer: Steve belongs to Jesse, so much for disclaimers. If I owned them, would I be writing fic or participating in a menage-a-troix?

Dinner For Two
by The Huntress

"I'm going to kill him," Steve growled, absolutely fuming.

"Steve, calm down," Mark said softly.

"His big mouth blew three months of surveillance! Oh, and just so you know, thanks to the good Doctor Stewart, I now have a week's suspension...without pay." Steve nodded. "I'm gonna kill him."


But Steve didn't hear the rest of his father's words. He was going to get his hands on Jack Stewart and tear the man to shreds.

Meanwhile, Jack had no idea of what had happened. He had gone to see an old friend and didn't have any reason to suspect that his old friend was under police observation. So, when he told Eddie that his friend Steve Sloan was working on a sting operation involving a bookie, it was in complete innocence. Hence, he was doing his rounds as normal and made a stop in the lounge, where Steve was waiting for him.

"Hey Steve, what's up?"

"I want to thank you Jack, for blowing my case."

"What are you talking about? How did I blow your case?"

"You went to see Eddie Liston, didn't you? Told him about a sting operation? That was you, wasn't it?"

"Oh geez Steve, I didn't know. Sorry."

"I got suspended. For a week. Without pay."

"Well, uh, I'll make it up to you. Next time you get shot, I'll fix you for free." Jack laughed, but stopped when he saw Steve's look. "It was an honest mistake. Don't get your panties in a bunch."

Steve lunged for him, but Jack ducked, and Steve's hands hit the coffee pot. "FUCK, THAT HURTS!"

"That's what you get for picking on a doctor."

"Oh Jack, you're going to pay for that." Steve reached out, this time grabbing him by the shirt, pulling them nose to nose. "Three months of work Jack. You know, this case, the Captain said I might make Lieutenant after it. Now I'll be lucky to be writing traffic tickets."

Jack smiled at him. "Did you know you have minty fresh breath?"

Steve tilted his head, looking a bit confused. "What?!"

"Your breath, it smells good."

"My breath. I'm about to pound your face in and you think my *breath* smells good? Have you lost your mind?"

"I dunno." Jack put a hand over one of Steve's. "Your hands are soft. You been using the Palmolive again?"

"You're insane." Steve let him go. "Certifiable. Nuts."

"Aww, Steve, I didn't mean to destroy your case. How about I make it up to you? I'll take you to dinner."

"Dinner is *not* going to make up for my suspension."

"How about if I blow you?" Jack blinked, not believing he had said it. He was even more concerned that Steve hadn't responded, and seemed to be thinking about it. "Hey, look Steve, it was just a figure of speech."

"A blow-job, huh? I can deal with that." Steve grinned maliciously. "Let's see...dinner and a blow-job. Nope, not good enough."

Jack let out the breath he had been holding. "I feel better already."

"I get to punish you. That'll make it up to me."

Jack's eyes got wide. "Excuse me? I don't think I heard you correctly."

Steve narrowed his eyes. "Yes you did Jack. Tonight, you're coming over to my place after your shift. We're going to eat dinner and discuss the proper punishment for what you did."


"Dad has a meeting tonight. The house is mine. You just make sure you show up."

"And if I don't?" Jack challenged.

"Then I come to you, and *I* decide your punishment. Your decision." Steve turned around, walking out.

"Yeah, right, like I'm going to go to his house so he can...punish me. I'm gonna finish my shift, get some dinner, and spend the night watching Roller Derby." Jack chuckled, and went back to his rounds.


Seven o'clock, and Jack was sitting in his car outside Steve's house. "What the fuck am I doing here? I don't have to do this. He's not gonna do anything to me. I'm a doctor. *His* doctor. I've patched him up so many times, it's kinda pathetic. I'm going home." He opened the door and stepped out of the car. "Okay, so I go in, we eat dinner, he calms down, and *then* I go home. Yeah, that sounds good." He walked to the front door, pausing before he knocked. "Maybe I should just leave. I don't need to fuck with a
pissed-off cop. Did enough of that when I was younger." He turned around, coming face to face with Steve.

"Going somewhere Jack?"

"No. See, I was about to knock, then I remembered I had this patient and...that's not going to work, is it?"

"Uh-uh. The door is unlocked. Go on in."

"Yeah, okay." Jack opened the door, then turned back to Steve. "You know, hurting a doctor is a capital offense. I know a couple of lawyers...."

"A capital offense Jack? You've been watching too much TV. And I know a couple of lawyers myself. Now get inside."

Jack went in, and headed straight for the kitchen. "So, where's dinner?"


"Outside? I like outside. Nice breeze, ocean waves, witnesses..." Jack walked out to the patio. "...candlelit dinner." He did a doubletake. "Steve, why are there candles on the table?"

"I like candles. It's romantic."

"Romantic. Steve, have you been for a psychiatric exam recently? Because I think...."

"Don't think. Sit!" Jack sat, and Steve grinned at him. But it wasn't the same grin Jack had seen earlier. It was more of a predatory grin, and Jack shivered. "Nervous, Jack?" Jack nodded. "Good." Steve turned to go back inside.

"Where you going?"

"To get our dinner."

Steve went into the kitchen, trying his damndest to control his emotions. He had wanted to get Jack alone for some time, and not to beat him to a pulp either. For weeks now, the hard-assed doctor had been invading his dreams. 'And if he doesn't like men?' his inner voice asked. 'I'll deal with that if it comes up,' he answered himself. Steve wasn't paying full attention, opening the oven and pulling out the pan with his bare hands.



"Steve?" Jack came running in. "Steve, you're supposed to use oven mitts."

"I know! Wasn't thinking. Damn that hurts."

"Really?" Jack took Steve's hands in his, looking them over. "C'mon, put some ice on 'em." He led Steve to a chair, going to the freezer, and taking out a couple of cubes. "In your hands, macho man."

Steve glanced up at him, sheepishly. "Dinner's on the floor. I spent all afternoon doing up those ribs."

"It's okay. Ribs sound good though. How about I call in some barbecue?"

Steve nodded. "Anything but BBQ Bob's. That place oughtta be condemned."

"Maybe you should buy the place," Jack suggested. "You and that special sauce you've got...."

"Strangely enough, I had thought about it. The place could use a change of management. Maybe when I can get the money together, I will."

Jack made a call, ordered them dinner, and smiled at Steve. "We've got about an hour. How about we watch some TV."

Steve nodded, and the two men moved into the living room. They channel surfed, trying to find something to watch.

"You know, I always hated that kid," Jack said, stopping at TVLand. "There was no reason to give the Fonz a nephew. And what kind of a stupid name is 'Chachi' anyway?"


Jack made a face. "This show is even stupider. What kind of family hires a college kid to watch their teenagers?"


"Nah," Steve shook his head. "Not this. I liked it better with Jan Michael Vincent."


"I like George Burns," Steve said, "and that guy is cute, but body-switching is not my idea of a good movie."

They finally found a hockey game, and sat back to watch. It took a few minutes, but something Steve had said began to gnaw at Jack. "You said 'that guy is cute'."

"Yeah, he is."

"Steve, you said that *guy* is cute. Since when do you like men?"

Steve raised an eyebrow at him. "Jack, have you ever seen me date a woman?"

"Well no, but you were married. I happen to know that."

"For about five minutes. And Phyllis has been living with a woman for about ten years."

"So you're gay."

"I like to think I'm happy," Steve laughed.

Jack punched him in the arm. "Very funny, wise guy."

"Does it bother you?" Steve asked, a little afraid of the answer.


Steve was about to ask Jack how much he *really* liked women, when the doorbell rang...dinner had arrived.

They ate in the kitchen, both men subtly watching the other, neither saying a word. Jack finally broke the silence.

"I can't believe I've known you for a year and I never noticed."

"Noticed what Jack?" Steve asked, finishing his ribs and washing up at the sink. "That I like men? It *does* bother you."

"No, it's just...that nurse in ICU, you told me she had the nicest set of tits you'd ever seen."

"I'm not a Neanderthal. I said 'breasts', not 'tits'...and she does," Steve answered flatly. "Just because I like to go to bed with men, doesn't mean I don't know a nice set of breasts when I see them. Besides, when you heard that you ran your ass to the ICU so quickly I saw scorch marks on the floor."

"You jealous?" Jack leered at him.

"Me? Ha! I can have any man I want."

"Can't have me," Jack said.

"Jack, if I wanted you, you wouldn't stand a chance."

Jack stood up, washing his hands. "You're really full of yourself, aren't you? Forty-two years old, with an ego bigger then mine."

"Keep it up Jack and...."

"And what?"

Steve stood behind Jack, reaching into his back pocket. "I'm gonna have you Jack and you're going to enjoy each and every moment of it." He took Jack's hands, pulling them behind his back, quickly handcuffing him.

"HEY! Steve, this is *not* funny! Get these things off of me."

"Only if you tell me you don't want to go to bed with me."

"Now look Steve...."

"Tell me Jack, and I'll take them off." No answer, and Steve leaned down, whispering in Jack's ear. "Just say no and I let you go and we forget all about this."

"Let me go," Jack whispered. "Please."

Steve was hesitant. If Jack *really* didn't want this, if he had been reading the signals all wrong...his unasked questions were answered when Jack's head fell back against his shoulder, eyes closed. He kissing Jack's neck, hearing the soft moan, knowing he now had permission to touch. Both hands slid down the front of Jack's jeans, feeling the swollen cock within, stroking it through the thick denim.


Steve unsnapped Jack's pant's, fingers sliding over Jack's cockhead. Jack remained silent, and Steve made love to his neck; licking, sucking, nipping...yet not deep enough to leave a bruise.

"It'll be a hell of a lot better with my hands free," Jack leered.

"I don't think so," Steve answered. "I told you I was going to punish you. I always keep my word." He took Jack by the arm, and pushed him toward the stairs. "Move." Jack stood still at the top of the stairs. "Then I carry you." Steve took a deep breath and hoisted Jack over his shoulder.


Steve dropped Jack on the bed, watching him closely. The younger man was following his every move, and Steve saw the swelling in his pants. Unbuttoning his shirt, he let it drop to the floor, his pants and briefs coming off next. He crawled onto the bed, settling between Jack's legs. He unbuttoned Jack's shirt, baring his chest, sliding his hands up and down, hearing Jack's soft moan. "You like?"

"I dunno yet," Jack answered, a bit flippant. "I never bottomed before."

"Neither have I. And I don't intend to at any time in the near future." Steve pulled Jack's pants off, turning him over, holding him steady with one hand, leaning down, biting Jack's asscheek.

"Steve, what are you doing?!"

"Enjoying myself. What about you?" He bit the other cheek. "Oh yeah." Steve put both hands on Jack's ass, spreading him. "Now *that* is nice."

"What are you doing *now*?"

"I'm hungry baby." Steve licked his lips. "And you look very tasty." He leaned his head down. "Ever been reamed Jack?"

"What?" Jack's voice cracked.

"I'll take that as a no. Trust me, you're gonna love it." Steve placed a kiss to Jack's center, followed by his tongue snaking out, playing with the hole. This was followed by one long swipe, a moan from Jack, and Steve diving in full force.


"I'm going to assume you like this," Steve whispered, diving back in, reaching a hand around to jerk Jack off. As soon as Jack began to thrust into his hand, Steve stopped, pulled back and flipped Jack over. "Not yet." He took Jack's dick in hand, jerking him slowly, tongue swiping the head. "Mmm, good." He suckled the head, slowly swallowing, one finger entering, shoving deep.

"Steve, please, fuck me now."

"You hot for me?" Steve sucked harder, a second finger entering.

"Oh yeah...suck me Steve...ahh, that's good."

Steve lifted his head, wrapping his hand around Jack's cock, jerking him hard. "You ready to cream for me?"

"Yeah." Jack began to thrust into Steve's hand.

Steve's hand pulled away. "I told you, you were going to be punished. Do you know how to beg Jack?"

"I don't beg." Jack's voice was firm.

"We'll see." Steve slowly slid his finger over the tiny slit, bringing it to his mouth, tongue edging out over his lips. "Beg for me Jack. Beg me to suck you, to touch you."


Steve narrowed his eyes. "Then forget about begging. Let's get straight to the punishment." Steve flipped Jack over again, positioning Jack over his knees.

"Aww, Steve, you're not going to...."

*SMACK* "You spend too much time involved in my cases."


*SMACK* "You're a doctor, not a detective."


*SMACK* "I should have done this a long time ago."


Jack was writhing on Steve's lap, and Steve nearly let him go, not wanting to inflict any real pain on the younger man...until he felt the erection poking him in the leg.

*SMACK* He smoothed his hand over Jack's red cheeks. "You like this Jack?"

*SMACK* Steve placed a kiss on the other cheek. "Oh yeah...you are so hard. Should I fuck you now Jack? Is that what you want? My dick in your ass?"

*SMACK* Steve pushed himself up, his own erection rubbing against Jack's. "You are so ready...." Shifting back, he lay Jack on his stomach, quickly undoing the cuffs. Before Jack could react, Steve turned him onto his back, grabbing his wrists with one hand. "Spread 'em." Jack obeyed. "That's a good boy." His free hand grabbed Jack's hardened shaft, pumping him first gently, then harder. "C'mon Jack...gonna need lube for your tight ass. I wanna see that cum, wanna feel it." He squeezed Jack's cock, pinching the head. "You don't give me some cream, I'm gonna fuck you dry." Jack let loose, his seed spurting over Steve's hand, Steve watching, chewing on his lip so hard he drew blood. "Oh fuck Jack, that's beautiful. Now comes the fun part." He spread the seed over his aching shaft. "Now you're ready for me."

"Please," Jack moaned, "please Steve...do it now...can't wait."

"No more waiting." Steve's cock seemed to guide itself to the tight hole, pushing all the way in with one fluid movement, balls deep. "Nice and tight...a virgin ass...that's what I like best." He pulled out, the tip remaining, before shoving in again, rotating his hips, screwing Jack. "I don't bottom Jack." Pull out. "I do the fucking." Push in. "I'm what they call Alpha male." Pull out. "I'm in charge." Another push in and Steve began a rhythm, watching his dick slide in and out, until he thought he would explode. "Want me to cum in you?" Steve let Jack's wrists go, Jack reaching for Steve's chest, pulling at both nipples and Steve screamed, finally allowing his own orgasm. He continued to thrust inside until he was out of breath, collapsing atop Jack, winding his hands in Jack's hair, kissing him hard. He felt himself slip out and whimpered, hearing the same sound against his lips.

"I'm dead," Jack murmured.

"Me too," Steve whispered back.

"Gonna fuck me again?"

"Later. I need to rest for a little while."

"Me too. Best part about being a doctor, you spend most of the day on your feet."

Steve tilted his head, face serious. "Did I hurt you Jack? I didn't...."

Jack shook his head, smiling up at the cop. "No, you didn't. That was fucking awesome Steve. And some awesome fucking too."


"Too tired to clean up," Jack said.

"Yeah, I know." Steve grabbed a few tissues. "This'll do." He rolled off Jack, cleaning the two of them up.

Jack leaned over, kissing him softly. "G'night Steve."

"Good night Jack."

Five minutes later Jack was snoring softly, while Steve lay awake. There were no 'I love you's', no after sex cuddling, no sappy endearments. It had been good, really good, and although Steve had fun, his heart was just where it always had been. He'd thought maybe he loved Jack, but now he knew better. Oh they'd sleep together again, of that he was sure, but there would be nothing more. One day, he knew, he'd find his heart's true love.


One year later:

Steve stood by the gate, watching Jack looking through his suitcase. "This what you're looking for?" He pulled the ticket from his jacket.

"Thanks Steve."

"I knew you'd forget it." Steve smiled. "It was always good Jack."

Jack nodded. "I know. Maybe you can fly up and come visit me sometime."

Steve nodded back, but both men knew that Steve wouldn't go. And Jack wouldn't fly back to see him either. Both knew the love they shared was as friends, the rest, lust. They gave each other a quick hug good-bye, knowing that their friendship would survive, but their relationship as lovers was over. And both accepted it.

As he watched the plane take off, Steve smiled. 'It was fun while it lasted.'

Eight months after that:

"Steve, what happened?" Mark came into the ER, having heard Steve was brought in.

"Nothing. A perp got off a lucky shot, that's all. Hurts like hell. Fix me up?"

"I can't right now Steve. But I know someone who can." Mark turned, smiling at the young man who stood beside him. "Doctor Jesse Travis, meet my son, Lieutenant Steve Sloan, of the LAPD. I hired Jesse last week. He's one of the finest doctors I have ever seen." Mark left, knowing his son was in good hands.

Jesse held out his hand. "Nice to meet you."

Steve shook his hand. "Nice to meet you too Jess."

"Uh, it's Jesse. Nobody calls me Jess."

"Well, I will. I mean, if that's okay."

"I think I'd like that." Jesse felt the heat rising in his face, and knew he was blushing.

Steve felt his heart skip a beat, at the innocence that seemed to resonate off the younger man. He wondered if it were genuine, and one look into Jesse's eyes gave him his answer...it was.

And for the first time, Steve Sloan lost his heart.

Both men glanced down, noticing they were still holding hands.

"So, uh, you come here often?" Jesse asked facetiously, pulling his hand from Steve's, pushing a tray over.

"Not as often as I think I will." Steve smiled. "You surf?"

"I'm from Chicago," Jesse laughed. "No waves there."

"How about you come by my house this weekend, and I give you a lesson."

"Why not?" Jesse answered. He examined the wound. "Oooh nasty. But it looks like the bullet went clear through."

"I know that. I've been shot enough. Look, just patch it up. Please? I have a report to get done."

"Give me a moment. I've never seen a gunshot wound before. It's interesting."

"I want another doctor," Steve said, eyes widening. "I want my dad."

"Don't be a baby. I'm going to give you something for the pain." He picked up a syringe, tapping it, and smiled at Steve.

Steve grimaced. "I don't think so."

"You are going to be in some serious pain without this."

"I'll deal with it." Steve smirked. "I thrive on pain. It's a cop thing."

"You're not one of those macho, 'I can take as much pain as you can dole out' kind of cop, are you?"

Steve shook his head, laughing. "No. I'm just one of those 'I'm a wuss when it comes to needles' kind of cop."

"Good, because I don't like macho cops."

"Neither do I Jess. Neither do I."


Epilogue, five years later:

Jack was in town for a while, having finagled a teaching job at Community General, courtesy of Norman Briggs. He went to BBQ Bob's for dinner, where he and Jesse shared Steve stories, and the three men were laughing it up. When Jesse went into the kitchen, Jack smiled at Steve.

"You love him?"

"Yeah," Steve nodded, a big grin on his face. "I asked him to marry me, but he won't move to Hawaii."


"They'd recognize our marriage."

"You handcuff him to the bed?"

"Nope." Steve shook his head. "He handcuffs me." At Jack's raised eyebrow, Steve shrugged. "I've mellowed with age."

"Never would have worked between us, you know," Jack said softly.

"Yeah, I know," Steve grinned. "You didn't mellow with age."

"I gotta go take a leak," Jack grinned back, getting up.

"See, you *didn't* mellow," Steve laughed.

Jesse came back, sitting down, not meeting Steve's eyes. "You ever miss him?"

"Huh?" Steve lifted Jesse's face to look at him. "No Jess. I mean I do, as a friend. I love *you* baby, not Jack. Every time we meet up with someone I used to...know...you get jealous. Or possessive."

"Kinda silly, I guess. After all these years, you'd think I'd know better."

"Aww, Jess, you're extra cute when you're jealous, and beautiful when you get possessive." He took Jesse's hand, kissing the palm. "There's only you sweetheart."

Jack came out of the bathroom, not watching where he was going and slammed into Alex, knocking a tray of food to the floor. "Sorry about that." He knelt to help Alex pick up the food, the two men bonking heads. Jack glanced up at the same time Alex did, and the two men smiled at each other. "Jack Stewart, and I know you. Alex Martin. You're the smartass that asked those complicated questions in the class yesterday."

"Just testing you," Alex smirked, "to see how much you really knew."

"You wanna go for a cup of coffee? Not Starbuck's crap, but Louise's down on La Cienega. She makes a mean cup of espresso, and they leave the Anisette on the table so you can indulge after you finish your coffee."

"I think I'd like that."

"How about now?" Jack asked.

"Don't get off for another hour."

"Let me take care of that," Jack grinned. He went over to Steve and Jesse. "Hey, you wouldn't mind if Alex over there took off early, would ya? We're gonna go and have a cup of coffee. He seems like a nice guy."

Steve and Jesse looked at each other, and Steve nodded. "He's a nice guy Jack."

"Mama told me to find a nice one. Catch you two tomorrow." Jack went to talk to Alex and the two men left.

"So Jess," Steve smiled, "have you been a good boy today?"

Jesse shook his head. "I've been bad. I've had lascivious thoughts of this cop, naked, tossing me over his knees and spanking me."

"Oooh, that is naughty. This cop, does he tie you up after he spanks you?"

"He ties me up, I tie him up. And we do lots of kinky stuff."

"Like what?"

"How about I tell you when we get home?" Jesse leered, standing up.

Steve stood as well. "How about you tell me now."

Jesse shrugged, and pulled Steve's head down, whispering in his ear.

Steve blushed crimson. "You wanna what?"

Jesse whispered to him again.

Steve swallowed hard. "Go get the barbecue sauce. I'll get the truck."

He left and Jesse smiled.