Title: Dark Thoughts

Author: kirasmommy

homepage: http://internetdump.com/users/kirarose/voyager.htm

Fandom: Dark Shadows

Pairings: Barnabus/Willie

Archive: WWOMB

Warnings: Pre-slash, angst

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimers: I don't own them, and I don't make money off of this

Summery: Willie thinks about his situation.



By Kirasmomy

A shrine to a dead woman. That's all this place is. I hate this room but I find myself coming back to it all the time. I sit here in her chair and look up at her picture and curse myself for a fool. I curse him for a bigger fool.

Every object in this room was either rebuilt by my hand or cleaned by my hand. I have touched everything in this room and made it beautiful....for a dead woman that will never live in it. They say her picture is haunted that her ghost once lived here in the old house. I'm not sure I believe that. If it's true she's moved out now. If she is a ghost and she does love him...why did she move out when he moved in? I don't think she loved him as well as he thinks she did.

If you love someone then you will defy the odds to get back to the one you love. Love conquers all...isn't that what mama always said? She had her chance and threw herself off a cliff. I sit in this chair and stare at her picture and dare her to come out. Why? Come out and fight for him? She would win because he loves her and only her.

Damn I need a drink.

He'll be up soon. The sun will go down and he will get up. And I'll light the candles and he will talk all proper and like a gentleman and then when he thinks he can he will try to turn one of the girls into Josette.

Funny he thinks I'm an idiot but I'm not the one that thinks you can turn someone into someone else. He thinks he can control everyone around him but he can't. He hasn't realized yet that his power over me has long since worn off. I could leave while he was asleep if I wanted to. I won't leave though. Like a damn puppy dog I'll sit here in this house and jump at any scraps of affection he tosses my way. I guess I AM an idiot.

The sun is almost down. I cast another glare at the dead woman who don't deserve his love and I fight down the impulse to destroy her stuff on the table that I sit at. All that would accomplish is getting me in trouble.

As I light the candles I can feel his presence behind me suddenly, like he had been there the whole time.

"Willie I need you to do something for me." Barnabas says in his usual tone.

I nod and listen to everything he says to do. Then sigh as I leave to do his dirty work.

Funny the things we do out of love. Even if the person will never love us back. He for her and me for him.

